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1、(完整版)M4U1Will you take your kite教案Module3 Unit1 Will you take your kite?教学设计 教学目标:(一)知识目标:1)四会单词take, picnic, great, ball, why, because, so, Friday, Saturday2)学会运用句型 Will you take?询问他人的计划及作出肯定与否定回答(二)能力目标:能用所学句型:Will you take?Yes, I will / No, I wont 谈论并制定计划。(三)情感目标:培养学生的合作交流能力,教育学生做一个有计划,有条理的人。教学重难

2、点:(一)重点:灵活使用Will you take?Yes, I will / No, I wont 询问他人的计划及作出肯定与否定回答。(二)难点:灵活掌握运用词汇 because, so, Saturday, Friday教学方法:直观教学法,任务教学法,情景教学法,小组合作交流法课前准备:课件,球,单词卡,挂图教学步骤:Step1: Warming up.1.Greetings.2。Enjoy the music: London Bridge is falling down.边唱边做动作.Step2: Leading in.1。(出示一个球)T: Its a ball. 学习单词ball

3、 (课程表)Look, were going to have a PE lesson on _. Will you take a ball?引导学生学习答语Yes, I will。 No, I wont.板书: We are going to Will you take? Yes, I will. No, I wont。2。 以体育课为题,同桌对话练习句型:Will you take?Yes, I will。 No, I wont。Step3: Presentation.1。(出示图片一) T: Who are they? Yes, They are Sam, Amy and Mr。 Smar

4、t。 They are so happy, do you want to know why, lets listen。 学生回答问题并学习单词picnic.2.听第二遍录音,向学生提出问题:what will Amy take?听后请学生回答。3再放音,模仿跟读,培养良好的语感。4小组里分角色对话,最后给全班表演。Step4: Consolidation让学生看挂图,试着说出每幅图中人物的语言,并以小组为单位进行练习,组员分别扮演Sam, Amy, Mr。 Smart, Ms Smart看图表演他们之间的对话.Step5.Production。Ss do group work:T: If we

5、 will have a picnic, I will take a kite. I will take a ball。 I will take bread. I will take an apple. I wont take rice and noodles. Look, heres a piece of paper, now, lets try to find: how many students will take the same things with me。 OK? We are going to have a picnic。Will you take ?Yes, I will.N

6、o, I wont. Report:Step6.Summary说说通过本节的学习你都学会了哪些知识呢?教师帮助补充。Step7. Homework假设你明天要去北京旅行,你将要带什么东西?把所要带的东西的图片画出来,并用I will take口头表达出来。 板书设计:Unit 1 Will you take your kite?We are going toWill you take?Yes, I will。 No, I wont.M4U1Will you take your kite?教案教学目标:1、认知目标:a. 将来时句型:Will you take your? Yes, I will

7、。/ No, I wont.b。 能够说出一些日常生活用品及食物的单词:ball, kite, rice, cake, noodles.2、能力目标:能听懂会说本模块句型,能灵活运用功能句谈论将来的行为。3、情感目标:培养学生学习英语的兴趣和热爱大自然的情怀,在积极参与教学活动中体会到学习的快乐。教学重、难点: 灵活运用重点句Will you take?以及回答Yes, I will. No, I wont.询问别人外出要带什么并回答。教学方法:坚持以话题为核心,以功能、结构为主线,以任务型活动安排本课教学.教学过程:Step1: Warming up.1. Greetings.2. sing

8、 a song.“Monday, Tuesday”Step2:Leadin “ Will the cat fly?Step3: Presentation1。(学第一部分) listen and answer。 问题:Will you fly?Listen and repeat. T: This dialogue tells us:2。(一进文本)Show a picture of Sam and Amy. watch and answer.On Saturday were going to_(板书)3。 (二进文本)教读take并引出make, cakeWatch and answer。 Wi

9、ll you take your kite tomorrow?S1:No, I wont.(板书)找生问:Will you take your ball tomorrow? Listen and repeat。 快速看书 Ss can read the dialogue quickly and answer。Why not? 引出Because tomorrow is Friday。的学习5. Listen and choose。引出So I will take my kite and my ball on Saturday.的学习。6。 Chant7。 Find the rules.Step

10、 4: Drills1. listen and imitate.2。 Read in groups。 3. perform in roles.Step 5: Practice 4个气球Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,代表着不同的东西,让生随机抽,同桌问A: Will you take your? B: Yes, I will。 /No, I wont.Step6。 Production。 A: Will you takeB: Yes, I will./No, I wont。I will take Step7.SummaryT: What have we

11、 learned today? Lets read together。 德育渗透: Lets arange the time reasonably and enjoy our weekend .Step8。 HomeworkAt the weekend, where are you going to go? What will you take?Please talk with your parents by using “Im going to” “ I will take.”.周末你打算去哪儿呢?你准备带什么东西去呢?请用学过的句型和爸爸妈妈交流交流吧!板书设计:Module4 Unit 1 Will you take? Yes, I will./No, I wont

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