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1、注意事项:1.本试卷包含第I卷选择题(第1-45题)、第II卷非选择题(第46-80题及书面表达题)两部分。本次考试时间为100分钟,卷面总分为120分。试卷形式为闭卷。2.本试卷共8页,在检查是否有漏印、重印或错印后再开始答题。3.所有试题必须作答在答题卡上规定的区域内,注意题号必须对应,否则不给分。4.答题前,务必将姓名、准考证号用0.5毫米黑色签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡上。第I卷 (选择题,共60分)一、单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,计15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入句中空白处的最佳答案。I. The Yangko Dance is _ traditional Chi

2、nese folk dance created by the farmers.A. aB. anC. theD. /2. Work hard. _ youll have a big success.A. orB. butC. andD. yet3. We should protect the earth because it is _ home.A. weB. usC. ourD. ours4. Please give me some _ on how to spend the coming weekend.A. spaceB. adviceC. praiseD. courage5. - _

3、do you plan to buy?- I havent made up my mind. Ill just look around.A. whoB. HowC. whyD. What6. President Xi said that people in the world should build a community _ a shared future.A. toB. atC. withD. from7.-Whats _ time youre willing to wait for Waimai food?- Ten minutes at most.A. longB. longerC.

4、 the longerD. the longest8. - Which sport do you like better, skiing or skating?- Both. I think _ of them is interesting.A. eitherB. noneC. neitherD. all9. These new types of energy cost very little and will never _.A. look outB. come outC. run outD. stay out10. Look, little Jim is swimming so fast.

5、 I _ believe my eyes.A. shouldntB. cantC. mustntD. neednt11. - I _ my card. I want to report it.- You can call the bank to report the loss. It would be faster.A. loseB. was losingC. will loseD. have lost12. A lot of new roads _ in order to develop the villages in the next five years.A. builtB. were

6、builtC. buildD. will be built13. Yueda Group has found a way to _ the waste and doesnt put it into the river any more.A. produceB. recycleC. requireD. protect14. - Could you tell me _?- Oh, she is the worlds first robot citizen, Sophia.A. what the tall girl isB. what is the tall girlC. who the tall

7、girl isD. who is the tall girl15. -Jackie, Im going on business, Please look after yourself.- _, Dad, I will.A. I hope soB. Dont worryC. Id love toD. Dont mention it二、完型填空(共15题,每小题1分,计15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。I first met 8-year-old katy on a rainy afternoon. I was a 16 at a hospital. T

8、he clerk at the desk told me about Katy. She was there because she felt a lot of 17 , The doctors found a problem at the base of her brain. I knew she was 18 even before she got better.When I entered Katys room, she was not in her bed. 19 Katy did not feel well, she was playing with Tommy, a little

9、boy. It took a lot of 20 for her just to sit in the chair. But she played with Tommy because it made him 21 .Katy was always smiling and never appeared to be in pain. She 22 to just lie in bed. One day I found her painting a picture. Later, she gave it to one of the older patients, Another day she w

10、ent outside to 23 flowers for another sick little girl. Katy made 24 smile.The doctors 25 to solve the problem in Katys brain, The operation was successful! The doctors informed the hospital staff of the good news. Katy was fine. She soon felt 26 . Then she was able to 27 the hospital a month later.

11、I have had a long career as a nurse. I have met many patients. 28 , I have never met another girl like Katy. Even after she got well, she still came to the hospital. She played various games with the young patients. She read many books to the 29 patients. Katys kind heart helped her get better so 30

12、 . She is a hero to me and everyone else at the hospital.16. A. nurse B. waiter C. doctor D. patient17. A. fun B. need C. pain D. pity18. A. silly B. shy C. sorry D. special19. A. Because B. Until C. Though D. After20. A. courses B. effort C. place D. notes22. A. agreed B. refused C. decided D. fail

13、ed23. A. sell B. smell C. get D. grow24. A. everyone B. nobody C. someone D. none25. A. afforded B. hated C. regretted D. hurried26. A. better B. worse C. quieter D. sadder27. A find B. leave C. reach D. forget28. A. Instead B. Besides C. Therefore D. However29. A. nice B. old C. smart D. crazy30. A

14、. slowly B. widely C. quickly D. lately三、阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。(共15小题,每小题2分,计30分)AHelping others is a great thing to do, You can learn new things and have fun. You can help people, animals or the environment. It can make you feel good too! How can you help?Charities are organizations t

15、hat help others, for example, UNICEF or the World Wildlife Fund, You can help charities by giving your time, giving money or giving things that you own. You can also help people or places you know.VolunteeringVolunteering is when you give your time to help others. Some ways of volunteering are:l vis

16、iting old people to talk to them or help theml walking dogs at an animal shelterl cleaning up a parkFund-raisingFund-raising is when you collect money to help others. Some ways of fund-raising are:l making cakes or biscuits to selll doing a sponsored(赞助)activity, For example, family and friends give

17、 you money if you finish a long walk.DonatingDonating is when you give your things to help others. Some ways of donating are:l giving your old toys or clothes to a charity that helps sick children or poor people.l giving your old books to a library.So, what can you do to help others?31. Which organi

18、zation is mentioned in the passage?A. ORBIS.B. Oxfam.C. WWF.D. WTO.32. Which of the following is a good way to raise money for a charity?A. Visiting a sick child.B. Doing a sponsored walk.C. Cleaning up a library.D. Talking with old people.33. What does an animal shelter probably refer to?A. A house

19、 to protect animals from rain.B. A building to keep animals on display.C. A home for large and dangerous animal.D. A place for poor and homeless animals.34. What is the authors purpose in writing this passage?A. To show ways of helping others.B. To share personal experiences.C. To explain reasons fo

20、r donations.D. To introduce some organizations.35. Where does the passage probably come from?A. A magazine.B. A story book.C. A travelling guide.D. A science fiction.BNatures warningsWhen the sky suddenly turns dark and the wind is strong, watch out! A dangerous storm might be coming. Storms are sca

21、ry. Watch for flashes of lightning. Listen for thunder. If nature sends these warnings, dont wait for rain. Act right away to keep safe.Safety StepsAt the first flash of lightning, quickly get inside a building or a car. Do not go into a shed (棚)for protection. It is not closed like a building, so i

22、t is not safe.Even after you are indoors, be careful. It is not smart to go near doors and windows. They can blow in or break. A room with no windows is the safest place to be.Do not wash your hands during a storm. Do not use anything that runs on electricity either. Water and electrical lines are l

23、ike roads for lightning. Even if you really want to play computer games, dont! It is better to be bored than to risk getting hurt. Try reading a book instead. Reading is more fun than playing computer games.If you cant get to somewhere safe, stay out in the open. You may feel safe under a tree, but

24、that is not a good place to be. Lightning is pulling toward tall poles and trees. Stay down in an open space and cover your ears to protect them. Loud thunder can damage your hearing.Lightning StrikesLightning does not strike people very often. It is not likely that you will ever see that happen. If

25、 you do, call 1-2-0. Only trained emergency workers should care for a person who has been hit by lighting.If you follow these rules, you should stay safe during a storm.36. From Paragraph I, we learn that _.A. storms are frightening and harmfulB. storms often come without warningsC. people should wa

26、it and watch lightningD. people should take action after the storm37. The underlined word It in Paragraph 2 probably means _.A. a buildingB. a carC. a roomD. a shed38. During a storm you had better _.A. use a computer for a whileB. listen for thunder by a windowC. leave the room and stay outD. find

27、a closed or an open place39. If a person is hit by lightning, you should _.A call for emergency helpB. stay down in a safe spaceC. move him or her to safetyD. cover his or her ears quickly40. The best title for the passage is _.A. Training StepsB. Home RulesC. Natural OrderD. Storm SafetyCMy first h

28、ome was a beautiful meadow with a pond of clear water. There were some large trees near the pond. On one side of the meadow was a field and on the other was the house of our master, Farmer Grey. He was a kind man.My mother and I had a happy life. She worked during the day. I played with the other yo

29、ung horses and had great fun. At night I lay next to her.One day, my master sold me to Squire Gordon. He lived with his family in a big house.Youre a beautiful horse, he said. You have a beautiful black coat. I shall call you Black Beauty.I learned to carry my master on my back and pull a coach. I l

30、earned to ware reins (缆绳) and a bit in my mouth, I did not like them but all the horses had to wear them.My master had two horses. One of them was Merrylegs. He was very friendly. The other was Ginger. She was not friendly. She bit and kicked people.Ginger and I pulled a coach together. The coachman

31、s name was John Ginger and I worked very hard. We became friends.Ginger told me about her life when she was young. She told me. My master was not kind to me. My reins and bit hurt me. My master did not care.Squire Gordon and his men felt sorry for Ginger. They were always king to her. She stopped bi

32、ting and kicking people. She became a happy horse.One day in autumn Squire Gordon went on a long journey, John went with him and I pulled the coach. The weather was rainy and windy. Mr. Gordon and John could not see well in the rain. We came to a bridge. I stopped. “Something is wrong,” I thought, I

33、 did not want to go on to the bridge. Mr. Gordon and John wanted me to go on to the bridge. I did not move. Just then a man saw us.Hey there! Stop! he cried.What is it? shouted the Squire.The bridge is broken in the middle, he answered. If you go on to it, you are all going to drown in the river.Tha

34、nk God! said the Squire. Thank you, Beauty! said John. We turned around and went along the road by the river. For a long time no one said anything. Then John said: Black Beauty saved our lives. He knew the bridge was dangerous.When we returned home, the Squire told Mrs. Gordon:We are all safe, thank

35、s to Black Beauty!That night I was glad, because I was very tired.41. Who named the horse Black Beauty?A. Farmer Grey.B. Squire Gordon.C. Mrs. Gordon.D. John.42. What do the underlined words “coach” and “drown” probably mean in the passage according to the given English-English dictionary entries (词

36、条)?coach1C a person who trains a person or team in sport2C a comfortable bus for carrying passengers over long distances3C a large closed vehicle with four wheels, pulled by horses, used in the past for carrying passengersdrown1V to die because you have been underwater too long and you cannot breath

37、e; to kill sb in this way2V to make sth very wet; to completely cover sth in water or another liquid3V to be louder than other sounds so that you cannot hear themA.1:2B. 3:1C. 1:3D. 3:343. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. Black Beauty lived a hard life with mum.B. Ginger wa

38、s unhappy when she was young.C. Some horses did not wear reins or bits.D. Mr. Gordon went on a long journey alone.44. How did Black Beauty save his masters life?A. By fixing the bridge.B. By asking other horses for help.C. By crossing the bridge.D. By refusing to step onto the bridge.45. What might

39、happen that night from the passage?A. Black Beauty was sent away from home.B. Mr. Gordon sold Black Beauty to others.C. Black Beauty got good food and a nice bed.D. Mr. Gordon had Black Beauty do extra work.第卷(非选择题,共60分B.任务型阅读。(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成表格中所缺信息,每空一词。In ancient Egypt, women did

40、 not go out to work. They stayed and worked at home. Many Egyptian men were farmers. Some men were builders or fishermen. Other men worked as artists. Some other important people did not do any farming.The weather in Egypt was very hot. Ancient Egyptians did not wear many clothes, Men, women and chi

41、ldren often wore simple robes made of thin cloth. On their feet they wore light open shoes. People, including women, shaved(剃) hair from their heads to keep cool.Children in ancient Egypt grew up to do the same jobs as their parents. Girls stayed at home with their mothers. They learned to look afte

42、r the home Boys worked with their fathers. They learned to do the jobs their fathers did. They learned to look after the home Boys worked with their fathers. They learned to do the jobs their fathers did. They only went to school to learn to write if they wanted to become a scribe (抄写员).Many of the

43、games played by ancient Egyptians are similar to games we still play today, Children played racing and jumping games. They also played ball games and with wooden toys. Older children played a game like chess.The kings of Egypt (the pharaohs) had enough power to master their country. The people thoug

44、ht that the pharaoh was a god. He owned everything. Everyone had to do what he told them to do. The pharaohs built huge tombs. When a pharaoh died, he was buried in the tomb. The tombs were often in the shape of pyramids. When a pharaoh was buried. he was surrounded by treasure and by things to help

45、 him in the next world, such as food, clothes, furniture and weapons.TitleLife in 46 EgyptParagraph headingsWorkWomen didnt go out to work, and most of the men worked as farmers. 47 builders or fishermen.Clothesl They wore robes made of thin cloth and 48 open shoes.l To keep 49 people had their hair

46、 cut with shaven heads.Childrenl Girls stayed at home and 50 with their mothers while boy followed in their fathers footsteps.l Some had to 51 to write at school to become a scribe.52l Children played almost the 53 games as we do today.l Most of the toys they played with were made of 54 PharaohsThe kings were very 55 and rich in life. They were buried in huge tombs together with treasure and necessities.C.阅读与回答问题。(共5小题,每小题2分,计10分)When Dr, Karen McComb came to Amboseli Park her first task was to learn the names of the one hundred or so elephants most often seen.Scientists working in the park

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