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1、本科学士学位论文An Investigation of the Application of Cognitive Strategies in Junior high School Students English Vocabulary LearningTaking Yizhen NO.4 Middle school in Xiangyun County as an example认知策略在初中英语词汇学习中的运用调查以云南驿镇第四中学为例An Investigation of the Application of Cognitive Strategies in Junior high Scho

2、ol Students English Vocabulary LearningTaking Yizhen NO.4 Middle school in Xiangyun County as an exampleA DissertationSubmitted in Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of ArtsWrittenByXXXSupervisedXXXDepartment of Foreign LanguagesSchool of Arts and ScienceYunnan Normal Uni

3、versityKunming, YunnanP.R. ChinaNovember, 2010云南师范大学文理学院本科生毕业设计(论文)原创性声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的毕业设计(论文),是本人在指导教师的指导下独立研究、撰写的成果。设计(论文)中引用他人的文献、数据、图件、资料,均已在设计(论文)中加以说明,除此之外,本设计(论文)不含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写的成果作品。对本文研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中作了明确说明并表示了谢意。本声明的法律结果由本人承担。 毕业设计(论文)作者签名: 年月日AcknowledgementsMy study at the college of

4、 English Teaching Studies will soon come to an end and at the completion of my graduation thesis; I wish to express my sincere appreciation to all those who have offered me invaluable help during the four years.Firstly, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to my supervisor Miss. Song Zijua

5、n, for his help and constant encouragement I know how to write my thesis. Without her consistent and illuminating instruction, this thesis could not have reached its present form.Secondly, I also want to thanks to all the other faculty members of the Department of English for their patient instructi

6、ons in various courses and their precious suggestions for my study here.Lastly, my thanks would go to my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me all through these years. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow classmates who gave me their help an

7、d time in listening to me and helping me woke out my problems during the difficult course of the thesis.Abstract ContentsAbstract(English Version)iAbstract(Chinese Version) iiPart One Introduction-1-1.1The Background of the Research- 1 -1.2 Significance of the Research- 2 -1.3 The Research Problems-

8、 3 -1.4 The Research Methodology- 3 -Part Two Literature Review-4-2.1 Definitions of Language Learning Strategies- 4 -2.2 The Classification of Language Learning Strategies- 5 -2.3 Vocabulary Learning Strategies- 6 -2.3.1 Definition of Cognitive Strategies-6 -2.3.2 Classification of Cognitive Strate

9、gies- 7 -2.4 A Review of Previous Studies- 7 -2.5 The features of junior high middle school students- 8 -Part Three The Current Research-10-3.1 Research Design-10-3.1.1 Research Questions- 10-3.1.2 Subjects- 10-3.1.3 Instruments- 11-3.2 Data Collection and Analysis-12-3.2.1 Analysis and Discussion-

10、13-3.2.2 Major Findings of the Study- 14-Part Four Conclusion-17-References-19-Appendix-20-AbstractIn this paper, vocabulary learning theory, questionnaire survey and statistical analysis using the method of the present town of the third Yunnanyi 50 junior high school students English Vocabulary Str

11、ategies conducted a survey of the use. Second language acquisition from the perspective of middle school students in learning word that the lack of strategy: the significance of words, part of speech, usage understanding of single, not know how to use context, pragmatic sense of understanding of the

12、 meaning of words and usage issues. For the above problems, this paper, the theory of cognitive strategies vocabulary proposed countermeasures. In the light of the principles of vocabulary teaching, based on the content and thus improve students explore word memory efficient way to enable students t

13、o master the proper and efficient English learning strategies, English language students good study habits and ability. English teachers also provide a better basis and methods to improve student interest in vocabulary learning and efficiency. Key words: vocabulary learning;Cognitive Strategies;sugg

14、estions i摘要摘要本文以词汇学习理论为基础,采用问卷调查和统计分析的方法对目前云南驿镇第四中学50名初中生的英语词汇认知策略的运用情况进行了调查。并从第二语言词汇习得的角度出发,发现初中生在学习单词时缺少策略:对词汇的意义、词性、用法理解单一,不懂得利用语境、语感理解词汇的意思及用法等问题。针对上述所存在的问题,本文运用词汇认知策略的相关理论提出应对策略。在结合词汇教学的内容和原则的基础上,从而探索出提高学生单词记忆效率的方法,使学生掌握正确高效英语学习的策略,培养学生良好的英语学习习惯和能力。同时也为英语老师提供了更好的依据和方法来提高学生词汇学习的兴趣和效率。关键词:词汇学习 认知

15、策略 建议iiPart One IntroductionPart One IntroductionSince the 1980s, along with in-depth research on intellectual, cognitive strategies and meta-cognitive strategies in the field of education and psychology, language vocabulary learning has shown a flourishing situation. Vocabulary learning strategies

16、have aroused widespread concern of linguists at home and abroad on the issue in the 1990s.1.1 The Background of the ResearchSince the 1980s, along with in-depth research on intellectual, cognitive strategies and meta-cognitive strategies in the field of education and psychology, language vocabulary

17、learning has shown a flourishing situation. Vocabulary learning strategies have aroused widespread concern of linguists at home and abroad on the issue in the 1990s. Vocabulary is very fundamental to the development of the second language proficiency as one of the three major elements of a language.

18、 Just as Wilkins (1972:111) declared, While without grammar, very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary, nothing can be conveyed. In 2003, higher requirements for the students vocabulary have been put forward by the New Standard of National Curriculum (2003) in our country. Students in China ar

19、e expected to have a vocabulary of 3,500 words upon graduation from high school, while the requirement in the previous course syllabus was only 2,000 words. The increase in vocabulary has certainly put vocabulary learning in a crucial position. However, the situation of Chinas vocabulary teaching is

20、 not satisfying at present. Time-consuming and bad effect(李岚清1996) are very common. Vocabulary learning has been a headache of both teachers and learners. It is because the traditional teacher-centered teaching mode did not give appropriate learning strategies to the students so that the students la

21、ck learning-initiative.At the same time, limited time for classroom teaching makes teachers only act as guides and assessors. As a famous Chinese saying goes, To give a people fish is inferior to teaching him how to fish. To mobilize students initiative to learn English vocabulary is the fundamental

22、 way to the English vocabulary teaching. Gagne pointed out that the well-known scholar of the 20th century the meaning of cognitive strategies to point out that the strategy is an important part of learning strategies. Cognitive strategy is also an effective means of learning vocabulary, mainly in f

23、orm of the word strategy, Lenovo strategy, memory strategies are classified on the application. Therefore, we think this is a good way to see which learning strategies used by high school students what kind of knowledge is a good learner strategy use and how to train students to use the correct cogn

24、itive strategies to improve their vocabulary learning. Moreover, we need to find a good way, so that teachers become aware of the importance of cognitive strategies, and strengthen their language learning strategies, particularly their cognitive strategies.1.2 Significance of the Research Since the

25、1970s, research put emphasis on the field of second-language acquisition and learning has also shifted from teachers teaching to students learning. So language learning strategies are emphasized by more and more people. However, most of the research in the field of learning strategies has focused on

26、 reading strategies as one of the important language skills (Carrel 1998) and on cognitive strategies as one of the main categories of learning strategies. Little attention has been given to the cognitive learning strategies in the Junior high school students vocabulary learning. So it is meaningful

27、 and necessary to try to make meta-cognitive learning strategies clear to them and enable them to become better learners in vocabulary learning. 1.3 The Research ProblemsThe author has been an English teacher for a year. During the teaching life, the author has been noticing that vocabulary learning

28、 has always been obstacles to the students English learning. So the author wants to investigate the status of vocabulary learning, by especially the using of meta-cognitive strategies1.4 The Research Methodology In this study,this questionnaire is based on the famous American professor of Applied Li

29、nguistics, Language Learning Strategies Oxford questionnaire adapted from the eight categories of entry constitute 30 to investigate the 50 students of grade three in Yunnanyi Middle School of Xiangyun County. The questionnaire was translated into Chinese so that students can understand it easily. 5

30、0 questionnaires were given out and handed in during the class time. Among them 50 questionnaires were effective.Then the marks of their questionnaire were collected. At last the author used analyze the date, on which the result were based.- 2 -Part Three The Current ResearchPart Two Literature Revi

31、ewThis chapter consists of three sections and dwells on the review of the related theories and the empirical studies that have been carried out in this field. The first section makes clear the definitions of the key terms that are frequently made reference to in the present study. The second section

32、 covers a detailed review of the related researches that have been carried out in this field at home and abroad. The last section discusses the problems in the current studies on meta-cognitive strategies in vocabulary learning and presents the significance of the present study. 2.1 Definitions of L

33、anguage Learning StrategiesResearchers have studied various aspects of Learning Strategies and put forward a variety of definitions of learning strategies. Following is a brief discussion of definitions of Language Learning Strategies.Stern (1983:305) states, In our view strategy is best reserved fo

34、r general tendencies or overall characteristics of the approach employed by the language learner, leaving techniques as the term to refer to particular forms of observable learning behavior. Rubin (1987) (cited from Ellis, 1994:531) points out that learning strategies are strategies which contribute

35、 to the development of the language system which the learner constructs and affect learning directly.Chamot and Kupper(1989:13一14) point out that, learning strategies are techniques, preaches or deliberate actions that students take in order to facilitate the learning, recall of both linguistics and

36、 content area information.Oxford (1990) says Language learning strategies are behaviors or actions which learners use to make language learning more successful, self-directed According and enjoyable. According to O Malley &Chamot (1990:44) The special thoughts or behaviors that individuals use to he

37、lp them comprehend, learn or retain new information.In our country, some researchers have also studied language strategies. For example, in Wen Qiufangs opinion (1996:56),Learning strategies are measures which the students take order to study more efficiently.The definition emphasizes two points: th

38、e goal of using learning strategies is the learners action, not his or her thought; the action can be exterior actions and also can be interior action. According to the New Standard of National Curriculum (2003) in our country, learning strategies are defined as various actions and procedures that s

39、tudents take to learn and develop their English effectively.On the basis of the above discussions, he author of the present research defines learning strategies as a sequence of techniques and tactics; they are consciously and automatically used by learners for effective learning. This concept empha

40、sized two points: the purpose of using strategies is to improve learning efficiency, and the essence of strategies is behaviors, not thoughts of learners. The behaviors can be mental or observable.2.2 The Classification of Language Learning Strategies With the further study of the language learning

41、strategies, classification of language learning strategies has attracted the researchers attention. In what follows, OMalley &Chamot(1987), Oxford(1990), Cohen(1998) and Wen Qiufang(1993)s taxonomies of language learning strategies will be presented as they are the most widely used.Based on informat

42、ion-processing theory, OMalley&Chamot distinguished three major types: meta-cognitive strategy, cognitive strategy and social/affective strategy.2.3 Vocabulary Learning Strategies In the past twenty years, researchers have pointed to the importance of vocabulary acquisition for second language learn

43、ers. (Nation 1990) Now researchers pay more attention to the vocabulary learning strategies. So it is necessary to know about vocabulary learning strategies. Vocabulary learning strategies are based on the theoretical framework of language learning strategies, and are important components of the lan

44、guage learning strategies. In this paper, vocabulary means the total number of words that make up a language and accordingly vocabulary learning strategies refer to the methods and techniques used by learners with the purpose of learning vocabulary well.Because of different standards of classificati

45、on, until now we have not found a classified system which can be accepted generally in the world. OMalley and Chamot(1990) divides the vocabulary learning strategies into the cognition strategy, meta-cognitive strategy and social /emotion strategy. Cognitive strategies are divided into repeating mem

46、ory, context, guessing, dictionary, classification, doing exercises, association. The author thinks that this taxonomic approach is quite reasonable.2.3.1 Definition of Cognitive StrategiesThe term cognitive strategies first used by Bruner in 1956 in his famous study of the artificial concept first

47、proposed. It was not until the 20th century, the age of 70 learning outcomes in the study classified Gagne, it will be a special ability as a cognitive strategy skills in the division from the general cognitive strategy out and give a definition: the learner to select and adjust their own attention,

48、 learning, memory and thinking skills and other internal processes.” 2.3.2 Classification of Cognitive StrategiesIn terms of cognitive learning strategies embodied in the application of the use of several strategies: Repeat memory; context; speculation; dictionary; classification; do the exercises; associate.2.4 A Review of Previous StudiesSince the 1970s, with the emergence of communicative language teaching, vocabulary has attracted the general attention of scholars. Thus, Eng

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