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1、(完整版)专四词汇练习单选题2000(含生词批注)1。 The atmosphere _of certain gases mixed together in definite proportions。a. composes b. comprises c. consists d。 constitutes 2.While he was in the office he _doing something to doing nothing。a。 preferred b. liked c。 favored d. approved3。Metals_ when cooled and expand when

2、heated.a. decrease b. reduce c。 condensecondense kndensvi. 浓缩;凝结vt. 使浓缩;使压缩 d。 contractcontract kntrkt, kntrktvi. 感染;订约;收缩vt. 感染;订约;使缩短n. 合同;婚约 4。Take your raincoat with you_ it rains。a. by chance b。 in case c. at large d. on occasion 5. He was afraid he would have to _her invitation to the party。a。

3、 refuterefute rifju:t, ri:-vt. 反驳,驳斥;驳倒 b。 refuse c。 reject d。 decline 6.At the Committee last Saturday the following proposal was agreed _ by those present.a。 to b。 with c。 over d. at7。We went to see the exhibition _ the storm。a. but for b. in spite of c。 for the sake of d. instead of8。To my surpri

4、se, at yesterdays meeting he again brought _ the plan that had been .disapproved a week before。a 。about b out c。 back d. up9.The doctor took Xrays to _ the chance of broken bones。a。 make sure b。 rule out c。 break down d. knock out 10。He felt it rather difficult to take a stand _ the opinion of the m

5、ajority.a。 for b。 against c。 to d。 by11。He has behaved in the most extraordinary way recently; I cant _his behaving like that at all。a. look into b. break through c。 account for d。 get over 12.How did it come _ that you made a lot of mistakes in your homework?a. about b。 along c. around d. by13。He c

6、ould produce no evidence _ his argument。a。 in respect of b。 in view of c. in support of d。 on account of 14.The government should _ with the irrationalirrational irnladj. 无理性的;不合理的;荒谬的n. 无理数 regulations restricting drinking hours.a. break away b。 come up c。 get away d. do away.15. I know him well en

7、ough to accept his explanation _.a. without question b。 by all means c。 at any cost d。 in any case16. It was a small country house, but it was large _ urban standards。a。 at b。 for c. by d. from17. The travelers sought shelter _the rain and happened to find a roadside inn.a. from b。 against c. for d.

8、 with18.All our attempts to _the child from drowning were in vain.a. regain b. recover c。 reserve d. rescue19。This is the first draft of the book。 Please feel perfectly free to _ it.a。 deal with b。 comment on c。 cope with d. dwell on20。I was always taught that it was _ to interrupt 。a。 rude b。 coars

9、ecoarse k:sadj. 粗糙的;下等的;粗俗的 c .rough d。 crude21.Except on official _such as formal receptions, American society has a certain amountof informality。 a。 cases b. situations c。 events d。 occasions22.The final document was, of course, supposed to mend the damage _upon the worldby the war.a。 imposed b。 i

10、mpressed c .compelled d. compressed23。While walking along the icy river banks, we could see cracks in the ice _ in alldirections.,a. radiating b。 dividing c. splitting d。 tearing24.Tibet, the second largest province of China, is _ in uranium (铀) and undergroundthermal power(地热)。a. wealthy b。 abundan

11、t c .adequate d. sufficient25。The young couple were quite excited by the _of having their first child。a. perspective b. prospect c. future d foresight26.So many children have bought the balloons that the store is now out of _.a。 stuff b。 material c. stock d。 staff27。She was always in perfect sympath

12、y with me _ my love of nature.a。 with regard to b。 in contrast to c. in case of d。 in the event of28。There are nations whose lack of contact with the outside world has _ poverty。a。 fallen into b. consisted in c .resulted in d。 amounted to129.This is the _ to an improvement of their living conditions

13、.a. key b。 decision c。 essence d. alternative30。It was a bold idea to build a power station in the deep valley, but it _ as well as we hadexpected.a。 went off b. worked off c. broke off d。 came off31.Christmas is a Christian holy day usually celebrated on December25th _the birth ofJesus Christ. a。 i

14、n favor of b。 in honor of c。 in terms of d. in accordance with32。 The _action of the policeman saved the people in the house from being burnt. a。 alert b。 urgent c。 prompt d. punctual33。 The pollution question as well as several other issues is going to be discussed when the Congress is in _again ne

15、xt spring。a. assemblyassembly semblin. 装配;集会,集合 b。 conference c。 convention d. session34.Your _is the round of things that you usually do each day。a。 practice b。 habit c。 routine d. custom35。 I _ with thanks the help of my colleagues in the preparation of this new column。a。 express b。 acknowledge c。

16、 confirm d. verifyverify verifaivt. 核实;查证36。David is the _holder of the world 5000-meter race world record, but there is noguarantee that he will win in the Olympic Games。a. prevalentprevalent prevlntadj. 流行的;普遍的,广传的 b。 dominant c。 current d. prominent37.Your complaint is being _ when we have anythi

17、ng to report we1l write to you again。a。 looked through b。 looked over c. looked after d. looked into38.To our delight, she quickly _ herself to the new situationa. acquainted b. exposed c. adapted d。 devoted39.The manager gave one of the salesgirls an accusingaccusingadj. 指责的;非难的;归咎的v. 指责;指控(accuse的

18、ing形式) look for _ her attitude towardcustomers。a. straightforward b。 partial c。 favorable d。 hostile40。With the joint effort of everyone, the plan is _to succeed; Im sure of that.a。 obvious b。 bound c. doubtless d. necessary41.Millions of tons of water are _by a complex system of dykes.a. held up b.

19、 held on c. held out d. held back42.When traveling, you are advised to take travelers checks, which provide a secure_ to carrying your money in cash.,a。 substitute b. replacement c。 preference d. alternative43。Dont pokepoke pukvi. 刺,捅;戳;伸出;刺探;闲荡vt. 刺,捅;戳;拨开n. 戳;刺;袋子;懒汉 your nose into what doesnt _ y

20、ou。a。 connect b。 relate c. concern d. interest44。The discussion was m prolongedprolonged pruld, -l:-adj. 延长的;拖延的;持续很久的 and exhausting _ that the speakers stopped for refreshments.a. at large b。 at intervals c。 at random d。 at length45.Dozens of scientific groups all over the world have been _the goa

21、l of a practical andeconomic way to use sunlight to split water moleculesmoleculesn. 分子,微粒;摩尔(molecule的复数)。a。 pursuing b. chasing c. attaining d。 reaching46.He does not _ as a teacher of English as his pronunciation is terrible.a。 equal b. qualify c. match d。 fit47.China started its nuclear power in

22、dustry only in recent years and should _ no time incatching up.a。 delay b. lessen c. lose d。 slip48.I was speaking to Ann on the phone when suddenly we were _.a。 cut off b。 cut down c。 cut back d. cut out49. The States Department of Commerce in the U。S. is _to our Bureau of Economicdevelopment-a。 li

23、ke b. equivalent c. same d。 approximateapproximatevt. 使接近;近似;粗略估计vi. 接近于;近似于adj. 大概的;近似的 50. It is usually the case that people seldom behave in a _way when in a furiousfurious fju:risadj. 狂怒的;激烈的;热烈兴奋的;喧闹的 state。a. responsible b. reliable c. rational d。 conscious5151. Scientists are working hard to

24、 come up with a sure solution to the food _ for mankind。a. decline b. rarity c scarcity d。 shortage52。 I left for the office earlier than usual this morning _traffic jam。a。 for the sake of b。 in case of c。 at the risk of d. in spite of53。 The manager didnt have time to go into his plan _, but he gav

25、e us an idea about it。a。 in turn b。 in conclusion c. at first d. at length54. Your improper words will give _ to doubts concerning your true intentions.a。 rise b。 reason c。 suspicion d. ground55. The new washing machines are being _ at the rate of 50 a day in this factory.a. turned off b。 turned dow

26、n c。 turned out d. turned in56. John complained to the bookseller that there were some pages _ in the dictionary.a。 being b。 missing c. dropping d. falling57。 On turning round the corner we saw the road _ steeply。a。 falling b. decreasing c., descending d. lowering58。 The mother said she would _her s

27、on washing the dishes if he could finish his assignment before supper.a。 let down b。 let alone c。 let off d。 let out59。 The managing director took the _ for the accident, although it was not really his faulta. guilt b. blame c。 charge d。 accusationaccusation ,kju:zeinn. 律控告,指控;谴责60. In spite of the

28、wide range of reading material specially written or _for language learning purposes, there is yet no comprehensivecomprehensive ,kmprihensivadj. 广泛的;综合的;有理解力的n. 综合学校;专业综合测验 systematic program for the reading skills.a。 adapted b。 acknowledged c。 assembledassembled sembldv. 集合;装配(assemble的过去分词)adj. 安装

29、的;组合的 d。 appointed61. People _ that verticalvertical v:tikladj. 垂直的,直立的;头顶的,顶点的n. 垂直线,垂直面 flight transports would carry millions of passengers as do theairliners of today.a. convinced b。 anticipated c。 resolved d。 assuredassured udadj. 确定的;自信的n. 被保险人v. 保证;确实(assure的过去分词)62. The shopassistant was str

30、aightforward with his customers。 If an article was of _quality hed tell them so。a. miserable b. minor c. subordinatesubordinate sb:dint, -neit, sb:dineitn. 下属,下级;部属,属下adj. 次要的;从属的vt. 使居下位;使服从 d。 inferior63。 He failed to carry out some of the provisionsprovisionsn. 预备;食品;规定(provision的复数)v. 供应补给品;供应粮食

31、(provision的三单形式) of the contractcontract kntrkt, kntrktvi. 感染;订约;收缩vt. 感染;订约;使缩短n. 合同;婚约, and now he has to_ theconsequences.a. answer for b. run into c。 submit to d。 account for64. More poles are needed to _ the weight of the tent。a。 retain b。 sustain c .maintain d. obtain65. Your advice would be _

32、 valuable to him, who is at present at his wits end。a。 exclusivelyexclusively iksklu:sivliadv. 专有地;排外地;唯一地 b。 extensivelyextensivelyadv. 广阔地;广大地 c。 excessivelyexcessivelyadv. 过分地;极度 d. exceedinglyexceedingly iksi:diliadv. 非常;极其;极端;极度地66。With all its advantages, the computer is by no means without it

33、s _。a。 boundaries b。 restraints c. confinements d. limitations67。When the engine would not start, the mechanic inspected all the parts to find what was _。a。 in the wrong b. in trouble c。 at fault d。 in difficulty68.He _ so much work that he couldnt really do it efficiently.a。 put on b。 brought on c.

34、 took on d. carried on69.I felt _ to death because I could make nothing of the chairmans speech.a. fatiguedfatigued fti:dadj. 疲乏的 b。 tired c. exhausted d。 bored70。Farmers are more anxious for rain than people in cities because they have more a t_。a。 danger b。 stakestake steikn. 桩,棍子;火刑;赌注;奖金vt. 资助,支

35、持;系于桩上;把押下打赌vi. 打赌 c。 loss d。 threat71。We _ Edisons success to his intelligence and hard work。a。 describe b。 subject c。 attributeattribute tribju:t, tribju:tn. 属性;特质vt. 把归于;归属 d. refer72.It is well known that retired workers in China are _ free medical care.a. entitled to b. associated with c。 invol

36、ved in d。 devoted to73.She once again went through her composition carefully to _ a1l spelling mistakes from it。a. eliminate b. withdraw c. diminishdiminish diminivt. 使减少;使变小vi. 变小;减少,缩小 d. delete74.The newlybuilt Science Building seems _enough to last a hundred years。a. sophisticated b。 steady c. r

37、obust d. substantialsubstantial sbstnladj. 大量的;实质的;内容充实的n. 本质;重要材料75。A man has to make _ for his old age by putting aside enough money to live on wbenold。a. supply b. assurance c. provision d。 storage76.The cells (电池)were designed to _sunshine to electricity to run a motor。a. convert b。 alteralter :

38、ltvt. 改变,更改vi. 改变;修改 。c. modify d。 exchange77。A _of the long report by the budget committee was submitted to the mayor forapproval。a. shorthand b。 scheme c. schedule d. sketchsketch sketn. 素描;略图;梗概vt. 画素描或速写vi. 画素描或速写78。The bright flowers and warm winds _that spring had come。a. threatened b。 announc

39、ed c. stated d。 pronounced79。In that country, guests tend to feel they are not highly _if the invitation to a dinerparty is extended only three or four days before the party date.a. admired b. regarded c。 expected d。 worshiped80.Few people realize how rich that area is. It is a land of treasure _tre

40、asure.a。 piled on b。 derived from c. turned over d。 increased by81。The jeweler assured Mr. White that the stone was a (n) _diamond and not an imitation.a. graceful b。 genuine c. actual d。 exact82.The remarkable _ of life on the Galopagos Islands inspired Charles Darwin to establishhis theory of evolution.a。 classification b。 diversion c. density d. variety83。 As the clouds drifted away an even higher peak became _ to the climbers。a. obvious b。 visible c。 present d。 apparent84。 The news item about the fire is followed by a detailed report made _。a. on the spot b. on the site c。 on the locati

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