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5、中国海运粮食进口量/百万吨年1H 20131H 20141H 20151H 20161H 20171H 20181H 20191H 20201H 20211H 20221H 2023Maritime China|中国远洋海运11it.What is the development trend of marine fuel?How to choose the time path?How to make the best choices in addressing the challenges of climate change?P38China-Europe freight trains are

6、 speeding upThe China-Europe Railway Express has entered the track of high-quality development and become a new mode of international transport organization featuring convenience,speed,stability,safety and green economy.It is a vivid example of Chinas participation in global opening up and cooperati

7、on and high-quality Belt and Road cooperation.The goods of Europe and countries move along the line go to the sea through the China-Europe railway,and then through the coastal ports,the new land and sea passage in the west,the golden waterway of the Yangtze River,etc.,to South Korea,Japan,Singapore,

8、Thailand and other Southeast Asian countries.The international multimodal transport pattern of China-Europe railway has basically taken shape.It is expected that the direction of Central Asia will remain hot in the second half of the year,China and Russia freight train will run stably,and the Europe

9、an section will improve compared with the first half of the year.P54Chinese grain imports:food security in focusChinese seaborne grain imports rose 6%y-o-y to 78.9mt in the first half of 2023,chalking up the second strongest half-year on record despite a turbulent grain market backdrop.Looking ahead

10、,underlying demand growth,efforts to diversify suppliers amid a food security focus,and a bumper Brazilian harvest all appear to be adding to a positive outlook.Here we take a closer look.Recent developments have only served to increase the focus on diversification of China s grain imports.The Russi

11、a-Ukraine 12conflict saw Ukrainian grain exports to China fall by 52%y-o-y to 6mt in 2022,while weak US wheat and coarse grain exports also curbed global supply in 2H 2022.Drought in Argentina is increasingly a concern,while China s 14th 5-Year-Plan puts clear emphasis on food security.Against this

12、backdrop,China has been raising imports of Brazilian corn after approval was granted last year,with a bumper crop this year helping to drive total Chinese grain imports from Brazil to record levels in May.So,a range of factors are driving firm Chinese grain imports(1H 2023 was the second strongest h

13、alf year ever),from increasingly diverse suppliers.Grain markets are notably seasonal and volatile,but with food security a key focus this trend for now looks set to continue.P56Slow on the uptakeBarely half a year into an ambitious project to migrate the container shipping industry to electronic bi

14、lls of lading(eBLs)by 2030,demand for such tools from shippers remains muted,several industry sources said.The progress of the initiative,set in motion in February when nine of the top 10 shipping lines committed to transition to 100%eBLs by 2030,is notable when set against recent support from five

15、associations representing container lines,forwarders,the bulk shipping industry,the International Chamber of Commerce,and the international payment network Swift.The commitments from those organizations,collectively known as the Future International Trade(FIT)Alliance,are meant to draw in shippers t

16、hrough transactional platforms that involve FIT members.Whether that eventually moves the needle,shipper traction has been hard to come by thus far,according to a range of forwarders who spoke to the Journal of Commerce.Forwarders are seen as a key conduit in broader adoption of eBLs,as they interact digitally with both container lines and shippers.Also hindering adoption from shippers and forwarders are a range of technical,regulatory and behavioral issues.For one,each shipping line is at a different stage in October 2023栏目责编:陶润元

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