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1、外研版 初二上册 语法聚焦模块语法聚焦一 “建议表达法”种种 ()1.Would you like to go to the zoo with us? _A. No. Im busy. B. Why not? C. Thank you. D. Thats all right.()2.How about going to the Disneyland together?_A. Enjoy yourself!B. Good luck! C. Whats up?D. Sounds like a good idea! ()3. Shall we play football this afternoon

2、? _A. Yes, thats right. B. OK. Ill be free then. C. Whats the matter? D. Of course, you may. ()4. Would you like some more tea? _, please. A. No more B. Just a little C. Ive had enough D. Yes, I would()5. Its a fine day. Shall we go climbing? _. Lets go. A. Its boring B. Of course, you will C. That

3、sounds good D. No, thank you()6. Its hot. Lets go swimming! _.A. Dont say that B. Thats nothing C. Its a good idea D. Youre welcome()7. What a nice day! Lets go for a picnic on the beach together. _! A. Goodbye B. Good idea C. Good job D. Good day()8. Shall we surf the Internet, Lucy? _. A. Me, too

4、B. The same to you C. Great D. OK. Thank you模块语法聚焦二 形容词比较级 (1) ()1. What a hot day!The weather report says it will be much _ tomorrow.A. hot B. hotter C. hottest D.hoter()2We think English is maths.A.as well as B.as better as C.most well D.as good as ()3. This blue bike is too expensive. Could you s

5、how me a_one?A. cheap B. cheaper C. cheapest D.more cheap()4. 一Its summer now,the weather is getting .A. higher and higher B. lower and lower C. hotter and hotter D. colder and colder()5.Changjiang River is than in China.A.long, any other river B.longer, any other riverC.longer, the other river D.lo

6、nger, any other rivers()6. Today he is _ than yesterday.A. very cold B. a little colder C. cold D. coldest( )7.All of us want to do more work with_ time and_workers.A.fewer; less B.less; fewer C.more; much D.less; more()8. Of the two Australian students, Masha is _one. I think you can find her easil

7、y.A. tallest B. the taller C. taller D. the tallest. 用所给词的适当形式填空1. This bag is a little_(heavy) than that one.2. Ann has _ (many) apples than Amy.3. Of the two girls, I find Lucy is the _ (clever).4. My father is getting_ and_(fat).5. My English teacher is as_(popular) as he.模块语法聚焦三 一、形容词、副词的比较级 (2)

8、 ()1. When spring comes the days get _ _ and nights _ _.A. short; long B. long; short C. longer; shorter D. shorter; longer()2. This book is_ _ that one, but_ _ than that one.A. as difficult as; expensive B. as more difficult as; more expensiveC. as difficult as; more expensive D. more difficult as;

9、 as expensive ()3. The world is becoming smaller and smaller because the Internet gets us_.A. less B. more C. closer D. farther()4. Would you please drive_? My plane is taking off.Id like to, but safety comes first.A. faster B. betterC. more carefully D. more slowly()5.Excuse me.Could you please not

10、 talk _ in the museum?Oh,sorry.A.loudly B.carefully C.loud D.clearly()6. She always does her homework _ than her brother. A. more careful B. careful C. more carefully D. carefully. 按要求写单词1. quiet (副词)_ 2. badly(最高级) _3. wide(比较级) _ 4. good(副词) _5. noisy(副词) _ 6.fit (比较级)_. 根据汉语意思完成句子1.他们需要快速学英语,并且还要

11、讲好英语。They need to learn English _ and speak it _.2. 乒乓球比篮球更受欢迎。Table tennis is _ _ than basketball. 3. 你认为骑自行车比跑步更累吗?Do you think cycling is _ _ than running?4. 滑冰比游泳危险多了。Skating is _ _ _ than swimming. 5. 慢跑与打篮球相比太枯燥了。Jogging is _ _ than playing basketball. 模块语法聚焦四 形容词和副词的最高级.用所给词的适当形式填空1.He lives

12、_ (far)from station in his class.2.Of all the students in our class, Lucy talks _ (little) but does most.3.Yao Ming is one of _ (famous) players in the world.4.I think July is _ (hot) than any other month in our country. Its _ (hot) month of the year. 5.Most people go to school by bus, so thats the

13、_ (popular) way. 单项填空()1. My father plays sports every day, so he is _ in our family.A. strong B. stronger C. the strongest D. too strong()2.Beijing, the capital of China, is one of_cities in the world.A.the biggest B.bigger C.much bigger D.big()3. What do you think of the football match?Wonderful.

14、They have never played_.A. best B. better C. worse D. worst()4. My best friend Tina is_ in our class, who always makes us laugh.A. funnier B. the funniest C. more serious D. the most serious()5.Tina, Mother says we can have a pet! How about a dog?I like a cat_. I think it is _ to take care of in all

15、 the animals.A.good; easy B.better; easier C.best; easiest D.better; the easiest()6. This dictionary is pretty cheap. The cost is _ of the three.A. very low B. quite low C. the lowest D. much lower()7. Who has_marks in English,Wang Lin,Zhang Fang or Li Hong?Li Hong.A.good B.better C.best D.the best(

16、)8. Tom is stronger than_in his class.A. any other boy B. any boys C. any boy D. other boy()9. The weather gets_in March.A. warm and warm B. colder and colder C. warmer and warmer D. shorter and shorter()10.What is your favourite sport?Swimming , I think.Its _of all.A.easier B.more difficult C.the m

17、ost interesting D.the most boring. 单句改错() _() _() _() _() _模块语法聚焦五 双宾语与不定式作宾语.单项填空()1.Would you please show the way _me?A.for B.to C.on D.at()2.Can you give me _?A. to drink something B. to something to drink C. something to drink D. something drink.用介词for或to填空1.The famous singer sang another song _

18、them.2.Please bring your homework _me.3.The teacher showed some pictures _the students.4.He paid 100 dollars _the coat.5.His father made a model plane _his son.根据汉语意思完成句子1.你能给我一些吃的东西吗?Can you give _?2.你能给我唱首英文歌吗?Can you sing _?3.我们给他做了一个风筝。We made _.4.学生们放学后经常去给老人们读报纸。Students often read _ the old p

19、eople after school.5.让我告诉你一个有趣的故事吧。Let me tell _.Let me tell _.同义句转换,每空一词1.Mum bought me a nice skirt last week.Mum bought a nice skirt _ _last week.2.Jim made a boat for his brother.Jim made _ _ _ _.3.Mr. Li gave me a present yesterday.Mr. Li gave a present _ _yesterday.4.Please pass the pencil to

20、me.Please pass _ _ _.5.She always reads the old people the news.She always reads _ _ _the old people.(二)不定式作宾语 根据句意,用所给词的正确形式填空1.Mary wants me _ (call)her at six oclock.2.I would like _(watch)the film Toy Story 3 in the cinema.3.We planned_(go) cycling yesterday.4.Lily found this new movie difficult

21、_ (understand)5.Tom enjoys _(make)kites with his friend.6.Lets practice_(sing)this song again.7.They hope_(work)in Shanghai in the future.8.All the children look forward to _(go)to Disneyland one day.9.Mother dislikes_(travel)by plane.10.We decided _(learn)English well.模块语法聚焦六 动词不定式(2) ()1. _is not

22、easy. A. For cook B. To cook C. Cook D. To cooking()2. Its time _ supper now. A. have B. having C. to have D. had()3. He made me _ again. A. to do it B. do it C. that I do it D. doing it()4. I dont know when _ a meeting. A. having B. to have C. had D. has()5. Im hungry. Give me something_. A. eat B.

23、 to eat C. eating D. for eating()6. I saw the boy _ out a moment ago. A. run B. runs C. to run D. ran()7. Please tell him _ too hard. A. dont work B. to not work C. not to work D. not work()8. This room is very nice for me _ . A. to live B. to live in C. living in D. living()9.Plan your time careful

24、ly and make sure you have some time what you like every day.A. do B. to do C. doing D. done()10. You are very tired. Please stop _ a rest. A. having B. to have C. has D. to having()11. Youd better _ in class. A. not talk B. not to talk C. to not talk D. not talking()12. My little brother is too youn

25、g _ dress himself. A. that he cant B. he cant C. to D. not to.根据句意及汉语提示完成句子1._ _ _ _(学好英语)is important for students.2.My dream is _ _ _ _(当一名医生).3.Our teacher is always the first _ _ _ _ (到学校).4.I dont know _ _ _ _ _(怎么回答这个问题).5.The question is _ _ _(在什么地方见面).6.The teacher told him _ _ _(不要动).7.He t

26、old me_ _ _ _next time (下次不要迟到).8.Do you have_ _ _(什么要说的吗)?9.His word is _ _ _ _(不容易懂).10.She was too excited _ _ _ _(说不出话来).11.The angry father made his son _ _(做作业)after supper.12.He wants me _ _ _ _(成为科学家) in the future.13.I heard him _ _ _(唱英文歌)last night.14.Id like you _ _ _ _ _(来我的聚会)模块语法聚焦七 过

27、去进行时态(1).用所给单词的正确形式填空。1.It was warm, so I _(take) off my coat.2.Jane _(wait) for me when I _(arrive).3.Sue wasnt hungry, so she _(eat) anything.4.My brother came into the bedroom while I _(dance).5._ he _(lie) on the ground at nine yesterday evening ?6. What _ Jim _(write) when the teacher came in ?

28、7.Mike and I _(play) basketball at that time yesterday afternoon.8.I first met Lisa three years ago. She _(work) at a radio shop at the time.二.按要求进行句型转换。1.We were having a PE class at four yesterday afternoon.(改为否定句)We _ _ a PE class at four yesterday afternoon.2.Kate was doing her homework at eight

29、 last night.(改为一般疑问句,并做肯定和否定回答) 3.He ran in the park .(用at this time yesterday改写) 4.They were playing computer games at nine yesterday.( 对划线部分提问) 5.I was reading a novel at three yesterday afternoon.( 对划线部分提问) 模块语法聚焦八 过去进行时(2).用所给词的适当形式填空,每空一词1.I_ _(leave) the office when the telephone rang.2.What _

30、you_ (do) at 7:00 yesterday morning?I _ _ (wash) my face.3.Jack_ _ (play) the violin while his father was reading newspapers.4.They_ _ (listen) to Liu Dehuas songs from 8:00 to 10:00 last Sunday.5.He came in while my sister_ _ (sleep).6.The boy_ _ (watch)a film at that time.7.I _ _(walk) on the road

31、; suddenly a car came to me.8.What_you _ (do) when it _(happen)?.按要求完成下列各题,每空一词1.He was playing computer games at_six last night.(改为否定句.一般疑问句并对画线部分提问)He_ playing computer games at six last night._he _computer games at six last night?_ _ _he _computer games last night?2.Betty was reading books when_h

32、is_mom_came_back. (对画线部分提问)_ _Betty _books?3.I was watchingTV at 8:00 yesterday.(对画线部分提问) _ _ you _ at 8:00 yesterday?4.Tom ran at school yesterday.(用at that time 改写)Tom _ _ at school at that time yesterday.模块语法聚焦九 冠词和数词 ( )1. Have you seen _ pen? I left it here this morning.Is it _ black one? I thi

33、nk I saw it somewhere.A. a; theB. the; the C. the; aD. a; a( )2. There is _ old bike. _ old bike is Mr Zhaos.A.an ;The B.the;An C.a;The D.the;The( )3.Bill is _ English teacher.He likes playing _ football.A.a;the B.an;the C.a; D.an;( )4.The museum is quite far.It will take you half _ hour to get ther

34、e by _ bus.A.an; B.an;a C.a; D.;( )5. Does Tom often play _ football after _ school?A.; B.;the C.the; D.a;( )6. _ Great Wall is _ longest wall in the world.A.A;a B.The;the C.A;the D.The;a( )7. One afternoon he found _ handbag.There was _ “s”on the corner of _ handbag.A.a;an;the B.a;a;the C.an;an;an

35、D.the;a;a( )8. We cant see _ sun at _ night.A.the;the B.the; C.a; D.;( )9 of the room empty. A. Two-third , areB. Two-thirds , are C. Two-third , isD. Two-thirds , is( )10. 333 is . A. three hundreds and thirty threeB. three hundred and thirty and three C. three hundred and thirty-three D. three hun

36、dreds thirty third( )11. “E” is the letter of the English alphabet. A. fiveB. firstC. fifth D. second( )12.When she was in , she got married. A. her twentiethB. her twenties C. the twentiesD. the twentieth( )13. . Tom carried only money to make change for a bill. A. nines-dollarsB. nines-dollar C. nine-dollarsD. nine-dollar( )14. It took them to finish the work every day.A. one and a half hours B. one and a half hourC. an hour and a half hoursD

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