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1、(完整word)复合句语法专项复合句语法专项复合句由一个主句和一个或一个以上的从句构成.主句和从句都具有完整的主谓结构,但主句是全句的整体,从句只是全局中的一个成分,不能独立.根据从句在全句中的不同作用,从句可以分为主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句,同位语从句,定语从句和状语从句.其中主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句,同位语从句在复合句中的作用相当于名词,因此统称为名词性从句。一 名词性从句:(用陈述句语序)1. 主语从句:在复合句中做主句的主语。 引导主语从句的词有连词 that, whether(是否)(在主语从句中不作成分,不可以省略);连接代词who, what, which, whom, w

2、hose (其中who做主语,whom做宾语,whose做定语,what, which 作主语或宾语);连接副词when, where, how, why(作状语); 复合代词whatever(任何.的事物,凡是的事物=anything or everything that); whoever(任何人=any(the)person who)。Eg。 That he will succeed is certain(他会成功是肯定的。)是否他去那里还不知道_她说的话不真实_谁打破了窗子玻璃还没有查出来_has not been found out.她如何逃跑的仍然是一个谜_remains a my

3、stery.他把钱放在什么地方有待查明_is to be found out.任何人来都欢迎。Whoever comes is welcome。主语从句还可以用it 作形式主语,而把主语从句放在后边,作为真正主语。Eg. It is not known who he is 不知道他是谁他什么时候离开都没有关系It dosenot matter_真遗憾他不能参加晚会 Its a pity_很难说将需要多少钱_二 表语从句:在复合句总作主句的表语。 引导表语从句的词有连词that, whether, as if/as though (不作成分,不可省略);连接代词what, which, who,

4、 whom, whose; 连接副词when, where, why, how.Eg。 The question is that he is also short of money。问题是他也缺钱。那就是我要对你讲的。That is_一个人重要的是做什么,不是说什么。The important is_天看起来要下雨了It looks _问题是谁能完成这项艰难任务。The question is_结果是他错了。 It turned out that_看样子他好像是在撒谎.It seems that he is lying.三 宾语从句:用作宾语的句子叫宾语从句。 除谓语动词之后可接宾语从句之外,

5、介词,不定式,分词,动名词以及某些形容词(如sure, glad, pleased, certain, afraid, surprised, satisfied等)的后面也可以带宾语从句。根据关联词的不同,宾语从句有三种类型:that引导的宾语从句 that引导宾语从句时只起连接作用,没意义,不作成分,在口语和非正式文体中可以省略。Eg. 我确实感到他需要更多的经验。I really feel that_这位老人总喜欢说她有一个好儿子.The old lady likes saying that_我确信他现在在家.I am sure (that)_我担心他不能准时到。 I am afraid

6、(that)_He made it clear that he didnt like the job.他说他不喜欢这项工作。(这里it 为形式宾语,代替后边的that 宾语从句(做真正主语),clear形容词为宾补。我已经讲得很清楚,任何人不准在此处吸烟。I have made it clear that_whether 或if 引导的宾语从句whether 或if意思是“是否,另外,whetheror not是。还是不。Eg。 I want to know whether/if she still lives there.请告诉我你是否能来 Please tell me_ 连接代词或连接副词

7、引导的宾语从句连接代词有who, which, what, whom, whose, 连接副词有when, where, how, why. 这类宾语从句一律用陈述语序。她想知道我就喜欢哪一部电影。She wants to know_我对他做的事不感兴趣。 I am not interested in_我不知道他为什么没来. I dont know_ I dont think (believe, expect, guess, suppose)否定转移到宾语从句中。Eg. 我认为天不会下雨。I dont think_ 我想他还没做完工作. I dont suppose_我相信他不会把钱借给你.

8、I dont believe_四 同位语从句:在复合句中作同位语的从句,叫同位语从句。它一般跟在某些名词如idea, news, fact, promise, truth, hope, suggestion, doubt, demand(要求 ), word(消息)等名词后面,用以说明这些名词所表示的具体内容。引导同位语从句的词有连词that, whether(不作成分,不可省略); 连接副词how, when, where(作状语)。Eg。 你听到玛丽不久就要回来的消息了吗?Have you heard the news_?You have no idea _for her safety。A

9、. how anxious I have been B。 so anxious I have beenC。 how I have been anxious D。 I have been so anxiousThe question _hasnt been decided。是否我们将建另一所教学楼。在名次demand(要求), suggestion(建议), request(要求), proposal(建议),其后的同位语从句要用should+动词原形,被动语态时用should be+过去分词,这时should可以省略。Eg。 推迟那项计划的建议将在明天讨论。The suggestion tha

10、t the plan (should) be delayed will be discussed tomorrow。她拒绝了他单独做那项工作的请求.She refused the demand that he (should) do the work alone。名词性从句语法专项练习题1. He asked_for the violin.A。 did I pay how much B. I paid how muchC。 how much did I pay D. how much I paid2. No one can be sure_in a million years. A。 what

11、 man will look like B. what will man look like C. man will look like what D. what look will man like3. _the 2000Olympic Games will be held in Beijing is not known yet.A。 That B。 If C。 Whether D. Whenever4。 It worried her a bit _her hair was turning grey.A。 while B。 if C. that D。 for5。 Go and get you

12、r coat。 Its _you left it。 A。 where B。 there C. there where D. where there6。 _he said at the meeting astonished everybody present。A. What B。 That C. The fact D。 The matter7。_we cant get seems better than _we have。A。 What; what B. What; that C. That ; that D。 That; what8。_well go camping tomorrow depe

13、nds on the weather.A。 If B. Whether C.That D。Where9。 I drove to Zhuhai for the airshow last week. - I s that _you had a few days off。A。 why B. when C. what D. where10。 I dont doubt _he can do the work even better than you expected.A。 whether B。 that C. what D。 why11. He gave a book to _entered the c

14、lassroom。A. that B. who C. whoever D. whomever12。 I wonder _you would like to take part in the play. A. that B。 that if C。 if D。 that whether13. _surprised me most was_he was too late for the important meeting, for he was chairman of it. A. What; that B.That; how C。What; how D.That; why14。 After_seemed a long time, he could stand it no longer. A。 it B。 what C。 that D。 which15。 That true value of life lies not in_, but in_.A。 which we get; what we get B. that we get; what we give C。 what we get; what we give D. that we get; which we give6

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