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1、六年级下册英语期中测试题一、单项选择(20分)( )1. Im than you. A. strong B. thin C. heavier( )2.Sam is 160cm tall. Mike is 10cm shorter than him. How tall is Mike ?A. 150cm B. 160cmC. 170cm ( )3. Is he tall ? _ He is short.A. No, he is. B. Yes, he is. C. No, he isnt.( )4_did you go on yourholiday?-Shanghai. A. What B. W

2、here C. How ( )5.-Did you _ pictures yesterday? A. take B. took C. taking ( ) 6.What size are your _? A. shoe B.shoes C.shoees( )7. I my room and watched TV .Now my room is than my sisters.A. clean cleaner B. cleaned cleaner C. cleaned cleaning ( )8.How_isyourbestfriend?-Thirteenyearsold A、oldB、tall

3、C、heavy( )9、They wont _ ready till August. A.be B.am C.is D are( )10、当你想知道汤姆有多高时,你应该问:_ A、Howlongis Tom? B、Howtallis Tom? C、Howold is Tom?( )11、当你想表达“你的床有多长”?时,你应该说:_ A、Howlongisyourbed? B、Howbigisyourbed? C、Howlargeisyourbed?( )12、当你想知道你的朋友的体重时,你应该说:_ A、Howtallareyou? B、Howoldareyou? C、Howheavyarey

4、ou?( ) 13. My hands are bigger than . A. you B. your C. yours( ) 14. Im 5 older than you . A. years B. cm C. year( ) 15. Tom looks than Lucy. A. happy B. happier C. happiest( ) 16. You _taller than me last year, but now I _ taller than you. A. was, were B. are, am C. were, am D were, was( ) 17.My br

5、other wrote a letter and _ last night. A. watch TV B. read a book C. see a film D eat apples( ) 18. Did you _ the room yesterday?A. clean B. cleaned C. cleaning D. cleans( ) 19. How _ Peter feel? He is happy . A. are B. do C. does D. is( )20、 - _?-Because I am very cold.A、 How do you put on your coa

6、t? B、 Why do you put on your coat?C、 What do you put on your coat? D、Where do you put on your coat? 二、完形填空(10分)This girl 21 twelve. 22 name is Kate. That boy 23 thirteen. 24 name is Tom. 25 teacher 26 a woman. 27 name is Liu Yun. 28 is a good teacher. Kate and Tom are good 29 . 30 are also good stud

7、ents.( ) 21.A. beB. am C. is D. are( ) 22 A. My B. Your C. His D. Her( )23.A. be B. am C. is D. are( )24.A. HisB. Your C. My D. Her( )25.A. TheysB. Theyre C. They D. Their( )26.A. amB. isC. are D. be( )27 A. His B. Her C. Shes D. Hes( )28.A. ShesB. Hes C. She D. He( )29.A.friendsB. friendsC. friend

8、D. friends( )30.A.TheyB. Theyre C. their D. themReading.阅读理解。(20分) (一)I am a girl. My English name is Linda. I am eleven years old. I have eight subjects at school. They are Chinese, maths, English, PE, music, art, science and history. My favorite subject is Chinese. I think it is interesting. I als

9、o like English. But its a little difficult for me. I can speak only a little English. History is interesting, too. I like it. Maths is difficult. Mr Wang is our maths teacher. He isvery strict. Im usually tired after his class. But I study hard. I think I can study it well. ( ) 31. Linda is years ol

10、d. A.11 B.12 C.13 ( ) 32. Linda has subjects at school. A.six B.seven C.eight ( ) 33.Lindas favorite subject is . A.Chinese B.English C.maths ( )34.Linda thinks English is . A. easy B. interesting C.a little difficult ( ) 35.The sentence “ ”is NOT true. A.Linda can speak a little English. B.Mr Wang

11、is Lindas history teacher. C.Linda thinks she can study maths well. (二) Robin has a dog. Its name is Tony. It is bigger than other dogs.They are good friends. It follows Robin everywhere. Robin went hiking with Tony last weekend. They played football. They had lots of fun. Then Robin read a book. Th

12、e dog sat with him and looked at the book ,too. Robin went fishing. Tony sat with him. They waited and waited. Robin was tired. He went to sleep. Suddenly his dog barked at him. Robin woke up. There was a big fish. Robin gave some fish to Tony. But Tony didnt eat it. Robin understood,“Oh, I forget.

13、You dont like it. You like bones.” ( ) 36.Robins dog is very . A. small B. big C. Short ( ) 37. Robin with Tony last weekend. A. went hiking B.saw elephants C.played basketball ( )38.Robin read a book; Tony ,too. A. went to sleep B. played the book C. looked at it ( )39.Tony barked at Robin because

14、. A. Tony was hungry. B. there was a big fish. C. it was too late. ( ) 40. Does Tony like to eat fish? A.Yes, it does. B.No, it doesnt. C.Robin likes fish. (三)A.watched B.cleaned C.drew D.played E.washed Im Chen Jie. I was busy last weekend. On Saturday morning, I 41 my clothes. Then I 42 the room.

15、In the afternoon, I stayed at home and 43 pictures. In the evening, I 44 TV. On Sunday morning, I 45 sports with my friend. I had a good time. (a)根据短文内容,用所给单词补全短文,只填序号。 41 42 43 44 45 (b)根据短文内容,选择正确答案。 ( ) 46.When was Chen Jie busy? A.Last weekend B.Last Monday C.Last Friday ( ) 47.Did Chen Jie wash

16、 her clothes on Saturday morning? A.Yes,she did. B.No,she didnt. C.We dont know.( ) 48.What did Chen Jie do in the afternoon? A.She cleaned her room. B.She drew pictures at home. C.She washed her clothes.( ) 49.What did Chen Jie do in the evening? A.She watched TV. B.She listened to music. C.She did

17、 her homework. ( )50.Who did Chen Jie play sports with on Sunday morning? A.Her sister. B.Her mother. C. Her friend. 四、读一读,选择正确答句(10分)( ) 51. Does she teach math? A. I am 160 cm tall.( ) 52. How tall are you? B. I feel sick.( ) 53. How do you feel? C. I went to Xinjiang by bus.( ) 54. What did you d

18、o last weekend? D. Yes, sh e does.( )55. How did you go to Xinjiang on your holiday? E. I saw a film.( ) 56. What day is it today? F. Its Wednesday.( ) 57. Who is taller than you? G. Its on January 1st.( ) 58. Did she clean the room yesterday? H. Come in, please.( ) 59. May I come in? I. Li Hua. ( )

19、 60. When is your birthday? J. Yes, she did.五、按要求改写下列单词。(10分)1.taller(反义词) 2. go(过去式) 3.happy(比较级) 4.play(过去式) 5.thin( 比较级) 6.are(过去式) 7.did not(缩写形式) 8. hurt(过去式) 9.cant(完全形式) 10.have(过去式) 六、英汉互译。(动词短语用过去式短语)(10分)1. 去野营 2.感冒 3. 睡觉了 4.留在家 5. 买礼物 6.看电影 7. 骑马 8.昨晚 9. 吃新鲜的食物 10.前天 七 用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分)1

20、.He (be) my brother.2.My hands are_(big) than yours.3.There are some_(book) on the desk.4.There _ _(be) a teacher and forty-five students in the park.5.My father often_(play) football on the weekend.6.I stayed at home and (watch) TV yesterday.7.How _(be) your weekend? It was OK.8.What _(do) you do l

21、ast night? 9.We _(see) elephants yesterday. 10.Did you _(clean) your room? 八、连词组句,自己加标点。(10分) (1) than,shorter,me,youre (2)grapes, saw, lots, of, we (3)did,you,do,Friday,last, what (4)off,fell,last,bike, my, I, Saturday (5)hiking,did,go,you,weekend,last 将所有选择题的答案填到下面表格中。12345678910111213141516171819

22、2021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960 试题答案选择题1-15 CACBA BBAAB ACCAB16-30 CBACB CDCAD BBCBA31-45 ACACB BACBB EBCAD 46-60 AABAC DABEC FIJHG五、1.shorter 2.went 3.happier 4.played 5.thinner6.were 7.didnt 8.hurt 9.can not 10.had六、 1. went camping 2. had a cold

23、3. slept 4. stayed at home 5. bought gifts 6. saw a film 7. rode a horse 8. last night 9. ate fresh food 10. the day before yesterday七、 1.is 2.bigger 3.books 4.is 5.plays 6.watched 7.was 8.did 9.saw 10.clean八、1.Youre taller than me.2.We saw lots of grapes.3.What did you do last Friday?4.I fell off my bike last Saturday.5.Did you go hiking last weekend?

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