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2、其它部分 或特殊疑问词+助动词+其它部分 或特殊疑问词+名词+be动词+其它部分 或特殊疑问词+名词+助动词+其它部分注:其它部分不作更改,按顺序照搬,并省掉划线部分,但是如果句中涉及第一人称时要改为第二人称,最后加上“?”1。特殊疑问词howahow是表示问健康状况或做事的方式的一个特殊疑问词,意思是“怎样”。如果划线部分指的健康状况或做事的方式时,那么特殊疑问词就应该用how。句式结构:how +be动词+其他部分+?或how +助动词+其他部分+?For exmaple:(1)划线部分指的是健康状况 Im fine.(对划线部分提问)How are you?My brother feel

3、s better now.(对划线部分提问)How does your brother feel now ?(2)划线部分指的是做事的方式 I get to shool on a bike。 How do you get to school ? He ofen makes meals according to some recipe。 How does he make meals ?b。 由how组成的几个复合特殊疑问词.(1)how old表示问年龄,意思是“几岁”. For example, Her father is forty。 How old is her father ? (how

4、 old+be动词+其他部分+?) (2)how many修饰可数名词,表示问事物的数量,意思是“多少”。For example, There are seven books. How many books are there ? (how many+名词+be动词+其他部分+?)(3)how much修饰不可数名词,表示问事物的数量或价钱,意思是“多少。For exmaple, There is some milk in the bottle. How much milk is there in the bottle ?(how much+名词+be动词+其他部分+?) The pants

5、are 20 yuan。 How much are the pants ? (how much+be动词+其他部分+?)(4)how far表示问路程,意思是“多远”。 For example Its five kilometers away from here. How far is it from here ? (how far+be动词+其他部分+?)(5)how long表示问一段时间或问物体的长短,意思是“多久或多长。 For exmaple, He will stay in Beijing for four days. How long will he stay in Beijin

6、g ? The desk is two meters long。 How long is the desk ? (how long+be动词+其他部分+?)(6)how soon表示问将来,其回答一般是in+一段时间,意思是“多久”。 For exmaple, He will be back in three days。 How soon will he be back ? (how soon+助动词+其他部分+?)(7)how ofen表示问频率,意思是“多久一次”。 For exmaple, Jim watches TV three or four times a week. How of

7、ten does Jim watch IV ? (how often+助动词+其他部分+?)2. 特殊疑问词what a特殊疑问词what表示问人的职位或是事物是什么,意思是“什么”。 句式结构:what+be动词+其他部分+?或what+助动词+其他部分+?For example:(1)划线部分指的是人的职位或工作Lindas uncle works as a teacher. What does Lindas uncle do ? My friend is a technician. What is your friends job ?(2)划线部分指的是物品Its an apple。 W

8、hats it ? b。由what组成的几个复合特殊疑问词。(1)what color表示问颜色,意思是“什么颜色”。For example, This pen is black and white。 What color is this pen ? ( what color+be动词+其他部分+?) I want a red hat. What color of the hat do you want ?(2)what size表示问尺寸,意思是“多大”。For example,Small。 What size do you want ? ( what size+助动词+其他部分+?)(3)

9、what time表示问具体的时间,即点时间,意思是“几点”.For exmaple, Its seven oclock now ? What time is it now ? ( what time+be动词+其他部分+?)3特殊疑问词who 特殊疑问词who表示问人的身份或姓名。意思是“谁”. 句式结构: who+be动词+其他部分+?或who+(助动词)+其他部分+?For example:Her father is a doctor ?Who is her father ? She works as a math teacher. Who works as a math teacher

10、 ?4.特殊疑问词where 特殊疑问词where表示问地点,意思是“哪里”。 句式结构: where+be动词+其他部分+?或where+助动词+其他部分+? For exmaple: The books are on the sofa. Where are the books? Last summer, he went to Paris, France。 Where did he go last summer?5.特殊疑问词when 特殊疑问词when表示问时间,意思是“什么时候”。 句式结构: when+be动词+其他部分+?或when+助动词+其他部分+? For example: T

11、hey are going shopping tomorrow. When are they going shopping ? She plans to have a party on Sunday. When does she plan to have a party ?6.特殊疑问词which 特殊疑问词which表示问一定范围内特指的人或物,意思是“哪个”. 句式结构: which+名词+be动词+其他部分+?或which+名词+助动词+其他部分+?For example:The big box is mine。Which box is yours ? The girl in green

12、 is Ann. Which girl is Ann ? I want to choose the red hat. Which hat do you want to choose ?7。特殊疑问词whose 特殊疑问词whose表示问所属关系,意思是“谁的”. 句式结构:whose+名词+be动词+其他部分+?或whose+(助动词)+名词+其他部分+? For example: Her father often takes the train to the office。 Whose father often takes the train to the office ? This boo

13、k is hers。 Whose is this book ? This is her book. Whose book is this ?8。特殊疑问词why 特殊疑问词why表示问原因,意思是“为什么”. 句式结构:why +be动词+其他部分+?或why+助动词+其他部分+?For example:He was late for school,because he stayed up late last night and slept over.Why was he late for school ?He gets up early, because he has to catch th

14、e earliest bus。Why does he get up early ?二。学生学习特殊疑问句常犯的错误及其易搞混淆的几个特殊疑问词。1。在我教的七、八年级的学生当中,部分学生在学习特殊疑问句,即在练习对划线部分提问或是进行口语练习时常常易犯以下错误.(1)对划线部分就什么提问辨别不清。 如我七年级的部分学生在做对划线部分提问的练习时: The baseball is under the desk。 误:What is the baseball ?正:Where is the baseball ? His father is forty. 误:What is forty ?正::Wh

15、o is forty ? This book is on the bookcase。 误:Whats this ?正:Where is the book ? 注:这里学生对划线部分所提问的到底是什么没有辨别清楚,犯这些错误的原因可能有两个.一是对单词短语不熟悉,不知道是什么意思,也就不可能知道划线部分是对地点、对人物、对健康状况、对事物还是.。.等等提问.二是因为对某一具体成分提问时应使用哪个特殊疑问词不熟悉,存在疑惑。对此,我们要在讲解强调的同时,在课堂上要多多使用这些特殊疑问词提问并让学生进行对话操练,使学生熟练使用这些特殊疑问词.(2)语序颠倒混乱或是随意更改成分。 Her pencil

16、 is in the pencil case。 误:Where your pencil is in the pencil case ? Where his pencil is in the pencil case。 正:Where is her pencil ?注:这里学生就没有搞清楚一般疑问句的结构,特殊疑问句型结构应如在第一部分所示(具体参看第一部分的概述),而学生出错的第一处就是把应为“特殊疑问词+be动词+其他部分”写成“特殊疑问词+名词+ be动词+其他部分”;第二就是只有当句中涉及第一人称时,成分才应该改变为第二人称,但这里是第三人称,所以无需更改;第三处就是已划线部分无需再照搬下

17、来;第四场是把问号写成句点。因此,在讲解时应强调特殊疑问句的句型结构以及要注意的地方(如人称转换,怎样按顺序照搬,以及在句尾添加问号等),在出现此种错误时要及时纠正,并在课堂上强调。(3)常常漏掉be动词,或是多加了一个be动词。 如我七年级的部分学生:误:Whats this is in English ? 或 What this in English ?正:Whats this in English ? 误:Whats color is the pen ?正:What color is the pen ?(4)当主语是第三人称单数时把does写成do,或是忘记还原动词单数形式。She ha

18、s a pingpong ball. 误:What she has a pingpong ball。或是What do she have a ping-pong ball ?What does she has a ping-pong ball ? 正:What does she have a pingpong ball ?注:因而平常在学生练习此部分时,要多加强调当主语为第三人称单数时,如果陈述句中是行为动词或是has那么对划线部分提问应借助助动词does,并且要把动词单数形式还原。2。学生易搞混淆的几个特殊疑问词以及一些复合特殊疑问词.(1)就名字提问时学生对于到底是用what还是who存在

19、混淆的现象。 如:Her name is Grace Green。 误:Who is her name ?正:What is her name ? She is Mrs Smith. 误:What is she ?正:Who is she ? 注:在就名字提问时,如果只是强调名字本身那么就只能用what,如果强调这一名字指的是哪个人那么就只能用who。(2)就人提问时到底是用which还是用who存在混淆的现象。 如:The girl in green is her sister。 误:Who is her sister ? 正:Which girl is her sister ? 注:就人提

20、问时,which强调的是人的特征,而who强调的是人的身份。(3)就数量提问时常把how many与how much搞混淆。 如:There is some water。 误:How many water is there ? 正:How much water is there ? 注:就数量提问时,how many 修饰可数名词(在其后加可数名词复数形式),而how much修饰不可数名词(后跟不可数名词),所以首先要辨别划线部分是可数名词还是不可数名词,然后再确定是用how many还是how much。 (4)学生易把how far与how long搞混淆。 如:Its seven hu

21、ndred meters away from here。 误:How long is it from here ? 正:How far is it from here ? 注:how long问的是事物的长短,而how far问的一处至另一处的距离.(5)how soon与how long也是学生容易搞混淆的地方。 如:He will be back in four days。 误:How long will he be back ? 正:How soon will he be back ? 注:how soon与how long虽然都是表示多久的意思,但二者强调的侧重点不同,how soon

22、问的是动作的将来时间,表示还要多久之意;而how long问的是动作的持续时间,表示要花费多久之意.且前者的回答一般是由“in+一段时间来回答,而后者的回答一般用”for+一段时间。(6)当句中同时出现频率副词以及时间段时,学生对于使用how long或是how often存在疑惑。 如:He does exercise for two hours twice in a day. _ does he do exercise twice in a day ? A.How often B。How long C.How far D.How soon 我的八年级学生选的是A,而正确答案应选B. 注:这

23、里学生没有辨别清楚句子到底是对频率提问还是对一段时间提问,以导致学生选择A答案。1、how far? 问两地间的距离,回答是用表达距离数量的词。Its。.。 2、how long? 它有两种用法。1。问做事的时间长度,2.问固体物体的长度,如教室的长度, 3、how long did it last? 最近一次做那事的总共时间. 4、how often? 问间隔多久才做同样的事。如:how often do you write to your mother?你多久写一次信给你母亲? 5、how soon? 再过多久就得怎么样了。 6、how many? 问可数名词的数量,在回答时,可用单数,复

24、数,甚至回答“无” 7、how much? 它也有两种用法。1。问物体的单价。2。问不可数名词的数量,如:how much water is there in the cup?杯中有多少水? 8、how about? 问做某事怎么样或是询问所提出的建议如何(它后面必须接动名词或是名词)如:how about going shopping?去买东西怎么样?这三个搭配均可表示“多久”的意思,但它们意思有区别.现解释如下:一、关于how long的用法how long有以下两个主要意思:1。 表示多长时间,主要用来对一段时间(如three days, four weeks 等)提问。如:A:How

25、long did he stay here? 他在这儿呆了多久?B:About two weeks. 大约两个星期。A:How long does it take to get to London from here? 从这里到伦敦要多长时间?B:At least ten hours。 至少要10个小时.2. 表示某东西有多长。如:A:How long is the river? 这条河有多长?B:About 500 km. 大约500千米。二、关于how often的用法how often 指每隔多久,主要用来对频度副词或状语(如:once a week, three times a mon

26、th 等)提问。如:A:How often does he come here? 他(每隔)多久来一次?B:Once a month。 每月一次。A:How often do you visit your mother? 你多长时间看你妈妈一次?B:Once a week. 一周一次。三、关于how soon的用法how soon 指再过多久,主要用来对表示将来的一段时间(如:in an hour, in two weeks 等)提问。如:A:How soon will he be back? 他要多久才回来?B:In an hour. 1 小时以后。A:How soon shall we k

27、now the results? 我们多久能知道结果?B:I dont know。 我不知道。How的用法归纳how 是英语中的常用词,它的基本涵义是“怎样”。现将其用法归纳如下:1、how 用于询问动作执行的方式、手段等,译为“怎样”。如:How do you usually go to school? 你通常怎样去上学。On foot. 步行。2、how 用于询问动作的执行程度,译为“怎样。如:How do you like China? 你觉得中国怎么样?I like it very much。 非常喜欢。3、how 用于询问身体健康状况,译为“怎么样”。如:-How are you?

28、你好吗?Im fine,thank you. 我很好,谢谢.4、how 用在第一次见面的问候语中。如: How do you do? 你好!5、how about 用于询问或征询意见等,相当于 what about ,后接名词、代词或动词的 ing 形式,译为“怎么样”、“好不好。如: I like playing football。 How about you? 我喜欢踢足球.你呢?6、how many 用于询问人或物品的数量,后接可数名词的复数形式,译为“多少。如:-How many students are there in your class? 你们班有多少名学生?There are

29、 sixty-five。 六十五名。7、how much 既可询问物品数量,后接不可数名词,译为“多少”;又可询问物品价格,译为“多少钱. 8、how old 询问年龄,译为“多大”。如:How old are you? 你多大了?-Im twelve. 我十二岁。9、how far 用于询问距离,译为“多远”。如:-How far is it from here to the station? 从这里到车站有多远?About three hundred metres。 大约三百米.10、how long 既可询问时间,译为“多久”,又可询问物品的长度,译为“多长”。如:How long is

30、 the river? 这条河有多长?How long does it last? 这要持续多久?“对划线部分提问”是一种常见的句型转换题型,这类题实际上就是将所给的陈述句变为特殊疑问句.解这类题通常分三步完成:首先选准疑问词;然后改为疑问句语序;最后抄写剩余部分.需特别注意两点:一、注意疑问句的语序1。对句子的主语提问,其语序是:疑问词谓语其他成分? She is their teacher Who is their teacher?2。对句子主语的定语提问,其语序是:疑问词主语谓语其他成分? My book is over there Whose book is over there?3.

31、对表语、宾语或状语提问,其语序是:疑问词一般疑问句? He lives in Beijing Where does he live?4。对表语或宾语的定语提问,其语序是:疑问词表语或宾语一般疑问句? Imlooking for my watch Whose watch are you looking for?二、注意疑问词的选择1.问“谁用who或whom。如:Li Lei is a doctor Who is a doctor?(对主语提问用who,对宾语提问用who, whom均可)2.问“谁的”用whose.如:This is his book Whose book is this?3。

32、问“地点”用where。如: The ball is under the bed?Where is the ball?4.问“原因”用why。如:He didntcomebecausehe was ill Why didnt hecome?5。问“身体状况”用how。如:Imfine Howare you?6.问“方式”用how。如:He did it in that way?How did he do it?7.问“程度用“how被修饰语。如:The river is five metreswide Howwideisthe river?8。问“多少用how much或howmany。如:I

33、 havea lotofmoneyHowmuchmoney do youhave? Hehas been toShanghaithreetimesHowmanytimeshas he been to Shanghai?9.问“多久”用how long或howsoon.如:Hehas stayedherefortendaysHowlong has he stayed here?He willbebackintwohours?How soon willhebeback?(howlong指动作或状态发生了多久;how soon指动作或状态还有多久将会发生)10.问“动作的发生频率”用how ofte

34、n。如:IwatchTVtwiceevery weekHow oftendoyou watch TVeveryweek?11。问“哪个”用which或what。如:IlikethisoneamongthesethreeWhich do youlike amongthese three? I like English bestWhatdo youlike best?12。问“什么”用what。如:There isabookonthedeskWhats on the desk?13.问“职业”用what。如:My fatheris ateacherWhatsyour father?14。问“颜色”

35、用what colour 。如:Anorange is orangeWhat colour is an orange?15.问“星期几”用what day。 如:Today is Friday What dayistoday?16。问“几月几日用whatdate. 如:Today is July 1st Whats thedate today?17。问“时间用when或what time。如:Igothereinthemorning When do you go there?ItisfouroclockWhattime isit?(when既可对点时间提问,也可对年、月、日等时间提问;what

36、 time通常只对点时间提问)注:1、一般情况:特殊疑问词+一般疑问句构成。2、特殊疑问词在句中充当成分.3、不用yes ,no回答,直接回答。4、读降调。5、常用疑问词:who, what, whose, where, how, which, when, why, how many, how much, how far。 How long, how often, how soon, how high, 等。对划线部分提问。(把各句变为特殊疑问句)1对主语(人)提问:The boy is running now. Who is running now?2对表语(人)提问:He is Lilys

37、 father. Who is he ?3对介宾(人)提问:She is looking for the little boy. Who is she looking for ?4对动宾(人)提问:I often help Wei Hua with English. Who do you often help with English?5对间宾(人)提问:Kate lent Tom a ball yesterday. Who did Kate lend a ball yesterday?6对主语(东西)提问:The books are on the desk。 What are on the

38、desk ?7对表语(东西)提问:These are boats. What are these?8对动宾(东西)提问:I want a cup of tea. What do you want?9对职业(提问)提问:The man is a farmer。 What is the man ? What does the man do?10。对介宾(东西)提问:He is looking for his pen. What is he looking for?11、对是什么提问:Its a Chinese car。 What is it?12、对计算结果提问:Six and nine is f

39、ifteen. What is six and nine?13、对年级提问:Im in Grade Three. What grade are you in?14、对班级提问:Li Lei is in Class Five. What class is Li Lei in?15、对年级和班级提问:Wei Hua is in Class Three Grade One, What class and grade is Wei hua in ?16、对排提问:We are in Row One。 What row are you in?注:1 对年级、班级、排提问时,问句中的in 不能去掉2 wh

40、at 后的grade ,class ,row用小写形式3 what根据实际译为汉语17、对学号提问:Lucy is Number Six。 What number is Lucy? What is Lucys number?18、对后置定语提问:This is a map of China。 What map is this ?19、对颜色提问:The flowers are red. What color are the flowers?20、对几点几分提问:Its six。 What time is it ? Whats the time?21、对名字提问:My name is Li Le

41、i。 Whats your name ?22、对前置定语提问:These apples are yours。 Which apples are yours?The best one is Lilys。 Which one is Lilys?23、对表语(名物代)提问:This cup is yours。 Whose is the cup?24、对后置定语提问:The boy in the hat is my brother。 Which boy is your brother?25、对后置定语提问:I want to buy the shirt on the left. Which shirt

42、 do you want to buy?26、对主语(名物代)提问:Mine is red。 Whose is red? 27、对定语(形物代)提问:They are my books. Whose books are they?28、对定语(名词所有格)提问:This is Lucy and Lilys room. Whose room is this?29、对表语(名词所有格)提问:This cup is Kates。 Whose is this cup?30对身体提问:Im fine (well, OK, All right.) How are you? 31、对年龄提问:The boy

43、 is fifteen. How old are you?32、对天气提问:Its cloudy today。 How is the weather today? =Whats the weather like today?33、对语言提问:I can spell it in English. How can you spell it?34、对方式提问:I often go to school on foot。(by bus ,by train , by bike) How do you often go to school? 35、对程度提问:She studies hard. How do

44、es she study?36、对数量提问:1,There are five birds in the tree。 How many birds are there in the tree?2,There is much water in the bottle. How much water is there in the bottle ?3,There is an apple tree in front of the house. How many apple trees are there in front of the house?37、对价格提问:The meat is ten yua

45、n 。 How much is the meat?注:1,对价格提问,be 应根据后面的主语而定。2,单位yuan在问句中去掉。38、对距离提问:The factory is two kilometers from here。 How far is the factory from here?39、对长度提问:The ruler is one metre long. How long is the ruler?40、对for+一段时间提问:We have stayed there for two hours。 How long have you stayed there ?He has lived here since 1997。 How long has he lived here?注:how long 后面必须是延续性动词.41、对星期提问:Today is Monday。 What day is it today?42、对in+一段时间提问:The woman wil

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