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1、内容为网络收集 仅供参考CONTRACT FOR THE SALE AND PURCHASE OF INDONESIAN COAL印度尼西亚煤炭购销合同Contract No: 合同编号:The Seller 卖方:Address 地址: Tel : Mobile/ : Fax : Ctc 联系人 : Email : Registered Address 煤矿地址: The Buyer 买方:Address 地址:Tel :Fax : Ctc 联系人:Email: This Contract made on the date , 2021 that Seller agrees to sell

2、and the Buyer agrees to purchase the following Goods on the terms and conditions below:本合同由买方和卖方签订于2021年月日 。在合同项下,双方同意根据以下条款买卖下述货物。1. Goods and Origin货物名称及原产地Steam Coal, Origin from Indonesia动力煤,原产地为印度尼西亚2. Quantity and Shipment Period 数量及装船日期2.1Total Contract quantity 2450000 Metric Tons; Contract

3、period lasts Thirteen Months (starting from date of the first shipment).Shipmentschedule in details is as below:合同总数量为245万吨,合同期限是合同签署后的13个月以执行第一船煤时开始计算,详细如下:u From 1st month signed date of this Contract: 50,000 MT +/- 10% 自合同签署后的第1个月50,000吨/月溢短装+/-10%u From2ndto 6th month 100,000 MT/Month +/- 10%自合同

4、签署后的第2-13个月,每月供给200,000吨/溢短装+/-10%2.2First month of this Contract coal supply refers trail period, used to examine Sellers delivery ability and quality that matched Contract terms and Buyers end-users needs (Power Plant in this case). After trail period finish, Contract will be continued only if Buy

5、er has no dissent.合同签署后的第一个月为试用期,用来检验卖方的供货能力和供货质量是否符合合同中的规定并满足买方的最终用户电厂的需求。试用期结束后如买方无任何异议,合同将继续执行。2.3The Seller needs to provide necessary documents to the Buyer to prove the Mine Producer can give a stable, quality supply before Contract signed.合同签署前,卖方必须向买方提供煤炭生产商生产能力、足够供货能力、煤炭品质的证明文件。3. Type of C

6、arrier 船型Handymax Bulk Carrier with gear and grab 轻便型散装货船带抓斗The draft of the vessel fully packed is no more than 10.50meters. 4. Specifications on ISO Standard 规格按照ISO标准4.1 The seller guarantees that the product to be supplied in compliance with confirmation to the specifications of this contract. T

7、he description of all percentage units in this Contract is referred to the percentage by weight. 卖方保证按照合同规定的指标提供产品。此合同所有重量百分点单位皆以重量 百分比描述。4.2 Specification规格Typical标准Rejection拒收Total Moisture (arb) 全水15% 18Inherent Moisture (adb) 内水10%Ash (adb) 灰分15%15%Volatile Matter (adb) 挥发份3545%Total Sulphur (ad

8、b) 全硫1%1%Net Calorific Value (arb) 低位收到基发热量5000kcal/kg4800kcal/kgFixed Carbon(固定碳)By differenceHGI 哈氏可磨系数45Size (050mm)90%Notes: Here Rejection means If the coals test result at the Load Port is within the range of Rejection, the Buyer has right to reject the coal and the cost incurred including dis

9、charging cost, reloading cost, demurrage and freight back to Indonesia should be borne by the Seller.备注:拒收是指上述货物如果在卸货港检验报告中的规格在拒收范围内,买方有权对货物拒绝接受并拒绝付款,并且因此产生的卸货费、重装费、滞期费和返程至印度尼西亚的船费将有卖方来承当。5. Discharging Port 卸货港The Seller obligates to transport coal at the discharging berths to complete delivery. Th

10、e Discharging Port is , China. The Buyer can ask the Seller to change the destinationport Within 20 days before the carrier leaves Loading Port; the Seller should inform ship-ownerimmediately. 卖方应将散装煤炭运至卸货码头泊位,舱底交货。中国的卸货港口为。在单船要离开装货港20日前,买方可以变更中国的卸货港口并通知卖方。卖方要及时通知船东。6. Price 价格USD 94 /MT (based on N

11、AR 5000 Kcal/kg), CIF(INCOTERMS 2000) to , China. The invoice price to be adjusted on the actual calorific value applying the following formula:CIF Price x Actual Calorific Value Invoices price = - 5000 kcal/kg94美元基于NAR5000大卡/公斤CIF 到岸价。结算价格按以下公式计算:结算价格=CIF价格 x 实际发热量5000kcal/kg7. Delivery DateThe fir

12、st cargo shall be arrived to the destination port within 30 days after the ORIGINAL Irrevocable Letter of Credit at Sight is received by the seller.第一船货物在卖方收到不可撤销的即期跟单信用证之后30天内交付目的港。8. Quality and Weight Inspection 质量及重量检验8.1The Seller shall arrange and pay for CCIC Indonesia to ascertain the weight

13、 and issue a Certificate of Weight based on the determination of mass (weight) by survey of the Designated Vessels draft and utilizing vessel immersion scale at the Loading Port in accordance with the standard code of practice.卖方在装货港应安排CCIC 印度尼西亚支行对货物进行取样和分析,并对指定船只做总重量测量、以及利用船只在装货港的惯例吃水量,确定货物的总重量并出具

14、煤的重量检验证书,同时负责支付相关费用。8.2The CCIC in China will issue Quality and Weight Certificate to prove the Cargo substantially in accordance with the specifications set forth in Clause Quality (Article 4.2) and Weight of this Contract. The Quality and Weight Certificate issued at discharging port CCIC China In

15、spections will be the final basis for payment 100%.中国CCIC会对每船的货物发出质量及重量检验证明书,检测货物是否符合本合同有关质量4.2条款和重量的规定。在卸货港的CCIC检验重量与质量报告作为付款100%的最终标准。8.3The inspection result at unloading port should be final invoice. Any adjustments to the price last based on the of shall be settled the according to Article 2 an

16、d 3.依卸货港的检验作为最终结果,并根据第2和3条款规定的进行做最后价格结算调整。8.4There shall be no stone, coke and other non-coal ingredients in the Goods. Otherwise, the Buyer has the full right to refuse receiving the Goods and all the losses shall be in the account of the Seller.煤炭内不得含有煤矸石、焦炭和非煤炭成份的杂质,否那么买方拒收货物,所造成的一切损失由卖方负担。9. Bon

17、us and Penalty 奖罚条款9.1For Net Calorific Value as received 低位收到基发热量If actual Net Calorific Value as ARB exceeds 5,000 Kcal/kg, the Unit price is USD 94(based on NAR 5000Kcal/kg).如果低位总热值(收到基超过5000Kcal/Kg, 合同单价保持94美元不变。如果低位总热值收到基低于5000千卡/千克并高于或等于4800大卡,每低100千卡/千克,合同单价下调1.50美元。If the actual Net Calorifi

18、c Value as ARB falls below 4,800 Kcal/kg,the Buyer has right to reject the coal or the two Parties agree that the Unit Price shall be deducted by USD 3/MT for every 100 Kcal/kg pro rata basis as penalty price.如果低位总热值收到基低于4800千卡/千克, 买方有权拒收或双方协商每低100千卡/千克,合同单价下调3美元。9.2For Total Moisture(arb) 全水收到基9.3F

19、or Total Sulfur (adb) 对于全硫空干基9.4For Ash content (adb) 对于灰份空干基10. Payment Terms付款条件 10.1Both Buyer and Seller shall adopt 100% Irrevocable & Non-Transferable Letter of Credit, opening bank should be a first class international bank accepted by the Seller, negotiated bank should be a first class inter

20、national bank accepted by the Buyer.买卖双方均接受100%不可撤销、不可转让信用证付款方式。信用证由卖方接受的一级国际银行开立且在买方接受的一级国际银行议付。10.2 For the first lot of 50,000 MT coal, the Buyer should open the Letter of Credit to Sellers negotiated bank within 5 bank working days after the date of this contract effective. The Seller should pre

21、pare loading the Goods with 10 days when received the Letter of Credit from Buyer, the Goods should arrive to the Discharging Port appointed by the Buyer no later than 30 days.对于第一批5万吨煤,买方应于合同生效后5天内开出信用证给卖方的议付银行。卖方在收到买方信用证后的10内安排货物装运并在30天内将货物运到买方指定卸货港。10.3 For the each lot of the rest 2,400,000 MT c

22、oal, the Seller should prepare loading the Goods within 10 days when received the Letter of Credit from Buyer, the Goods should delivery to the Buyer no later than 30 days.之后240万吨货物,买方应于每批次受载期开始前10天开出信用证给卖方的议付银行。卖方在收到买方信用证后的10内安排货物装运并在30天内将货物交付给买方。10.4 Letter of Credit should covered monthly supply

23、value, shall take effective 40 days after the Goods been loaded. 信用证金额为月度合同货物的全部金额,并在此船货物装船后的40天内有 效。10.5 Within 3 working days from the day when received the L/C Application Letter by fax or email from the Buy, the seller shall issue 2% performance guarantee of 100% cargo value for the first shipme

24、nt in favor of the Buyer via the negotiated Bank Channel as the Guarantee of shipment. If the seller fails to carry out the shipment as per the contract or the coal quality is within the rejection range stipulated in this contract as per the quality report issued by the Independent Laboratory at the

25、 Discharge Port appointed by the Buyer , the performance bond of 2% of the contract value will be forfeited to the buyer. 在收到买方信用证开证申请的 件或电子件之日3个工作天内,卖方通过议付银行开出以买方为受益人、金额为信用证金额2%的履约保函。如卖方无法按合同供货或买方指定卸货港检验机构验出货物质量在本合同拒收范围,买方将没收保函。10.6 Provisional payment & The documents based on 暂定支付及付款单据 Payment of

26、Ninety Five percent (100%) of Sellers Commercial Invoice Amount based on the certificate of quality and weight issued by INTERTEK at the loading port for the shipment shall be made byupon presentation of the following documents: 买方根据以下单据付100%货款:10.6.1 Signed Commercial Invoice, three originals and t

27、hree copies. Sellers invoice will be based on the quantity measured by the Independent Laboratory at the loading port paid and appointed by the Buyer and after adjusted under formula as mentioned on article 9.1.签章的商业发票原件三份和三份副本,发票以买方指定并付费的装运港检验机构出具的检验数量为基准,并按照本合同9.1款的公式作价风格整。10.6.2 The full set of “

28、CLEAN ON BOARD Ocean Marine Bills of Lading, made out to order and blank endorsed ,indicating “Freight is payable as per Chart Partyand always no lien to the cargo three originals and three copies respectively.全套标明“根据租船合同运费已付清洁海运提单,各三份正本,三 份副本。10.6.3 Certificate of Quality (Certificate of Analysis)

29、and Certificate of Quantity (Draft Survey) issued by Independent Laboratory at Loading Port, three originals and three copies respectively.装运港检验机构出具的品质证和数量证,各三份正本,三份副本。10.6.4 Certificate of OriginSERIAL E on which the HS number of the coal is indicated in 1 original and 2 copies issued by competentI

30、ndonesian Authorities. 印度尼西亚官方机构出具的原产地证书(SERIAL E表,上注明出口煤炭的HS 税号) 正本一份、副本两份。10.6.5 Shipping Advice to the Buyer within 3 days after the date of B/L 在提单日后的3天内给买方发出的裝船通知单。10.6.6 1 original and 2 copies of Insurance Policy naming the Buyer as Beneficiary, covering 110% of the shipment Goods value, incl

31、uding All Risks, War Risksand Strike Risks.保险单正本一份、副本二份,以买方为受益人,保险金额为发货金额110%,投保一切险、战争险和罢工险。10.6.7 The Certificate of Coal Quality (1 original Copy ) at Discharging Port issued by CIQ or SGS 卸货港CIQ或SGS出具的质量检验报告一份原件。10.6.8 The Certificate of Weight (1 original copy) issued by CIQ at Discharging Port.

32、 卸货港CIQ出具的重量检验报告一份原件。10.7 All bank charges from issuing bank are for the account of the Buyer and all bank charges outside the issuing bank are for the account of the Seller. 开证行的费用由买方承当,开证行之外的费用由卖方承当。11. Terms of Delivery 交货条款11.1The Seller shall load the Goodsto the Mother Vessel at Muara Taboneo

33、Safe open sea, Indonesia, and deliver to, China.卖方在印度尼西亚的Muara Taboneo 的锚地进行装船,并运至中国港完成交货。11.2 Within 7 days before the loading time, Seller shall inform the Buyer by way of email or fax indicating the arrival date of the vessel in the anchorage point.在货物起运 7天以前,卖方通过电邮或 通知买方运输船到达停泊地的日期。11.3Within 48

34、 hours after the vessel departure from the Loading Port, the Seller or Sellers shipping agent shall advise the Buyer by fax (Fax: +86) indicating the vessel sailing date, the name of the nominated vessel, name of steamship company, tonnage, the flags of the vessel, ocean B/L number, Contract number,

35、 net quantity loaded, name of the Goods and estimated time of arrival (ETA).货船于离开装运港后的48小时内,卖方或其船代须以 形式通知买方货船启航日期、指定货船名称、船公司、吨位、船旗、海运提单号、合约号、净装运数量、货物名称及预计到达卸货港时间ETA。11.4The Seller or Sellers shipping agent shall send a fax (Fax: +) to the Buyer at 3/2/1 days before the arrival of the vessel at port

36、of destination to confirm the location of the vessel and the estimated time of arrival (ETA).卖方或其船代须于货船到达目的港前分3天、2天、1天以 形式通知买方货船位置和预计货船到港日期ETA。11.5. The Seller shall within 4 days after the date of B/L date, shall send copy documents by fax to the Buyer.卖方将在装船提单签出后4天内,用 将复印件发给买方。12. Discharging Term

37、s卸货条款12.1Charter Party shall be faxed to the Buyer by the Seller within 3 days after the issue date of the B/L. Terms and conditions of the Charter Party should comply with the terms and conditions contained herein. Should any terms and conditions of the Charter Party conflict with this Contract, th

38、e terms and conditions of this Contract shall be final. 卖方须于提单发出日期起3天内向买方 “租船合同。“租船合同内的条款应与本合同内条款配合。假设两者出现冲突,那么以本合同条款为准。12.2Discharging time shall commence 12 hours after Notice of Readiness is tendered or when discharging commences, whichever is earlier. If after berthing the vessel is found not to

39、 be in free pratique and in all respects not ready to discharge or free pratique is not granted on arrival at the berth, laytime shall be deemed not to have commenced until when the vessel is in fact in free pratique and in all respects ready to discharge.卸船时间应在备妥通知书递交后12小时或卸货开始,按较早者开始起算。船靠泊后,如发现船舶没

40、有通过检验检疫和没有做好卸船准备,那么不能开始计算卸船时间。12.3 Time lost due to the causes stipulated in Article 17 herein.由于本合同17条中不可抗力原因造成的时间损失不计为卸船时间 12.4If the vessel asks to stop discharging, include from anchorage to berth or the time when inspection processing, will not treat as discharging time, even if demurrage.由于船只要

41、求停止卸货,包括从锚地移动到泊位的时间或在泊位进行检验检疫的时间导致损失的时间都不计为卸货时间,即使已滞期。12.5Discharging time stops calculation when the goods stop stowed and trimmed.卸货完成并平舱后,卸货时间停止计算。12.6The time used for draught survey is not included in the discharging time even if demurrage occurs.水尺检验的时间不计为卸货时间,即使已滞期。12.7The er or Vessel Owner

42、could assign an agent at the Discharging Port and stay in close contact with its agent.卖方或船东可以在卸货港委派船代,并应与船代密切联系。12.8The discharge rate should reach 10000 tons/day on fine days. 卸率为10000吨/晴天。 13. Demurrage and Dispatch Cost 滞期费和速遣费13.1If the Buyer could not accommodate the requirement stipulated in

43、item 12.8, the Buyer should pay the Seller the demurrage cost according to the actual demurrage time. If the Buyer completed the discharge within the agreed period, the Seller should pay the Buyer the dispatch cost.如果买方不能按照条款12.8来满足卸货要求,买方应按实际滞期时间向卖方支付滞期费。如果买方在约定卸货时间内完成卸货,卖方应按节约的时间向买方支付速遣费用。13.2 Rat

44、es of demurrage per day or pro-rate for all time lost and dispatch money per day or pro-rate for lay time saved at the unloading port shall be as per Charter Party, which is US$12,000美金12,000 元/天。缺乏一天按比例计算。 速遣费用为其一半。13.3 Demurrage and dispatch must be paid within 7 days of receipt of Buyers invoice

45、of total demurrage or Sellers invoice for total dispatch. Where there is a dispute involving demurrage or dispatch, parties shall pay the undisputed portion of the demurrage or dispatch cost within the time specified above.滞期费和速遣费必须在卖方收到买方速遣费发票或者买方收到卖方滞期费发票的7天内支付。如双方滞期费和速遣费有任何争议,双方在以上规定日期内支付无争议局部的滞期

46、费和速遣费。13.4 If because coal quality was not up to the contract terms and includes not limited to 4.2 containing gangue, clay, stone etc discharge difficulties caused by sticking high water-bearing caused by coal, coal spontaneous combustion etc discharge difficult, coal quality cause discharging rate

47、 cannot meet normal discharge rate, the buyer does not undertake any demurrage. Because of poor quality and caused by coal spontaneous combustion coal barge damaged and unloading wharf is impaired, losses shall be borne by the seller.如果因为煤炭品质达不到合同4.2条款且包括不限于含有煤矸石、泥土、石头等造成卸货困难、含水高、煤粘造成卸货困难、煤炭自燃等煤炭品质原因造成卸率达不到正常卸率时,买方不承当任何滞期费。由于煤炭品质低劣及自燃造成煤炭运输船受损及卸货码头受损,损失由卖方承当。14. Price Adjustment 价风格整 According to international business practices, Buyer and Seller agree to adjust the unit price on mutual partys agreement

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