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1、北京市体育场馆论文:北京市体育场馆 服务质量管理 服务质量管理体系【汉字摘要】体育场馆作为体育产业和体育事业发展物质载体,在数量及规模快速增加和中国体育服务业发展滞后已经成为阻碍体育场馆运行和发展一大显性原因。所以,规范体育服务市场行为,提升体育场馆服务质量,建立和国际接轨体育场馆服务质量管理体系成为关键任务之一。本文以系统论、ISO9000族标准为基础理论,以用户为出发点为视角,构建体育场馆服务质量管理体系,并对体育场馆服务质量管理体系内容加以分析。在以北京市很多体育场馆为研究对象,本文采取文件资料法、教授访谈法、特尔菲法、数理统计法、逻辑分析法、WBS工作分解结构法进行研究,得出以下结论:



4、争力、经济和社会效益含相关键作用。东单体育中心成功运行服务质量管理体系,为北京市其它体育场馆提供了借鉴。【英文摘要】After Peking Olympic Games, venue in Peking not only amount and scale increase to arrive unprecedented, and the venue carries a camp to manage gradual and nations is in line with.But compared with the Euro-American and flourishing nation, in

5、the venue carry a camp management existence of level certain margin.Know to all, one of modern Olympic Games focus problems-After the venue match how make use of, equally is also testing Peking.The venue is the material of athletics industry and athletics business development to carry a body, the ma

6、in product providing is service, athletics service quality is the sill and core competencies of venue existence and development, the service quality management system of venue is a quality management of method, have already become urgent matter of the moment.This text with the system talk about, ISO

7、9000 clan standard for foundation theories, take customer as the starting point as angle of view, set up the venue service quality management system, and manage a system contents to carry on analysis to the venue service quality.This essay takes many venues in Peking as a research object and adopt c

8、ultural heritage data the method and expert interview method, Delphi method, Mathematical Statistics method and logic analysis method and WBS work resolve the structure method carry on a research, get with draw a conclusion:1. Through the thorough comprehension toward the service quality, combine th

9、e analysis of athletics service characteristic, this text is in checking the foundation of cultural heritage data and experts interview, questionnaire and put forward the venue service quality management concept for: Venue various service works are canning satisfy customer and the demanding degree o

10、f other related squares, conductor and control to serve a built-up coordination activity.2.The venue service quality management system is with system theory and ISO9000 clan standard for foundation theories, put forward six basic principles of setting up the venue service quality management system f

11、or: With humanities originally(take customer as to pay attention to a focus), leadership function, whole memberses participate in, process method, continuously improve, according to the factual decision method.3. Through Delphi method, constitute venue service quality management system in Peking .Th

12、e systems process- based service quality manages system. This process is a series of management activity of a dynamic state, circulation. Totally is divided into 3 classes, one class index sign is managed plan, service quality by the venue service quality to manage implementation, service quality to

13、 keep to constitute with improvement. Second class index sign from the venue service quality management job, the venue service quality resources management, work environment, the venue service quality management document, adopt to rectify with remediable measure, surveillance, management judge, impr

14、ove 8 index signs to constitute. The third index sign constitutes to from 23 index signs such as service policy, service target, service commitment, job, legal power and communication etc. 4.The Dong Dan Sport Center and The Chao Yang Sport venue are models of earnings venue, this thesis passes serv

15、ice quality management document of case analysis The Dong Dan Sport Center and verifies the venue service quality management system to raise luck camp to manage level, market competition ability, economy and society efficiency to have an important function to the field building. The Dong Dan Sport C

16、enter successfully circulates service quality management system and provideds to draw lessons from for other venues in Peking .【关键词】北京市体育场馆 服务质量管理 服务质量管理体系【英文关键词】The Peking City venue service quality management and service quality manages system【目录】北京市体育场馆服务质量管理体系研究汉字摘要5-6Abstract6-71. 序言8-131.1 选题依

17、据81.2 选题目标和意义8-91.3 文件综述9-131.3.1 相关北京市体育场馆相关研究9-101.3.2 相关服务质量研究10-111.3.3 相关质量管理研究11-121.3.4 相关中国体育场馆服务质量管理研究12-131.3.5 相关国外体育场馆服务质量管理研究132. 研究对象和研究方法13-142.1 研究对象132.2 研究方法13-142.2.1 文件资料法13-142.2.2 教授访谈法142.2.3 特尔菲法142.2.4 WBS 工作任务分解法142.2.5 个案研究法142.2.6 逻辑分析法142.2.7 数理统计法143. 研究结果和分析14-313.1 体育

18、场馆服务质量管理概念界定14-163.1.1 体育场馆提供服务特征14-153.1.2 体育场馆服务质量管理概念15-163.2 构建体育场馆服务质量管理体系理论基础和基础标准16-193.2.1 构建体育场馆服务质量管理理论基础16-173.2.2 构建体育场馆服务质量管理体系基础标准17-193.3 体育场馆服务质量管理体系构建19-233.3.1 体育场馆服务质量管理体系指标构建步骤193.3.2 体育场馆服务质量管理体系指标确实定、筛选和优化19-233.3.3 体育场馆服务质量管理体系基础模式233.4 构建体育场馆服务质量管理体系内容分析23-313.4.1 对体育场馆服务质量管理体系一级指标分析23-243.4.2 对体育场馆服务质量管理体系二级指标分析24-263.4.3 对体育场馆服务质量管理体系三级级指标分析26-314. 结论31-325. 提议32-33参考文件33-36致谢36-37附件37-57【采买全文】 同时提供论文写作一对一教导和论文发表服务.保过包发. 【说明】本文仅为中国学术文件总库合作提供,无涉版权。作者如有异议请和总库或学校联络。

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