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1、(完整word)近义词辨析高考必背词汇-近义词辨析A1. abandon, desert, give up, leave2. ability, capability, capacity, talent3. able, capable, efficient, qualified4. abolish, cancel5. absentminded, inattentive6. absorb, digest, take in7. absurd, foolish, ridiculous, silly8. accidental, chance, incidental9. accompany, attend

2、10. accumulate, collect, gather11. accurate, correct, exact, precise12. accuse, charge13. acknowledge, admit, grant, recognize14. act, behave, perform15. active, energetic16. adjust, adapt, accommodate, fit17. adjustable, adaptable, flexible18. advance, proceed, progress19. advice, opinion, proposal

3、, suggestion, view20. affair, business, matter21. affect, effect, impress, influence22. afraid, alarmed, anxious, fearful, frightened, cared23. agent, delegate, representative24. aggression, invasion25. agree on, agree to, agree to do, agree with, approve (of)26. all, each, every, whole27. allow, le

4、t, permit, promise28. almost, about, approximately, around, nearly, roughly29. also, as well, either, too30. always, frequently, often, usually31. ambition, aspiration, enterprise32. amount, number, quantity, sum, total33. amuse, entertain, interest34. announce, declare, publish35. annoy, bother, di

5、sturb, trouble36. anxious, eager, earnest37. appearance, aspect, look, seem38. appoint, assign, name39. appreciate, prize, value40. area, district, region, zone41. argue, debate, dispute, reason42. arise, raise, rise43. army, forces, troops44. arrange, classify, order, organize, sort45. arrest, capt

6、ure, catch, seize46. arrive, reach, gain, get to47. ask, beg, demand, request, require48. associate, colleague, fellow, partner49. assume, pretend50. ensure, guarantee51. at, beside, by, near52. attempt, endeavor, strive, try53. avenge, revenge54. average, mean, medium55. avoid, escape, miss56. awar

7、d, prize, reward57. aware, conscious, sensible58. accommodation, apartment, bed sitter, flatB1. bacteria, germ, virus2. bad, evil, wicked3. bake, barbecue, roast, stew, toast, boil, fry, steam4. band, belt, strip, stripe, ribbon5. bank, beach, coast, shore6. banner, flag7. base, basic, bottom, found

8、ation, ground8. battle, campaign, conflict, engagement, fight, war9. bear, endure, put up with, stand, suffer, tolerate10. beard, moustache11. beat, hit, shoot, strike, tap, knock12. attractive, good-looking, handsome, lovely, pretty13. because, as, for, since14. because of, due to, on account, of,

9、owing to, thanks to15. become, get, grow, turn16. before long, long before17. belief, confidence, credit, faith, trust18. below, beneath, down, under19. bench, armchair, couch20. benefit, profit, advantage, merit, strength21. beneficial, profitable22. besides, beyond, but, except23. big, grand, grea

10、t, giant, huge, immense, large24. blame, criticize25. boast, show off,26. border, boundary, frontier27. boss, chief, leader, head28. broad, extensive, wide29. brook, river, stream30. build, construct, found, put up, set up31. bunch, pack, packet, package, parcel32. bus, carriage, lorry, truck, wagon

11、33. bush, forest, wood34. business, commerce, trade35. but, however, nevertheless, still, yet36. by oneself, to oneself, for oneself, of oneself37. buy, purchase, shopC1. call on, call at, call up, call for, call in, drop in, see, visit2. career, occupation, profession3. calm, cool, silent, still, p

12、eaceful4. anxiety, concern5. cause, excuse, occasion, reason6. certain, some, sure7. certainly, be sure, indeed, naturally, of course, surely8. combine, connect, join, link, unite9. common, familiar, general, normal, ordinary, popular, regular, usual10. complement, supplement11. complete, entire, to

13、tal, whole12. complex, complicated, intricate13. comprise, consist, contain, embrace, include, involve14. conceal, hide15. confuse, puzzle16. conscious, aware17. consist of, be made up of18. continual, constant, continuous19. cost, pay for, spend, take20. costly, dear, expensive, precious, valuable2

14、1. country, land, nation, power, state22. couple, pair23. crime, offence24. cheat, fake25. communication, conversation26. celebrate, congratulateD1. damp, dank, humid, moist, wet2. deal with, cope with, manage, resolve, solve3. decide, determine, make up ones mind, resolve, settle4. declare, announc

15、e, broadcast, proclaim, public5. deed, accomplishment, achievement, contribution, exploit, feat, merit6. defend, guard, protect, safeguard7. defer, delay, postpone, put off8. demand, require9. depress, oppress, weigh10. deserve, earn, merit, rate11. desire, crave, hope, want, wish12. despair, depres

16、sion, discouragement, hopelessness13. despite, in spite of14. destroy, break, damage, raze, ruin, wreck15. dialect, accent, language, speech, tongue16. die away, die down, die out17. difference, distinction18. different, diverse, various19. differ from, differ with20. different from, different than2

17、1. dinner, banquet, feast, meal22. disappear, fade, vanish23. discuss, argue, debate, dispute24. disease, disorder, illness, sickness, trouble25. dishonor, shame26. distant, far, faraway, remote27. divide, separate28. doctor, physician, surgeon29. door, access, entrance, entry, exit, gate30. doubt,

18、mistrust, suspicion, uncertainty31. doubtful, dubious, suspicious32. drawing, cartoon, chart, diagram, graph, illustration, painting, photo, picture, portrait, sketch33. drill, exercise, practice, training34. drown, sink, duty, obligation, responsibility, task, despite, in spite ofE1. eager, anxious

19、, acid, keen2. ease, comfort, leisure3. economic, economical4. economy, economics5. edition, issue, number, version6. education, schooling7. effect, consequence, outcome, result, upshot8. effective, efficient9. embarrass, confuse, disconcert10. emphasize, stress11. energy, force, power, strength12.

20、enough, adequate, sufficient, abundant13. envy, jealousy14. escape, flee, fly, run away15. especially, particularly, principally16. estimate, assess, evaluate, rate, value17. everybody, each one, every man, everyone, every one18. exaggeration, overstatement19. examination, quiz, test20. experiment,

21、test, trial, try21. expert, skilledF1. factory, complex, mill, plant, works2. fairly, quite, rather, very3. fame, honour, reputation4. fashion, popularity5. fate, fortune, luck6. fear, fright, horror, panic, scare7. fearful, awful, dreadful, frightened, frightful, horrible, terrible, terrific8. fini

22、sh, accomplish, complete, end9. firm, company, corporation10. first, at first, firstly11. floor, stage, storey12. frighten, alarm, scare, startle, terrify13. furnish, arm, equip, outfit, provide, supplyG1. game, sport2. genius, gift, talent3. get, acquire, attain, earn, gain, obtain, procure, secure

23、, win4. get ready for, prepare, prepare for5. get to know, come to know, know, recognize6. go, step, walk7. go, depart, leave, quit, retire, withdraw8. gone, lost, missing9. govern, control10. grand, magnificent, noble11. grasp, grab, seize, snatch12. grateful, appreciative, thankful13. guarantee, s

24、ecurityH1. habit, custom, hobby, practice, usage2. happen, occur, take place3. harm, hurt, injure, wound4. have, hold, own, possess, there be5. have to, must, ought to, should6. heaven, sky, space, universe7. help, aid, assistance8. hire, employ, let, rent9. historic, historical10. holy, sacred11. h

25、opeless, despairing, desperate12. hunger, starvationI1. idea, concept, conception, impression, notion, thought, idle, lazy2. ignorant, neglect, overlook3. immediately, at once, directly, instantaneously, instantly, presently, presently, right away4. impatient, nervous, restless, uneasy, unquiet5. in

26、crease, enlarge, infer, conclude, gather, judge6. influence, control, inform, advise7. information, knowledge, learning8. information, message, news9. infrequent, occasional, rare, scarce, uncommon10. innocent, blameless, guiltless11. inquiry, investigation, research12. insist, persist13. minute, mo

27、ment, second14. intend, design, mean, propose15. intention, aim, design, end, goal, intent, object, objective16. interest, advantage, benefit, profit17. introduce, present, recommendJ1. joyful, pleasant, pleased, delight, happy2. jewel, jewellery, precious, stone3. job, labour, work4. join, particip

28、ate, take part in5. journey, expedition, travel, trip6. jump, bound, hop, leap, springK1. kill, butcher, murder2. kind, category, class, sort, type3. knowledge, learning, scholarshipL1. lack, absence, shortage2. largely, chiefly, generally, greatly, mainly, mostly3. lasting, durable, enduring, perma

29、nent4. late, lately, recently5. laugh at, laugh over6. law, code, constitution, regulation7. lawful, constitutional, legal, legitimate8. lay, place, put, set9. leave, depart, go, retire, withdraw10. let, permit, allow11. level, even, flat, smooth12. lift, elevate, raise, put up13. light, flame, flas

30、h, glare14. like, alike, similar, same15. like, enjoy, love, prefer16. likely, possible, probable17. limit, restrict18. list, register, roll, schedule, table19. little, few, several20. living, alive, live21. load, burden22. look, seem, appear23. look, gaze, glance, glimpse, peep, peer24. see, stare,

31、 watch25. loud, aloud, loudly26. lucky, fortunateM1. mankind, human, human being, humanity, humankind, man2. manner, method, way3. marvelous, splendid, wonderful4. material, matter, substance5. mature, adult, experienced, grownup, matured6. meet, encounter, contact, get in touch with, meet with7. me

32、lt, dissolve, thaw8. memorize, recall, remember9. mental, spiritual10. mercy, charity, sympathy11. mind, brain, head, intelligence12. sadness, sorrow, suffering13. mistaken, wrong14. modern, contemporary, current, present-day, recent15. mood, temper16. motion, move, movement17. move, remove, shift,

33、transferN1. nature, character, personality2. need, necessity3. new-fashioned, novel, up-to-date, fresh4. normal, natural, regular, usual5. notice, mind, note, remarkO1. object, oppose, resist2. occasional, infrequent, rare, uncommon3. old, aged, elderly4. only, alone, single, sole, unique5. open, un

34、fold6. opinion, idea, view7. opposite, contradictory, contrary8. order, command, organize, arrange, classify, order, sort9. origin, beginning, cause, root, source10. outstanding, extraordinary11. occupy, settleP1. pair, brace, couple2. parcel, package, packet3. part, detail, division, piece, section

35、, share4. pass, pass away5. patience, endurance6. people, peoples, the people7. permission, allowance, leave, permit, sufferance8. persuade, convince9. pity, compassion, sympathy10. place, location, position, post, site, situation, station, rank, status11. plan, design, plot, programme, project, sch

36、eme12. plane, aero plane, aircraft, airplane, helicopter13. pleasure, delight, enjoyment, fun, joy, happiness14. plentiful, abundant15. police, cop, policeman16. politician, statesman17. poor, penniless, badly off18. possess, own19. power, authority, energy, force, strength20. present, gift21. previ

37、ous, former22. principle, headmaster23. prize, award, reward24. process, procedure, proceeding25. profession, business, career, employment, job, occupation, vocation26. promote, forward, further27. prove, confirm, demonstrate, test28. pull, drag, draw29. punish, discipline30. purpose, aim, goal, obj

38、ect, targetQ1. quarrel, argue, debate, discuss2. quick, fast, prompt, rapid3. quit, drop out, leave, give up, give in to sb, give in, resignR1. race, nation, nationality, people2. raise, arise, rise3. rate, ratio4. reach, accomplish, achieve, earn5. real, actual, true6. realize, come true7. reluctan

39、t, hesitate, unwilling8. remain, stay9. remark, comment, observation10. remember, recall, remind11. renew, refresh, rejuvenate, restore12. respected, respectful, respectable13. reveal, discover, expose14. revenge, counterattack15. robbery, burglary, theft16. ruin, destructionS1. sign, symbol2. secur

40、ity, guarantee3. satisfy, fulfill, meet4. say, chat, gossip, speak, state, talk, tell, whisper5. saying, proverb6. scene, landscape, scenery, sight, view7. shameful, ashamed, shameless8. show, display, exhibit, parade, show off9. sign, mark, signal, symbol10. silent, quiet, still11. slow, slowly12.

41、soft, gentle, mild13. solve, resolve14. some time, sometimes, some times15. sound, noise, tone, voice16. special, especial, particular, specific17. spectator, eyewitness, observer, onlooker, witness18. speech, address, lecture19. spend, consume, expend20. splendid, magnificent21. standard, criterion

42、, measure, yardstick22. state, condition, situation23. steady, stable, regular, uniform24. still, yet25. assignment, duty, task 26. stir, arouse, awaken, waken27. stomach, abdomen, belly28. stop, cease, pause, quit29. pressure, stress30. stream, brook, creek, river31. street, alley, avenue, expressw

43、ay, highway, pavement, sidewalk, trail32. strike, hit33. stripe, band34. subject, theme, topic35. suggest, propose, recommend36. summit, peak, top37. suppose, assume38. sure, certain39. surprised, amazed, astonished, shockedT1. take, grab, grasp, seize, snatch2. tasty, delicious, toothsome3. technol

44、ogy, technique4. therefore, hence, so5. thick, dense6. thing, affair, business, concern, matter7. thoughtful, considerate, attentive8. timely, on time, in time, punctual9. tired, exhausted, worn-out10. treat, cure, heal11. trial, experiment, test12. trick, mislead, cheat13. trousers, jeans, pants14.

45、 trust, confidence, faith, relianceU1. ugly, homely, plain2. unavoidable, inevitable, unbelief, disbeliefV1. vacant, empty, unfilled, unoccupied2. very, much3. viewpoint, point of view, standpoint4. vision, eyesight, sight5. visit, drop in / at / onW1. while, as, when2. word, expression, term, vocab

46、ulary3. worth, worthy, deserving4. writer, author, composerY1. young, adolescent高频动词:1 接不定式,不接动名词的24个动词Afford, agree, arrange, ask, beg, choose, decide, demand, determine, expect, fail, fear, help, hope, learn, manage, offer, plan, prepare, pretend, promise, refuse, want, wish+ to do2 接动名词的26个常用动词admit, advise, allow, appreciate, avoid, consider, delay, deny, dislike, enjoy, escape, fancy, finish, forbid, imagine, keep, mention, mind, miss, permit, practice, risk, stand, stop, suggest, understand3 接不定式作宾补的32动词advise, allow, ask, beg, cause, command, dri

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