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1、I. General Situation of the projectThe design of hotel design scheme,the project address is located in Sea Lake Scenic Area in Mianyang City,covers an area of about 1500 square meters,beautiful environment,convenient transportation,and is located around the major tourist attractions in the center,so

2、 the hotel belongs to environment with superior.II. Investigation and analysisArchitecture is a frozen music and a monument to human civilization. And the hotel,for many city is the city of the living room,is the city of galleries,is the spokesman of the city. As a kind of architecture,hotels have d

3、ifferent functional features from other buildings. The hotel is of great significance to the construction and development of the city. However,there are many problems in the current design situation of hotels. For example,most hotels are too demanding luxury and luxury,and this type of hotel is visu

4、ally satisfying,but the hotel ignores the most important. In this topic,we will give full play to the economic characteristics of the hotel and solve all the problems of the hotel under the current economy,aiming at the characteristics of the hotel. Make the hotel closely linked to leisure and enter

5、tainment,two,so that consumer groups is not just a solution to the problem of accommodation,it is important to relax the body and mind. Find the feeling of going home. III,design ideasWith the increasing pressure of city life,the relaxing resort hotel has become the place where modern people release

6、 their pressure. When people are no longer satisfied,skimming over the surface cursory sightseeing,but looking for a beautiful environment,fresh air,quiet to live down,to achieve a thorough physical and mental relaxation and leisure life. Resort hotels play a part in it.The hotel provides the living

7、 conditions for the consumer,not at the expense of the environment,which is the basic requirement of the hotel. On the other hand,to reflect the fashion and sense of atmosphere,will be in the overall design always focus on the theme of,have advanced design idea,the design conforms to the theme at th

8、e same time to lead the new trend,to create a different style hotel culture. Consider the sustainability of the hotel,and also predict the design ahead of schedule.The word Jane Yat literally means simple and easy. Hotel theme is not only these two simple words so simple in fact is the humanization

9、design,is to adhere to the people-oriented design is this any different hotel right starting point,to promote family,personalized,features simple,fashion,comfort,taste. It requires not only to meet the requirements of resort hotel resort hotel design to meet the people rich emotional life and a high

10、 level of spiritual enjoyment,but also moderate individuality,and through various forms to create comfortable and pleasing to the eye and guests a unique artistic charm of the works . In the design of Jane Yat Hotel,we should convey feelings to guests through small links,and strive to achieve emotio

11、nal communication between the hotel and guests,reflecting the hotels humanistic care for guests.Hotels generally have large shared spaces. How to do the lobby outdoor light,water,green into the room,how to make the integration of architecture and interior space to achieve perfect,how to create a sim

12、ple andstylish space,it needs to lead by all kinds of successful cases,excellent analysis of others,find inspiration to build their own yearning for space need more innovation.The sense of space is a kind of psychological feeling which is built up by a decent person. Integration of indoor and outdoo

13、r lighting can often make the space to add color,the original light cannot be replaced by nature as human lighting technology,natural light can make people happy,carefree and content. It also echoes the theme better.In the Jane Yat - resort hotel design,through the overall planning of the hotel and

14、its status quo investigation,to determine the Jane Yat hotel design theme positioning,principles and objectives. The main line style of this program is simple,which is to highlight the theme atmosphere. Based on the modeling - color - material - Lighting - furnishings five levels,so that not only fo

15、r consumers to provide a comfortable living environment,but also to their spiritual level to be released,providing spiritual enjoyment.Design styleWith simple style,outstanding theme atmosphere,on this basis,combined with the aesthetic concept of contemporary society and the modern people to the hot

16、els functional requirements,increase the function of regional division,make full use of space and beautify the space for the purpose,in the layout retains several elements of the hotel lobby,corridor,leisure the guest room and other areas,interaction between regions,distinctive characteristics and t

17、he overall unity. A large number of meters,white tones,warm colors,lighting effects,refreshing,in the rhythm of modern social life,to coordinate the balance of peoples psychological role.Spatial processing techniqueThe wall structure of A,the hotel uses a lot of transparent material,achieve the illu

18、mination effect,fusion to indoor and outdoor light and views,to bring people closer to the nature of the visual feeling,has the sense of vision,to feel close to nature. The layout of the whole space is quite regular.B,in furniture using some jump colors,used to adorn space,this kind of furniture is

19、quite distinctive,some strange shapes,some bold colors,some exquisite craft in space,has played a role,so that the design is not in a single.C,the wall adopts simple geometry and blank space,the form is simple,reflects a kind of simple beauty.D uses a lot of white stone,ceiling,solid colors give an

20、empty beauty to furniture make up the wall and the top of the monotonous. Give people a dynamic aesthetic,so that their design is no longer monotonous.一、 草方案The content of this design mainly through the construction of the interior shape and design,based on Jane Yat theme on the basis of design. In

21、the indoor space,a large area of the use of white tune,the rest of the main color of the region is beige,a small number of use of beige,this simple combination of colors gives a fresh and elegant feeling.酒店功能分区细节图The hotel is divided into three floors,which are mostly guest rooms,guest rooms and rec

22、reational areas.According to the preliminary data collection and investigation,firstly,the hotel functional zoning is subdivided. Entering the hotel,opposite the lobby service counter,the two staff office on the left of the bar. The right hand of Bian Youwei fifteen meters long conversation area,as

23、the 22 sitting among other partitions,used to distinguish between seat and privacy. Go inside for the conference room. The left hand side is for the reception area and the view elevator. The two floor entrance for the guest room service,the bar has a variety of needs,including personnel scheduling,c

24、ashier sound control,but also for customers at this point,consultation. The kitchen is behind the bar and the left is the guestroom corridor. On both sides for the guest room,to double suite,for example,the main color of the suite is beige,the first floor for the living room and bedroom,the whole fo

25、r the French window,bedroom with separate leisure area. The aisle exit is a public viewing area. Here,people can relax and enjoy the sightseeing. The sight is a kind of enjoyment. Room interchange for fire corridor,corridor width of two meters,enough double row evacuation. The three floor spaces are

26、 all guest rooms. Fire passages at the end of the corridor.From the practical design style and materials to consider,a hotel of big shop 800*800 light grey tiles,white walls and gray collocation to soft furnishings intended to give people,simple atmosphere,bright feeling.Suites,conference rooms,offi

27、ces with tiles,suites for example,laying 600*600 Beige tiles,matt tiles because the surface is matte material,to reduce visual fatigue caused by reflection at the same time can be very good to improve the quality of texture highlights. The walls and the top surface is beige stone. M white,the choice

28、 of visual effects,visually giving a clean,reserved temperament,suite walls are made of Glass French windows,to better achieve the effect of illumination. Let guests enjoy the light bath while resting,and make people warm,comfortable and free.Aisle and lobby ceiling chart with a large number of whit

29、e,and use lamps to foil,highlighting the theme atmosphere. In order to avoid the large area of white open boring feeling,so the top modeling. Make it high and low,rich and level. Use the most common incandescent tube lighting,avoid long time in closed space by depressing feeling,so that people feel

30、more cordial,more comfortable. At the same time,this simple decorative lighting can also give customers a sense of spacious.In the selection of furniture,mainly in solid wood and furniture,local furniture and color collocation furnishings to ornament space,such as table decoration,sofa cushion,wall

31、murals. Can decorate the space very well. Home type,simple and generous,do not lose the design sense,wood surface paint or reflect wood grain,or to pure white enamel based,fabric decoration parts do not appear complex patterns. But it has to be unique. Furniture placed at random,giving a relaxed att

32、itude,more reflect Jane Yat style.Hotel room design notesGuest rooms are the main source of hotel revenue. It is the longest and most intimate place for guests to stay. This is especially true for Urban Inn. Our hotel guest room layout in architectural design,through more than ten years of long-term

33、 mutual imitate and style of a single stage,make a lot of the hotel rooms should be full of vitality and creativity are very similar,cloning became a popular face. In this popular hotel,guest rooms are inevitably the most popular part.The worst effect of this phenomenon is that it affects a large nu

34、mber of hotel construction investors and operators,and also affects many domestic guests. We have long been this kind of popular hotel rooms and developed a fairly strong visual habits,or has formed a kind of psychological:only this knife room will look like this room;only the black hole type toilet

35、 that has its own habits;only seen in the class the room,familiar furniture will use. On the contrary,as long as there is a difference,there is a never met,there is a little strange,in any case can not accept. The reasons for not accepting are often not seen,not approved by guests and so on. In shor

36、t,is not assured. So far,all domestic institutions investment and did not invite the international hotel group management and foreign designers in the design of the guest room in the hotel project,there still exists a lot from investors or managers of the habit of thinking of the resistance.In fact,

37、with a complete,rich,detailed content and system design of the guest room,this is the crystallization of many of the worlds best hotel decades of management experience;at the same time,along with the progress of the times and technology,and the renewal of human life and the concept of consumption,an

38、d make the room - and - this is most closely related to the individual traveler privatespace (private space),facing constant,new changes and new requirements;and in the design of the division of responsibilities,guest room design is not only the interior designers,architects on the first plane room

39、layout is the first step in the design of the guest room.The architect to consider to provide as much as possible the appropriate location,space,size and direction for the room in the landscape architecture design plan,public area saving as much as possible,as far as possible to shorten the evacuati

40、on distance and service process traffic layout as much as possible to avoid old toilet decorate and as complete as possible and reasonable arrange all the position of switch power supply and good room,etc. Interior designer work is first is to deepen the design of all use function,then was selectedr

41、ooms style clear room cultural orientation and business objectives,and for creating a special guest room,choose the right goods and furnishings. The future fate of a hotel room is largely determined by the accuracy and appropriateness of the initial architectural and interior design,experience,cultu

42、re and foresight.The interior design of hotels and Resorts has three main contents:the first is functional design,the second is style design,and the third is humanized design.In the order of the design process,the function first,style second,humane third;but in the overall design of the concept,the

43、three elements should be unified thinking,unified arrangements,regardless of order,indispensable. The function serves the material,the windThe grid serves the mind,while the humanistic study is the examination and the deep processing of the actual effects after the fusion of the material and the spi

44、rit. The common purpose of these three tasks is to win the real success of the brand and management in the hotel.The function of the design defects,design style to highlight is the short-lived;the functional design is very comprehensive,but the lack of charm and character style is not good,because i

45、t will reduce the room taste and value;and function and style are good hotel rooms,if there is no humanized staff carefully measure then add some more detailed design more deeply,maybe it will regret is not so perfect,not so delicate. Grasp the three design scales,give full play to the role of these three design,the quality of room design is guaranteed. Function design is the basic work of guest room design,including basic function design and detail function design.

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