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1、构词法练习一、选择填空1. That man was_ enough not to tell the manager that he would not do the job.A. care B. careful C. careless D. carelessness2.The soldier died for saving the child,so his_ is heavier than Mount Tai.A. die B. dead C. died D. death3. The child looked _at his brother who was badly wounded.A.

2、sadly B. sadness C. sadly D. sad4.What are you doing here?Oh,my teacher asked me to write a passage about _in English.You can write _passage in English?A.600 words;a 600-words B.600-word;a 600-wordsC.600 words;a 600-word D.600 words;a 600-words5. The Great Wall is more than 6000 li in _.A. longer B.

3、 length C. long D. longing6. Canada is mainly an _country.A. English-speaking B. speak-English C. spoken-English D. English-spoken7. There were _fish in the river in South America.A. in danger B. danger C. dangerous D. dangerless8. Youd better give up smoking if you want to keep _.A. health B. healt

4、hy C. healthily D. healthier9. The doctor said that the old mans condition was _and that they had tried their best.A. hope B. hoped C. hopeful D. hopeless10. Its_to persuade him to give up smoking. Hes very stubborn.A. possible B. possibly C. impossible D. impossibility二、用括号里词适当形式填空1. Congratulation

5、s! (恭喜) Both of you are the _(win) of the match.2. Computers and printers are now _ (wide) used in many companies.3. She was so _ (care) that she took my umbrella by mistake.4. Miss Smith put the new dress on, and looked at _ (she) in the mirror.5. I think the dictionary is _ (help) to your study.6.

6、 Dont open your books. Please keep them _ (close)7. The time is too short. Its _ (possible) for Daniel to finish this work.8. My sister is _ (happy) now because she lost her money.9. You have to believe in _ (you). Thats the secret of success.10. He speaks Chinese very well though he is a _ (Canada)

7、.11. Its very _ to go hiking into the mountains. Im _ about it. (excite)12. Beijing is such an _ city that Im _ in it very much. 13. The students are listening to the teacher _ (care).14. Its _(sun) today. Lets go swimming.15. It rained _ (heavy), so he didnt go to work yesterday.16. Lily felt sad because the bird was _ (die).17. Could you lend me your bike? Mine is _ (break).

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