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1、2018年九年级 中考英语 介词与介词短语 选择题40题1、We all agree _ you.Lets start at once. A.to B.for C.with D.on2、_ the afternoon of March 8, the women in the city had a big party. A.To B.In C.At D.On3、China lies _ the east of Asia and _ the north of Australia. A.to; to B.in; to C.to; in D.in; on4、Where is the bookstore

2、?Its _ the second floor, _ the furniture store and the drugstore.A.on;between B.at;next to C.on;among D.in;across from5、Liu Xiang was born _ 13th July,1983.A.on B.at C.in D.during6、These kids practice spoken Englishjoining the English club.A.by B.in C.on D.with7、He took my English-Chinese dictionary

3、 mistake.A.for B.by C.with D.in8、A bird flew into the kitchen the widow. A.across B.above C.through D.under9、How can I improve my English more quickly? _ listening and reading more.A.At B.Through C.By D.On10、-Your sweater looks nice.Is it made of wool? -Yes, and its made _ Shanghai. A.by B.in C.from

4、 D.on11、- How do you learn English? - _ asking the teacher _ help.A.From; for B.By; for C.By; of D.From;of12、Did you and your family join in the trip?Yes._ us, the Greens also went to the amusement park. A.Except B.Beside C.But D.Besides 13、He hasnt been here _ the morning of March 2nd. A.until B.si

5、nce C.on D.in14、- Do you like coffee? -No, I dont like it_.A.a little B.a lot C.much D.at all15、Well have a hiking trip tomorrow, but when shall we meet?Lets make it _half past seven.A.on B.in C.to D.at 16、- Have you got the e-mail I sent you this morning? - I found an e-mail in my mailbox, but it w

6、asnt _ you. A.from B.for C.about D.with17、Hurry up!Theres a bus coming!Why run?There will be another one _ two or three minutes.A.by B.in C.for D.on18、How do you learn Japanese at home?_ Japanese cartoons.A.By watch B.By watching C.Through looking D.With seeing19、Because of enough exercise and a goo

7、d diet, Toms grandfather always looks in the pink.The phrase “in the pink” means . A.full of energy B.in good health C.in need of food D.in need of strength20、You can improve your English practicing more.A.by B.with C.of D.in21、I believe I can achieve my dream _ working hard.A.in B.by C.with D.of22、

8、It is very kind you to help me with my lessons because it is very difficult me to learn them well.A.of;for B.of;of C.for;of D.for;for23、Most of the wild animals are _because of their bad living environment.So we must do something to save them.A.in need B.on duty C.at work D.in danger 24、Just walk do

9、wn this road and youll see the museum _ your right.A.on B.in C.at D.by25、The little bear is afraid to go alone.He always walks _ his mother.A.besides B.beside C.below D.under26、I can hardly go out at night _ my parents permission.A.through B.without C.against D.including27、Themeeting will be held 20

10、17.A.on B.at C.in D.of28、Excuse me, how can I get to the theatre? Walk _ the white tall building, turn right and youll see it.A.past B.along C.across D.through29、The book Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone sold millions of copies all over the world.The underline part means _.A.more than one wor

11、ld B.outside the worldC.in the present word D.throughout the world30、Hurry up, Susan.The train will leave _ a quarter to eleven.A.to B.at C.in D.on31、Mary is flying to France soon.She will arrive London the morning of July 19.A.to,on B.in,on C.in,in D.at,in32、He tried his best to find a roommate to

12、live _. A./ B.in C.with D.to33、- Have you got the e-mail I sent you this morning? - I found an e-mail in my mailbox, but it wasnt _ you. A.from B.for C.about D.with34、Kathy always cares _ what others say so much that she loses her own idea. A.about B.much C little D of35、They have sold _ the trouser

13、s _ your size. A.out; in B.off; with C.away; of D.on in36、 I hear that Amy is trying to lose weight by taking weight-loss pills. In my opinion, looking good is important, but _, staying healthy is far more important. A.after all B.in all C.at all D.above all37、Modern equipment and no smoking are two

14、 of the things I like working here.A.with B.over C.at D.about38、We often climb mountains Sunday morning to keep ourselves healthy. A.in B.at C.to D.on39、Too many farmers have moved into big houses _ small gardens happily since the construction of Chinas new countryside started.A.with B.in C.for D.fr

15、om40、My sister came into my room _ a piece of cake in her hand.A.in B.on C.with D.for 参考答案1、答案为:C;2、答案为:D3、答案为:B4、答案为:A5、答案为:A6、答案为:A 7、答案为:B8、答案为:C 9、答案为:C10、答案为:B11、答案为:B12、答案为:D13、答案为:B14、答案为:D15、答案为:D16、答案为:A17、答案为:B18、答案为:B19、答案为:B20、答案为:A21、答案为:B22、答案为:A23、答案为:D.24、答案为:A25、答案为:B26、答案为:B27、答案为:C 28、答案为:A29、答案为:D30、答案为:B31、答案为:B32、答案为:C33、答案为:A34、答案为:A35、答案为:B36、答案为:A37、答案为:D38、答案为:D39、答案为:A40、答案为:C第 5 页 共 5 页

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