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1、将下列句子改成一般疑问句:1. It is a lovely dog._2. She is lovely girl._3. He is myfather._4. They are Lilys cousins._5. We are classmates. _6. I am a doctor. _7. There is a bird in the tree. _8. There are many stars in the sky. _9. They are good friends. _10. I love my parents. _11. I play computer games every

2、night. _12. There are many books on the shelf. _13. There is an ostrich in the zoo. _14. We have a pleasant home. _15. We like to climb the mountain. _16. They go to church on Sunday. _17. They walk to school every morning. _18. It is a beautiful park. _19. It is a big map. _20. You are a singer. _用

3、do does be 填空 1 _ she like hamburgers ? Yes , she _ . No, she _.2 _they like books t ? Yes ,_ do. No, _ dont.3 _ your dad like listening to music? Yes ,_ does . No, _ doesnt.4_ uncle Tom wash his car everyday? Yes , _ does . No, _ doesnt.5 _ you teachers ? Yes , I _. No, I _.6_ she a teacher? Yes, she _ . No, she _.7 _ you playing ball now? Yes, I _. No, I _.8 _ the pig like to sleep? Yes, it _. No, it _.写出下列词的缩写形式:1. Is not 2. am not 3. are not 4. do not 5. does not 6. can not 7. what is 8. it is

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