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1、.单词荟萃1equal v. 等于adj. 相等的, 平等的 _ adv. 同样地, 相等地 _ n平等, 同等2. _ n重要, 重要性 important adj. 重要的3stress n. 压力v.重读, 强调 _ adj. 紧张的 _ adv.感到压力的4. _ v. 辞职 resignation n. 辞职; 辞呈5. _ adj. 有影响的 influence n&v. 影响6. _ n诚实 honest adj.诚实的 _ adv. 诚实地7. _ n. 正义, 公正 just adv.正好;刚才 adj.正义的8. _ n贡献, 捐助contribute v. 捐赠, 作出贡

2、献9invent vt.发明;虚构, 编造 _ n. 发明 _ n. 发明家10. _ n. 争论, 辩论 argue v. 辩论;主张.短语检测1相信;信任 2养育; 提出 3采纳建议 4在一些方面 5责任感 6对感到自豪 7总之 8生平第一次 9如果是这样的话 10起初, 一开始 believe in bring up follow/take ones advice in some ways a sense of responsibility be proud of in conclusion for the first time ever if so at first .佳句再现1But

3、 it was also _ there were many great philosophers. 但是这也是一个有很多伟大的哲学家的时代。2Mencius was a thinker _ teachings were very _ of Confucius. 孟子是一位思想家,他的学说与孔子的相似。3For many years he traveled _ the principles of Confucius.很多年他游走于各个国家传授孔子的理念。4Mencius believed that _ man is different from animals _ man is good. 孟

4、子认为人不同于动物的原因是人是善良的。5Cars were first used at the end of the nineteenth century, and were _ a horse. 汽车首次在19世纪末开始使用, 跑得和马一样慢。.词汇学习1equaladj.相等的;同样的 n. 相等的人或物 vt. 等于;比得上(1) equally adv. 同样地;相等地 equality n. 相等;平等;同等(2) be equal to 和相等;能胜任of equal size/length/importance大小/长度相同/同样重要【活学活用】(1)The rent was _

5、 half his monthly income. 租金相当于他的月收入的一半。(2)Diet and exercise are _饮食和锻炼同样重要。2order n. 秩序;顺序;订购;订单;(点的)饭菜;命令vt. 命令;订购;点菜/饮料等(1)disorder n. 混乱, 紊乱, 无秩序(2)in order 有秩序;有条理 out of order 紊乱;出故障in order to do/in order that 以便;为了place an order for 订购take ones order 记下某人的订单 keep order 维持秩序(3)order sb. to do

6、命令/吩咐某人做某事order that 命令(从句用should动词原形, should可以省略)【活学活用】1. 根据汉语意思完成句子(1)The phone is _. 电话坏了。(2)We _ yet. 我们还没点菜。(3)He lit a cigarette _ calm his mind.他点燃一支香烟, 稳定一下情绪。2. 单项填空Shall I take your _ , sir?Well, we need to look at the menu for a while. Aservice Bfood Corder Drequest【解析】 C根据第二个人说“需要看一会菜单”可

7、知第一句话是服务员询问顾客是否点菜。take ones order是指“记下某人的订单”,即“点菜”。3stressn. 压力;强调;重音vt. 强调;重读(1)stressful adj.压力重的;紧张的 stressed adj. 焦虑不安的; 紧张的(2)lay/place/put stress on sth. 强调be under stress 在压力下 relieve/reduce stress 减少压力suffer from stress 遭受压力(3)be stressed out 焦虑不安的stress the importance of 强调的重要性【活学活用】(1)Robe

8、rt looks so _ (焦虑不安的) since he started this new job. (2)Janes been _ since her mothers illness.简自从妈妈生病以来一直压力很大。4inventvt. 发明;创造;编造;想出invention n. 发明;创造 inventor n. 发明者;创造者【易混辨析】invent, discover, find和find out(1)invent 指发明出原来不存在的东西。(2)discover 指发现早已存在的但不为人所知的东西。(3)find意为“找到, 发现”, 通常指找到或发现具体的东西, 也可指偶然

9、发现某物或某种情况, 强调的是找的结果。(4)find out 指通过观察、探索而发现事实的真相, 意为“查明, 弄清楚”。【活学活用】用invent, discover或find out的适当形式填空(1)Laszlo Biro _ the ballpoint pen. (2)Columbus is said to _ America in 1492.(3)Can you _what time the meeting will start?(4)You are always _ excuses. 5conditionn. 状况;条件;环境, 条件on this/that condition

10、在这个/那个条件下on no condition 无论如何都不;绝不 on condition that条件是【易混辨析】state, situation, condition和position(1)state 表示某事物所显示出的具体状况或状态, 是可数名词。如:Water exists in three states. 水有三种形态。(2)situation表示国家、集体或个人所处的综合的“形势, 情况, 处境”。如:international situation国际形势in the present situation 在目前形势下(3)condition 表示要做某事需满足的“条件”;某

11、人、某物所处的“(健康)状况”(不可数名词, 但有时也加a);表示工作、学习等的“环境, 条件”时多用复数。如:poor working conditions 恶劣的工作环境meet/satisfy a condition 满足条件Hes in excellent condition for a man of his age. 他就其年龄而言, 身体极好。 (4)position指“位置, 职位”。【活学活用】(1) _are you allowed to do that. 无论如何也不允许你那样做。(2)Ill let you borrow it _ you lend me your bic

12、ycle in return. 我借给你也行, 但有个条件, 你得把你的自行车借给我。(3) People are looking forward to improving their living _. 人们期待着改善生活条件。(4) Children must be taught to deal with dangerous _.必须教会孩子们处理危险的情况。(5)Ice is water in a solid _. 冰是水的固体状态。6contributionn. 贡献;促成作用;捐款;捐献物;投稿(1)contribute v. 捐款;贡献;有助于;投稿(2)make a contri

13、bution to 对作贡献 contribute (sth.) to 对捐献, 向投稿 contribute to 有助于, 促成【活学活用】(1)Everyone should _ our society. 人人都应该为社会作贡献。(2) The government encouraged everyone to _ those suffering from disaster. 政府鼓励每个人向受灾的人们捐助。(3)Does smoking _ lung cancer?吸烟会导致肺癌吗? 短语学习1. bring up教育, 养育;提出;呕吐bring down使下降 bring in 引

14、入;提出;获利bring about 引起, 导致, 造成 bring along 带来bring out 使显示;出版;生产【活学活用】用bring相关短语的适当形式填空(1) Her parents died when she was a baby and she was _by her aunt.(2)Scientists say that many factors _ changes in the weather. (3)The store has agreed to _ the price of the computer. (4) The sale of the house only

15、 _ about 45, 000.(5)New personal computers are _ almost daily. . 句型学习1Mencius was a thinker whose teachings were very similar to those of Confucius. 孟子是一位思想家, 他的学说与孔子的学说极为相似。【句式点拨】在表示比较的句型中, those可用来替代前文中的复数名词。若前文名词为不可数名词或单数名词, 则用that。【活学活用】用that或those填空(1)The weather in Beijing is much colder than

16、_ in Shanghai. (2)The students in our class are much older than _ in your class. 2Cars were first used at the end of the nineteenth century, and were no faster than a horse. 汽车首次在19世纪末开始使用, 跑得和马一样慢。【句式点拨】no 比较级than 表“两者都不”;not 比较级than 表“前者不如后者”。如He is no more careful than you. He is as careless as y

17、ou.他和你一样粗心。He is not more careful than you. 他没有你那么细心。【活学活用】Not all bamboo grows tall. The shortest grows _ your ankles. Ahigher than Bas high as Cno higher than Dless higher than【解析】 Cno higher than as short as,正符合语境。句意:并非所有的竹子都长得很高,最矮的竹子长得只有你脚踝那么高。课后练习.单词拼写1I do believe in e _ of opportunity.2It wa

18、s commonly believed that he was an _ (诚实的)man.3The i _ of the computer marked the beginning of a new era.4Dont a _ with me; my decision is final. 5Beethoven was an _(有影响力的) figure in the history of music. .选词填空bring up, believe in, at first, in some ways, in conclusion1The changes are beneficial _ b

19、ut not in others.2Your suggestion will _ at the next meeting. 3. _, Id like to say how much Ive enjoyed staying here.4He is one of my best friends. I _ him.5. _, I dont like him, but later we became good friends. .单项填空1 2010辽宁卷 I agree to his suggestion _ the condition that he drops all charges.A. b

20、y B. in C. on D. to 【解析】 Con the condition that相当于一个连词,引导条件状语从句,意思是“条件是,以为条件”。22010全国卷 The island is _ attractive in spring and autumn because of the pleasant weather in both seasons.A. partly B. merely C. nearly D. equally【解析】 D考查副词词义辨析。partly部分地;merely仅仅;nearly几乎;equally同样地。句意:这个岛屿因春秋两季气候宜人,因此同样迷人

21、。 3From their _ on the top of the TV Tower, visitors can have a better view of the city.Astage Bposition Ccondition Dsituation【解析】 B考查名词词义辨析。stage 舞台,时期,阶段;position 位置;condition 条件,情况;situation 形势,情况,情景。根据空前的物主代词their可以推断出此处选B。句意:从电视塔顶部的位置,游客们可以更好地观赏这个城市的景色。4We forgave his bad temper because we knew

22、 that his sons illness had put him under great _ . Aemotion Bexcitement Ccrisis Dstress【解析】 D考查名词辨析。 put sb. under (great) stress使某人处境(非常)紧张,使某人受(很大)压力。5Every year the CCTV chooses ten _ figures among the ordinary people, whose deeds can move China. Ahistorical Bluckiest Cmost influential Dmore enth

23、usiastic【解析】 C考查形容词辨析。句意:每年中央电视台都要在普通人中评选10位最有影响的人物,他们的事迹能够感动中国。6Why did you _ ?I was offered a better position at IBM. Areact Bretire Cresign Dremove【解析】 C考查动词辨析。react反应;retire退休;resign辞职;remove除掉,移动。由答语可知是“辞职”。72011湖北卷 The government has taken measures to_the high prices of daily goods to keep the

24、 market stable.A. take down B. bring downC. hand down D. tear down【解析】 B考查动词短语辨析。bring down使降低,使下降;take down记下,写下;hand down传下来;tear down扯下,拆毁,拆除。8People in this village will remember his contributions _ defending the village. Aon Bin Cto Dabout【解析】 C考查介词搭配。contribution to对的贡献。9She is _ careful than

25、her brother. They cant do the work that needs carefulness. Anot more Bno more Cnot less Dno less【解析】 B考查比较级。根据语境可知,两人都不够细心,选B,表“两者都不”。10The research has caused a lot of _ . Some think it is a bad idea, while others support it. Aquarrels Bfightings Cstatement Dargument【解析】 D考查名词辨析。由后句可知这项研究引起争论。quarrel争吵;fighting战斗;statement 陈述,声明;argument争论,辩论。

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