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1、2017年黑龙江省哈尔滨市中考英语试卷五、任务型阅读(本题共20分,每空1分)先阅读(A)、(B)、(C) 三篇短文,然后根据题目要求及所给语境完成下列五项任务28(15分)(2017哈尔滨)ability begin your difference heavy description daily putOne day,our English teacher MrSmith came into the classroom with a book in his handHe started his lesson with a questionWho can(61)describewhat str

2、ess(压力) is like?No one answeredThen he raised the book and asked,How heavy is the book?We(62)beganto think and guessOne students stood up and said,I think it is 100gAnother student said,Its 200gOur answers were(63)differentAt last,MrSmith explainedIt doesnt matter on the real weightIt depends on how

3、 long you hold itIf I hold it for a minute,it is OKIf I hold it for an hour,I will have a pain in my right armIf I hold it for a(64)day,you will have to call a doctorIt is the extra same weight,but the longer I hold it,the(65)heavierit becomesThis book stands for stressIf you hold it without(66)putt

4、ingit down,sooner or later,you will not be(67)ableto keep onNo matter how much stress you have,stop and have a rest for a while if possibleBoys and girls,you should learn to relax(68)yourselvesI am sure you will live a happy school lifeWe will never forget MrSmith and the meaningful(有意义的) lesson任务1:

5、阅读短文(A),用方框中所给的词的适当形式填空,使文章通顺、连贯、合理(每空一词,每个词限用一次)【分析】本文以举东西的例子讲述了什么是压力的问题,东西虽小,举得时间长了,它就会很重生活中也是这样,我们应该学会放松【解答】61describe考查动词的辨析空格前是情态动词can,此处应该是动词原形,结合句意:谁能描述压力是什么样子的?故填describe62began考查动词的辨析根据下一句用的是一般过去时态,此处也应该是一般过去时态,空格后是to do sth结合句意:我们开始思考,begin to do sth开始做某事,begin的过去式是began,故填began63different

6、考查形容词的辨析空格前是be动词were,此处应该是形容词,根据前面几句我们的答案有的是100克,有的是200克,故此处句意应该是:我们的答案是不同的,故填different64day考查名词的辨析结合上文If I hold it for a minute,it is OKIf I hold it for an hour,I will have a pain in my right arm如果我坚持了一分钟,这很好,如果我坚持了一个小时,我的右胳膊疼,可知此处应该是:如果我坚持一天,你得去叫医生了故填day65heavier考查形容词的比较级的辨析结合题干but the longer I ho

7、ld it,可知此处应该是固定句型the+比较级,the+比较级越,越结合句意:举得时间越长,它就会越重,heavy的比较级heavier66putting考查动名词的辨析空格前是介词,此处应该是动名词,结合句意:如果你举着它不放下来,put down 放下,put的动名词是putting67able考查固定词组的辨析根据上半句句意:如果你举着它不放下来,迟早,可知此处应该是:你将不会坚持住,结合题干可知此处是be able to 句型,会,故填able68yourselves考查反身代词的辨析结合上一句:No matter how much stress you have,stop and

8、have a rest for a while if possible不管你们有多少压力,如果可能停下来放松你们自己根据上半句Boys and girls,可知此句的you是指的你们,relax yourselves放松你们自己【点评】根据短文大意和语境选择合适的单词,并用其正确的形式填入空白处,使补全后的短文意思通顺,语法正确,结构完整注意单词的适当形式八、标题29(2017哈尔滨)(B)Have you ever watched old movies?If so,maybe you have known Carole Lombard(卡罗尔隆巴德)She was a famous actr

9、ess in the 1930sShe died when she was only 34In her short life,she made 70moviesIn 1921,when she was only thirteen years old,a movie director saw her in the streetHe decided to put her in a movieThe movie was one of the last silent moviesShe acted well enough to win the hearts of many peopleAt the a

10、ge of 16,she left school to act.1926,an accident happened to herThe accident left scars (疤痕) on her face,but she didnt give upShe continued to actLater,she married Clark Gable that was an actorHe was the great love in her lifeThey live happily together任务2:阅读短文(B),根据英文释义及首字母提示拼写单词69silent making litt

11、le or no sound70marry to have a husband or wife任务3:阅读短文(B) 进行同义句转换,每空一词She acted well enough to win the hearts of many peopleShe acted 71so well that she 72won the hearts of many people任务4:根据短文(B)内容回答问题Who decided to put Carole Lombard in a movie in 1921?73A movie directorWhat happened to her in 192

12、6?74An accident happened to herWas she a famous actress or a famous director in the 1930s?75A famous actress【分析】文章介绍了20世纪30年代著名电影演员卡洛尔隆巴德的一生大体介绍了她的电影成就、婚姻和经历她在34岁的时候就去世了,在她短暂的一生里,她就拍了70部电影【解答】69silent 单词释义题,根据The movie was one of the last silent movies电影是最后一步无声电影,结合题干making little or no sound没有声音,推出

13、是形容词silent沉默的故答案为silent70marry 单词释义题,根据she married Clark Gable that was an actor她嫁给了也是演员的Clark Gable,结合题干to have a husband or wife有了一个妻子或丈夫,推出是动词marry嫁;娶,故答案为marry71so 句型转换题,根据题干中的that,that后是个句子,推出是句型sothat如此以至于,故答案为so72won 句型转换题,根据题干中主句的动词是一般过去时acted,所以that从句中的动词也用一般过去时,故答案为won73A movie director 细节

14、理解题,根据a movie director saw her in the streetHe decided to put her in a movie一个电影导演在街上看到她,他决定让她演电影中的角色,可知是一个电影导演,故答案为A movie director74An accident happened to her 细节理解题,根据she left school to act.1926,an accident happened to her她在1926年离开学校,一场车祸发生在她身上,故答案为An accident happened to her75A famous actress 细节

15、理解题,根据She was a famous actress in the 1930s在20世纪30年代,她是一个有名的演员,故答案为A famous actress【点评】主要是根据前提问题来做出相应的要求内的答案,题型比较灵活但是考查了学生多方面的知识和技能,要做好这类题,就要注意平时知识的积累,包括单词、词组、句型等30(2017哈尔滨)(C)When you sit down with your family to eat a meal,have you ever wondered when and where people used chopsticks for the first

16、time?Its said that the first chopsticks were used in China 5,000 years agoSince then,chopsticks have even widely used in many countries in Asia,such as China,Japan and KoreaChopsticks are made of different kinds of materialsThe materials like bamboo and wood are common because they are easy to getPe

17、ople also use bones for chopsticksEven many valuable materials like silver can be used to make chopsticksThere are also many table manners(礼仪) connected with chopsticksFor instance,never stick (插入) your chopsticks straight in your rice bowlPeople believe this is impolite to the hostThe Introduction

18、of ChopsticksWhen the first chopsticks were used in ChinaFifty(76)centuriesagoWhere chopsticks have been widely usedIn many(77)Asiancountries,such as China,Japan and KoreaWhat materials chopsticks are made of(78)bamboo,wood,bone and silverWhy bamboo and wood chopsticks are commonBecause the material

19、s can be found(79)easilyOne of the table manners connected with chopsticksNever stick your chopsticks straight in your rice (80)bowl任务5:根据短文(C)内容完成表格,每空一词【分析】这篇短文主要介绍了筷子是亚洲文化的象征但是不同国家的筷子是有区别的不同的烹饪传统导致了不同形状的筷子筷子也是由不同的材质制成的,比较普遍的是竹筷【解答】答案:76centuries 细节理解题根据第二段第一行句子Its said that the first chopsticks w

20、ere used in China 5,000 years ago据说5000年前第一批筷子在中国使用可知是在五十世纪前故答案为centuries77Asian 细节理解题根据第二段句子Since then,chopsticks have even widely used in many countries in Asia,such as China,Japan and Korea此后,筷子还广泛应用于亚洲的许多国家,如中国,日本和韩国题干中countries是名词,前面应是形容词Asian亚洲的可知许多亚洲国家故答案为Asian78bamboo 细节理解题根据第二段句子The materia

21、ls like bamboo and wood are common because they are easy to get筷子是由不同种类的材料材料如竹、木是常见的因为他们是容易获取的可知是竹子故答案为bamboo79easily 细节理解题根据第二段句子The materials like bamboo and wood are common because they are easy to get筷子是由不同种类的材料材料如竹、木是常见的因为他们是容易获取的根据题干中found是动词,后面应接副词形式easily容易地可知因为可以更容易找到故答案为easily80bowl 细节理解题根据第二段句子For instance,never stick (插入) your chopsticks straight in your rice bowlPeople believe this is impolite to the host例如,筷子从不插入你的米饭碗里人们认为这是不礼貌的可知不要把筷子直接插在米饭碗上故答案为bowl【点评】主要是根据前提问题来做出相应的要求内的答案,题型比较灵活但是考查了学生多方面的知识和技能,要做好这类题,就要注意平时知识的积累,包括单词、词组、句型等第6页(共6页)

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