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1、安徽阜阳市太和县事业单位历年真题及解析 作者: 日期:2 个人收集整理 勿做商业用途安徽阜阳市太和县事业单位历年真题及解析单项选择题1.2009年12月举行的中央经济工作会议指出,做好2010年政府工作,重点要在下功夫.A 改善民生 B 促进发展方式转变 C 经济增长 D 完善市场经济体制2、2010年3月14日十一届全国人大三次会议通过的新修改的选举法第一次将我国农村与城镇每一名全国人大所代表的人口数比例为_。A 4/1 B 2/1 C 1/2 D 1/13、在国际金融危机冲击下,我国面临空前的就业压力,温家宝总理多次重申,就业问题不仅关乎生计,更关乎尊严.这是因为_。劳动者依法享有劳动权利

2、 就业使劳动者获得生活来源就业者要通过培训提高就业能力就业是劳动者谋生的唯一手段A B C D 4、要加强巢湖流域、淮河流域生态环境的保护,从公民消费角度看,必须_.A 贯彻科学发展观,倡导绿色GDP B 最大限度地减少消费支出C 运用行政手段限制享受性消费 D 崇尚节俭,低碳消费5、上海世博会会徽图案以汉字“世”为书法创意原形,并与数字“2010”巧妙组合,相得益彰,表达了中国人民举办一届属于世界的、多元文化融合的博览盛会的强烈愿望。会徽图案的寓意启示我们,文化创新需要_。继承传统,推陈出新 面向世界,博采众长丰富群众文化生活抵御落后、腐朽文化A B C D 6、2009年上半年,全国法院受

3、理劳动争议案近17万件,同比增长30%,实现和维护劳动者权益是社会主义制度的本质要求,劳动者获得权力,维护权益的基础是_。A 依法签订劳动合同 B 自觉履行劳动者的义务C 建立和谐劳动关系 D 保障劳动者主人翁地位7、一枝玫瑰在平时卖一元,情人节期间上涨十元,这里影响价格的因素是_。A 文化 B 地域 C 季节 D生产8、财政政策、货币政策是政府在宏观调控中常用的经济手段,一般来说,为抑制经济发展过热,政府可采取的措施有_。减少税收提高存贷款利率减少政府开支增加货币供应量A B C D 9、市场机制作用得到充分发挥的前提是_。A 完善、健全的法制基础 B 政府加强宏观调控C 完备、统一的市场体

4、系 D 计划和市场相结合10、近日国家食品药品监督管理局在监督检查中发现部分伪造或假冒开办单位发布虚假药品信息,销售假药的违法网站,并将其依法移送有关执法部门进行查处,这种做法是_。A 运用经济手段进行宏观调控 B 运用行政手段进行市场整顿C 运用法律手段调节药品生产 D 运用科技手段督查网上销售11、以下属于命令性法律规范的是_。A 生产者应当对其生产的产品质量负责B 国务院反垄断委员会的组成和工作规则由国务院规定C 土地使用权出让,可以采取拍卖、招标或者双方协议的方式D 居民公约的内容不得与宪法、法律、法规和国家的政策相抵触12、甲公司铺设管道,在路中挖一深坑,设置了路障和警示标志,乙驾车

5、推倒全部标志,致使骑摩托车的丙因紧急避让而驶向人行道,造成行人丁轻伤。对丁的损失赔偿责任,下列选项正确的是_。A 应由乙承担 B 应由甲和乙共同承担C应由乙和丙共同承担 D 应由甲乙丙共同承担13、下列财产,可以用于抵押的是_。A 王某兄弟共同出资购买的住宅小区门面房B 李总向银行贷款购买的别墅,但因未及时还款被银行向法院申请查封C 省立医院的门诊大楼及其医疗设备D 村民张某承包土地的使用权14 以下关于非正式组织的表述正确的是_.A 单位中的非正式组织是非法组织B 只有在管理失控时,单位内部才会出现非正式组织C 单位内部总是存在着非正式组织D 非正式组织对于单位实现管理目标具有负面作用15、

6、以下观点符合内在激励原理的是_。A 强将手下无弱兵B 用人如器,各取所长C 重金之下,必有勇夫 D 世上无难事,只要肯登攀16、以下是中国现代史上发生的历史事件:五四运动七七事变一二九运动八一南昌起义二七大罢工,其正确的顺序是_.A B C D 17、以下文学常识正确的是_。A道德经是中国佛教的重要经典B “有朋自远方来,不亦说乎”选自论语C 高尔基以他的大学生活经历写成我的大学D 钢铁是怎样炼成的是冶金专业学生的必读教材18、下列科技常识不正确的是_。A 甲型H1N1流感是人畜共患病B 抑制全球气候暖化,必须减少大气中二氧化碳的浓度C 3G手机使用的TD-SCDMA标准时中国自主知识产权D

7、人的动机强度与活动绩效呈正相关直线关系19、以下关于皖江城市带承接产业转移示范区的说法不正确的是_。A 示范区规划范围包括合肥、芜湖等九市全境B 我省承接产业转移示范区为全国首创C 国家决定设立示范区,今年批复规划D 示范区规划,到2015年,人均地区生产总数超过全国平均水平20、以下不属于非物质文化遗产的是_。A 黄梅戏B 花鼓灯 C 七夕节 D 文房四宝计算机部分单项选择题1、 键盘在计算机中属于_。A 输出设备 B 输入设备 C 存储设备 D 控制设备2、计算机显示器参数中,参数400*600、1024768等表示_.A 显示器的颜色性能 B显示器的质量 C 显示器的缓存储量 D 显示器

8、的分辨率3、计算机中信息的存储采用_。A 二进制 B 八进制 C 十进制 D 十六进制4、在Windows XP 的附件中不包括的应用程序是_.A 记事本 B Word C 写字板 D 画图5、在Windows的窗口中,单击最小化按钮后_。A 当前窗口将消失 B 当前窗口将关闭 C 当前窗口缩小为图标 D 打开控制菜单6、Windows XP中,选择硬盘分区上多个不连续排列的文件,其操作是_.A 按ALT+单击要选定的文件兑现 B 按CTRL+单击要选定的文件对象 C 按SHIFT+单击要选定的文件对象 D 按CTRL+双击要选定的文件对象7、下列选项中,不是媒体播放软件的是_。A realp

9、layer B 暴风影音 C media player D winrar8、Word不具有的功能是_。A 绘制表格 B 绘图 C 字数统计 D 数据库管理9、在Word中按_键后,可删除当前光标位置前一个字符.A insert B ctrl C backspace D delete10、在Word中,选定内容并选择“复制”功能后,复制的内容放在_。A 剪贴板 B 回收站 C 硬盘 D 桌面11、Word的“查找”功能所在的下拉菜单是_。A 文件 B 编辑 C 试图 D 插入12、在excel 工作表中,单元格区域D1:E2所包含的单元格个数_.A 1 B2 C 3 D 413、求出excel工

10、作表中A1,A2,A3,A4这四个单元格中数据之和,正确的公式引用为_。A =sum(A1+A4) B =sum(A1:A4) C =Average(A1+A4) D = Average(A1:A4)14、真正且唯一地标识出计算机网络中一台计算机的地址是_。A 地址掩码 B 网关地址 C 域名地址 D MAC地址15、Internet 计算机网络的基础协议是_。A TCP/IP B NetBIOS C DNS D ICMP 16、网络域名规定,域名abcd。 表示的网站类型是_。A 教育机构 B 军事部门 C 商业组织 D 政府机构17、浏览器是访问Internet的必要的工具,比较常用的浏览

11、器是_。A Word B Internet explorer C Firefox D RealPlayer18、计算机的防火墙的主要作用是_。A 防止计算机引起的火灾 B 阻止计算机病毒 C 保护网络中的数据和资源的安全 D 对网络中信息进行加密19、数据库概念中,DBMS是_的英文缩写。A 数据库管理系统 B数据库查询语言 C 数据库管理员 D 数据库结构表单20、在Microsoft office 软件包中,_是数据库管理软件。A Access B PowerPoint C Excel D Word英语部分Passage oneLong bus rides are like televis

12、ion shows 。They have a beginning ,a Middle and an end with commercials thrown in every three or four minutes .The commercials are unavoidable .They happen whether you want them or not .Every couple of minutes a billboard glides by outside the bus window 。 “buy super clean toothpaste”. “Drink Goodn W

13、et Root Beer 。”Fill up with Pacific Gas 。Only if you sleep ,which site equal to turning the television set off ,are you spared the unending cry of “You Need It ! Buy It Now !”文档为个人收集整理,来源于网络个人收集整理,勿做商业用途 The beginning of the ride is comfortable and somewhat exciting ,Even if youve traveled that way

14、before .usually some things have changednew houses ,new buildings ,sometimes even a new road .The bus driver has a style of driving and its fun to try to figure it out the first hour or so . If the driver is particularly reckless or daring ,the ride can be an thrilling as a suspense story 。Will the

15、driver pass the truck in time ?Will the driver move into the right or the left hand lane ?After a while,of course,the excitement dies down 。sleeping for a while helps pass the middle hours of the ride 。Food always makes bus rides more interesting 。But youve got to be careful of what kind of foodyou

16、eat .Too much salty food can make you very thirsty between stops。文档为个人收集整理,来源于网络文档为个人收集整理,来源于网络 The end of the ride is somewhat like the beginning 。You know it will soon be over and theres a kind of expectation and excitement in that .The seat ,of course ,has become harder as the hours have passed。B

17、y now youve sat with you legs crossed ,with your hands crossed behind your head 。the end comes just at the right time . There are just no more ways to sit. 1、According to the passage ,what do the passengers usually see when they are on a longBus trip?( )A Buses on the road B Films on television C Ad

18、vertisements on the board D gas stations 2、What is the purpose of this passage ?( )A To give the writes opinion about long bus trips B To persuade you to take a long bus trip C To explain how bus trips and television shows differ D To describe the billboards along the road 3、The write of this passag

19、e would probably favor ( )A bus drivers who werent reckless B driving alone C a television set on the bus D no billboards along the road 4、The writer feels long bus rides are like TV shows because ( )A the commercials both on TV shows and on billboards along the road are fun B they both have a begin

20、ning ,a middle ,and an end , with commercials in betweenC the drives are always reckless on TV shows just as they are on busesD both travelling and watching TV are not exciting5、The writer thinks that the end of the ride is somewhat like the beginning because both are ( )A exciting B comfortable C t

21、iring D boring Passage twoEducating girls quite possibly yields a higher rate of return than any other investment available in the developing world .womens education may be unusual territory for economists ,but enhancing womens contribution to development is actually as much an economic as a social

22、issue 。and economics ,with its emphasis on incentives ,provides guideposts that point to an explanation for why so many girls are deprived of an education Parents in low-income countries fail to invest in their daughters because they do not expert them to make an economic contribution to he family :

23、girls grow up only to marry into somebody elses family and bear children 。Girls are thus seen as less valuable than boys and kept at home to do housework while their brothers are sent to school-the prophecy becomes selffulfilling ,trapping women in a vicious circle of neglect. An educated mother ,on

24、 the other hand ,has greater earning abilities outside the home and faces an entirely different set of choices。 She is likely to have fewer but healthier children and can insist on the development of all her children ,ensuring that her daughters are given a fair chance .The education of her daughter

25、s then makes it much more likely that the next generation of girls ,as well as of boys ,will be education and healthy . The vicious circle is thus transformed into a virtuous circle。文档为个人收集整理,来源于网络本文为互联网收集,请勿用作商业用途 Few will dispute that education women has great social benefits.But it has enormous e

26、conomic advantages as well 。Most obviously ,there is the direct effect of education on the wages of female workers。Wages rise by 10 to 20 percent for each additional year of schooling. Such big returns are impressive by the standard of other available investments ,but they are just the beginning .Ed

27、ucation women also has a significant impact on health practices,including family planning.6.The author argues that educating girls in developing countries is ( )A troublesome B labor saving C rewarding D expensive7、By saying“the prophecy becomes self fulfilling (Lines45,para。2)。the author means that

28、 ( ) A girls will turn out to be less valuable than boysB girls will be capable of realizing their own dreams C girls will eventually find their goals in life beyond reachD girls will be increasingly discontented with their life at home8、The author believes that a vicious circle can turn into a virt

29、uous circle when ( )A women care more about education B girls can gain equal access to education C a family has fewer but healthier childrenD parents can afford their daughterseducation9、What does the author say about womens education?( )A It deserves greater attention than other social issues B It

30、is now given top priority in many developing countriesC It will yield greater returns than other known investmentsD It has aroused the interest of a growing number of economists 10、The passage mainly discusses ( )A unequal treatment of boys and girls in developing countriesB the potential earning po

31、wer of well educated women C the major contributions of educated women to societyD the economic and social benefits of educating women 写作部分阅读下面的材料,自选角度,自定文意,自拟标题,写一篇不少于800字的议论文。 于丹在论语心得中引述了美国科学家进行的一项实验,科学家在许多同时生长的南瓜上加上质量不同的砝码.有的几克,有的几十克,有的几百克,有的几千克.其中一个南瓜加得最多,从最初的几克进步加压到它成熟时,已经加到了几百千克.科学家把这些加压的南瓜摘下来,试着用刀把它们打开,看它们的质地有什么不同。别的南瓜随着手起刀落迎刃而开,而那只承受压力最大的南瓜却把刀弹开了,最后只好用电锯把它锯开,实验的数据令人难以置信,这只南瓜里面的硬率竟然相当于一颗成年的树干。于丹说,这其实是一个“生命的实验”,面对这样使人瞠目结舌的实验结果,在当今社会这样的竞争压力下,我们有理由不提前成熟吗?2014年安徽阜阳市太和县事业单位招聘142名公告、报名注意事项、职位表考等最新资讯请点击:http:/htwx。huatu。com/news/20140806/119835.html

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