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1、新概念英语第一册Lesson 65-66练习题(无答案)Lesson 65 and Lesson 66一 找出划线部分与所给单词划线部分读音不同的单词(10分)( ) 1. daughterA. behin d B. frien d C. doctor D. We dnesday( ) 2. w orkerA. sk irt B. m orning C. th irsty D. b ird( ) 3. ChineseA. Engli sh B. wat ch C. mu ch D. whi ch( ) 4. engine eerA. d ear B. ch air C. n ear D. h

2、ere( ) 5. t welveA. t wenty B. wear C. wrong D. t win( ) 6. ph otoA. kn ow B. yell ow C. th ose D. wh ose( ) 7. c olourA. other B. s ome C. sh op D. m other( ) 8. st ayA. pl ay B. c ake C. gre at D. s ays( ) 9. tr ousersA. br own B. h ouse C. bl ouse D. borr ow( ) 10. guess esA. tak es B. watch es C

3、. bus es D. glass es二 用所给词的适当形式填空(10分)1. Betty is going to meet some this evening. (friend)2. She white colour. (not like)3. The students like things. (make)4. you a book now? Yes, I am. (read)5. Jimmy looks very today. (good)6. You cant drive so . (quick)7. Betty always home early. (come)8. We alwa

4、ys enjoy . (we)9. in the library. (not talk)10. The lady a large box of chalk. (have)三 选择填空(20分)( ) 1. that man? Thats Mr. White. A. Whats B. Whos C. Wheres D. Who( ) 2. Can I have the key the front door.A. of B. to C. on D. in( ) 3. Betty must home at half past.A. is B. are C. be D. am( ) 4. I like

5、 TV, but I dont have much time for it.A. watch B. watching C. watches D. to be watching( ) 5. Lets and play games.A. go B. go to C. going D. to go( ) 6. His brother wants homework.A. do B. doing C. to do D. does( ) 7. Betty cant so early.A. get home B. get at home C. get to home D. get in home( ) 8.

6、 I often watch TV on Saturday evening, sometimes I read books.A. but B. and C. or D. then( ) 9. You dont like that green blouse. this one?A. What about B. What C. How D. Where( ) 10. We get up .A. at six in the morning B. at six of the morning C. in the morning at six D. in morning on six( ) 11. The

7、re is on the table.A. four cups of tea B. four cup of teas C. four cups of teas D. a cup of tea( ) 12. Has Susan a stomachache? No, .A. she doesnt B. she hasntC. she does D. she has( ) 13. Look, your brother is his clothes and going to bed.A. takes B. takeing C. taking off D. taking( ) 14. They are

8、enjoying at the party.A. themselves B. theirselves C. himself D. hisself( ) 15. When must George his medicine?A. eat B. take C. have D. has( ) 16. your father work here?A. Do B. Does C. Is D. Are ( ) 17. The boy is playing the matches. A. at B. with C. on D. in( ) 18. There some glue in that bottle.

9、A. be B. are C. is D. am( ) 19. There is a boat middle of the river.A. on B. in C. in the D. on the( ) 20. My little brother goes to school my bike.A. by B. in C. with D. on四 单句改错(10分)1. There are four windows on the wall. 错 改 A B C D2. Are you worker? Yes, I am. 错 改 A B C D3. I and my brother are i

10、n the same class. 错 改 A B C D 4. They are two maps on the wall. 错 改 A B C D5. Are there any tea in the cup? Yes, there is. 错 改 A B C D6. This is his book. Give it to his, Please. 错 改 A B C D7. Are they you friends? Yes, they are. 错 改 A B C8. Jim isnt at the school today. He is at home. 错 改 A B C D9.

11、 Lucy and Ann are in the same grades. 错 改 A B C D10. Dont at work. Lets go home. 错 改 A B C D五 句型转换(10分)1. Im going to meet some friends this evening. (就划线部分提问) are you going this evening.2. Lean out of the window. (变为否定句) out of the window.3. You must make a noise. (变为否定句) You a noise.4. Can Betty h

12、ave the key to the front door? (肯定回答) Yes, .5. Betty is eighteen years old. (就划线部分提问) is Betty?6. She must come home at a quarter past ten. Must she home?7. She is enjoying herself at the party. (变为同义句) She is time at the party.8. They often meet Tom in the street. (就划线部分提问) they often Tom?9. He mus

13、t remain in bed for another two days. (就划线部分提问) must be in bed?10. We always enjoy ourselves. (一般疑问句) you always ?六 情景对话,每空一词(10分)Jim: (knocking at the door 敲门)Li Ping: Who 1 2 ?Jim: Its me. Jim and two friends.Li Ping: Oh, come 3 , please.Jim: Thanks. How are you?Li Ping: 4 . And you?Jim: Im fine,

14、5 . Meet my friend, Sam and Tom. This is 6 friend, Li Ping.Li Ping: Nice to meet you two. 7 are you from?Sam: Im 8 Canada. Toms Australian.Li Ping: Welcome 9 my home. Have a rest and have 10 tea.Tom: Thanks.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 七 完形填空 (10分)An English teacher Miss Gao is 1 teacher 2 English

15、. She is not young, but she is not old. She 3 a lovely face and black hair. She is tall. 4 Are fifty students in her class. They 5 her.Now its five in the afternoon. 6 , some students 7 in the classroom. Miss Gao is there, too. She is helping 8 to study English. She is a good teacher 9 a good friend

16、 of 10 all, too.( ) 1. A. a B. the C. an D. this( ) 2. A. in B. with C. on D. of( ) 3. A. is B. have C. has D. is having( ) 4. A. Here B. There C. Those D. These( ) 5. A. all like B. look like C. like all D. all look( ) 6. A. See B. Look C. Watch D. Look at( ) 7. A. work B. working C. are working D.

17、 are work( ) 8. A. they B. their C. theirs D. them( ) 9. A. and B. but C. then D. or( ) 10. A. they B. them C. their D. theirs八 阅读理解(10分)(1)Lucy is from America. She likes to stay in China. She likes the people and the food in China. The Chinese people are very friendly to her. Now she is playing wi

18、th Xiaohui. They are throwing a frisbee. Theyre good friend. Lucy can speak English very well. And now she can speak a little Chinese. 判断正误,正确用(T)错误用(F)。( ) 1. Lucy comes from the USA.( ) 2. Lucy likes the people and food in China.( ) 3. Lucy and Xiaohui cant throw a Frisbee.( ) 4. Xiaohui is Lucys

19、good friend.( ) 5. Xiaohui can speak English well.(2) We have three pictures here. In Picture One, we can see a boy in his bedroom. You can find books on the floor. You can also see some clothes on the bed. Under his desk is his sock. His name is Jim. In Picture Two, we see a girl. She has a broken

20、plane in her hands. She wants her friends to help her. They can mend it. Then she can play with it again.We see a big tree in Picture Three. Whos in that tree? Its Sam. Hes there for Lucys kite. Lucy has her kite now. But Sam cant get down. Lucy wants her father to help Sam.( ) 1. In Picture One, we

21、 can see a boy .A. in the kitchen B. in his bedroom C. in the classroom D. in the sitting-room( ) 2. There are on the floor in Picture One.A. many things B. many rulers C. many books D. a sock( ) 3. In Picture Two, the girl has in her hands.A. a kite B. a knife C. a broken plane D. a frisbee( ) 4. T

22、he girl wants her friend to .A. play with her B. throw a Frisbee C. help her D. fly it( ) 5. In Picture Three, is in the tree for Lucys kite.A. Tom B. Jim C. Sam D. Lucy九 汉译英(10分)1. 他们正在图书馆里谈话。 They in the .2. 不要向窗外靠。 out of the window.3. 他每天把车开得飞快。 He his car every day.4. Betty 不能这么早到家。 Betty cant so .5. 前门的钥匙在哪里? is the key the door?6. 他们在晚会上玩得很高兴。 They at the party.7. 你喜欢读书吗? you enjoy books?8. 我必须什么时候赶那班公共汽车? must I the bus?9. 我常听到他读英语。 I often him English.10. 吉尔打算今晚见一些朋友。 Jill is to some friends this evening.5 / 5

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