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1、(完整版)put相关短语 几个put的相关短语和例句1、Put across 表达(或解释)清楚; 描述清楚I dont know how to put my idea across well。 我不知道如何把我的想法解释清楚。2、Put away 把.收拾起来; 放回原处Put your books away now. 现在把你的书收起来。 将(某人)送进监狱; 关起来He was put away, because he committed a crime again.他被关起来了,因为他又犯了罪。 吃完;吃下;喝完; 猛吃He put away a whole pizza just no

2、w.他刚才吃完了一整块披萨。3、Put back 推迟 My plan has been put back until September 1st。我的计划已推迟到九月一日。 把放回(原处)Remember to put your dictionary back on the shelf when youve finished with it.当你用完字典后,记得把它放回书架上。4、Put by存(钱);积蓄;储存She tries to put by some money every month。她设法每个月存些钱。5、Put down使(飞机)降落;飞机(着陆)Our plane put

3、down safely。 我们的飞机安全降落.放下;卸下Youre surrounded。 Put the gun down!你被包围了,把枪放下!写下来;记下来;登记You can put it down on paper in case you forget it.你可以把它写在纸上以防你忘了。付订金She has put a deposit down on her new house.她已为她的新房子支付了定金。杀死;杀掉(动物)使它免除痛苦He had to have his horse put down.他不得不把马杀掉.6、Put down for记下(某人)(答应捐款的数额);登

4、记(认捐等)Put me down for a 100 donation.请你记下我捐100美元。7、Put down to 把归因于He put his failure down to the fact that he was unlucky.他把失败归结为他运气不好。8、Put in安装(设备)You should put a central heating system in.你应该安装一个中央供暖系统。正式提出;提交I decided to put my application in to that college。我决定向那所大学提交申请。插(话) Could I put in a

5、word now? 我现在能说句话吗?9、Put in for 正式要求;申请I put in for my driving test last week。 上周我申请了驾驶考试。10、Put off 推迟;拖延I have to put off my trip until October.我不得不把旅行推迟到十月。使反感;使对。失去兴趣His behaviors put them off. 他的行为举止使他们反感。11、Put on穿上;戴上(衣、帽等)The little girl put on her shoes by herself。小女孩自己穿上鞋子。长胖;体重增加Shes put

6、on 2 pounds in the last week. 她上星期胖了两磅。装出;假装Dont believe her. Shes just putting you on。别相信她。她只是在骗你。12、Put out生气的;心烦的;不高兴的She felt put out that she hadnt passed the exam。她没有通过考试,觉得不高兴。生产(分配);供应;大量生产This factory puts out 5,000 mobile phones every month。这家工厂每月生产5000部手机。扑灭(火);熄灭(香烟)Its nonsmoking area h

7、ere。 Please put your cigarette out。这里是禁烟区。请把烟熄了。关(灯)Please put the light out upstairs.请把楼上的灯关了。伸出(手、舌头等)Dont put your tongue out。 Its impolite。不要吐舌头。这是不礼貌的。给(某人)添麻烦; 打扰;麻烦;打乱某人的安排Would it be putting you out if we came next Monday?如果我们下星期一来,会不会给你添麻烦?13、Put over 把(观点)表达清楚;使被理解Im not good at putting ov

8、er my ideas clearly。我不善于把我的想法说得十分清楚。14、Put through为(某人)接通电话;转接;打(电话)Could you put me through to your manager?你能帮我接通你们经理的电话吗?使从事;使经受,使遭受;使(某人)经历They were put through two weeks of training。他们接受了为期两周的训练。15、Put towards出(钱)作(某用途);为.。提供(资金);拿(钱)贴补着买。.My elder sister gave me some money to put towards a new

9、 car.我姐姐贴补了我一些钱来买一辆新车。16、Put up提出(观点);推举;提名(某人)She wishes she would be put up as a candidate for the committee.她希望自己能被推举为委员会的候选人。举起;抬起;升起;高高固定起Why didnt you put your hand up?你为什么不把手举起来?为(某人)暂时提供住宿;留宿Her friend could put her up for a few days。 她的朋友可以让她住几天。建造They are planning to put a school up for th

10、e children.他们正计划为孩子们建一所学校。张挂;悬挂;张贴I want to put up some pictures on the wall.我想把一些照片贴在墙上。提高;抬高(价格、租金等);增加They have put up the price of meat。他们抬高了肉的价格。17、Put up to 唆使(某人)做I guess she was put up to it by her mother.我猜她干那事是她妈妈唆使的。18、Put up with 忍受;忍耐;容忍He is badtempered. I cant put up with him.他脾气暴躁。我受不了他。6

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