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1、个人收集整理 勿做商业用途北京市2010年高三夏季普通高中会考(新课程)试卷(英语)英 语 试 卷考生须知1考生要认真填写考场号和座位序号。2本试卷共10页,分为两部分。第一部分选择题,四道大题(共70分);第二部分非选择题,三道大题(共30分).3试题所有答案必须填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效.第一部分必须用2B铅笔作答;第二部分必须用黑色字迹的签字笔作答。4考试结束时,考生应将试卷和答题卡按要求放在桌面上,待监考员收回。第一部分 选择题(共70分)一、听力理解 (共16小题,16分)第一节:听下面八段对话或独白,从各题A、B、C三个选项中, 选出能回答问题的最佳答案。每段对话或独白

2、你将听两遍.听下面一段对话,回答第1题。1。 How does the man go to work? A。 By taxi. B。 On foot。 C。 By car。听下面一段对话,回答第2题。2. Whatre the speakers doing?A。 Having dinner. B. Doing some shopping. C。 Cooking potatoes。听下面一段对话,回答第3题.3。 Why did the man go to Croydon?A. To visit his parents。 B。 To have an interview. C. To receiv

3、e job training。听下面一段对话,回答第4题至第5题.4. What exercise did the woman do that morning?A. Swimming。B。 Playing basketball.C. Running.5。 When does the man take a walk?A。 In the morning.B。 In the afternoon。C。 In the evening。听下面一段对话,回答第6题至第7题.6. What kind of book does the woman want?A。 A book on writing。 B. A

4、book on computer。 C。 A book on travel。7。 How will the woman find the book upstairs?A. By title。B。 By author.C. By publisher.听下面一段对话,回答第8题至第10题。8。 Wherere the speakers?A。 At the mans house.B. At a restaurant。C. At a cafe。9。 Whatll the woman do then?A. Have dinner.B. Wash the dishes.C。 Enjoy some coff

5、ee.10. How did the man learn cooking?A. He learned it by himself。B. He took some courses.C. He watched TV programmes。听下面一段独白,回答第11题至第13题。11. Why did the speaker go to Finland? A. To buy clothes。B。 To attend a meeting.C。 To go travelling。12. What was the speakers problem while preparing for the trip?

6、A。 What kind of clothes to take.B. How to get used to the weather。C. Whether to make a speech at the meeting。 13. Who helped the speaker to solve the problem?A。 Her friend。 B. Her parents。 C. Her boss.听下面一段对话,回答第14题至第16题。14。 Why does the man choose that hotel?A。 A room has been booked for him。B。 His

7、 friend suggested that。C. He used to stay there.15。 Whatll the man do later? A。 Meet a friend. B. Go to another hotel。C. Wait in the coffee shop.16. What do we know about the woman?A。 She is impatient。B. She is careless。C。 She is helpful。二、单项填空 (共15小题,15分) 从各题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。17。 The expe

8、rt said that there should be _ increase in the price towards _ end of the year。 A. the; the B. an; an C. an; the D。 the; an18. The film is about a dinosaur living with two boys。 That _ interesting。A。 soundsB。 looksC. feelsD。 smells19。 There are two piles of dirty clothes over there. _ are they?A. Wh

9、ichB。 WhoC. WhatD. Whose20。 Why have they sent me this bill? I _ it several weeks ago.A。 pay B。 have paid C。 was paying D。 paid21. My uncle has just bought a house _ a small garden in front of it。 A。 withB。 ofC. nearD。 in 22。 If we consider this problem in greater detail, we _ a solution to it.A. fo

10、undB。 findC. would findD。 will find23。 Do you remember Mr Goddard, _ taught us English composition?A. whoB. whoseC。 thatD。 which24。 You were out when I dropped in at your office.Oh, I _ a meeting。A. was havingB. have hadC。 am havingD。 had had25. Im sorry I didnt hear you clearly. _ you repeat that,

11、please? A。 CouldB. MayC。 MustD. Need26。 There were more than five hundred competitors _ part in the sports meet last week.A. took B。 taken C. taking D. take27。 Could you tell me _ the Bamboo Garden? The day after tomorrow, I think。 A. when will you visit B。 when you will visit C. when would you be v

12、isiting D。 when you would be visiting 28。 Wecantuseour car today,becauseit_. A。hasrepairedB.isrepairing C。 has beenrepairedD.isbeingrepaired29。 Eshopping, when properly _, can save us a lot of time and money。 A。 doing B. to do C。 having done D. done30. Whatre you planning to do in the future?No idea

13、。 After all, I still have three terms to go _ I graduate。 A。 beforeB. whenC. ifD. since31。 With so many people communicating in English every day, _ will become more and more important to have a good knowledge of English.A. itB。 whichC。 thatD。 what三、完形填空 (共15小题,15分)阅读下面短文,从各题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最

14、佳答案。No More Time OutcrutchesShawn and Thomas had always been good friends。 They lived near each other, and they both loved 32 . They played baseball, touch football, and kickball. They 33 liked to play soccer, shoot baskets, and skateboard.When they were in the fourth grade, though, Thomas broke his

15、 34 in a soccer game. He had to be on crutches for six weeks。 Shawn 35 Thomas, but what was there to do? Shawn didnt like television or computer games。 Thomas didnt like to sit and talk。 After trying three times to start a conversation, Shawn 36 up。 He said, “Im out of here.”For days, Shawn 37 at ho

16、me, feeling guilty for not visiting Thomas again. Thomas stayed home, too, feeling 38 because Shawn wasnt visiting him. After a week, Shawns mom spoke up. “Its time for you and Thomas to get back into 39 ! Thats why I spoke to Ms McNulty at the library. She has the perfect volunteer job for you both

17、, she said。 Shawn said nothing. His mom continued, “The library sells used books to raise money. People are always 40 off books in bags and boxes。 Someone has to carry the books to the storage room. Someone has to 41 them into fiction (小说) and nonfiction。 You and Thomas can be a team again。”“No, we

18、42 !” said Shawn. “He and I dont want a job。” However, Shawns mom wouldnt 43 no for an answer。Sure enough, 44 the boys began, things changed. Shawn felt strong as he carried bags and boxes through the library。 Sorting books in the storage room, Thomas felt 45 again。 In fact, one day Thomas said, “Be

19、tween you and me, Shawn, this isnt so 46 。” Shawn smiled and agreed. They were a good team。32. A。 books B。 sports C. movies D. arts33. A。 also B. onlyC。 perhaps D。 soon 34。 A. arm B。 hand C。 noseD。 leg35. A. phonedB。 invited C. visited D. checked36。 A. gaveB. cheeredC。 turnedD. hurried37. A. talkedB

20、。 stayedC. calledD。 waited38. A. tiredB。 afraidC。 weakD. angry39. A. effort B. dutyC. choiceD。 action40。 A。 droppingB. bringingC。 showingD. knocking41. A。 packB. leadC. sortD. turn42. A。 mustntB。 cantC. mightntD。 shouldnt43。 A. chooseB。 keepC。 takeD. allow44。 A. becauseB。 onceC. ifD. although 45. A。

21、 relaxedB。 luckyC. usefulD. special46。 A. hardB。 fairC。 simpleD。 bad四、阅读理解 (共12小题,24分)第一节:阅读下面短文,从各题A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。A Stamp collecting is fun and easy to do。 You do not even have to buy stamps to start a collection。 Ask friends and members of your family for used stamps from letters and postcards

22、。 Here is some advice to get you started。Think carefully what kinds of stamps you want to collect when you start。 Some people get stamps from all over the world。 Others save stamps from just one country。 You might want to save a special type of stamp, such as animal stamps, sports stamps, or space s

23、tamps。Keep your stamps in your album, a special book, to protect them. It may have paper pages or plastic ones with pockets to hold your stamps。 Never tape or glue your stamps, because you may damage them.Joining a stamp club can help you learn more about stamps. You can also trade stamps with other

24、 collectors.Now you know what to do。 You can start collecting stamps today!47。 According to the author, collecting stamps is _. A。 modernB. easyC. expensiveD。 strange48。 What is the first thing to do in collecting stamps?A. Trade stamps with foreigners。B。 Save your stamps in a pocket。 C. Decide what

25、 stamps to collect.D. Ask your friends to write to you。49. The passage is mainly about _。A。 what are the best stamps to collectB。 why collecting stamps is importantC. how to start a stamp collectionD。 where to find a stamp clubB Have Fun with Funny FacesHere is a great new toy just for you! It is ca

26、lled FUNNY FACES. It is small enough to fit in your hand, but you can do so many things with Funny Faces! With Funny Faces, you can shape a mouth into a happy smile, or you can make a sad face. If you want to show an angry face, you can make it appear to be fierce. The eyebrows (眉毛) move up and down

27、, the eyes turn from side to side, and the ears move slightly。It is lots of fun to play with Funny Faces, by yourself or with your friends。 Make up stories about the different faces. Put on a Funny Faces show and invite your friends to watch it。A Funny Faces toy costs only five dollars. It is a supe

28、r toy that every child should have。 Buy Funny Faces today! You will find it in many stores in your city or town.And if you buy Funny Faces now, we will send you a FREE gift. It is a special case for your toy。 You will not find this case in stores. Here is all you have to do:Cut off the top of the Fu

29、nny Faces box。 It writes “A Great New Toy!”Write your name and address on a piece of paper。Mail both pieces to the Funny Faces address on the front of the box.Act today! This offer is good only until June 30.50。 According to the passage, what is Funny Faces?A. A kind of toy.B. A box.C. A special sho

30、w.D。 A picture。 51。 With Funny Faces, we can _.A. make our friends angryB. write names and addressC. shape a mouth into a smileD. turn our eyes from side to side52。 Why does the author write this passage? A。 To tell us how to get a free gift。 B。 To encourage us to buy Funny Faces.C。 To show us how t

31、o enjoy Funny Faces。D。 To advise us to put on an interesting show。53. We can see the passage is _. A。 a story B. a news report C。 a letterD. an advertisementC a clownruffleThroughout history there have always been people who can make other people laugh. Early clowns often both annoyed and delighted

32、listeners with their comments and songs. They were not the silent performers seen in todays circus rings. Clowns lost their voices when the big threering circuses made it impossible for the audience to hear them。Circus clowns give performances in various ways。 Walk-around clowns use an animal or som

33、ething, like a huge rubber hammer, as part of their performance。 A carpet clown moves around, talking with the audience and performing while the acts change in the rings. Then there are acrobatic clowns, riding clowns, juggling clowns and others。 Everything a clown does looks easy, but it is not. Ma

34、king people laugh can be hard work. Clowns must be in good physical condition to prevent injuries. Each funny move is carefully timed and wellrehearsed (排练). Most clowns have also been trained as acrobats, jugglers or aerial artists, and many include such skills into their acts.Generally, there are

35、three types of circus clownswhiteface, auguste and character. Each has a special makeup and clothes. Each has a typical act as well.The neat whiteface is usually a strict, incharge character who sets up the punch line (the point of a joke) with a partner who is typically an auguste。 His facial makeu

36、p is neatly detailed in red or black, and his clothes look so loose with a ruffle around the neck。 Old circus stories have it that the auguste clown got his name from a German nickname for someone who is clumsy, acting in a careless and stupid way. The auguste wears light-coloured makeup, but white

37、is used around the mouth and eyes, and theres a big red nose。 This clown performs a great deal of humour. An oversized suit or baggy trousers allow freedom of movement for all the clumsy acts. He also wears big shoes。Character clowns perform as different characterscowboys, grandmothers or concert co

38、nductors。 The most famous character clown, however, is the tramp (流浪汉). Tramps wear different styles of makeup and torn clothes. Some tramp clowns are happy-go-lucky. Others are extremely sad. Still others act like gentlemen who just happen to be out of money.54。 By saying that clowns “lost their vo

39、ices”, the author means they _。 A. became silent to avoid annoying peopleB。 began to perform silently because of larger audiencesC。 realized audience members often spoke another languageD. discovered that three-ring circuses were becoming more popular55。 How is Paragraph 3 mainly developed?A。 By des

40、cribing details.B。 By listing effects。 C. By making comparison。D. By giving explanations.56. If a clown is dressed in baggy clothing, which set of clowns does he belong to?A. The auguste and the whiteface。B. The walk-around and the tramp。C。 The carpet clown and the cowboy.D. The riding clown and the

41、 conductor.57. In what way is the whiteface different from the auguste?A。 He has a larger audience.B. He wears more attractive clothes.C。 He performs in a special circus ring.D。 He plays a leading role in performances.58。 Why did the author write this article?A。 To give some basic facts about clowns

42、.B。 To express his opinion on circus clowns。C。 To tell readers about the history of clowns。D。 To describe the hard work circus clowns do。第二部分 非选择题(共30分)一、听力理解 (共4小题,4分)第二节:听下面对话,根据题目要求在答题卡上写下关键信息。此段对话你将听两遍.听下面一段对话,根据题目要求在答题卡相应题号后的横线上写下第1题至第4题的关键信息。TELEPHONE MESSAGE FORMMessage for:Mary JohnsonCaller

43、: Mr Tom (1) from Pacific (2) Message: about your (3) call again at 5:00Telephone No。: (4) 二、阅读理解 (共3小题,6分)第二节:阅读下面短文和问题,根据短文内容,在答题卡相应题号后的横线上写下相关信息(不多于五个单词),完成对该问题的回答。答语要结构正确,书写工整,字迹清楚。Human activities have great effect on the environment. Everyone can make small life changes toward a lowcarbon (低碳)

44、 life。 Such changes can not only make a difference for the environment, but also have great health benefits for you。Burn less gas. Try walking or bicycling to work a few times a week and get a healthy exercise on the way. Encourage children to walk to school。 Cutting down on driving and using your o

45、wn twolegs helps cut global warming pollution and helps deal with weight problems over time。Eat more thoughtfully。 Eat less meat and more grains and vegetables, which helps reduce the need to change forests or grasslands to pasturelands (牧场). Replace one or more of your weekly meals with a meatless meal. Drink tap water r

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