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1、人教版六年级下册英语unit1教材第2-3页课文翻译unit1教材第2页课文翻译lm 21 metres tall. lm the tallest!我身高21米。我是最高的!lm 1.6 metres tall. lm taller than this dinosaur.我身高1.6米。我比这只恐龙高。lts so tall!它如此高!Some dinosaurs are bigger than houses. Some are smaller than our schoolbags.一些恐龙比房子大。一些比我们的书包小。unit1教材第3页课文翻译How heavy is it?它体重多少?

2、lts five tons.它五吨。What size are your shoes?你穿多大号的鞋?My shoes are size 35.我穿35号的鞋。lets try部分翻译The children are In the museum. Listen and circle.孩子们在博物馆里。听一听,圈一圈。l. The first dinosaur eats_第一只恐龙吃_。A. vegetables 蔬菜B. meat 肉2.The _ dinosaur is taller._恐龙更高。A first 第一只 B. second 第二只lets talk部分翻译Zhang Peng

3、:Look! Thats the tallest dinosaur in this hall.张鹏:看!那是这个厅里最高的恐龙。Mike:Yes,it isHow tall is it?迈克:是的,它是。它有多高?Zhang Peng:Maybe 4 metres.张鹏:可能4米。Mike:Wow! Its taller than both of us together.迈克:哇!它比我们俩加起来还高。Zhang Peng:Look! There are more dinosaurs over there!张鹏:看!在那边有更多的恐龙!Mike:Theyre all so big and ta

4、ll.迈克:它们都又大又高。Zhang Peng:Hey, this dinosaur isnt tall! Im taller than this one.张鹏:嘿,这只恐龙不高!我比这只高。Mike:Oh, yes. How tall are you?迈克:哦,是的。你有多高?Zhang Peng:Im 1.65 metres.张鹏:我身高1.65米。How tall is Zhang Peng?张鹏有多高?Who is taller, Zhang Peng or the small dinosaur?谁更高,张鹏还是那只小恐龙?How tall are you?你有多高?Im _ met

5、res我身高_米。Who is taller than you?谁比你高?How old are you?你多大了?Im_.我_。Who is older than you?谁比你年长?Lets learn部分翻译Zhang Peng:How tall are you?张鹏:你有多高?John:Im 1.61 metres.约翰:我身高1.61米。Zhang Peng:Oh! Im taller.张鹏:哦!我更高。John:Youre older than me,too.约翰:你也比我年长。Do a survey and report部分翻译How old are you?你多大了?Im 12

6、 years old.我12岁。How tall are you?你有多高?Im 1.64 metres.我身高1.64米。Wu Yifan is taller than John, but Zhang Peng is taller than Wu Yifan.吴一凡比约翰高,但是张鹏比吴一凡高。Name 名字Age 年龄Height 身高Wu Yifan 吴一凡1.64m 1.64米Lets try部分翻译Mike and Wu Yifan are talking about the weekend. listen and arcle.迈克和吴一凡正在谈论周末。听一听,圈一圈。1.What

7、do Wu Yifan and Mike want to do first?吴一凡和迈克首先想要做什么?A. Go hiking. 去徒步旅行。B. Go shopping. 去购物。2.What are they going to buy?他们将要买什么?A. Hiking clothes and shoes. 徒步旅行的衣服示口鞋。B. Magazines. 杂志。lets talk部分翻译Mike:Those shoes in the window are nice! Lets have a look.迈克:橱窗里的那些鞋很漂亮!让我们看一看。Wu Yifan:What size are

8、 your shoes,Mike?吴一凡:迈克,你穿多大号的鞋?Mike:Size 7迈克:7号。Wu Yifan:Size 7? Thats so small.吴一凡:7号?那真小。Mike:In China I wear size 38 shoes.迈克:在中国我穿38号的鞋。Wu Yifan:Oh! Your feet are bigger than I mine. My shoes are size 37.吴一凡:哦!你的脚比我的大。我穿37号的鞋。Mike:Really? You look taller than me.迈克:真的吗?你看起来比我高。Wu Yifan:But I th

9、ink you are heavier. How heavy are you?吴一凡:但是我认为你更重。你体重多少?Mike:Im 48 kilograms迈克:我体重48千克。Wu Yifan:Yes,youre heavier. Im 46 kilograms.吴一凡:是的,你更重。我体重46千克。What size are Wu Yifans shoes?吴一凡穿多大号的鞋?How heavy is Wu Yifan?吴一凡体重多少?How heavy are you?你体重多少?Who is heavier than you?谁比你重?What size are your shoes?

10、你穿多大号的鞋?Whose shoes are bigger?谁的鞋更大?Lets learn部分翻译John:How heavy are you,Jim?约翰:你体重多少,吉姆?Jim:Im 52 kilograms.吉姆:我体重52千克。John:Youre heavier than me.约翰:你比我重。Match and say部分翻译Mikes fish is_than_迈克的鱼比_ _。Read and write部分翻译Spring is coming! The sky is clearer and the sun is brighter. Can you think of an

11、y other changes? Look and tick.春天要来了!天空更晴朗,阳光更明媚。你能想出一些其他的变化吗?看一看并打钩。Wu Yifan and his family are going on a trip to the countrysideWu Yifan has a story to tell Robin.吴一凡和他的家人将要去乡村旅行。吴一凡有一个故事要讲给罗宾。_ (Title)_(题目)Little Duck is watching the sun go down.It is getting lower and lower,but his shadow is ge

12、tting longer and longer.小鸭子正在看太阳落下。它正变得越来越低,但是他的影子正变得越来越长。“Why is that?”Little Duck asks his friend Old Tree.“You are older and ,smarter than me. Tell me-why is my shadow longer when the sun gets lower?”Old Tree says,“Thats easy,Little Duck. The sun goes down every day,and we grow older every day. Y

13、our shadow grows longer because you are growing taller. You are becoming a big beautiful bird!”“那是为什么?”小鸭子问他的朋友老树。“你比我年长并且比我聪明。告诉我为什么当太阳变得更低的时候,我的影子更长?”老树说:“那很简单,小鸭子。太阳每天落下,而且我们每天成长。你的影子变得更长是因为你正在长得更高。你将要变成一只美丽的大鸟!”Can you answer Little Ducks questionRobin?你能回答小鸭子的问题吗,罗宾?1.Choose a title for the sto

14、ry.为这个故事选择一个题目。A. Little Ducks shadow小鸭子的影子B. Old Trees shadow老树的影子2.Who is younger? 谁更年轻? A. The tree. 树。B. The duck. 鸭子。3.When is the ducks shadow shorter? 什么时候鸭子的影子更短?A. ln the morning. 在早上。B. ln the afternoon. 在下午。Little Duck:Old Tree,the sun gets_,but my shadow gets _Why?小鸭子:老树,太阳变得_,但是我的影子变得_。

15、为什么?Old Tree:Thats easy. Your shadow gets longer because you are getting_ and growing_ every day.老树:那很简单。你的影子变得更长因为你每天都在变得_和长得_。Little Duck:So what will happen to me?小鸭子:那么我将发生什么情况?Old Tree:Well,老树:嗯,l. Do you agree with Old Tree? Why?你同意老树(的看法)吗?为什么?2.Can you answer Little Ducks question? Whats you

16、r answer?你能回答小鸭子的问题吗?你的答案是什么?3.Please circle the words with-er. Then talk about the changes in your friends.请圈出含有“-er”的单词。然后谈论你的朋友们的变化。Lets check部分翻译 Listen and tick.听一听并打钩。Listen again and write the answers to the questions.再听一遍,写下问题的答案。1.John is older.约翰更年长。Lets wrap it up部分翻译 Read and write. 读一读,

17、写一写。tall-taller 高的更高的thin-thinner 瘦的更瘦的heavy-heavier重的更重的long长的strong强壮的big大的sad悲伤的hot热的angry生气的sunny晴朗的funny有趣的happy 快乐的windy多风的Story time部分翻译Zebra:They need a new goalkeeper.斑马:他们需要一名新的守门员。Deer:Id like to have a try.鹿:我想试一试。Giraffe:Me,too.长颈鹿:我也想。Dog:I cant wait. We want a goalkeeper!狗:我等不及了。我们想要一

18、名守门员!Zoom:How tall are you?祖姆:你有多高?Deer:Im 1.8 metres.鹿:我身高1.8米。Zip:How heavy are you?次波:你体重多少?Deer:Im 86 kilograms,鹿:我体重86千克。Zip:Mr Zebra is 10 centimetres taller than Mr Deer. 次波:斑马先生比鹿先生高10厘米。Zoom:Yes,and hes stronger. But he cant catch the ball!袒姆:是的,而且他更强壮。但是他不能接到球!Giraffe:Im the tallest one.长颈

19、鹿:我是最高的那个。Zip:Sorry. Your neck is too long.The others cant reach you.Football needs teamwork.次波:对不起。你的脖子太长了。其他人够不到你。足球需要团队合作。Hippo:Whats happening here? 河马:这里正在发生什么?Zip:Oh! Heres the one we want!次波:哦!这就是我们想要的那个!Zoom:Why? Hes too heavy! 祖姆:为什么?他太重了!Zip:We need a big guy!次波:我们需要一个大家伙!Zoom:Oh! Hes almost bigger than the goal!祖姆:哦!他几乎要比球门大!Dog:Yes! Hes an excellent goalkeeper. 狗:是的!他是一位优秀的守门员。

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