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1、八年级任务型阅读专项训练一班级: 姓名: (一)A holiday (假期) is a special day to remember special people or special things that happened in history. In the past, most holidays were about religion (宗教). Today, holidays celebrate (庆祝) more than religion. Some holidays are even about nature (大自然) and animals! Earth Day, for

2、 example, is a holiday about nature. On some holidays people in the US do not have to go to school or work. Thanksgiving and Christmas are examples. But some people like the police, bus drivers, firefighters and hospital workers need to work even on important holidays. On other holidays, people do g

3、o to work and school. For example, there is no day off(休息日) on holidays like Halloween and Valentines Day. But people still celebrate at work or school, or when they get home. People in the US celebrate holidays by spending time together. Sometimes people wear special clothes or eat special foods. P

4、eople also celebrate some holidays by parading (游行庆祝). One of the largest holidays parades in America is the Macys Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City. The parade celebrates both Thanksgiving and the start of Christmas. A holiday is a special day. What is your favorite holiday? How do you celeb

5、rate it every year? 根据短文内容回答问题1. What were most holidays about in the past? 2. According to the passage, who dont have days off on Thanksgiving and Christmas in the US? 3. On which holidays dont people in the US have days off? Give two examples. 4. How do people in the US celebrate holidays? 5. What

6、 does Macys Thanksgiving Day Parade celebrate? (二)Sports are very important to us. Sports are popular with young and old people. Many people do morning exercises, go to different sports clubs and take part in sports games. Other people like sports too but they only like to watch sports games and lis

7、ten to sports news. They dont do sports.P.E. is an important subject in our school. Students have P.E. classes five times a week. Boys and girls often play volleyball and basketball in P.E. classes. There is a big playground (操场) in our school and students like to do sports there. Our school often h

8、as a lot of sports games and many students take part in them.Sports can help people to keep healthy. People of all ages must take care of their health and do exercise regularly (有规律地). My favorite sport is swimming. I go to the swimming pool once a week. But I like relaxing by the lake or the river

9、and swimming there. 根据短文内容回答问题1. Some people like sports but they dont do sports. What do they like to do? 2. How often do the students in the writers school have P.E classes? 3. Where do the students in the writers school like to do sports? 4. Whats the writers favorite sport? 5. Does the writer li

10、ke relaxing by swimming in the pool? (三)Linda is a happy girl with a kind heart.One day Lindas mother gave her some money to buy her favorite ice-cream. When she arrived at the ice-cream shop, she saw a homeless man outside it. The man looked hungry. 琳达觉得他是这个世界上最穷的人。Linda looked at the ice-cream in

11、the shop and the man outside for a while. Then she decided to give the money to the poor man.The man smiled and said, “Thank you, little girl. You are very kind. But Im not a poor man. In fact, Im the richest man in the town and I sometimes wear old clothes to see what people will do.”Then the rich

12、man took Linda to a big shop and said to her, “Choose a gift for yourself, even the most expensive one, if you want.”Linda asked, “Can I choose two?”“Of course,” answered the man.Linda took a big cup of ice-cream for herself, and a new coat for the man.根据短文内容完成下列各题1. Where did Linda see the man? 2.

13、Was the man poor? 3. What did the man think of Linda? 4. 将画线句子译成英语。 5. 将画线句子译成汉语。 (四)My country, Vietnam, is a good place. Hue is my favorite city in the country, because its my hometown. I was born and grew up there. Hue is in the center of Vietnam. It is famous for its history. Hue is one of the W

14、orld Heritage Sites (世界遗产地).There are many old temples, walls, museums and palaces in Hue. If you want to relax in a quiet place and at the same time feel the culture of the old days, Hue is the place for you to go.When everyone arrives in my hometown, they feel comfortable. They can travel around m

15、y city and watch, see, feel, and taste. The food in my hometown is very special and delicious. Bun Bo Hue is a famous food in Hue. It is a kind of beef noodle soup. Vietnam coffee is also good. You can just drink a cup of coffee in the morning like how the locals (当地人) do.Over time, everything in my

16、 hometown is becoming better. The people here are hard-working. Although it is not as developed (发达的) as some places in the world, I believe itll do well as time goes by. 根据短文内容回答问题1. Where is the city Hue? 2. Whats Hue famous for? 3. Whats Bun Bo Hue? 4. Do people in the writers hometown like coffe

17、e? 5. What does the writer think of people in his hometown? (五) Summer time means moviescomedies, documentaries, cartoons, etc. Whether you are in your favorite theater or on the sofa at home, the best companion (伙伴) of movies goes to popcorn. Popcorn and movies became “best friends” in the early 19

18、00s. At the very beginning, movies had no sound. So people thought it was not polite (礼貌的) to eat while watching movies. Later, with the coming of sound films, popcorn became popular. To movie watchers, it was cheap and everyone could afford it. To theaters, it could bring them much money. Did you k

19、now? People eat 70% of the popcorn at home and 30% outside, and movie theaters are the top places. Popcorn is a good-for-you snack, and both young and old people love it. Treat (款待) yourself to an at-home movie night. Prepare (准备) popcorn, sit back and relax and enjoy the show! 根据短文内容完成表格PopcornIt i

20、s the best friend of 1 . History Before the 1900s, people thought it wasnt 2 to eat it at the theater.It became popular after 3 films appeared.ReasonsIt was cheap for movie watchers.It could bring 4 to theaters. Facts People eat most of it 5 . People at different ages love it. (六)I love Thanksgiving

21、 dinner. In fact, I love my moms carrot cake. Everybody in my family loves it, so I hardly get enough of it.This time I wanted more. If I could help my parents with dinner preparation, maybe they would reward (奖励) me. I went shopping with my dad. 我帮助妈妈切胡萝卜、做蛋糕。Finally the Thanksgiving dinner came.“S

22、helia, please serve the cake,” Mom called out.Great! That was my chance (机会). I carefully cut it and put the biggest piece on my plate. Then I began serving the rest.“Mmm The cake is nice.”“Shelia baked it,” Mom said.Everybody said I was a good helper. Soon I became the star of the evening. I felt s

23、o happy.“Can I have more?” that was Neil.“Im sorry ” Mom began, but I cut in.“Mom, there is a little more,” I said. Then I gave my share (一份) to him.I didnt even taste the cake that year. But I tasted something more deliciousthe joy of sharing, the true meaning of Thanksgiving!根据短文内容完成下列各题1. What di

24、d Shelia do with her father? 2. What made Shelia become the star of the evening? 3. What can you learn from the story? 4. 将画线句子译成英语。 5. 将画线句子译成汉语。 (七)Young people have many dreams. Here are Lei Ping and her friends dreams. Lei Ping is going to be an actor. She likes acting. She thinks the actors are

25、 well-known and they can make lots of money. She is going to take acting lessons. Her friend Yong likes writing. He is going to write articles for the magazines when he grows up. He thinks reading more is good for writing. So he often reads books in the library now. The other friend Li is going to b

26、e a teacher. She thinks children are lovely and in the long vacation she can do what she wants to do. These dreams are interesting. Do you have a dream? 1.Lei Pings dream is to be a(n).A. actor B. pilot C. bank clerkD. reader2. What does Lei Ping think of the job of actor? A. The actors are well-kno

27、wn. B. The actors can travel anywhere.C. She doesnt like actors. D. She thinks they are tired.3. How is Yong going to achieve his dream?A. He is doing more exercise every day. B. He is writing articles for the magazines.C. He often reads books in the library.D. He is taking writing lessons after school.4.Li is Lei Pings .A. readerB.cousin C. sisterD. friend5.These ideas of the young are .A. interesting B. not fit them C. not to be trueD. wrong4

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