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1、新视野大学英语三unit A课件Book 3 Unit 5Book 3 Unit 5BenjaminFranklinsEpitaphBenjaminFranklinsEpitaphBook 3 Unit 5Book 3 Unit 5TheBodyofB.Franklin,Printer,TheBodyofB.Franklin,Printer,LiketheCoverofanOldBook,LiketheCoverofanOldBook,ItsContentsTornout,ItsContentsTornout,AndStripped(AndStripped(剥去剥去/开开)ofits)ofit

2、sLettering&Gilding,Lettering&Gilding,LiesHere,FoodforWorms.LiesHere,FoodforWorms.Book 3 Unit 5Book 3 Unit 5ButtheWorkshallNotbeLost;ButtheWorkshallNotbeLost;Foritwill,asheBelieved,AppearOnceMoreForitwill,asheBelieved,AppearOnceMoreInaNewandMoreElegantEditionInaNewandMoreElegantEditionRevisedandCorre

3、ctedRevisedandCorrectedbytheAuthor.bytheAuthor.Book 3 Unit 5Book 3 Unit 5LeonardoDaVincisLeonardoDaVincis last words were,I have offended God and mankind because my work did not reach the quality it should have.Book 3 Unit 5Book 3 Unit 5BeethovensBeethovens last words:Friends applaud,the comedy is f

4、inished.Book 3 Unit 5Book 3 Unit 5NapoleonNapoleon died,murmuring,Josephine.Josephine.JosephineNapoleonBook 3 Unit 5Book 3 Unit 5WinstonChurchillsWinstonChurchills last words before slipping into a coma were:Im bored with it all.Nine days after saying that,he died.Book 3 Unit 5Book 3 Unit 5CharlesDa

5、rwinCharlesDarwin,unsurprisingly,stated,I am not the least afraid to die.And then promptly died.Book 3 Unit 5Book 3 Unit 5EdisonsEdisons last words were so comforting,so mysterious.It is very beautiful over there.Book 3 Unit 5Book 3 Unit 5QuYuansQuYuans last words were so sad.“举世混举世混浊浊而我独清,众人皆醉而我独醒而

6、我独清,众人皆醉而我独醒.“Everyone is filthy whereas I am pure;everyone is drunk whereas I am sober.Book 3 Unit 5Book 3 Unit 5ZhouYuslastwordsweresofrustrating.“ZhouYuslastwordsweresofrustrating.“既生瑜既生瑜,何生亮何生亮“Having born Yu,wherefore also Liang.Book 3 Unit 5Book 3 Unit 5SunYat-sensSunYat-sens last words were:“

7、革命尚未成功,革命尚未成功,同志仍需努力同志仍需努力.The revolution is not yet completed;our comrades must strive on.Questions presented in“导学材料导学材料”v1.How is Mrs.Clarks conditionv v2.Why was there no family members accompanying Mrs.Clarkv She sent the family home,not wanting them to see her die.v3.Why did Mrs.Clark request

8、the author to stay with herv She did not want to die alone.dying,motionless,skin,loosely,skeleton,sunken chest,uneven breath,finger,ice cold,pulse faint,swallowBook 3 Unit 5Book 3 Unit 5Questions presented in“导学材料导学材料”v4.Why did the author call it a“special moment between two human beings”(L44)v It

9、was a moment of death,an extreme experience for any human being,also an unexpected,short but meaningful bonding between two strangers.v5.Would you want to share the dying moment of a stranger Will you mind the emotional battle that might come alongvPara.2 How did the writer feel when she first enter

10、ed the wardvPara4&5 What services did the writer provide for the patientvPara6 Would you send your family away before you die Can you understand what Mrs.Clark did vL49 Why did a tear flow from Mrs.Clarks eye at her death More questions for understanding SA textBook 3 Unit 5Book 3 Unit 5Part I(Paras

11、.1-5)Part II(Paras.6-7)Introduction about the patients condition and the nursing provided by the writer.The exchange between the two human beings.Part III (Para.8)The death of the patient.Part IV (Paras.9-10)The identity of the patient.The story deals with a doctors view of a terminally-ill grandmot

12、her as a terrible-looking lady with graceful hands from the outset but a considerate lady with graceful heart and mind in the end.Key words and phrases from SA 1.preceding2.decay3.secure4.slide5.hint6.interval7.shallow8.privilege9.episode10.associationBook 3 Unit 5Book 3 Unit 5Examples of key words1

13、.This kind of garment was very fashionable in the preceding years.2.At that time,the Roman Empire had already decayed.3.The little boat was secured to the dock with the mooring rope.4.An elderly lady slid into the seat when the movie had already started.5.The book is full of hints and tips on low-fa

14、t eating.6.There was a long interval before he replied.7.His arguments seemed shallow and tedious.8.In many remote villages of China,education is a privilege.9.The novel deals with the romantic episodes of her early life.10.Lets form an association to help blind people.Book 3 Unit 5Book 3 Unit 5deca

15、y(v.)(L5)(1)rot,become badSugar decays your teeth.KeyKeyThe cabbages had already started to decay.TranslationTranslation这些卷心菜已经开始腐烂。这些卷心菜已经开始腐烂。这些卷心菜已经开始腐烂。这些卷心菜已经开始腐烂。Book 3 Unit 5Book 3 Unit 5decay(v.)(L5)(2)lose power,vigor,influence,etcTranslationTranslation1.At that time,Rome Empire had already

16、 At that time,Rome Empire had already decayed.decayed.2.2.人们年老时脑力和体力都会衰退人们年老时脑力和体力都会衰退人们年老时脑力和体力都会衰退人们年老时脑力和体力都会衰退KeyKey1.1.那时,罗马帝国已经衰败。那时,罗马帝国已经衰败。那时,罗马帝国已经衰败。那时,罗马帝国已经衰败。2 2.As people grow old,they will As people grow old,they will decay decay mentally,mentally,as well as physically.as well as phy

17、sically.。Book 3 Unit 5Book 3 Unit 5decay(n.)(L5)the action or state of gradually going bad 1.dental decay 龋齿龋齿 2.The feudal system slowly fell into decay.封建制度在缓慢地衰亡封建制度在缓慢地衰亡.Book 3 Unit 5Book 3 Unit 5secure(v.)(L11)(1)fix firmly;fastensecure all the doors and windows 关好门窗关好门窗(2)secure sth.against/f

18、romto secure the world against/from terrorism be secure(a.)against/fromWhen you are insured,youre secure against loss.Book 3 Unit 5Book 3 Unit 5slide(v.)(L20)The drawers slide in and out easily.TranslationTranslation这些抽屉很容易推进推出。这些抽屉很容易推进推出。(1)(cause sth to)move smoothlyslide on sand滑沙滑沙slide on gras

19、s滑草滑草(2)move quietlyThe thief slid out while no one was looking.Book 3 Unit 5Book 3 Unit 5slide(n.)(L20)(1)smooth slope,track,etc1.The children were taking turns on the slides in the playground.滑滑梯滑滑梯2.slide phone 滑盖手机滑盖手机(2)picture,diagram,etc on photographic filmPowerPoint slides 幻灯片幻灯片 hair-slide

20、 land slide发夹发夹山崩;塌方山崩;塌方Book 3 Unit 5Book 3 Unit 5hint(n.)(L37)(1)subtle way of indicating to sb what one is thinking or what one wants;indirect suggestionWhen she said she was tired,it was a hint that she wanted us to go.Use itUse itWhat hints do u give if you like some oneBook 3 Unit 5Book 3 Unit

21、 5hint(n.)(L37)(2)slight indication;traceTheres a hint of spring in the air.Foxes are alert to the slightest hint of danger.(3)small piece of practical information;tipgardening hintshints for learners of English preparation hintsBook 3 Unit 5Book 3 Unit 5hint(v.)(L37)suggest sth.slightly or indirect

22、lyI hinted to him that I was dissatisfied with the results of their experiment.Author J.K.Rowling hints that Harry Potter might not survive her last book.hint at 暗示 Preschool bad habits could hint at some mental illness,according to a study in Australia.Book 3 Unit 5Book 3 Unit 5privilege(n.)(L53)(1

23、)special right or advantage available only to a particular person,class or rankParking in this residential area is the privilege of the residents here.(2)a special advantage,opportunity or honor I had the privilege of meeting Thai Princess when she visited our university.Book 3 Unit 5Book 3 Unit 5 a

24、ssociation(n.)(L58)collocationcollocationFederation of International Football Association(FIFA)国际足球联合会国际足球联合会 a housing association 房屋协会房屋协会 association of industry and commerce 工商联合会工商联合会 (1)a group of people join together for a common purpose;an organizationBook 3 Unit 5Book 3 Unit 5association(n.

25、)(L58)NBA National Basketball Association (美国美国)全国篮球协会全国篮球协会 National Boxing Association (美国美国)全国拳击协会全国拳击协会Book 3 Unit 5Book 3 Unit 5association(L58)in association with=together withTranslationTranslationKeyKey(2)the act of joining or working with another person or group我们与本地一些公司联合为无家可归的人筹款我们与本地一些公司

26、联合为无家可归的人筹款.We are working in association with a number of local companies to raise money for the homeless.Book 3 Unit 5Book 3 Unit 5原句原句:Slowly,still holding her hand,I become aware that I do not mind this emotional battle,that in fact,it was a privilege she has allowed me,and I would do it again,g

27、ladly.(L.52)句型提炼句型提炼 In the course of doing sth.,sb.becomes aware/conscious or realizes that,that in fact,某人在做某事的过程中渐渐地意识某人在做某事的过程中渐渐地意识到到,实际上实际上,1.Coming to the realization of sth.sentence patternssentence patternssentence patternssentence patternsBook 3 Unit 5Book 3 Unit 5应用应用:在与人交往的过程中在与人交往的过程中,渐

28、渐地,渐渐地,我意识到我意识到宽宏大度可宽宏大度可以为你营造一个愉快的生活氛以为你营造一个愉快的生活氛围,它事实上可以使你终生受围,它事实上可以使你终生受益。益。Slowly,in the course of communicating with others,I have come to realize that generosity and forgiveness can create you a pleasant climate of living,that in fact it can be of benefit to your whole life.Book 3 Unit 5Book

29、 3 Unit 5原句:There is swell of emotion within me for this stranger who so quickly came into and went from my life.(L.5051)2)There is a swell/fit/an outburst/outbreak of within sb.for sb.对这个人对这个人/事,某人心中涌起了一种(股)事,某人心中涌起了一种(股)句型提炼句型提炼为这位为这位迅速走进又很快走出我生活的迅速走进又很快走出我生活的陌生人陌生人,我心间涌起了一股感情我心间涌起了一股感情。sentence p

30、atternssentence patternssentence patternssentence patterns2.Revealing ones feelingsBook 3 Unit 5Book 3 Unit 5应用应用:对这位世上第一个横渡英吉利海峡的残对这位世上第一个横渡英吉利海峡的残疾中国人,我心中涌起一股敬佩之情。疾中国人,我心中涌起一股敬佩之情。There is a swell of esteem within me for this disabled Chinese who is the first in the world to swim across the Englis

31、h Channel.Book 3 Unit 5Book 3 Unit 5The method of writing the passage of Section A:1.Structure AnalysisDominant Impression+DetailsA sampleBook 3 Unit 5Book 3 Unit 5The party at Janes flat was a dismal failure.Jane hadnt provided enough food,and we soon ran out of drink.M os t of t he p eop le she ha

32、d invit ed w ere strangers to each other and stood awkwardly in groups holding their empty glasses and wondering what to say.The record-player broke down and Jane spent the whole time making apologies.In the end the only thing left to do was to go home,and allthe guests left early.a dominant impress

33、ion supported by FOUR items of details Book 3 Unit 5Book 3 Unit 52.Writing SkillsInspiration from Something1.某事物给人们带来了益处2.通过对比说明该事物带给我们的启迪写作模式(对比说明文)写作模式(对比说明文)1)With the quickening pace of,sth.enables people to benefit a lot from each other.2)The story of,for example,teaches how to while the succes

34、s in proves that 3)So the wisest course of action open to us is 4)The other day I happened to in time to(故事的起因)5)6)(故事的发展)7)(故事的结果和作者的结论)8)As a contrast,we may consider my similar but earlier experience with 9)(故事的起因)10)11)(故事的发展)12)(故事的结果和作者的结论)Book 3 Unit 5Book 3 Unit 5 Your TaskWrite a compositio

35、n on the following topic in about 120 words.Inspiration from Exchanges across Cultures 1)跨文化交流给各国人民带来了益处跨文化交流给各国人民带来了益处;2)通过对比说明异国文化给我们的启示。通过对比说明异国文化给我们的启示。Book 3 Unit 5Book 3 Unit 5Directions:Translate the following sentences,using the word or phrases given.1.1.被拒绝了多次后我才意识到我的想法太天真。被拒绝了多次后我才意识到我的想法太天真。(become aware that)become aware that)2.2.我心中对这个可怜的小女孩涌起了一股同情我心中对这个可怜的小女孩涌起了一股同情 (a swell of)a swell of)3.3.学生会和多家知名企业联合举办了这次慈善演学生会和多家知名企业联合举办了这次慈善演出。(出。(in association with)in association with)4.4.该政府官员暗示他要先提供一笔巨额赞助,才该政府官员暗示他要先提供一笔巨额赞助,才能批准他们的项目。(能批准他们的项目。(hint)hint)资料整理仅供参考,用药方面谨遵医嘱

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