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1、七年级下册英语阅读AThere are three people in Toms family. Its 5:00 oclock in the afternoon now. Toms family are all at home. What are they doing? They are busy with Toms fathers birthday. Toms mother is making dinner, and Tom is cleaning the house. They want to have a birthday party in their house. Toms cous

2、in Tina and her parents want to come to the party. Tina is 8 years old. She is two years older than Tom. Tom likes to play games with her.Someone is knocking at the door. “ Great!They are coming, my cousin, my uncle and aunt!” Tom is very happy, and he is polite, too. He says hello to them and asks

3、them to sit on the sofa, and then his aunt and his mother start to cook. After an hour, the dinner is OK. All of them are sitting at the table. First they sing Happy Birthday Song to Toms father. Then they eat the birthday cake. Cake is Toms favorite food, so he says, “Mom, I wish tomorrow can be my

4、 birthday,” Everyone has a good time at the party.( )46. What are the family doing? A. They are making dinner at home. B. They are busy with the party. C. They are cleaning the house. D. They are talking about Tina.( ) 47. How old is Tom? A. Five B. six C. Seven D. Eight( ) 48. How many people are t

5、here at Toms home? A. Three. B. Four C. Five D Six( ) 49.文中划线单词“polite”的中文意思是_. A. 无礼的 B. 不高兴的 C. 有礼貌的 D. 淘气的( ) 50. Whats Toms favorite food? A. Bread B. Rice C. Cake D. Ice-cream.BI am Sally. I am a middle school student. I like fashionable clothes. I like wearing a scarf. I like red skirts and I

6、have curly hair. They all look cool. My parents and teachers sometimes ask me not to do so, but I dont mind. These are my own things. Dont you think so?I am Barry. My uncle is 40 years old. He works for a magazine. He writes articles for children. He visits many places and talks with many children.

7、He thinks children should not watch TV too much and some TV shows are not good for them.I am Mona. I study in a middle school. I have many rules at school. I cant be late for school. I have to wear a school uniform at school. I cant eat or sing in the calssroom. Miss Yang , our English teacher, is v

8、ery strict with us.( ) 51. Sallys hair is _. A. red B. black C. straight D. curly( )52. _ writes articles for kids. A. Barrys uncle B. Barry C. Sally D. Miss Yang( )53. Mona can _. A. be late for school. B. wear a school uniform at school B. eat or sing in the classroom D. wear her own clothes at sc

9、hool( )54. Which of the following is NOT true about Barrys uncle? A. He is 40 years old. B. He does not let Barry watch TV. C. He thinks children should not watch TV too much. D. He visits many places and talks with many children.( )55. From the information above(上面的信息), we can know _. A. Sally and

10、Mona are workers. B. Sally minds what others think of her. C. Miss Yang is an English teacher. D. Miss Yang isnt strict with her studentsCThere is a zoo named Tinniu in our city. There are many animals. Some animals are very friendly. But some other animals are wild. Tigers, lions and some snakes ar

11、e dangerous. Thats why they must be in cages. But I dont think its good for them to be in cages. They need to be free. The animals in cages cannot be happy.Tigers usually live in forests and mountains. They are strong and can run very fast. They run after and eat small animals like rabbits and deer,

12、 but now they are in small cages. They have nothing to do every day. So they walk around in the cages, and they want to have freedom. When they are tired, they sleep. I am a little sorry for them.( )56. Why do tigers, lions and snakes have to stay in cages? A. Because they are very dangerous. B. Bec

13、ause they are very friendly C. Because they need to be free. D. Because they like to be in cages.( ) 57. Where do tigers usually live? A. In cages B. In forests and mountains. C. In the zoo. D. In small rooms( ) 58. What do tigers usually do in forests? A. They have nothing to do. B. They walk aroun

14、d C. They want to sleep D. They run after and eat small animals.( )59. Tigers want to _ when they are in cages. A. come out B. eat animals C. run fast D. be friendly to people( )60. Why does the writer feel sorry for the tigers in cages? A. Because the writer thinks tigers need to eat food. B. Becau

15、se the writer thinks tigers are danerous. C. Because the writer thinks tigers need to be free. D. Because the writer thinks tigers are very happy.DThere are trains to carry people, trains to carry animals or carry things. There are fast trains and slow ones. Some trains go throught hills. In big cit

16、ies, the streets are usually very busy. So you can find trains under the ground. They carry people quickly in and out of the big cities. Can a train run over the water? Yes, it can. There are many bridges over the rivers. The trains can easily run over the water. But it is not easy to build the brid

17、ges. Todays trains have dining rooms for people. You may eat something in them on the way if you are hungry. Trains are useful to men, women and children. Many children have model trains. With the model trains they can build their own rails(铁轨) and enjoy the wonderful world of trains.( )61. There ar

18、e all kinds of trains. Here “ all kinds of trains” means_ A. fast trains and slow trains B. many different kinds of trains C. trains to go through hills. D. trains to carry people( )62. The trains carry people in and out of the big cities under the ground because _ A. the streets are very busy B. th

19、e cities are big C. the trains hve dining rooms D. the cities are too small( ) 63. If you are hungry, you may go to _ of the train to have something to eat when you are traveling by train. A. some rooms B. some shops C. the dining room D. the station( )64. Its _ for train to run over the water but _

20、 to build bridges. A. easy; easy B. easily; not easy C. difficult; easily D. easy; difficult( )65. Which of the following is WRONG? A. There are dining rooms in train. B. There ae fast trains and slow trains C. The trains can only carry people. D. We can see trains under the ground.EStudents have th

21、irty minutes break time after the second class in the morning. Look! Most of them are playing during the break time. Some students are on the playground. They are playing soccer. Oh! A boy is running with the ball. And another boy is stopping him. They look so cool. And there are some gril students

22、watching the game. Some students are in the classroom. They are talking. A few of them are reading and doing homework. Look! Amy is looking at the birds in the tree in front of the classroom. She must be thinking of something interseting because she is smiling.What are the teachers doing?Some of the

23、m are working in the office. And some are talking with students. Everyone is doing his or her things. They are busy but happy!( )66. Where are the students playing soccer? A. In front of the tree. B. In front of the classroom. C. On the playground. D. In the tree.( ) 67. Amy is looking at the birds.

24、 She is _. A. happy B. cool C. interesting D. exciting( )68. There are _ students in the classroom. A. no B. some C. few D. many( ) 69. What are the teachers doing? A. Working or talking with students B. Having a basketball game. C. Playing with the students. D. Looking at the birds.( ) 70. The pass

25、age is mainly about _. A. students B. a basketball game C. break time activites D. teachersFRope Skipping(跳绳)Rope skipping is easy for almost everyone. Young or old, man or woman can skip ropes. But skipping well isnt so easy for everyone. There are many kinds of skipping, single skipping, pair skip

26、ping and even group skipping. You can skip with a rope by yourself. Put the rope behind you, throw it high above your head, in front of your body and skip it over. Skip in a row(连续跳) and dont stop. You are a better skipper when you can last a few minutes. You can also put the rope in front of you fi

27、rst and then throw it behind you to skip. We can skip in groups with a big rope. Two persons swing(摇) the rope and many can skip in the middle of the rope. This is a team work. We can do well when we work together.In the old days, the skipping ropes were only a rope. But now the skipping ropes are b

28、eautiful with many colors. They have special handles(把手). Some even can count how many times you skip.( )71. How many kinds of rope skipping does this article mention? A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four( )72. Which kind of skipping is a team work? A. Single skipping. B. Group skipping C. Skipping in a r

29、ow D. Skipping with ropes behind you.( ) 73. How many single skipping does this article mention? A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four( )74. How many persons swing the rope when a group skipping is going on? A. Two B. Three. C. Five D. Six( ) 75. Which is true according to the passage? A. When you skip by yourself, you should skip first. B. The ropes in the old days can count. C. Only three people can go on a group skipping. D. The ropes have special handles now.

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