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1、(完整版)5B第二单元试卷2011学年第二学期五年级第二单元考试卷Part I Listening(听力部分)40分一、 Listen and number the pictures. (听录音,将下列图片按顺序编号,并将答案写在答题纸上。)5分A。 B. C。 D.E。 1._ 2。_ 3。_ 4._ 5。_二、 Listen and choose the sentences you hear. (听录音,选出你所听到的句子,并将编号写在答题纸上.)8分( ) 1。 A。 This is my timetable for Thursday. B. That is Peters timetab

2、le for Tuesday. C. That is my timetable for Tuesday。( ) 2. A. That sounds healthy. B. That sounds unhealthy. C。 That doesnt sound healthy.( ) 3。 A。 Sue didnt have breakfast last Sunday morning. B。 Sue didnt have lunch this morning。 C。 Sue had breakfast last Sunday morning。( ) 4. A。 Shall we go to pl

3、ay badminton next weekend? B。 Shall we go to the park and have a picnic next weekend? C。 Shall we go to City Museum next weekend?( ) 5。 A。 The queen looks like an old woman。 B。 The queen looked like an old man。 C。 The queen looks like an old man.( ) 6。 A. I have a Coke and a hamburger. B. I have a h

4、amburger and a Coke。 C. I had a hamburger and a Coke.( ) 7. A。 Dannys father gives him a ticket. B. Dannys father gives a ticket to him。 C。 Dannys father buys him a ticket.( ) 8. A. Which film do you want to see, Toy story or Swan Lake? B。 Which film did you see, Toy story or Swan Lake? C. Which fil

5、m shall we go to see, Toy story or Rabbit Run?三、Listen and choose what you hear。 (听录音,选出你所听到的内容,并将编号填在答题纸上.)8分( ) 1. A. happened B。 happens C。 happy( ) 2。 A。 month B. moth C. Maths ( ) 3。 A. tomatoes B。 potatoes C。 cabbages( ) 4。 A. fourteenth B. forty C。 fourteen( ) 5. A。 write B。 white C. wait( )

6、6. A。 sport B. story C。 subject( ) 7。 A。 65689421 B. 65869412 C。 65869421( ) 8. A. sweet chocolate B. soft drinks C。 sweet food四、 Listen and choose the beat response to the sentence you hear. (根据你听到句子选择最恰当的应答, 并将编号填在答题纸上。)5分( ) 1. A。 Yes, I did。 B. We had some fish and rice。 C。 I have some noodles.

7、( ) 2. A。 Yes, there are. B. No, there arent. C。 Yes, there were。( ) 3. A. It was a chick。 B。 It was a duckling。 C。 It was a puppy.( ) 4. A. Thats all right. B. Thats right。 C。 Thats eighty yuan.( ) 5。 A. I do. B。 Me too。 C. Im sorry。 五、Listen and choose the right answer. (根据听到的对话,选择正确的答案,并将编号填在答题纸上

8、.)5分( ) 1。 A. At the cinema. B。 In the park. C。 By the river.( ) 2。 A. Thirty-five。 B. Thirtysix. C. Thirty-seven.( ) 3. A. She likes cabbages。 B。 She doesnt like sausages。 C。 Yes, she does.( ) 4。 A。 Yes, it is。 B。 No, it isnt。 C. Yes, it was。( ) 5. A。 Some apples。 B。 Some grapes. C. Some juice.六、Li

9、sten and judge。 (听短文,判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符,相符的用“T表示,不相符的“F”表示,并将答案写在答题纸上。)5分( ) 1. Sam likes to eat French fries at McDonalds。( ) 2. Sam goes to McDonalds on Monday。( ) 3. Sam doesnt like to eat other fast food。( ) 4。 Every time Sam can get a small toy at McDonalds.( ) 5。 People dont have McDonalds in the

10、 toy shop.七、Listen and complete the table.(听录音,完成表格,并将答案写在答题纸上。)4分Time_7:00after lunch_Thingsget up_write a letterPart II Vocabulary and Grammar (词汇和语法.) 45分。 Fill in the blanks。 (看音标写单词,并将答案写在答题纸上。) 5分1。 I dont like kbd iz at all。2. First Kitty heard a lri . Then she heard another loud noise。3. I w

11、ant a tikit for Swan Lake.4。 Ill meet you at the entrns of the zoo tomorrow.5。 Most girls like gl very much. Finish the tasks according to the requirements。 (根据要求完成任务,并将答案写在答题纸上。) 8分1、今天早上(中译英) 2、在每节课后(中译英) 3、in ten minutes (英译中) 4、look like rain(英译中) 5、healthy(反义词) 6、potatoes(单数形式) 7、Art(同类词) 8、hol

12、e(与划线部分发音相同) III。 Choose the word to complete the sentence.( 根据所给的词的适当形式填空,并将答案写在答题纸上。) 61. These are Dannys books. Please put _(they) there。2. Mum is washing the dishes。 Dad _(listen) to the music.3. _(be) there any bread on the table just now? Yes.4. My sister usually_(have) some milk and bread fo

13、r breakfast.5. Please be _(quick)。 Its time for Art class.6。 Alice _(not go) to school yesterday。 She was sick.IV。 Choose the best answer。 (选出最佳答案,并将答案写在答题纸上) 12( )1. Peter and Ben sat on the lawn in the park. They heard the songs_the birds. A。 for B。 of C。 off( )2。 The _ like running。 Theyre all go

14、od runners。 A. policeman B. policemen C. policemans( ) 3。 Jim runs _ the hole in the wall quickly。 A. in B。 to C. at( ) 4. Is the yellow cap_?No, its _cap。 A。 yours, her B. your, her C。 yours, hers( ) 5. Its time _lunch. Shall we _lunch in this restaurant? A。 for, have B。 to, have C。 for, had( ) 6。

15、-Here we are. Shall we get _ coke first? -Oh, yes! A. many B。 any C。 some( ) 7. We have two class _ Friday afternoon. A。 on B。 in C. at( ) 8. Peter like _ IT and PE。 A。 but B。 both C. all( )9。 -_ your favourite subject? -IT。 A. Which B。 Whats C。 What( ) 10。 The queen _ a big red apple _ Snow White.

16、A。 give, to B. giving, for C。 gives, to( ) 11。 Now the dog _ in its room。 But it _ in the garden ten minutes ago. A. was, is B。 is, was C. was, was( ) 12。 A: Which phonetic symbols are right to read “says” in “Kill Snow White says the queen to a hunter. B: _ is right。 A./ sedz/B. / seiz/C. / sez/V。

17、Fill in the blanks with proper words。 (填入合适的单词,每格一词,并将答案写在答题纸上.) 6分1。 I want to see a film。 Lets go to the _tonight.2。 We should eat a lot of _. They are good for our health。3。 Yesterday was the Womens Day. Today is the _ of March。4。 An apple a day _ the doctor away!5. My school bag is new. What abo

18、ut _?6. The children have great _ in PE class。 They play, jump and run.VI。 Rewrite the sentences as required。(按要求改写句子,每格一词,并将答案写在答题纸上。)8 分1. I was hungry last night。 (用full改为选择疑问句)_ you hungry or _ last night?2. Danny doesnt watch too much TV at home on Sunday。 (改成肯定句) _ _ too much TV at home on Sun

19、day.3。 We have PE and Music in the afternoon。(改成过去式) We _ PE and Music _ afternoon。4。 Snow White is very interesting。(针对划线部分提问) _ _ is very interesting?Part III Reading and Writing 15%I. Read and judge. (阅读短文,判断句子是否与短文内容一致,一致的用T表示,不一致的用F表示, 并将答案写在答题纸上) 5One day Mr and Mrs White went shopping by car。

20、 They stopped their car near a shop. They bought a lot of things and they wanted to put the things into the car。 But Mr White couldnt open the door of the car, so they asked a policeman to help them. Just then a man came up and shouten, “What are you doing with my car?” Mr and Mrs White had a look a

21、t the cars number and they were frozen there。 It wasnt their car。 ( ) 1. Mr and Mrs White drove for shopping. ( ) 2. They stopped their car at the gate of a snack bar. ( ) 3。 Mr and Mrs White could open the door of the other mans car。 ( ) 4。 They have got the same car number. ( ) 5。 From the passage

22、, we know Mr and Mrs White made a mistake。II。 Read and choose (阅读短文,选择正确的答案的编号,并将答案填在答题纸上) 5 A farmer and an eagleOnce upon a time, there was a farmer, who was very kind。 One day he went to his farm. He saw an eagle and he got it. He didnt want to keep it. So he let it go and said to it, You are a b

23、eautiful bird。 I dont want to kill you. Fly away now。 Eagles cannot speak。 But the big bird said to himself, Thank you very much. You are a good man. Some days later, the farmer was sleeping beside a wall。 He had a hat on his face。 The eagle saw him and the wall。 The eagle flew down and took off the

24、 farmers hat, and put the hat on the grass。 The farmer got up and walked to the grass. He picked up his hat。 At that time he heard a loud noise behind him。 The wall was falling down. The farmer waved(招手)to the eagle and said to it, Thank you . You save(救) my life。( ) 1。 The farmer saw the eagle .A。

25、beside the wallB. on the farmC. on the tree( ) 2。 The farmer near the wall.A。 was sleepingB. was workingC。 was putting on his hat( ) 3. The eagle put the farmers on the grass。 A. coat B 。 hat C。 shoes( ) 4。 Why did the eagle save the farmer? Because .A. it loved the farmerB. it thanked the farmerC。

26、it did it accidentally(偶然)( ) 5. saved 。A. The farmer eagle B。 The eagle the farmerC. Both “A” and “B”。III。 Writing:(以 “My timetable”为题写话, 至少5句,不少于三种不同句式,写在答题纸上。) 5% My timetable_Module2 test听力文字一 Listen and number the pictures. (听录音,将下列图片按顺序编号,并将答案写在答题纸上。)5分1. We can buy the tickets at the ticket o

27、ffice.2. Unhealthy children like eating and watching TV. They dont do exercise very often.3. This sign means, “Go out this way.”4. Snow White is a story about a beautiful princess and seven dwarfs.5. I like Art class best. Im good at painting。E, C, B, A, D二 Listen and choose the sentences you hear.

28、(听录音,选出你所听到的句子,并将编号写在答题纸上。)8分1. That is my timetable for Tuesday。 C.2. That sounds unhealthy。 B3. Sue didnt have lunch this morning. B。4. Shall we go to play badminton next weekend? A.5. The queen looks like an old woman. A.6。 I had a hamburger and a Coke. C.7. Dannys father gives him a ticket. A.8。

29、 Which film did you see, Toy story or Swan Lake? B。三Listen and choose what you hear. (听录音,选出你所听到的内容,并将编号填在答题纸上。)8分1。 What happened to Ben? He looked so sad. A.2. I dont like Maths。 Its too difficult。 C。 3. My father doesnt like potatoes. But I do。 B.4. The ticket for Harry Potter is forty yuan. B.5。

30、 The students are waiting at the school gate for their Chinese teacher。 C.6. Mike likes eating. He doesnt like playing sport. A。7。 -Can I have your phone number? -Yes, its 65869421。 C。8. Dont drink so much soft drinks. Its bad for your teeth。 B.四 Listen and choose the beat response to the sentence y

31、ou hear. (根据你听到句子选择最恰当的应答, 并将编号填在答题纸上.)5分1。 What did you have for dinner, Peter and Ben? B2。 Were there any grapes on the table? C3. Now it is a yellow duck. What was it? B4。 A。 Can I have a ticket for the film? C 5. A。 My favourite subject is PE. What about you? B五Listen and choose the right answer

32、. (根据听到的对话,选择正确的答案,并将编号填在答题纸上。)5分1。 A: Here we are。B: How nice! The trees are green。 The birds are singing.A: Lets take a rest on the grass。 B: OK。 Q: Where are they talking? B。2. A: How many seats are there in your class?B: I have thirtyfive classmates. Each one has a seat。A: Are there any seats fo

33、r teachers?B: Yes, there is one。Q: How many seats are there in the class? C。3。 A: Hi, Alice. What dont you like?B: I dont like sausages. What do you like, Betty?A: I like cabbages.Q: What doesnt Alice like? B。4. A: What time is it?B: Its eight oclock. Its time for class.A: Is it for English class?B:

34、 No, its for Chinese class。Q: Is it for Chinese class? A。5. A: What do you need for the picnic, Kitty?B: I need some apples。 I need some grapes. I need some sandwiches。 Can I have some juice, Mum?A: Yes, you can。 But we dont have any。 Lets go and buy some for you.Q: What do they buy? C。六Listen and j

35、udge. (听短文,判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符,相符的用“T”表示,不相符的“F”表示,并将答案写在答题纸上.)5分Little Sam likes to eat at McDonalds. He often eats a hamburger and French fries. Many waitresses and waiters know little Sam very well. They often ask him, “How often do you eat hamburgers and French fries?” Little Sam answers, “On Saturd

36、ay and Sunday.” “Do you like to eat other fast food? “Yes, I do. But I like McDonalds better, because every time I can get a small toy.” People say, “Why dont you go to the toy shop? “Because in the toy shop they dont have McDonalds。”1。 T 2. F 3。 F 4。 T 5. T七Listen and complete the table。(听录音,完成表格,并

37、将答案写在答题纸上.)4分Lily is a student of Park School. She is a good girl。 Every morning, she gets up at a quarter past six. She has breakfast at a quarter seven。 After breakfast, she reads English at seven oclock。 It takes her 20 minutes. Then she goes to school. She has four classes in the morning。 They a

38、re English, Chinese, Art and Music。 She has lunch at school。 After lunch, she always takes a walk in the school garden。 She goes home at five oclock。 Today is Monday。 It is a quarter to nine at night。 Lily is writing a letter to her father。 Her father works in America。 Lily wants a Barbie Doll. So she asks her father to buy one for her

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