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1、 班级_ 姓名_ 得分_一般现在时关键词: often usually always sometimes on Sundays every一,改写句子。1I want to play table tennis with Gan Shan. He .2. I surf the Internet on Saturday evening.My father .3. They study English , Maths Science ,and Art.Tom .4. I usually play basketball with my friends.Wang Bing .5. My aunt lik

2、es growing flowers.My parents .6. What do you usually do on Sundays?What Helen ?7. Do Su Hai and her family have any hobbies? SuHaisfather ?8 He grows beautiful flowers. We . 二,把下列句子改写成否定句。1I like collecting animal stamps. .2. I usually watch TV in the evening. .3. She reads magazines after school.

3、.4.My uncle takes photos on Sundays. .5. Jim jumps very high. 6. He has some model ships. .7. They listen to music after lunch. .8.We make model planes at five oclock. . 三,把下列句子改成一般疑问句并做肯定否定回答。新课标第一网收集1I usually get up at six oclock. ? Yes, . /No, .2. We usually write e-mails to each other on Saturd

4、ay evening. ? / .3. They have the same hobby. ? ./ 4.Suhai and Su yang like listening to music after school. ? . / .5.Helen usually watches TV in the evening. ? . / .6. Gao Shan studies English, Maths ,Chinese, Science, and Art. ? . / .7.My mother usually goes shopping on Sundays. ? . / .8.He plays

5、baseball very well. ? ./ .四,对划线部分提问。1.I usually make clothes in the evening. ?2. We want to go to the cinema with your brother. ?3.They live in the same town. ?4. My parents usually read books after supper. ?.5.Wang Bing surfs the Internet on Saturday afternoon. ?6.He likes collecting animal stamps.

6、 ?7.She usually reads science magazines on Sunday morning. ?8. She usually reads science magazines on Sunday morning. ?9.He has seven lessons every day. ?10.My grandfather likes growing flowers. ?五,用所给词的适当形式填空。1.I like collecting Chinese stamps. I usually ( collect) stamps.2.We (go) to school from M

7、onday to Friday.3.My parents (like) (read) science magazines.4.Tom usually (watch) TV after school, he (like) (watch) TV.5.She (want) to (go) to the park现在进行时:关键词:look listen now ( 给be动词,又给行为动词)六,用所给的动词的正确形式填空: 1.The girl _ ( read)a book now. 2. Listen .Some girls _ ( dance)in the classroom . 3. My

8、mother _ ( cook )some nice food everyday. 4. What _ you _ ( do ) now? 5. Look . They _( have) basketball match(篮球赛) . 6.They _(not ,sweep) the floor now. 7.Look! the girls _(play)in the classroom . 8.What is my grandmother doing? She _(listen ) to music. 9. Its 11 oclock now. We _(have)lunch now.10.

9、 _Mike_(ride )a bike? Yes ,he is .11.What are you_ (do),Helen? Im _(sit) on the football.12. The boy _ (make) a model plane now.13. Look. She _ (put) an egg on her mouth.14. Listen. What _ they _ (do)? They _ (play) the piano.15. It is three oclock in the afternoon. All the children _ (have) an Art

10、lesson.16. Dont play the violin. Your father _(sleep) in the bedroom.17. Look at the woman. She _(swim) over there.18. Listen to the birds. They _(sing) in the trees.19. Now I can _(draw) a diamond.20. Now lets _(fly) kites in the playground.七,改句子:1.I am drawing a picture.A:改一般疑问句,作否定回答 B:改否定句 C:划线提

11、问 2. He and I are making paper kites.A:改一般疑问句,作否定回答 B:改否定句 C:划线提问 5B辩音练习 班级_ 姓名_ 得分_一,判断下列每组单词中划线部分的发音是否相同, 相同打“”,不同打“”1 come 2 so 3 tobrother ( ) on ( ) cold ( )4 social 5 Monday 6 sofa computer ( ) hot ( ) hope ( )7 Maths 8 term 9 feelhas ( ) better ( ) read ( )10 garden 11 ready 12 dutyparty ( )

12、really ( ) busy ( ) 13 night 14 game 15 Mondayquick ( ) face ( ) morning ( ) 16 about 17 have 18 hottouch ( ) make ( ) old ( ) 19 hobby 20 excuse wrong ( ) jump ( ) 1. stomach cold ( ) 2. toothache cook ( ) 3. Sciencetrick ( ) 4. Saturday Thursday ( )5. therethank ( ) 6. windowshow( )7. minusSunday

13、( ) 8. supermarketArt( )二,判断下列每组单词中划线部分有几种发音,一种写A,两种写B,三种写C,四种写D。() 1. A. monkey B. soC. clockD. collect() 2. A. climb B. pigC. English D. insect() 3. A. keep B. meetC. bee D. green() 4. A. bus B. studentC. umbrellaD. put() 5. A. back B. afterC. watch D. take() 6. A. thirteen B. thinkC. the D. clothes() 7. A. great B. teacherC. please D. sweater() 8. A. why B. myC. sorryD. quietly() 9. A. how B. nowC. drawD. yellow()10. A. parent B. dearC. pear D. ear新课标第一网收集

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