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1、新概念英语入门级B 检测卷姓名:一、 听音,选择你所听到的单词。(每个单词读两遍)(5)1、 ( )A.bamboo B.between C. dance D.boat2、 ( )A.farmer B.father C. field D.fourteen3、 ( )A.scarf B.skirt C. thirsty D.town4、 ( )A.throw B.touch C. draw D.twelve5、 ( )A.knife B.nine C. night D.kitchen二、 听音,选择你所听到的句子。(每个句子读两遍)(10)1、( )A. This is a football.

2、B.That isnt a football. C.These are footballs.2、( )A. These are goats. B.That is a horse. C.Those arent chickens.3、( )A. Are they mokeys? B.Are these monkeys? C.Are there monkeys?4、( )A. I can play the piano. B.He can sing songs. C.She cant play footballs.5、( )A. There are two cats. B.There are twel

3、ve cars. C.There arent two cars三、 听音,选择正确的答语。(每个问题读两遍)(10)1、( )A. Its dad. B.Its mum. C.Its dads.2、( )A.No,it isnt. B.No,he isnt. C.Yes,it is3、( )A. Yes, there is . B.Yes,there arent. C.No,there arent.4、( )A. Yes,I can. B.No,he cant. C.Yes,she can.5、( )A.Itseightclock. B.Yes,theyare. C.Theyrepotatoe

4、s.四、写出下列单词的复数形式。(10)1、knife- 2、chicken- 3、goat- 4、sheep- 5、sandwich- 6、peach - 7、glass- 8、potato- 9、box- 10、strawberry- 五、选择题。(10)( )1、Arethereshops? A、Yes,thereare. B、MynamesRobert. C、Itsmybook.( )2、Are you hungry?A、 Yes, I am. B、Yes, you are. C、No,it isnt.( )3、Areyouhot?A、No,therearent. B、Yes,wear

5、e. C、Yes,itis.( )4、WheresPop?A、Sheismymum. B、Hesintheshop. C、Hesmycousin.( )5、Howmanyboysarethere?A、Therearetwelve. B、Yes,Ican. C、Itsinmybag.( )6、Arethoseducks?A、Yes,theyare. B、Eleven. C、No,Icant.( )7、Whatcolour1syourdress?A、Theyremymuttsshoes. B、Idontknow. C、Itsred.( )8、Canyoudrawagoat?A、Yes,weare.

6、 B、No,thereisnt. CYesIcan.( )9、Whatarethose?A、I B、Whatfun! C、Theyrepotatoes.( )10、Whosearethosebooks?A、Yes.Ican. B.、Theyredads. C、Therearenineteenboysandgirls 六、用所给词的适当形式填空。(10)1、The books (be) Toms. 2、Please (not eat) in class. 3、There (be) a red bag on his desk. 4、Can you (sing)a song? 5、This is (

7、I) mothers car. 6、 (that) are his brother. 7、This is my (uncle) farm. 8、 (she) aunt is a teacher. 9、There are six (horse) next to the house. 10、Are these (you) jackets?七、连词成句。(10)1、what colour socks are your ? 2、 in there arent cars the countryside . 3、 hungry Kim and is thirsty ? 4、 eleven twenty a

8、nd nine is . 5、 big the room is next to a bedroom sitting . 八、按要求写句子。(10)1、These are lambs.(改为否定句) 2、 He is my cousin.(改成一般疑问句) 3、 We can play the piano.(改成一般疑问句) 4、 There are five cows in the field.(划线部分提问) 5、 His new bike is blue.(划线部分提问) 6、 Catch the ball, please.(改为否定句) 7、 This is Mikes farm.(划线

9、部分提问) 8、 有一个玩偶在课桌上。 9、 这些是他们的驴。 10、不要在卧室里唱歌。 九、阅读理解(10)(A)MynameisMay,andImnine.Iminclass5atschool.Ican readandwriteEnglish.Thereisfootballandtennisatourschool.Icanplaytennis.Icantplayfootball.Ourteacherisaman.Hestallandthin.Hesnice.ImagooddancerbutIcantdancehip-hop!IcanplaythepianoandIcansingalotof

10、songs.( )1.Whatisher name?A.HernameisMay. B.HernameisKim. C. HernameisDan( )2.Issheinclassnine?A.No,sheisnt. B.Yes,sheis. C.Idont know( )3.Whoisagooddancer?A.Theteacher B.Aman C.May( )4.WhatcanIdo?AIcanplayfootball. B.Icantsing. C.Icanplaytennis( )5.Canyoudancehip-hopA.YesIcan. B.Yes.Iam. C.No、Icant

11、.(B)Itsnineoclock.Jackisatschool.Howmanygirlsandboysarethere?Therearenineteenboysandgirls.Therearetengirlsandnineboys.ThatsJacksteacherinfrontofthedoor.Hesgreat!Therearepencils、pens、rulersandbooksonthedesks.Jacksgreenschoolbagisnexttohischair.Jackishappyatschool.判断下列句子对错。(正确“T”,错误“F)1.Itseightoclock.( )2.Therearenineteenboysintheclass.( )3.Theteacherisgreat.( )4.Jacksbluebagisnexttohischair.( )5.Jackisunhappyatschool.( )十、作文:以“Myfamily”为题,写一篇不少于60词的作文,介绍一下你家里有几口人,年龄,工作,喜欢什么,能做什么。(15)My family

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