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1、Unit3 Story TimeTeaching AimsKnowledge Objectives:1. Students can understand the new vocabularies : delicious monster ugly helpStudents know how to use key sentences:What does he/she look like?He/She is.Ability Objectives:Students can understand the main idea of this story,then read and try to act i

2、t out the story with emotion.Emotion Objective:1. Students will be more interested in English reading.2. Students can understand the moral of the story: How to make friends?Teaching Difficulties:1. Enable students to read and act it out the story with emotion.2. Enable students to understand the mor

3、al of the story.Teaching AidsPPT1. Word cards and pictures (handmade)Head wears(handmade)Teaching Time 35mimutesTeaching ProceduresStepl. Greetings and lead-inSing a song together; then guide students to describe a monkey with key sentences.设计意图:选择这首歌是为了复习本单元的关键句型。用小猴子的毛绒玩具引导孩子们发散 思维运用重点句型描述小猴子,同时引出

4、本故事的重要角色。Step2 Presentation and PracticePicture walkPicturelLead-in ExpandRead picturel with emotion.设计意图:1.通过让孩子们观察三个小动物围坐在一起的场景,猜一猜他们都会说些什么? 接着利用小游戏有趣的演绎故事,加深孩子们的理解与记忆从而进行语言的迁移。本幅图给 孩子们提供了自由表达时机,表达了课堂的生成性。2.基于没目前孩子们的学习水平,他 们离开情景和实物进行表达会有困难。借助图片创设真实情景,使孩子们的表达有了载体, 让孩子们乐于表达,敢于表达3.回归课本,感知句子在课本情景中的具体应

5、用。1. Picture2 Guess(2) Show with pictures(handmade)Read the sentences with emotion设计意图:通过一道选择题引导学生预设故事开展情况。让孩子们演绎这一局部,以加深新 句型的学习激发孩子们的学习兴趣。2. PicturesRead the questionWhat can monkey do ?A make friends with animalsB scare the animalsListen and speak(1) Chose the right answerAct it out3. Picture 4 5L

6、isten and guess(1) Use the key sentence againPicture 6、7(1) Who is the monsterWhat will the monkey say?(2) Make a name for the story.Step 3. ConclusionWatch the video(1) Read and point设计意图:在教师指导朗读的基础上,充分体验故事中人物的内心情感。Step 4. ExtensionThink How to make friends?设计意图:低年龄段的孩子在现实中有交朋友的意愿,但有时不知道怎样表达或者表达方式 不适宜。通过本课的故事,孩子们会意识到交往中应该注意的问题并学会如何交朋友。Step 5. HomeworkTry to retell the story1. Think How to make friends.设计意图:让孩子们思考交朋友的具体做法,引导孩子们用适宜的方法交朋友。

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