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1、Chapter1 The introduction of the author and the storyChapter1 The introduction of the author and the storyChapter2Chapter2 The analysis of the main figuresThe analysis of the main figuresChapter3 The theme of the whole storyChapter3 The theme of the whole storyChapter4 The Peter Pan SyndromeChapter4

2、 The Peter Pan SyndromeSir James Matthew Barrie was a Scottish author and dramatist,best remembered today as the creator of Peter Pan.With an innocent heart and fascinatingimagination,Barrie has written more than 40 plays all through his life.The story of the Peter Pan Peter is the leader of a group

3、 of lost children in Neverland.He takes Wendy and her brother John and Michael Darling to Neverland to join his team.There Wendy plays the role of a mother,while Peter a father.They take care of the lost children.Neverland is a fantastic world where you can find fairies,pirates and Indians.Peter sav

4、es the Indian princess in the island.He fights with the evil Captain Hook and wins the battle.At last,Wendy and her brothers return home.The lost boys are all adopted by the Darlings.Peter Pan remains to be a boy forever,while Wendy grows up to be a married woman.Fly to the NeverlandNeverlandFairy F

5、airy MermaidMermaid IndiansIndianspiratespiratesTelling stories Living with fairy Saving the Indian PrincessFighting with Captain HookBack to homeBack to home CockyRebelliousThe origin of Pans name In Greek religion andmythology,Panis the god ofthewild,shepherdsandflocks,nature of mountainwilds,hunt

6、ing and rusticmusic.He always brings hisPanpipes.It represents thefreedom,natureandwildness.Asweknow,PeterPan likes playing Panpipes.Obviously,HeistheavatarofthegodPan.Peter Panthe Boy Who Never Grows up Wendy helps Peter to attach the shadow to his body,while Peters performance is like this:“he had

7、 already forgotten that he owed his bliss to Wendy.He thought he had attached the shadow himself.How clever I am!he crowed rapturously,oh,the cleverness of me!But for the moment Wendy was shocked.You conceit,she exclaimed,with frightful sarcasm;of course I did nothing!You did a little,Peter said car

8、elessly,and continued to dance.Would you send me to school?he inquired craftily.Yes.And then to an office?I suppose so.Soon I would be a man?Very soon.I dont want to go to school and learn solemn things,he told her passionately.I dont want to be a man.O Wendys mother,if I was to wake up and feel the

9、re was a beard!Peter,said Wendy,I should love you in a beard;and Mrs.Darling stretched out her arms to him,but he repulsed her.Keep back,lady,no one is going to catch me and make me a man.Captain HookHideousSentimentalChildishHook always carried about his person a dreadful drug,blended by himself of

10、 all the death-dealing rings that had come into his possession.These he had boiled down into a yellow liquid quite unknown to science,which was probably the most virulent poison in existence.The man was not wholly evil;he loved flowers(I have been told)and sweet music(he was himself no mean performe

11、r on the harpsichord);and,let it be frankly admitted,the idyllic nature of the scene stirred him profoundly.There was a break in his voice,as if for a moment he recalled innocent days whenbut he brushed away this weakness with his hook.WendyKindBrave Wendy is the representative figure of the other c

12、hildren.She is normal;she can grow up gradually,not like Peter Pan Wendy is pure,lovely and curious about everything.her friendship with Peter Pan is sincere and matters in her heart,when they grow up and get elder and elder,only Wendy keeps Peter Pan in her mind.So the fine relationship with Wendy,

13、even with her offspring can last for a quite long time.Tinker BellExtrem EmotionReal Lady The most striking fairy in Peter Pan is Tinker Bell,one with extreme emotions.Although she attempts to get Wendy killed with her little tricks,which is of great evilness,she loves Peter more than her own life.S

14、o when Peter is about to drink the poisoned medicine,she drinks it for Peter.“There was one recess in the wall,no larger than a bird-cage,which was the private apartment of Tinker Bellcould have had a more exquisite boudoir dressing room and bed-chamber combined.The couch,was a genuine Queen Mab,wit

15、h club legs;.Her mirror was a Puss-in-Boots;the washstand was Pie-crust and reversible,the chest of drawers an authentic Charming the Sixth,and the carpet and rugs the best(the early)period of Margery and Robin.”Nana -Childrens NurseThe themes of the Peter Pan Life is a big adventureEveryone has a N

16、everlandTo die is another awful adventure死亡是生命的契机死亡是生命的契机 Life is a big awful adventure “Neverland is always more or less an island,with astonishing splashes of color here and there,and coral reefs and rakish-looking craft in the offing,and savages and lonely lairs,and gnomes who are mostly tailors,and caves through which a river runs,and princes with six elder brothers,and a hut fast going to decay,and one very small old lady with a hooked nose We too have been there;we can still hear the sound of the surf,though we shall land no more.”

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