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1、 Lesson 4An exciting trip kangaroopouchkoala6Group 1 the most common reasons for travelingGroup 2The different types of travelGroup 3the different means of transportation in travellingGroup 4The place you want to visit most and give your reasonGroup 5The aspects you should consider before travelingg

2、rouptravelbackpacktravelself-driving travelLets go travellingGroup travelIn China,it is the most common way of travelling.When it comes to travelling,most Chinese people will go to a travel agency first.In a travel agency you can find a lot of travel information,the only thing you need to do is to c

3、hoose a travel group to sign up for.Then go home to do the packings.advantagesadvantagesNo preparationTime savingSecurity guaranteesConvenientMaking more friendsLearning while travellingdisadvantagesdisadvantages Look at the pictures below,then you can find the disadvantages of group travel.Huge cro

4、wds of people!How can you enjoy the beautiful view?The only thing people do while travelling is taking photos.Taking photos of beautiful views?Oh,no views but crowds in their photos You must buy something.Tour guidetravelerYou are often forced to buy things while taking group travel.Whats worse,the

5、souvenirs you bought may be the products of poor qualities.Backpack travelAsanewtypeoftravel,backpacktravelisdevelopingrapidlyinrecentyears.Moreand more people are tired of group travel,they want to travel independently.Theywanttoseeplaceswhichmostofusdontfamiliarwith.Wecallthesepeoplebackpacktravel

6、ers,andinChinesetheyhaveaquitefunny name lvyou(驴友),which meansfriendsofdonkeysliterally.Most backpackers prefer to travel on their own to enjoy his or her solitary life.You can also travel with your true friends.Self-driving travel is another good choice.Honeymoon travelHow romantic!How romantic!Do

7、careful preparationsTour routeWeatherTime planMapHotelPossible expensesCulturessecurityToday well listen to a story about a trip to Australia.Watch the video,then answer the question.Why Why is Tim finding is Tim finding this trip excitingthis trip exciting?This is his first trip abroad.Tim has been

8、 in Australia for six months.2.What does he do in Australia?He is working for a big firm as an engineer.1.How long has Tim been in Australia?Summary writing The writer has just received a letter from his brother,Tim.Tim is an engineer.He has been in Australia for six months.He has just already visit

9、ed many places.Now he is in Alice springs.Tim has never been abroad before.He is enjoying his trip very much.Language points1.I have just received a letter from my brother.收到某人来信2.He is working for a big firm.get a letter from sb.have a letter from sb.hear from sb.在上班、任职,还可以用work at/ine.g.My father

10、works for a business company.3.he has already visited a great number of different places in Australia.a number of+可数名词的复数,number前一般可用large,great,small等形容词强调数量大小。Language points4.He has just bought an Australian car and has gone to Alice springs.He has gone to the south.(还在)He has been to the south.(

11、去过)5.He is finding this trip very exciting.find+n+adj.觉得怎么样e.g.I find the film boring.Do you find the book very interesting?Retell lesson 4 with the following hints.bought an Australian car/gone to Alice Springs/in the centre of/visit Darwin/fly to Perth.received a letter/brother/Tim/in Australia/fo

12、r six months/engineer/a big firm/visited/different places/never been abroad/before/finding/exciting.现在现在完成完成时态时态Winter has already come.Grammar现在现在完成完成时的构成形式时的构成形式havedonehas助动词助动词过去过去分词分词Grammar用来表示动作或状态发生在过去用来表示动作或状态发生在过去,但它的但它的影响现在还存在影响现在还存在。Theyhaveleft.-他们已经离开了他们已经离开了,也就是说现在他们人不在这里也就是说现在他们人不在这里

13、Ihavehadmylunch.-我已经吃过午饭了我已经吃过午饭了,也就是说我现在不饿也就是说我现在不饿现在现在完成完成时的含义时的含义也可表示也可表示持续到现在持续到现在的动作或状态。的动作或状态。HehaslearnedEnglishsince2001.-从从2001年开始学的年开始学的,现在还在继续学着呢现在还在继续学着呢sum up一、现在完成时1)构成肯定句:主语+have/has+过去分词+其它否定句:主语+have/has not+过去分词+其它疑问句:Have/Has+主语+过去分词+其它He has been to Australia.He has not been to A

14、ustralia.Has he been to Australia?nowpastfuture一般过去时一般过去时一般过去时表示的是纯粹在过去发生的事情一般过去时表示的是纯粹在过去发生的事情现在完成时表示的是在过去某个时间开始并持续到现在现在完成时表示的是在过去某个时间开始并持续到现在的动作的动作/状态状态,或者发生在过去却对现在造成的影响或者发生在过去却对现在造成的影响Grammar 现在完成时与一般过去时的比较现在完成时与一般过去时的比较1)一般过去时一般过去时表示过去某时发生的动作或单表示过去某时发生的动作或单纯叙述过去的事情,强调动作纯叙述过去的事情,强调动作;现在完成时现在完成时为过






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