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1、2009 HP ConfidentialeAWARDSHOW TO GUIDERedeeming eAwardsMarch 20102009 HP Confidential2KEY POINTS ABOUT EMPLOYEE eAWARDS POINTSNo passwords are required to access your accounteAwards points have to be redeemed within 3 calendar months in countries where legally permissiblePoints can be redeemed for

2、cash and added to one of the next 2 paychecks after redemption depending on cutoff datesIt takes 12 hours from approval for the eAwards points to be set up in an account.If you get an error message try back laterOnce eAward points have been redeemed no changes are allowedAll shipping costs are paid

3、by the company2009 HP Confidential3KEY POINTS ABOUT eAWARD NOMINATIONSThe eAwards budget and spend continue to be reported at the nominators cost center and are based on the nominators organizational hierarchy The eAward expense is billed directly to each recipients cost center upon approvalThe eAwa

4、rd expense includes an administration fee(a charge associated with the procurement and processing of recognition products)Does not impact the budgetCharged to the recipients cost center as a percentage of the award Note:Functionality in the eAwards tool depends on the users status and their business

5、 organization2009 HP Confidential4LAUNCH eAWARDS TOOLFrom the eAwards Program page,select the Start Transaction button2009 HP Confidential5EMPLOYEE REDEMPTION OVERVIEWTo access your eAwards pointsX2009 HP Confidential6ACCESS YOUR ACCOUNTNo passwords are required to access your account.If you cannot

6、access your account and this is your first eAward then the account has not been set up yet.If you do not see your points then they have not been credited and you should try again later in both situations.X2009 HP Confidential7eAWARDS ACCOUNTX1.You will come to the Account Summary page.This page will

7、 look a little different depending on your country.The flag and currency will be dynamic to your payroll country.2.This is the amount in local currency that you have earned since the first eAward you have received(even if you have already redeemed it).3.This is the total number of points you have av

8、ailable to redeem.2009 HP Confidential8HOW TO REDEEM FOR CASHXTo redeem points click on the Redeem Points tab or Shop icon.You will see this page for cash or in some countries there will be other product available 2009 HP Confidential9HOW TO REDEEM FOR CASHXFor cash-to-paycheck,in the dropdown boxes

9、,check that the Product Type is Monetary and merchant category says Cash2009 HP Confidential10HOW TO REDEEM FOR CASHXNext click on Cash Added to Paycheck2009 HP Confidential11HOW TO REDEEM FOR CASH1.Enter in the Amount field the amount in whole amounts(no decimals)for cash2.Do not exceed the availab

10、le balance amount3.Then click on Add to Shopping cart 1 13 32 22009 HP Confidential12HOW TO REDEEM FOR CASHYou can click on Continue Shopping to redeem more or click on Check Out2009 HP Confidential13HOW TO CHECK OUTEnter in your ship to address,correct email address and phone no if it has not been

11、added from a previous order2009 HP Confidential14HOW TO CHECK OUTTo process the order click on Place Order2009 HP Confidential15FINAL STEPS FOR CHECK OUTClick on Confirm Order to finalize the payment of the award.After this no changes can be made.2009 HP Confidential16CONFIRMATIONThis message will b

12、e displayed to confirm the placement of your order.2009 HP Confidential17EMAIL CONFIRMATIONWithin a few minutes up to the next day you will receive an email notification of your order2009 HP Confidential18KEY POINTS ABOUT EMPLOYEE eAWARDS POINTSIf you do not receive the email confirmation please sen

13、d an email directly to the customer service team at All cash to paycheck orders have to be processed in the vendors system then sent over to HP in a file.Depending on cutoff dates for payroll your order could miss the next file upload to payroll so please wait 2 paychecks before enquiring about your cash to paycheck order.If you do not see the order in your 2nd paycheck log a Contact HR case with the category eAwards.A response will be given within 2-3 business days2009 HP Confidential19

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