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1、年级_科目_教师_ 2015-2016学年度第二学期桃花园小学教师课时授课计划教学内容(课题)Unit 1 Looks (1)授课日期教学目标基本要求:听懂、会说本课词汇;较高要求:学习基础较好的学生听懂、会说本课的句子; 更高要求:认读本课词汇。教 学重 点熟练掌握单词tall, short, old, young, strong教 学难 点可以用以前所学的Im Tiantian. 介绍的句式来引导新句子Im tall.媒体手段使用Words cards, recorder, sticker.教学过程设计二次备课Step1 warm-upSing a song.reviewreview th

2、e words and sentences we learned in last semester through a game.(game: show the words we learned in last semester on the screen one by one. The first student stands up by his back heading towards the screen and the second student satnds by facing the screen. The second student can perform or explai

3、n the word on the screen, but he cant speak out the word or its chinese meaning. The first student should have a guess of this word.)Step2 new class presentationteach the words “tall” and “short”1) show a picture of giraffe on the screen and ask students how they feel about the giraffe.2) Show a pic

4、ture of pig on the screen and ask students how they feel about the pig.3) Then make a contrast of these two pictures and ask the students what their feelings are now.4) show the two words “tall” and “short” on the screen. And students read them by following the teacher.5) do some exerciseShow some p

5、ictures about tall and short and ask students to describe them.teach the words “young” and “old”show the pictures of an old man and a young boy and ask students to describe the two pictures in Chniese or English.Show the two words “young” and “old” and explain their meaning.Do some exercise about th

6、e two words.teach the word “strong”show the picture of a strong man and describe his muscle.Show the word “strong” and say “ he is strong”.The teacher show some special gestures and say “I am strong”, which enables students to understand the meaning of “strong”.Step3 homeworkRecite and write the fiv

7、e new words.板书设计Unit1 looksLesson 1tall, short, young, old, strong教学反思教学内容(课题)Unit 1 Looks (2)授课日期教学目标To review the words Weve learned, and give a chant for students.The students are required to be able to speak and use these new words freely in daily life.教 学重 点The chant教 学难 点Its difficult for stud

8、ents to master these new words well and pronounce them crrectly. Especially, its difficult for them to speak them well.媒体手段使用Words cards, recorder, sticker.教学过程设计二次备课Step1 Greeting : T: Class begins.P: Stand up and sing: Good morning, good morning, good morning teacher.T: Sing: Good morning, good mo

9、rning, good morning children.P: Good morning teacher.T: Good morning children.P: Sit down, plsaseStep 2.Warm up :Sing songs:Step 3 New class presentation: 1.通过一张图片来引入本课。情景:天天, 津津和小朋友们在谈论自己家人的照片。我们来一起看看他们谈论了什么。2. 听录音,理解歌谣的大意并能跟随录音模仿说。3. My father / mother is tall. Is he/ she old等,学生第一次接触,帮助学生利 用所学单词描

10、述自己的家庭成员。4. 进行唱谣练习并纠正发音。Lets have a talk.Let s have a talk.My father is tall. My mother is short. Is he strong? Yes, he s strong.Is she old? No. She s young.She isnt old. Shes young.Step 4. HomeworkTo say the chant for parents.板书设计Unit 1Lesson 2Lets have a talk. Let s have a talk.My father is tall.

11、My mother is short. Is he strong? Yes, he s strong.Is she old? No. She s young.She isnt old. Shes young.教学反思教学内容(课题)Unit 1 Looks (3)授课日期教学目标To review the words Weve learned, and give a song for students.The students are required to be able to speak and use these new words freely in daily life.教 学重 点

12、The song教 学难 点Its difficult for students to master these new words well and pronounce them crrectly. Especially, its difficult for them to speak them well.媒体手段使用Words cards, recorder, sticker.教学过程设计二次备课Step1 Greeting : T: Class begins.P: Stand up and sing: Good morning, good morning, good morning te

13、acher.T: Sing: Good morning, good morning, good morning children.P: Good morning teacher.T: Good morning children.P: Sit down, plsaseStep 2.Warm up :Sing songs:Step 3 New class presentation: 1. 通过一张图片来引入本课。情景:果树园里,天天, 津津, 小朋友们和一只顽皮的小猴子正在桃园里摘桃子. 一个高个子女孩能摘到桃子, 她很高兴, 一个矮个子的男孩摘不到桃子,很着急. 天天, 津津和小猴子正在议论着.

14、 打算去帮助矮个子的男孩.2. 通过猜一猜的游戏,进一步复现Is he young? Yes, he is. / No, he isnt.的句式。3. help学生第一次接触,通过帮助他人的游戏练习help这个词。4. 理解歌曲的大意并能跟随录音模仿唱。5.进行歌曲练习并纠正发音。Lets sing! Is he tall? Yes, he is. Is she tall, too? No, she isn t. She s short. Look at me. I m tall. I m strong. I can help her. Great! Great! Lets help her.

15、。Step 4. HomeworkTo sing the song for parents.板书设计Unit 1Lesson 3Is he tall? Yes, he is. Is she tall, too? No, she isn t. She s short. Look at me. I m tall. I m strong. I can help her. Great! Great! Lets help her.。教学反思教学内容(课题)Unit 1 Looks (4)授课日期教学目标To review the words Weve learned.The students are r

16、equired to be able to speak and use these new words freely in daily life.教 学重 点The listening part教 学难 点Its difficult for students to master these new words well and pronounce them crrectly. Especially, its difficult for them to speak them well.媒体手段使用Words cards, recorder, sticker.教学过程设计二次备课I. Lets l

17、isten and point.young 2. strong 3.short 4. old 5. tallII. Lets listen and match.This is Tom. He is short. Is Lucy short? No, shes tall.Is Mike strong? Yes, he is.Whos old? Lily is old.Mary isnt old. Shes young.III. Lets stick and say.同学们画画或贴照片,用本单元所学谈论画或照片上的人物。Look, my dad. Hes tall. .IV. Lets liste

18、n.同学们, 快来听, 我们的动物朋友们正在表演马戏呢。(马戏开场的铃声, 一个小女孩在与一个男孩子对话。)G: Wow! What a tall horse! (马奔跑的声音.)B: Yes. Oh, look. Here comes a baby horse. Its very young. (小马叫的声音)G: Look at the bear. (熊走路笨重的声音)B: Oh, its so strong.G: Look at the monkey. (猴子叫声)B: Do you think its young?G: No, its very old. What a poor mon

19、key.B: What a happy monkey! Look!B & G: Ha-ha (笑声)板书设计Unit 1Lesson 4Listening Time教学反思教学内容(课题)Unit 2 Clothes(1)授课日期教学目标The students should be teached to learn these words: clothes, shirt, jacket, skirt, sweater, coat. They are required to be able to speak, write and use these new words.教 学重 点熟练掌握并拼写

20、单词:clothes, shirt, jacket, skirt, sweater, coat教 学难 点Enable students to speak and write these new words freely.媒体手段使用Words cards, recorder, sticker.教学过程设计二次备课Step1 warm-up 1.greetings 2.sing a song Step2 new class presentation 1.new words learning 1) create a condition: one day, Bob wants to buy som

21、e clothes. And then he comes to the clothes shop, where he sees all kinds of clothes. At this time, the teacher shows a picture of a clothes shop and tells students the English names of these clothes. 2) show these new words with pictures one by one and lead students to read them. 1.practice 1) show

22、 the new words we just have learned with some of the letters missing on the screen and ask students to fill in these blankets. 2) say the names Show some pictures of some clothes and ask the students to say their names. 1.performance 1.suppose one student were Liming and another one were Tom. Tom ju

23、st bought a new shirt. He is showing his new shirt to his friend Liming. Based on this, two students have a performance. For those who do this well, the teacher should give them some encouragement. 2.Play a game: guess whose clothes it is! Suppose there are a boy named Bob and a girl named Linlie. T

24、heir clothes is down there. Ask the students to guess which clothes blongs to Linlie and which ones blong to Bob. Step3 homework Recite and write the five new words.板书设计Unit 2 Lesson 1shirt, jacket, skirt, sweater, coat教学反思教学内容(课题)Unit 2 clothes (2)授课日期教学目标To review the words Weve learned, and give

25、a chant for students.The students are required to be able to speak and use these new words freely in daily life. The teacher should as much as he/she can encourage the students to speak English in daily life.教 学重 点The chant教 学难 点能够在日常生活中用I like. I dont like.等等来讨论喜好。媒体手段使用Words cards, recorder, stick

26、er.教学过程设计二次备课Step1 Greeting : T: Class begins.P: Stand up and sing: Good morning, good morning, good morning teacher.T: Sing: Good morning, good morning, good morning children.P: Good morning teacher.T: Good morning children.P: Sit down, plsaseStep 2. Presentation用一张图片引入本课:天天, 津津和几个小朋友正在谈论身上穿着的服装。1、

27、讲授his, her的区别,并利用游戏进行操练,分辨东西是属于谁的。2、帮助学生利用I don t like. 表述自己不喜欢的东西。3、理解歌谣的大意并能跟随录音模仿说。Do you like her skirt? Yes, I do. Do you like his shirt? No, I don t1. Her skirt is red. His shirt is black. I like red. I don t like black. Look at my sweaters.Oh. I like it. Step 4. HomeworkTo review and remember

28、 the words and the sentences.板书设计Unit 2 Lesson 2Do you like her skirt? Yes, I do. Do you like his shirt? No, I don t. Her skirt is red. His shirt is black. I like red. I don t like black. Look at my sweaters. Oh. I like it. 教学反思教学内容(课题)Unit 2 clothes (3)授课日期教学目标To review the words Weve learned, and

29、give a song for students.The students are required to be able to speak and use these new words freely in daily life. 教 学重 点The song.教 学难 点The song.媒体手段使用Words cards, recorder, sticker.教学过程设计二次备课Step1 Greeting : T: Class begins.P: Stand up and sing: Good morning, good morning, good morning teacher.T:

30、 Sing: Good morning, good morning, good morning children.P: Good morning teacher.T: Good morning children.P: Sit down, pleaseStep 2. Presentation用一张图片引入本课:天天他们都在唱歌,我们听听他们都在唱什么。1. 理解歌曲的大意2. 听音乐并理解3. 进行跟唱4. 可以分角色表演唱,同学们分别带上蓝色的、黄色的帽子,穿上绿色的裙子、粉色的T恤。I like my cap. My cap is blue. I like my hat10. My hat

31、is yellow. Does she like her dress? Yes, she does. Her dress is green. Does he like his T-shirt? No, he doesnt. He doesnt like pink. I like my cap. My cap is blue. I like my hat. My hat is yellow. Does she like her dress? Yes, she does. Her dress is green. Does he like his T-shirt? No, he doesnt. He

32、 doesnt like pink. Step 4. HomeworkTo review and remember the words and the sentences.板书设计Unit 2 Lesson 3I like my cap. My cap is blue. I like my hat10. My hat is yellow. Does she like her dress? Yes, she does. Her dress is green. Does he like his T-shirt? No, he doesnt. He doesnt like pink. I like

33、my cap. My cap is blue. I like my hat. My hat is yellow. Does she like her dress? Yes, she does. Her dress is green. Does he like his T-shirt? No, he doesnt. He doesnt like pink. 教学反思教学内容(课题)Unit 2 clothes (4)授课日期教学目标To review the words .The students are required to be able to speak and use these ne

34、w words freely in daily life. 教 学重 点The students are required to be able to speak and use these new words freely in daily life.教 学难 点The students are required to be able to speak and use these new words freely in daily life.媒体手段使用Words cards, recorder, sticker.教学过程设计二次备课I. Lets listen and number.1.

35、a shirt 2. a skirt 3. a sweater 4. a coat 5. a dressII. Lets listen, trace and draw.1. Shes tall. She has a yellow dress.2. Hes old. He has a blue coat.3. Shes short. She has a red skirt.4. Hes strong. He has a green shirt.5. Shes young. She has a pink sweater.III. Lets act and talk.情景:联欢会上, 小朋友们穿着各

36、种彩色的漂亮衣服围坐一圈在做服装表演。 Do you like my/ his /her. ? Yes / No.IV. Lets listen. 同学们,我们的动物朋友们正在举办服装表演,快让我们来听听天天和津津的对话. 一起感受这场精彩的服装秀吧!(表演场的音乐声。)B: Look, a monkey. Hes in a big coat! How funny!G: Ha-ha. Look at the cat. Shes in a red skirt. Shes beautiful.B: Yes, shes beautiful.G: Where is the dog?B: Hes on

37、the ball. Hes in a blue sweater and green trousers. Hes dancing there.G: Whos in a yellow dress over there?B: Thats the duck. Shes dancing, too.B & G: 笑声板书设计Unit 2 Lesson 4Listening Time 教学反思教学内容(课题)Unit 3 Weather (1)授课日期教学目标The students should be teached to learn these words: weather, sunny, cloudy

38、, windy, rainy, snowy. They are required to be able to speak and use these new words.教 学重 点能听说单词weather, sunny, cloudy, windy, rainy, snowy. 教 学难 点灵活运用句型Its today.媒体手段使用Words cards, recorder, sticker.教学过程设计二次备课Step1 warm-up 1.greeting 2.sing a song Step2 new class presentation 1.new words learning T

39、: 同学们,今天的天气是什么样子的啊?谁能描述一下吗? S1:今天天气很晴朗/今天天气不好,下雨了/T放出一段打雷下雨的视频 T(出示单词,raniy):天啊,its rainy.(拿出一把伞做遮雨状)让同学们在表演中领会rainy一词的涵义 T(放出一段刮风的视频):天啊,现在起大风了,its windy,its windy,its windy,我的雨伞都要被吹走了(作出伞要被吹走状) T在频目上出示windy一词,带领学生读windy。 T出示一张太阳高空照的图片,问:现在的天气是怎么样的呢? Ss:晴朗的 T:对,its sunny. (出示sunny 一词,带领学生朗读该词几遍) T:

40、同学们,天空中每天都会漂浮着什么啊? Ss:云彩 T:对。当云彩太多的时候他们就会遮住了太阳公公,这时候天气就是cloudy了(出示cloudy一词和一张cloudy的图片) T带领学生朗读该词。 T:同学们喜欢冬天吗? Ss:喜欢/不喜欢T:知道冬天会有什么吗? Ss:冬天会下雪T:对。(出示一张雪景图片)当下雪的时候天气就变得snowy了(出示单词snowy,解释其意义。且带领学生朗读) 1.practice 1)读单词 随机抽查若干学生朗读刚学过的新单词,从中发现他们发音错误的地方,从而加以纠正。 2)描述图片 分别出示表示rainy,snowy,windy,sunny,cloudy的图

41、片若干,让同学们对画面上的天气用刚学过的单词进行描述。Step3 homework Write and speak the new words.板书设计sunny cloudy windy rainy snowy教学反思教学内容(课题)Unit 3 Weather (2)授课日期教学目标To review the words Weve learned, and give a chant for students.The students are required to be able to speak and use these new words freely in daily life.

42、教 学重 点The chant教 学难 点能够在日常生活中用Its . today讨论有关天气的问题。媒体手段使用Words cards, recorder, sticker.教学过程设计二次备课Step1 Greeting : T: Class begins.P: Stand up and sing: Good morning, good morning, good morning teacher.T: Sing: Good morning, good morning, good morning children.P: Good morning teacher.T: Good morning

43、 children.P: Sit down, plsaseStep 2. Presentation用一段视频引出本课:天气预报的视频1、Is it rainy? No/ Yes。利用猜一猜的游戏,猜猜各地的天气都是如何的,引导学生在好天气的时候说出 Lets go out and play。3、理解歌谣的大意并能跟随录音模仿说。Hows the weather? Its windy. Hows the weather? Its cloudy. Hows the weather today? Its snowy. Is it rainy? No, it isnt. Is it sunny? Ye

44、s, it is. Its a sunny day.Step 4. HomeworkTo review and remember the words and the sentences.板书设计Unit 3 Lesson2Hows the weather? Its windy. Hows the weather? Its cloudy. Hows the weather today? Its snowy. Is it rainy? No, it isnt. Is it sunny? Yes, it is. Its a sunny day.教学反思教学内容(课题)Unit 3 Weather (

45、3)授课日期教学目标To review the words Weve learned, and give a song for students.The students are required to be able to speak and use these new words freely in daily life. The teacher should as much as he/she can encourage the students to speak English in daily life. 教 学重 点The song教 学难 点The song媒体手段使用Words cards, recorder, sticker.教学过程设计二次备课Step1 Greeting : T: Class begins.P: Stand up and sing: Good mornin

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