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1、河北省石家庄市桥西区2018-2019学年九年级第一学期期末统一考试英语试卷(无听力,无答案)桥西区2018-2019学年第一学期期末教学质量检测九年级 英语.单项选择26. It is too _ here. I cant hear anything.A. sleepyB. noisyC. hotD. tidy27. The girl was _ for her good manners at the dinner.A. praisedB. satisfiedC. tidiedD. affected28. The woman went _ when she found that her ba

2、g was stolen.A. mysteryB. madC. shallowD. soft29. You will not open the box _ you use the scissors. Take them with you.A. beforeB. ifC. becauseD. unless30. Compare the two pictures carefully, _ you will find out the difference.A. andB. orC. butD. while31. When I saw the director, he _ a speech to so

3、me students.A. makesB. madeC. is makingD. was making32. We cant _ the problem without having a good talk.A. solveB. missC. shapeD. stick33. What shall we do if we _ all the oil?A. push upB. use upC. put onD. agree on34. Dont be angry with them any more. _, they are still children.A. In commonB. Ever

4、 sinceC. Thank goodnessD. After all35. How can the cake _ into ten pieces?A. divideB. dividesC. be dividedD. be dividing.完形填空Feifei, an 11-year-old girl from Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province, had a sudden serious eye illness. She 36 computer games for a continuous 10 days and nights during the winter vacati

5、on. It has almost 37 blindness. Many students in China are crazy about computer games and cant help 38 . This is followed by many health problems, 39 nearsightedness (近视). According to a report, the nearsightedness rate (率) among Chinese students 40 first in the world. The rate is nearly 67 percent

6、in primary school students, but it is only 10 percent for the students of the same age in the United States. The report says that the number of nearsighted people in China has reached 600 million, nearly half of the countrys total population. Experts think the increasing nearsightedness rate in Chin

7、a has something to do with the unhealthy lifestyles and learning styles. On one hand, to get high scores in 41 , children spend too much time indoors studying and have not enough time 42 in the sunlight. On the other hand, the growing number of smart phones 43 children focus their eyes on screens fo

8、r a long time. Experts say students 44 keep a balance between study and rest. In this way, they can 45 their eyesight.36. A. practicedB. learnedC. playedD. changed37. A. led toB. found outC. set offD. come from38. A. ourselvesB. herselfC. himselfD. themselves39. A. startingB. keepingC. includingD. h

9、aving40. A. enjoysB. comesC. takesD. wins41. A. matchesB. classesC. examsD. sports42. A. aroundB. insideC. anywhereD. outside43. A. helpsB. seesC. makesD. hears44. A. couldB. wouldC. mayD. should45. A. reachB. protectC. hurtD. involve.阅读理解A In Britain, some people say they will do anything if a famo

10、us person they love asks them to. One in three people in Britain have a new kind of diseasethey love a famous person too much. Some people love famous stars like Britney spears, or David Beckham. It is not just the young; grown-ups have the same problem. One in four people are so interested in their

11、 hero that it affects their life. There are two ways of worshipping famous people. One way is just to follow them or talk about them with friends for fun. The other is a more serious way. People have very strong feelings for them and think they are their friends. People who do so for fun are found t

12、o be happier. But those who have strong feelings for a famous person perhaps often feel more lonely and worried. Worshipping famous people is not certainly a bad thing, Dr. John, an expert said. But like many things, overdoing it may not always be good for you.46. The writer thinks it _ for people t

13、o love a famous person too much.A. a hobbyB. goodC. a diseaseD. strange47. The underlined word worship means _ in Chinese.A. 听从B. 跟随C. 崇拜D. 讨厌48. Of the two ways of worshipping famous people, _.A. the first one is betterB. the second one is betterC. both of them are goodD. neither of them is good49.

14、 From the passage we know that _.A. David Beckham likes Britney SpearsB. Britney Spears loves famous peopleC. Britney Spears is an AmericanD. Britney Spears is a famous person50. Dr. John tells us _.A. the worshipping of famous people is a good thingB. anything overdone may bring some troubleC. famo

15、us people are not always friendly to usD. we mustnt worship anybody or anythingBHere is the weather forecast for the northern part of the country. This is Monday. It will be a cold night tonight, with temperatures falling to 5 in some areas. Cold weather for the start of the week. But tomorrow morni

16、ng it will turn fine and sunny, with clear skies here and there. By the middle of the day the temperature should rise to around 18, a temperature higher than usual for this time of year.The satellite picture shows clouds moving in from the west, which will probably cross our country during the after

17、noon. It will remain cloudy in the evening and all over the night. And it may rain on Wednesday morning.The next few days will be much the same, with comfortable temperatures and a mixture of sunshine and light rain from time to time.However, things will change for the worse at the weekend. The wind

18、 will become stronger, and there may be storms in some areas. There will be a heavy rain on Sunday, so if you plan an outdoor activity for the weekend, think twice.51. The temperature at noon will be around 18 on _.A. MondayB. TuesdayC. WednesdayD. Sunday52. The satellite shows that clouds are movin

19、g towards _.A. eastB. westC. southD. north53. The weather will be _ on Wednesday morning.A. rainyB. sunnyC. windyD. cloudy54. According to the text, wed better _ at the weekend.A. go out early in the morningB. plan an outdoor activityC. wear cool clothesD. stay at home55. The text is a weather forec

20、ast for _.A. the whole weekB. the next two daysC. the western part of the countryD. different parts of the country.任务型阅读Toys may be childrens best friends, but when you talk about large museums that are filled with hundreds of thousands of toysit isnt a childs play any more.The Penang (平壤) Toy museu

21、m, as the largest of its kind in the world, has over 100, 000 toys, dolls and other fun collections. It has also entered Malaysia Book of Records as the first toy museum in the country and with the largest toy collection.Loh Lean Cheung, the owner of Penang Toy Museum, is proud of his collections. H

22、e says his toy collections come from his interest in the toys. He was inspired with toy collections after visiting the London Toy and Model Museum at the age of 19. For the past 30 years starting from the first toy that he bought in 1973 at 0.5 pound (Popeye), the number of his collections has kept

23、on growing. Today, almost everything that you ever think of (on toys) can be._ here.According to Mr. Loh, some of his toys come from a rare limited edition (限量版) that he got during his traveling around the world. One of the most expensive collections that he has is the 1.8-meter tall Gundam robot fr

24、om Japan, which cost about RM9,000.When you come to the Penang Toy Museum, you will be pretty much happy with what you see. (4) You can see almost all the toys that come from different countries. Task 1: Answer the questions in full sentences.56. Who is Loh Lean Cheng?_57. Which country did Loh Lean

25、 Cheng go to when he was 19?_Task 2: Put in the missing word according to the context.58. _Task 3: Put the underlined sentence into Chinese.59. _Task 4: Name a proper title for the passage with no more than ten words.60. _. 阅读填空The best way to learn about a new culture is to make friends with people

26、 from different parts of the world. Last month I got to know a friend from 61 (Russian) named Jesco. He is a 25-year-old engineer.w 62 was sent by his company to work in China for two years.Jesco has two 63 (task) in our factory: one is to teach our workers how to use the machine, the other is to ma

27、ke sure that their machine should run well every day. So he 64 (cheek) every important part of the machine with me every day. We soon became very good friends and we learn a lot from.e 65 other.Our factory has 66 (provide) Jesco with a small but nice house near my home. Jesco is very 67 (satisfy) wi

28、th the house. When he is free, he likes to invite us to his house. We teach him to cook Chinese dishes. Then we have a good time together enjoying a nice meal and a nice talk, too.Once while we were talking, he suddenly became 68 (silence). He looked unhappy. We asked him the reason, and he told us

29、that he wanted to live 69 China all his life but didnt know how. I 70 (suggest) that he could find a Chinese girl as his wife. He thought it a good idea, and he soon found one. From then on, I have had no chance to be his guest at home. But I feel happy for him. . 连词成句71. very, can, the force of air

30、, be, strong_.72. science fiction, I, to, action movies, prefer_.73. the, how, you, discover, secret, did_?74. it, have, done, research, on, any, you_?75. should, everyone, equally, be, treated_.书面表达俗话说:“友谊的小船说翻就翻”。在享受友谊的过程中,难免会有磕磕绊绊。你班将就此话题举办一个英语主题班会。请你根据提示与要求写一篇短文作为发言稿。提示: What was the problem with you and your friend (s)? How did you solve the problem?What did you learn from the event?要求: 100词左右。 不得出现真实姓名与地名。_3 / 3

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