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1、 青少版新概念1A 语法总复习姓名:_ 一、 a/an是对好姐妹,各司其职要用对。a和an用在可数名词单数形式前面都表示一个,但是在元音前面要用an。五个元音字母为:a, e, i, o, u。如:an apple, an egg, an insect, an orange, an umbrella。二、 this,that,these, thosethis 和 that 是弟弟,后面只能跟一个。(后面跟is 及单数名词。)This is my tie. That tie is colourful.these 和those 是哥哥,后面可以跟很多个。(跟are 及复数名词。)These are

2、 my ties. Those ties are colourful.this, these离你近,that,those离你远。三、想说物品属于谁,名字加上 s。如:威廉的照相机,用英语表达就是Williams camera。 露西的钥匙,用英语表达就是 Lucys key。四、 be动词。be 动词就像孙悟空一样,碰到不同的人就会变身。如碰到I的时候它就会变成am, 碰到you,we,they的时候就会变成are, 碰到he,she,it的时候就会变成is.记住下面的口诀就可以了:我用am你用are, is用在他、她、它,复数后面全用are,火眼金睛人不差。五、可数名词单数变复数规律一般情况

3、下名词后加-s ,例如:desk desks , girl girls ,book books在以x,s,ch,sh结尾的名词后加-es ,例如:bus buses , box boxes ,watch watches , dish dishes .此时读iz.以y结尾的单词l 以辅音字母加y 结尾的名词,先将y 改为i ,再加-es 。例如:baby babies ,family families ,berry berries .l 以元音字母(a,e,i,o,u)加y 结尾,直接加-s 。例如:boy boys ,toy toys ,play plays .以f 或fe 结尾的名词,先将f

4、 或fe 变为 v ,再加-es .例如:knife knives, life lives , leaf leaves 以o结尾的名词l 如果是没有生命的话,加-s .例如:zoo zoosl 如果是有生命的话,加-es .例如:potato potatoes, tomato tomatoes 以man结尾的名词,把man变为men. 例如:man men , woman women 单数和复数的形式是一样的。例如:sheep sheep 六、人称代词主格宾格形容词性物主代词I (我)me (我)my (我的)you (你)you (你)your (你的)he (他)him (他)his (他

5、的)she (她)her (她)her (她的)it (它)it (它)its (它的)we (我们)us (我们)our (我们的)you (你们)you (你们)your (你们的)they (他们)them (他们)their (他们的)主格是动作的发出者,一般放在动词的前面。宾格是动作的接受者,一般放在动词的后面。如:He likes Lucy. Lucy likes him.Lucy likes his dog.七、 重点句型特殊疑问词意思例句What什么?What is that in the black box?Its my new camera.What colour什么颜色?

6、What colour are your new shoes?Theyre red.What nationality什么国籍?What nationality is Steven?Hes American.What do you do?Whats her job?做什么工作?What do you do?Im a student.Whats her job?Shes an actress.Whats the time?What time is it?几点What time is it?Its eight oclock.Who谁?Who is that girl over there?Oh, i

7、ts Lucy.Whose谁的?Whose tie is that?Its Pauls.Which哪一个?Give me the pen, please.Which pen?The one on the table.Where哪里?Where is Robert?Hes in the kitchen.Where is he from?从哪里来?Where is he from?Hes from America.How怎么样?How are you?Im very well, thanks.How many多少?How many players are there?There are 13 pe

8、ople.一. 单词辨音,选出与其它三项发音不同的一项。( ) 1. A. meet B. teacher C. isnt D. please( ) 2. A. yes B. that C. bag D. and( ) 3. A. ball B. bot C. daughter D. fourteen( ) 4. A. do B. you C. who D. put( ) 5. A. but B. hungry C. umbrella D. aunt( ) 6. A. Lucy B. sorry C. house D. please( ) 7. A. thing B. there C. the

9、y D. father( ) 8. A. wait B. family C. favourite D. they( ) 9. A. miss B. silver C. child D. this( ) 10. A. how B. show C. tower D. brown二单项选择。1. Is that _old camera?A. a B. an C./ D. the2. Where _my pen?A. can B. am C. are D. is3. There _two chairs and a table in my bedroom.A. are B. is C. am D/4.

10、Give _the torch.A. him B. he C. she D. his5. Is there _tea in the cup?A. some B. a C. any D. anA: Whose bag is full of books?B: _ A. Her B. Him C. His D. My7. -_are you? -Im great.A. Where B. What C. Who D. How8. What _your mother _? A. does, do B. do, do C. does, does D. do, does9. I have _English

11、book but I dont have _story book. A. a, a B. an, an C. a, an D. an, a10. There is a bird _the tree and there are some apples _the tree. A. on, in B. in, on C. in, at D. at, on11. The car is_, we must clean it. A. big B. dirty C. beautiful D. old12. Our school _ are all full. A. bag B. people C. bags

12、 D. peoples13. Its eight_. A. hours B. oclock C. time D. minute14. A: Gee, thanks, Mr. Austen. B: Youre_. A. here B. all right C.OK D. welcome15. _a beautiful girl! A. Who B. What C. Where D. Which16. _me that jar please, Robert. A. Put B. Let C. Give D. Catch17. No, not that one. The _ is on the ta

13、ble. A. an B. one C. ones D. a18. Are you _a hurry?A. in B. on C. up D. down19. Whats the_,Lucy? A. dear B. mind C. matter D. hurry20. My bag is full of_.A. people B. potatos C. cameras D. water21. Tom is watching TV _ home.A. on B. in C. at D. from22. My father is not _, but he is _, please give hi

14、m some water.A. thirsty, hungry B. hungry, thirsty C. cool, hot D. hot, cool23. He _play football well.A. is B. do C. can D. does24._ dishes are empty, _are full.A. This, that B. These, this C. These, that D. These, those25._ are your socks?A. What colour B. What C. Who D. Whose26._Lily and Lucy lik

15、e Beijing duck?A. Does B. Do C. Are D. Is三语法知识。(1)名词变复数形式 bench_ boy_ actress_box_ child_ orange_knife_ people_ story_policewoman_(2)be (am is are)动词填空There _ a noise in the living room._ the teachers in the classroom? There _ someone downstairs. I _ a nice boy.There _ a bag and two pencils on the d

16、esk.They _ good friends. There _ five cats and a dog in the park. Where _ my coat? There _ some tea in the bottle. _ you an English teacher?(3)用括号内所给词的正确形式填空 1. Give _a pen , please? _ pencil is not good . (I) 2. There isnt _milk in the cup. Would you like _ juice? (some/any)3. Look _ the blackboard, read after me.(at,on)4. Is Marry hungry?_(否定回答)5. Theres a big picture _the wall.(on/in)6. Some birds and a cat _ in the tree. (be)7. This is _ (你的) car, not _. (她的)8. _Daisys car slow? (be)9. This is _new teacher. (李明的哥哥的)10. A: What _ your father do? B: He is _accountant.7-7

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