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1、PEP六年级英语下学期阶段质量检测题班级: 姓名: 成绩: 一、找出不同类的单词。(5分)( )1、A、waterB、jumpedC、ranD、climbed ( )2、A、longerB、tallerC、tiredD、stronger ()3、A、whatB、whoC、whereD、great ( )4、A、headB、handC、tallerD、leg ( )5、A、bigB、oldC、tallD、how 二、按要求写单词。(21分)1.long(比较级) _2.thin(比较级) 3.happy(比较级) 4. heavy(比较级) 5. tall(比较级) 6. play(过去式) 7

2、.do(过去式) 8.study(过去式)_ 9. sleep(过去式)_ 10.stop(过去式)_ 11. buy(过去式)_ 12. go(过去式) 13. read(过去式) 14.younger(反义词) 15. longer(反义词) 16. eat(过去式) 17. am(过去式) 18.dirnk(过去式) 19.run(过去式) 20. make(过去式) 21.see(过去式) 三、英汉互译(15分)(过去时短语)1、感冒_2、看电影_3、拍照_4、打扫房间 _5、呆在家里_6、买礼物_7、吃新鲜食物 _8、钓鱼_9、骑马_10、去野营_11、visit grandpare

3、nts_12、watch TV_13、wash the clothes_14、play football_15、visit grandparents_四、读一读,选择正确答句,将序号写在题前括号内。(5分) ( ) 1. How heavy are you? A. I wear size 39.( ) 2. How tall are you ? B. Im 15 years old.( ) 3. How old are you ? C. Im 45 kg.( ) 4. Howbigareyourfeet? D. Im 158cm tall.( ) 5. How long are your be

4、d? E. It is 200cm.五、读一读,选择正确答句,将序号写在题前括号内。(10分)( ) 1. Does she teach math? A. I am 160 cm tall.( ) 2. How tall are you? B. I feel sick.( ) 3. How do you feel? C. I went to Xinjiang by bus.( ) 4. What did you do last weekend? D. Yes, she does.( ) 5. How did you go to Xinjiang on your holiday? E. I vi

5、sited my grandparents.( ) 6. What day is it today? F. Its Wednesday.( ) 7. Where did you go yesterday? G. Its on January 1st.( ) 8. Is she playing the violin now? H. Come in, please.( ) 9. May I come in? I. I went to Shanghai yesterday. ( ) 10. When is your birthday? J. Yes, she is.六、选词填空。(注意书写规范)6分

6、1. I TV last night. ( watch, watched ).2. My friend is shorter me. ( than, this ) 3. Im 12. Lily is 11. Im than her. ( younger, older )4. I am 165 cm . ( tall, taller )5. The elephant is , but the dinosaur is than elephant. ( big, bigger )七、单项选择。20分( ) 1. You re _ taller than me. A. 6 cm B. 6 m C. 6

7、 kg( ) 2. I am 1.58m tall, but you are 1.55m. So_.A.I am taller than you. B. I am shorter than you. C. You are taller than me.( ) 3. They _ English last night.A.study B. studyed C. studied( ) 4. My brothers bed is _ long.A.1.8m B.160m C. 1.5cm( ) 5. My schoolbag is heavier than _.A. you B. your C. y

8、ours( ) 6. My brother is 1.60m _ .A. long B. tall C. heavy( ) 7. What _ he _ yesterday?A. does, do B. do, did C. did, do ( ) 8. Im _ than you. A. strong B. thin C. thinner( ) 9. _ did you go on your holiday? I went to Shanghai. A. What B. Where C. How( ) 10. _ he _ football last weekend?A. Did, play

9、ed B. Did, play C. Did, plays()11.-What did your father do_?-He went fishing. A. yesterdayB. next weekC.now()12. -_did you do last weekend ? -I visited my grandpa. A. What B. Where C. How()13. -Did you _the room yesterday? A. cleanB.cleaned C. cleaning( ) 14.-. Im 40 kg. Im _ than you. A. thin B. th

10、inner C. bigger( ) 15. - How _ are you?- Im 35 kg. A. old B. tall C. heavy( )16. - Did you swimming last day?A、go B、goes C、went( )17 .- What did Lisa do last night? - She to music .A、listens B、listen C、listened( )18. Did he hurt his foot last night. - . A. Yes,he is B. Yes,he did C. No,he did( ) 19

11、Did you _ your mother _ the room yesterday?A. helped, clean B. helped, cleaned C. help, clean D. help, cleaned( ) 20._ you have fun watching the movie? Yes, I do.A. Did B. Do C. Was D. Is八、连词成句(8分)1. one older year you I than am (.)_-2. heavy how you are (?)_3. holiday summer your how was (?)_4. did

12、 do you last what weekend (?)_5. music listened I to (.)_6. did go he where yesterday(?)_7. did you how go there(?)_8. go you to did Turpan(?)_九、阅读理解(5分)根据短文内容,判断句子正误。对的打“”,错的打“”。Mary, Jane and May are very good friends. Mary is shorter than May, May is heavier than Jane. Jane is thinner than Mary.

13、How old are they? Mary is 7 years old. Jane is 12 years old and May is 9 years old. They study at QingLan Primary School. Mary likes English, Jane likes math and May likes music.They all study hard.( ) 1.There are 3 children in the story.( ) 2. Mary is shorter than May.( ) 3.Mary is heavier than Jane.( ) 4. Jane is the youngest.( ) 5. They are all good friends.十、写作:My last Weekend 要求:不少于5句话!书写规范认真!(5分)My last Weekend- 4 -

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