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1、酒店部门常见术语E.D.P(Electronic Data Processor)电脑部1 Executive Office行政办公室2 Human Resources Dept.人力资源部3 Front Office前厅部4 Housekeeping Dept.管家部5 Food & Beverage Dept.餐饮部6 Recreational Dept.康乐部7 Financial Dept.财务部8 Sales Dept.市场营销部9 Security Dept.保安部10 Engineering Dept.工程部11 Waiting list等候名单12 Average room ra

2、te平均房价13 DND=Do Not Disturb请勿打搅14 VIP=Very Important Person贵宾15 Package包价服务16 No-show订房不到17 Message留言18 Cancellation取消19 Walk-in无预订散客20 Morning call叫醒服务21 Complain投诉22 Over booking超额预订23 OOO=Out of Order维修房24 Lost and found 失物招领25 Room status 房间状态26 Check in 登记入住27 Check out 结帐离店28 Reservation预订29 R

3、eception接待30 Operator总机话务员31 Business centre商务中心32 DDD=Domestic Direct Dial中国直拨33 IDD=International Direct Dial国际直拨34 LDD=Local Direct Dial市话35 Suite套房36 Standard room标准间37 Double room大床间38 Mini-bar小酒吧39 Laundry service洗衣服务40 Room service送餐服务41 Menu菜单42 PA=Public Area公共区域43 DJ=Disk Jockey音控员44 Tips=

4、To Insure Prompt Service小费45 AM=Assistant Manager大堂副理常见词汇information desk 问讯处 reception office 接待室 hotel register 旅客登记簿 registration form 记录表 newsstand 售报处 postal service 邮局服务处 shop 小卖部 bar 酒吧间 lounge 休息厅 roof garden 屋顶花园 billiard-room 球房 dining-room, dining hall 餐厅 mens room 男盥洗室 ladies room 女盥洗室 c

5、loak-room 存衣处 basement 地下室 cellar 地窖 broom closet 杂物室 room number 房间号码 room key 房间钥匙 suite 一套房间 single room 单人房间 double room 双人房间 sitting-room, living-room 起居室 sofa, settee 长沙发 easy chair 安乐椅 armchair 扶手椅 wicker chair 藤椅 folding chair 叠椅 swivel chair 转椅 rocking chair 摇椅 stool 凳子 stool 凳子 bench 条凳 te

6、a table 茶几 desk 书桌 bookcase 书橱 bookshelf 书架 wardrobe 衣柜 built-in wardrobe, closet 壁橱 chest of drawers 五斗橱 screen 屏风 hat rack 帽架 rug 小地毯 carpet 大地毯 single bed 单人床 double bed 双人床 twin beds 成对床 mattress 褥子 quilt 被 blanket 毯子 sheet 床单 bedspread 床罩 cotton terry blanket 毛巾被 pillow 枕头 pillow 枕头 pillowcase

7、枕套 mat 席 cushion 垫子 bathroom 浴室 bath tub 浴盆 shower bath, shower 淋浴 cold and hot water taps 冷热自来水龙头 sprinkle-nozzle, (shower) nozzle 喷头 dressingtable 梳妆台 mirror 镜子 washbasin 洗脸盆 towel 毛巾 toilet, lavatory, washroom 卫生间 water closet, W.C. 厕所;抽水马桶 toilet roll, toilet paper 卫生纸 bath towel 浴巾 bathrobe 浴衣

8、towel rail, towel rack 毛巾架 sponge 海绵 waste-paper basket 废纸篓 thermometer 温度计 balcony 阳台 balcony 阳台 sash window 上下开关窗 shutters 百叶窗 transom, transom window 气窗 curtain 窗帘 lace curtain 挑花窗帘 windowsill 窗台 air-conditioned 有空调设备 radiator 暖气片 central heating 暖气 ashtray 烟灰碟 smoking set 烟具 electric fan 风扇 chan

9、delier, pendant lamp 吊灯 fluorescent lamp 日光灯 desk lamp 台灯 bedside lamp 床头灯 floor lamp 落地灯 wall lamp 壁灯 lampshade 灯罩 bulb holder 灯头 bulb 灯泡 screw-type bulb 罗口灯泡 bayonet-type bulb 卡口灯泡 frosted bulb 磨砂灯泡 opal bulb, opaque bulb 乳白灯泡 switch 开关 socket 插座 plug 插头 telephone 电话 electric iron 电熨斗 peg, hook 衣钩

10、 clothes-hanger 衣架 door-mat 门前擦鞋棕垫 manager 经理 attendant 服务员 desk clerk 值班服务员 waiter (餐厅)服务员 waitress (餐厅)女服务员 rent 租金 bill 账单 酒店英语口语150句欢迎和问候语:1) Good morning(afternoon, evening),sir(madam).早上(下午、晚上) 好,先生(夫人) 。2) How do you do?您好!(首次见面) How do you do ?您好!Glad to meet you.很快乐见到您。3) How are you?您好吗?Fi

11、ne, thanks. And you?好,谢谢。您呢?4) Welcome to our hotel (restaurant, shop).欢迎您到我们宾馆(餐厅、商店) 来。5) Wish you a most pleasant stay in our hotel.愿您在我们宾馆过得愉快。6) I hope you will enjoy your stay with us.期望您在我们宾馆过得愉快。 (客人刚入店时) I hope you are enjoying your stay with us .期望您在我们宾馆过得愉快。 (客人在饭店逗留期间) I hope you have en

12、joyed your stay with us .期望您在我们宾馆过得愉快。(客人离店时) 7) Have a good time !祝您过得愉快!电话用语:8)*Hotel, Front Desk. Can I help you? *大酒店,前厅。您找谁?9) Sorry , Ive dialed the wrong number.对不起,我拨错号了。10) May I speak to your General Manager?能和你们总经理说话吗?Speaking.我就是。11) Sorry. He is not in at the moment.对不起,她现在不在。Would you

13、like to leave a message?您要留口信吗?12) Pardon? 对不起,请再说一遍好吗?I beg your pardon ?对不起,请再说一遍好吗?祝贺语:13)Congratulations!祝贺您!14) Happy birthday!生日愉快!15) Happy New Year!新年愉快!16) Merry Christmas!圣诞愉快!17) Have a nice holiday!节日愉快!18) Wish you every success!祝您成功!答谢和答应语:19) Thank you (very much).谢谢您(很感谢) 。20) Thank

14、you for your advice(information,子help). 感谢您忠言(信息、帮助) 。21) Its very kind of you .谢谢,您真客气。22) You are welcome.不用谢。23) Not at all.不用谢。Dont mention it.不用谢。24) Its my pleasure.很快乐为您服务。With pleasure. My pleasure .25) I am at your service.愿意为您效劳。26) Thank you for staying in our hotel.感谢您在我们饭店下榻。道歉语:27) Im

15、sorry .很抱歉。28) Excuse me.对不起。29) Oh, is my apologize.对不起,那是我过失。30) Sorry to have kept you waiting.对不起,让您久等了。31) Sorry to interrupt you.对不起,打搅您了。32) Im sorry about this.对此表示歉意。33) I apologize for this.我为此道歉。34) Thats all right.没关系。35) Lets forget it.算了吧。咨询语:36) Can(May ) I help you ?我能帮您什么吗?Yes ,plea

16、se .好。37) What can I do for you?我能为您干点什么吗?38) Is there anything I can do for you?有什么我能为您效劳?39) Just a moment, please.请稍等一下。40) May I use your phone?我能借用您电话吗?Yes, of course.当然能够。Certainly.当然能够。指路用语:41) Go upstairs/downstairs上楼/下楼42) Its on the second(third) floor.在二(三) 楼43) Excuse me. Where is the wa

17、shroom对不起,请问盥洗室(电梯) 在哪儿?(restroom, elevator)This way, please.请这边走。44) Turn left/right.往左(右) 转。45) Its in the lobby near the main entrance.在大厅*近大门。46) Its in the basement at the end of the corridor.在地下室走廊尽头。提醒用语:47) Mind(Watch) your step.请走好。48) Please be careful.请当心。49) Please dont leave anything be

18、hind.请别遗忘您东西.50) Dont worry.别担心。51) Take it easy.放心好了。52) Please dont smoke here.请不要在这里抽烟。离别语:53) Goodbye.再见.54) See you later.等会见。55) Good night.晚安。56) See you tomorrow.明天见。57) Goodbye and thank you for coming.再见,谢谢您光临。58) Goodbye and hope to see you again.再见,期望再见到您。59) Have a nice trip!一路平安!60) Wi

19、sh you a pleasant journey! Good luck!祝您旅途愉快!前厅部(61) Have you a reservation?您预订过吗?(62) May I have your name and room number?您能告诉我您名字和房间号码吗?(63) Here is your room key.给您房间钥匙。(64) Please pay at the cashiers desk over there.请去那边帐台付款。(65) Are these your baggage? May I take them for you?这些是您行李吗?我来帮您拿,好吗?(

20、66) Im afraid our hotel is fully booked on that date.对不起,我们饭店那一天客房全部订满了。(67) Your room is confirmed for that day. We look forward to serving you.您要那一日房间已经确定了。我们期待着为您服务。(68) Ill cancel Mr. Bells reservation from February 27th for three nights.我将取消BELL先生从2月27日开始3个晚上预订。我们期待着下一次为您服务。(69) May I reconfirm

21、 your departure date?我能够再次确定您离店日期吗?(70) Im sorry, madam. We dont have any vacancy at the moment.对不起,小姐,我们现在没有空房间。(71) How many pieces of luggage do you have?请问您有几件行李?(72) Is there anything valuable or breakable in your bag?您包里有珍贵或易碎物品吗?(73) You can get your money changed at the cashiers Desk.您能够去收款处

22、兑换钱。(74) Could you take a message for her, please?你能不能为我给她留信口信?(75) Just a moment, please, sir. Ill put you through.请稍等一下,先生。我立即为您接通。(76) For outside calls, please press 9 first and when you hear the dialing tone, press the number you want.打外线请先按9,听到声响后再按您所要号码。(77) How would you like to make payment

23、, sir.先生,请问您将怎样付款?(78) Here is your change and receipt, sir. Ill send a bellman up to get your luggage.先生,这是您找钱和收据。我立即叫行李员上去取您行李。(79) The rate of your room will be paid by your host unit while the others should be at your expense.您房费将由接待单位支付,而杂费则应由您自己付。(80) How many copies do you need?您要复印几份?(81) Ca

24、n you give me your fax number, sir?请您告诉我您传真号码好吗?(82) When can I pick it up?我什么时间能取?管家部(83) Housekeeping. May I come in?客房服务员,我能够进来吗?(84) Leave your laundry in the laundry bay behind the bathroom door.请把要洗东西放在浴室门后洗衣袋中。(85) I hope Im not disturbing you.我期望没有打搅您。(86) One moment, madam. Ill bring them t

25、o you right away.等一会,夫人。我立即送来。(87) Ill show you to your room. Would you come this way?我带您去您房间。请这边走好吗?(88) Im sorry to disturb you, sir, but we would like to clean the room. May we do it now?对不起,打搅您了,先生。我们想现在打扫房间,能够吗?(89) Im sorry, sir, but could you wait another 20 minutes, please?对不起,先生, 但您能再等20分钟吗

26、?(90) Could you bring me some more towels, please?你能不能再给我拿几条毛巾来?(91) Yes, madam. Ill bring them to your room at once.好,夫人,我立即给您送来。(92) The hotel provides free shoe shining service for its guests.酒店为住店客人提供无偿擦鞋服务。(93) Im terribly sorry. I do wish we had known it earlier.很对不起。要是我们早点知道就好了。(94) Theres so

27、mething wrong with the toilet.抽水马桶出毛病了。(95) Ill inform the Engineering Department right now.我立即就通知工程部。(96) Good evening, sir. Your laundry is ready. Would you see if they are all right?晚上好,先生。您送洗衣服洗好了,请您查看一下是否满意?(97) Please sign on the laundry list, madam.小姐,主须送洗衣服单上签字。(98) Pardon, madam. Im afraid

28、I dont follow.请原谅,太太,我没有听明白您说什么。(99) May I know her nationality, British or American?我能够知道她国籍吗,英国人还是美国人?(100) When did you lose it?您什么时候丢失?(101) Can you give us details of your?请您具体描述一下您好吗?(102) Well try everything we can to look for it for you.我们将尽一切可能替您寻求失物。(103) Im sorry to hear that. Shall we se

29、arch the room once again?听到这件事我深表遗憾,我们在房间里找一遍好吗?(104) Im sorry to hear that. Ill ask a repairman to come to your room at once.很抱歉听您这么说。我立即叫修理工到您房间来。餐饮部(105) Sit down, please. Here is the menu. May I take your order, sir?请坐,给您菜单。先生,您关键点菜吗?(106) Would you like to have coffee or tea?您要喝咖啡还是茶?(107) Woul

30、d you like to have some wine with your dinner?您用餐时需要喝点酒吗?(108) Service hours are: 7:00-9:00a.m.for breakfast餐厅供给时间是:早上7点到9点(109) Here is the bill. Please sign it.这是您帐单,请签字。(110) What time would you like your table?您什么时候来用餐。(111) Would you like to sit by the window?请问您是否喜爱坐在*窗位子?(112) May I suggest t

31、hat you wait in the bar?我提议您去酒吧等候,好吗?(113) Here is your Beggars Chicken.您叫化子鸡来了。(114) Thats all for your dishes. If you want anything else, just call me. Please enjoy yourself.您菜上齐了。假如您还要什么,请叫我。祝您就餐愉快。(115) I do apologize for giving you the wrong soup.我上错汤了,真抱歉。(116) How do you like the fish cooked

32、this way?您认为鱼这么烧怎么样?(117) The buffet is over there, please help yourself.自助餐在那边,请随意了取用。(118) How would you like your eggs?您喜爱鸡蛋怎样烧?(119) Our buffet serves rich Chinese and Western food and also various kinds of salads, cakes and fruit.自助餐厅食品丰富,有中式食品、西式食品,还有各式色拉、糕点和水果。(120) Room service. Can I help y

33、ou?送餐服务。有什么事要我们办吗?(121) Im terribly sorry, sir. There is a mistake on the bill.太对不起了,先生。帐单上出了一点错。(122) Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or request.假如有什么问题或要求,请即和我们联络,无须客气。(123) There are several ways of paying for the drinks.饮料费收付方法有多个。(124) The exchange rate today is for RMB

34、.今天兑换率是兑换人民币。(125) Ill need your signature and room number.我需要您署名和您房号。销售用语(126)Whatkindofrooms(food)wouldyouliketohave ? 您需要什么样房间(菜) ?(127)Hereisabrochureofourhotel .这是介绍我们酒店小册子。(128)Wellgiveyoua10%(tenpercent )discount .我们给您九折优惠。(129)Welloffertourguidescomplimentarybreakfasts .我们给陪同提供无偿早餐。(130)Weac

35、ceptyourterms .我们接收您条件。公关用语(131)MayIintroducemyself ?让我介绍我自己。(132)MayIpresentyoualittlesouvenir请接收我们一点小纪念品。(133)Letsdrinktoourfriendship !为我们友谊干杯。(134) Letsproposeatoasttothehealthofourguests !提议为在座客人健康干杯。(135) Cheers !干杯!征求意见用语(136) HowdoyoulikeChinesefood ?您喜爱中国菜吗?(137) Whatdoyouthinkofourservice

36、?您对我们服务有什么意见?(138) Thankyouforyourcomments(compliment , suggestions).谢谢您给我们提意见(赞扬、提议) 。(139) Imafraiditsagainstthehotelsregulations .这是违反饭店规章制度。(140) Inourhotelwedontaccepttips .我们饭店是不收小费。Itsourpleasuretoserveourguestswell.我们为客人服务好感到快乐。Thankyouallthesame .然而,还是要谢谢您。(141) Imafraidyoullhavetopayforthe

37、damage .您必需赔偿。(142) Thankyoufor tellingusaboutit .谢谢您告诉我们。Illlookintothematterrightaway .我立即去处理这事。(143) Iassureyouitwonthappenagain .我确保这类事不会再发生。(144) Pleasedontworry ,sir (madam) .先生(夫人) ,请无须担忧。Illsendsomeoneuptoyourroomrightaway .我立即派人到您房间去。(145) Icantguaranteeanything ,butIlltrymybest .我不能确保,但我会尽

38、力而为。商场用语(146) WhatcanIshowyou?您要买什么?(147) Howdoyoulikefashion(color , size , design)?您喜爱这种款式(颜色、尺寸、图案) 吗?(148) Theextralargesizeofthiscolorisoutofstock .这种颜色特大号已经卖完了。Pleasetryusagaintomorrow .请明天再来看看。(149) Theyarealtogether175(onehundredandseventy-five) yuanRMB.Youmaypayincashorwithcreditcard .累计175

39、元人民币。您能够付现金也能够用信用卡。Pleasepayatthecashiers .请到帐台付款。(150) Youhavemadeagoodchoice .您真会买东西。youhaveverygoodtaste .您眼力真好。Checking Out 结帐Key Sentences(关键句子)1、 Id like to pay my bill now我想现在结账。2、 Your name and room number,please?请问您姓名和房间号码?3、 Have you used any hotel services this morning?请问您今天早晨是否用过旅馆内服务设施?

40、4、 Four nights at 90 US dollors each, and here are the meals that you had at the hotelThat makes a total of 665 US dollars4个晚上,每晚90美元,加上膳食费,总共是660美元。5、 Can I pay by credit card?我能够用信用卡支付吗?6、 Please sign your name here请您在这里署名。7、 Excuse me Were leaving todayId like to pay our bills now劳驾。我们今天要离去了。我期望现

41、在就把账结清。8、 By the way,Id like to tell you that the check-out time is 1200 noon,sir先生,顺便告诉您,结账后离开旅馆时间是12点。9、 How about the charge for the days you shared the room with your friend?这几天您好友和您同住费用怎么办呢?10、 Please add to my account请记在我账里。11、 Have you used any hotel services this morning or had breakfast at

42、the hotel dining room,MrGreen?格林先生,今天早晨您是否用过旅馆服务设施,或在旅馆餐厅用过早餐?12、 Yes,my friend and I just had breakfast at the dining room,but we didnt use any services是,我好友和我在餐厅刚用过早餐,不过我们没有使用过任何服务设施。13、 The total for the eight days is five hundred sixty yuan and eighty fen8天来总计是560元8角。Dialogue AA:Good morning,sirCan I help you?B:Id like to pay my bill nowA:Your name and room number, please?B:George Wright,Room 706A:Yes,MrWrightHave you used any hotel service this morning?B:No,I havent used any servicesA:FineThis is your bill,MrWrightFour nights at 90US

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