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1、一、一般现在时态1、一般现在时态的概念(1)、表示现在的状态(谓语多用系动词be)(2)、表示经常或习惯性的动作(谓语是do类动词)(3)、表示主语具备的性格和能力(谓语多是 speak like enjoy)2、be (am is are)“是” ,英语中最重要的一个系动词。 do类动词,又叫实义动词。例如:have (有),play(玩,打 )等。3、一般现在时态的动词形式 一般现在时态规定:系动词be用现在式am is are 三个形式。 do 类动词用原型或第三人称单数形式。 “原形动词 + s / es”构成“第三人称单数形式”,与单数名词变复数名词方法一样。(1)、一般情况,动词后

2、直接加s 例如:brings 带来 calls 打电话 meets 遇见 needs 需要(2)、以字母e结尾的动词,直接加s (读 / z /) 例如: Likes 喜欢 takes 带走 (3)、以字母s x ch sh o结尾的动词,加es 例如: does 做 goes 走,去 watches 观看(4)、以“辅音字母 + y”结尾的名词,变y为i,加es 例如: study studies 学习 ( 思考:enjoy play have的第三人称单数形式是 )4 、一般现在时态 主语与谓语动词的搭配 第一人称单数主语:I + am 或 V原形 he she it this that

3、第三人称单数主语 单数名词 不可数名词 + is ; V单三形式 动词不定式 动名词 We you they 复数主语 these those + are ; V原形 复数名词 本块习题:用所给词的正确形式填空1、I _ ( have ) a soccer ball .2、She _ ( have ) two _ ( pingpongball ) . 3、He _ ( play ) sports every day .4、We _ ( speak ) English .5、Tom _ ( call ) Jim every day .6、My daughter _ ( like ) apples

4、 .7、His _ ( friend ) knows English .8、The girl _ ( study ) English sometimes .9、The _ ( boy ) often watch TV .10、Her uncle _ ( go ) home on foot 。5、一般现在时态肯定句变否定句和一般疑问句的方法肯定句动词类型变否定句方法变一般疑问句方法 bebe+ not :is not isntare not arent be 提到主语前Iyou myyour amaresomeany andorV原dont+ V 原Do加在主语前V单三doest + V单三 ,

5、 且V单三 V原Does加在主语前,且V单三 V原can + V原can + notcantcan提到主语前1、肯定句: I have a volleyball 我有个排球。否定句: I have dont a volleyball 我没有个排球 。一般疑问句: Do you have a volleybal 你有个排球吗?简略回答: Yes , I do . 是的,我有。 No , I dont .不,我没有。2、肯定句:Han Mei studies English every day . 韩梅每天学英语。否定句:Han Mei doest study English every day

6、.韩美每天不学英语。一般疑问句:Does Han Mei study English every day ?韩梅每天学英语?简略回答: Yes , she does .是的,她学。 No , she doesnt . 不,她不学。本块练习题 把下列肯定句变成否定句、一般疑问句,并作简略回答。1、 They like computers . 否:They _ _ computers .疑:_they_ computers ? _-2、 He has a sports club . 否: He _ _ a sports club .疑:_he_ a sports club ? _3、 We wat

7、ch TV sometimes . 否:We _ _ TV sometimes .疑:_ _ _ TV sometimes ? _4、Tom often plays computers . 否:Tom _ often_computer games .疑:_ Tom often _ computer games ? _4、 She has some basketballs . 否:She _ _ _ basketballs .疑:_ she _ _ basketballs ? _6、I enjoy playing sports every day . 否:I _ _ playing sports

8、 every day .疑:_ _ _ playing sports every day ? _7、. My daughter calls me sometimes . 否:My daughter _ _ me sometimes .疑:_ _ daughter _ me sometimes ? _8、The girl speaks English and Chinese . 否:The girl _ _ English_ Chinese .疑:_ the girl _ English _ Chinese ? _本块习题 一、 句型转换1、Tom likes some fruits for l

9、unch(一般疑问句) . _ Tom _ _ fruits for lunch ?2、I like vegetables for dinner(同上) ._ _ like vegetables for dinner?3、The running star has lots of healthy food(否定句) .The running star_ _ lots of healthy food4、They have a lot of chichen . (同上) They _ _ a lot of chichen5、Do you run in the morning every day ? (假设是,回答) _ 6、Does your friend enjoy fruits for lunch ? (假设不是,回答)_ 7、A lot of people like eating healthy food .(同义句)_ people like _ healthy food8、My son and daughter eat lots of broccoli and milk (同义句). My son and daughter eat _ broccoli _ milk

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