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1、SOSTAC PLANNING SYSTEM / 利用SOSOTAC系统撰写策略性营销传输策划方案Stage/步骤Section of plan/策划阶段Which answers/所处理问题SSituation/现实状况Where are we now?/我们现在在哪里?OObjectives/目标Where do we want to be?/我们准备去哪里?SStrategy/策略How do we get therebroad steps?/我们怎样抵达那里-关键步骤是哪些?TTactics/战术How do we get thereindividual steps?/我们怎样达成那里

2、-每一个具体步骤是哪些?AAction/行动What are the specific actions required for each individual tactical step?How do we get people to do them?/每一个具体战术步骤需要采取哪些具体行动?怎样安排人力资源去完成任务?C Control/控制How do we know we have arrived?/我们怎样知道是否已经抵达目标?SOSTAC Stage 1: Situation Analysis (Internal) 1.1 performance, Competencies And

3、 PoliciesSOSTAC步骤1: 现实状况分析(内部)1.1 业绩,竞争能力和竞争方针Key Result Area关键参数Specific area具体参数Past/present performance过去/现在业绩参数Strength优势Weakness弱势Trend improving or 趋势,改善或.Performance 业绩Profits / 利润Sales / 销售额Markets share/ 市场份额Market segments/市场细化Positioning/ 市场定位Product portfolio/产品组成Return/trend 利润率/趋势Turno

4、ver trend 营业额趋势Leader/follower 市场领导/跟随者Market spread 市场覆盖率N0.1 or No.10? 第一或第十位Single or spread 单一或系列产品Competencies竞争能力Marketing 市场营销Production 生产Financial 资金Technology 技术Human resource 人力资源Management 管理Particularly good or bad? 很差或好?Operating efficiency 生产效率Profitability 利润率Leading edge or follower

5、?领先或跟随?Skill base management? 技能管理?Policy 竞争方针Risk seeker/averse冒险/回避冒险Discontinuous/continuous 间断/连续innovations/extensions 创新/扩张SOSTAC Stage (contd.) 1: Situation Analysis (Internal) 1.2 Marketing Mix and Service mixSOSTAC步骤1(续): 现实状况分析(内部)1.2 市场营销组合和服务组合Key Result Area关键参数Specific area具体参数Past/pre

6、sent performance过去/现在业绩参数Strength优势Weakness弱势Trend improving or 趋势,改善或.Marketing Mix营销组合Product 产品Price 价格Place 通路Promotion 促销 Quality 产品质量Product portfolio 产品组成Costs 成本Prices 价格Distribution penetration 分销网络建设Integrated Communication audit 整合传输审核Mix 促销组成 Positioning 促销定位Service Mix服务组合People 人员Proce

7、sses 步骤Physicals 标识系统Skill base and motivation 技能和干劲Staff turnover 人均营业额Front counter and back 全程服务步骤Office processesPhysical evidence 标识物(buildings/uniforms) (建筑/制服) SOSTAC Stage (contd.) 1: Situation Analysis (Internal) 1.3 Customer Mix SOSTAC步骤1(续): 现实状况分析(内部)1.3 用户组合Customers 用户分类Segments市场区隔Siz

8、e of segment区隔规模Potential目标市场潜力Profitability (high, medium or low)利润率(高、中、低)Distribution channels (accessible through?)铺货渠道(经过何种渠道抵达市场终端?)Media (trough which target market can be reached)媒体利用(经过何种媒体传输到目标市场受众)Rank (each markets attractive-ness in terms of profitability)排序(根据各目标市场利润率排序)Target market 1

9、 目标市场1Define/specify the target market:定义/确定目标市场Target market 2 目标市场2 Define/specify the target market:定义/确定目标市场Target market 3 目标市场Define/specify the target market:定义/确定目标市场SOSTAC Stage (contd.) 1: Situation Analysis (Internal) 1.4 Customer RetentionSOSTAC步骤1: 现实状况分析(内部)1.4 用户维护Target market目标市场Pro

10、file 工作内容Customer satisfaction Trend Current score compared to:a. previous yearsb. industry averagec. industry best d. any other industry best 用户满意来自趋势目前用户满意程度和。比较:a. 去年b. 同行业平均水平c. 同行业最好水平d. 各行业最好水平Loyalty levels TrendCurrent score Compared to:a. previous yearsb. industry averagec. industry bestd.

11、any other industry best用户忠诚度趋势目前用户满忠诚度和。比较:a. 去年b. 同行业平均水平c. 同行业最好水平d. 各行业最好水平Intention to repurchaseTrend Current score compared to: a. previous yearsb. industry average c. industry best d. any other industry best 用户反复购置率趋势目前用户反复购置度和。比较:a. 去年b. 同行业平均水平c. 同行业最好水平d. 各行业最好水平Pareto principleTrend Becom

12、ing more dependent on few customers ( eggs in one basket/pareto principle)20/80原理趋势变得愈加依靠少数用户(把全部鸡蛋放在一个篮子里,20/80原理)Target market 1 目标市场1 Define/ specify the target market:定义/确定目标市场Target market 2 目标市场2Define/ specify the target market:定义/确定目标市场Target market3 目标市场3Define/ specify the target market:定义

13、/确定目标市场SOSTAC Stage (contd.) 1: Situation Analysis (Internal) 1.5 Customer DMUs and Opinion FormersSOSTAC步骤1: 现实状况分析(内部)1.5 用户决议者和提议者Target market目标市场Segments市场细化DMU(Decision Making Unit)Who are the key players in the decision making unit?决议者谁是决议层中关键人物?Access to DMUDefine how to reach the DMU接触决议者(D

14、MU)确定怎样和决议者接触Opinion Formers (OF) Define OF for reach target提议者(OF)确定各市场提议者Access to OFDefine how to reach the OF in each target marketTarget market 1 目标市场1 Define/ specify the target market:定义/确定目标市场Target market 2 目标市场2Define/ specify the target market:定义/确定目标市场Target market3 目标市场3Define/ specify

15、the target market:定义/确定目标市场 SOSTAC Stage (contd.) 1: Situation Analysis (External) 1.6 External Analysis of Uncontrollable VariablesSOSTAC步骤1: 现实状况分析(外部)1.6 市场不可控制原因外部分析Key Result Area项目Specific area特定区域Future uncontrolled不可控制未来原因Impact-opportunity机会影响Impact-threat威胁影响Step 1Near or competitive envir

16、onment 步骤1近期或微观竞争环境Structure/market结构/市场Trends in market 市场趋势Economics (micro)经济(微观方面)Power forces外来力量SOSTAC Stage 1 (contd.): Situation Analysis (Internal) 1.7 External Analysis of Uncontrollable VariablesSOSTAC步骤1 (续): 现实状况分析(外部)1.7 市场不可控制原因外部分析Key Result Area项目Specific area特定区域Future uncontrolled

17、不可控制未来原因Impact-opportunity机会影响Impact-threat威胁影响Step 2Far or wide environment 步骤2远期或宏观竞争环境Sociological社会原因Technological 技术原因Economics (macro)经济原因(宏观)Political政治原因SOSTAC Stage 2: Objectives 2.1 Marketing and Developing Marketing Communications ObjectivesSOSTAC步骤2: 目标 2.1 营销和确定营销传输目标 Hierarchy of objec

18、tive目标金字塔组成Involves包含内容Specific items found in each type of objectives (complete this section)每一层目标包含具体项目(完成本部分)Business 业务Over all vision and direction理念和发展方向Corporate positioning, leadership and vales (including ethics) 企业定位,领先地位和价值观(包含职业道德。)Business objectives 业务目标All departments within the organ

19、ization组织内全部部门Survival; growth; ROL; acquisitions生存,成长,收购。Marketing objectives eg Ansoff营销目标如:Ansoff矩阵分析Market penetration市场渗透Grow sales; market; share; distribution penetration 增加销售;市场份额;铺货渠道渗透发展Market development市场发展Enter new markets; new market segments进入新市场;进入新市场新区隔。Product development产品发展Develo

20、p and launch new products; expand range开发或推出新产品;扩大产品线Diversification多元化Move into new product / services and markets生产新产品或提供新服务,开发新市场。Marketing communications objectives eg AIDA营销传输目标如,AIDAAttention 注意 Increase awareness. 增加著名度。 Interest 爱好Liking, attitudes, preference 喜爱,态度,偏爱。Desire 渴望 Intentions t

21、o purchase, likelihood to 有意购置,可能购置。Action 购置Repurchase, enquiries, trial purchase 反复购置,问询,试买SOSTAC Stage 2: Objectives 2.2 Quantifying ObjectivesSOSTAC步骤2: 目标 2.2 量化目标To为了Specific aspect确定行动Target market目标市场From从To到When何时Eg to increase awareness among ABC1 women from 20% to 30% within 12 months Eg

22、to increase sales among ABC1 women from 15m to 16.5m within 12 months 比如,在ABC1妇女中认知度,在12月内从20%提升到30%比如,在ABC1妇女中销售额,在12月内从1500万增加到1650万 Objectives should have numbers and details制订目标应该有数字和具体细节Objectives should be SMART制订目标应该遵照SMART标准Specific特定Measurable可测Achievable 可达Relevant相关Timed定时SOSTAC Stage 3:

23、Strategy (How to get there ) 3.1 Strategic OptionsSOSTAC步骤3: 策略 (怎样抵达那里) 3.1 可供选择多种策略方案Strategic option number供选择多种策略方案编号Generate alternative strategiesTaking the objectives specified on previous page, now determine how you are going to achieve them. Write a strategy which basically summaries how yo

24、u are going to get there. Then develop at least three optional strategies. Write down and compare three different strategies or strategic options. Then rank them on the next page.编写多种策略:参考前页所述之目标,决定你怎样达成目标。围绕“你怎样抵达那里”,总结、编写策略。然后,最少编写三种可供选择策略方案。编写、并比较三种不一样策略或策略性方案,然后在下一页排序列出。123NB Remember strategy m

25、ust fulfil a specific objective.When the strategic options have generated, use the checklist on the next page to rank them and choose.注释:记住策略必需完成一个特定目标。 当完成策略性方案后,使用下一页检核表,把多种方案逐一列出并作出选择。SOSTAC Stage 3: Strategy 3.2 Choosing the Best Strategy Using a Strategic Dimensions ChecklistSOSTAC步骤3: 策略 3.2 利

26、用策略综合评定检核表选择最好策略方案A Checklist To Help The Development Of Marketing Communications Strategies.Tick which dimensions are covered by each strategy. This should help you to choose which strategy is the best one.下面是辅助编写市场营销传输策略检核表。检验每一策略是否包含下述所列内容并打钩,可帮助您选择最好策略性方案StrategicOptionnumber 策略序号Segmentation(Do

27、es the strategy break up themarket)区隔化(该策略是否把市场细化?)Targeting(Does it select specific targets including stakeholders and DMUS?)目标市场确定(是否选择诸如持股人和决议人在内特定目标?)Objectives (Will the strategy succeed, it will it fulfil the objectives? will it beat Competition?)目标(策略能否成功,并实现目标?赢得竞争?)Postitioning (Is there a

28、clear Positioning?)定位(定位是否清楚?)Exploit sustainable competitive advantage?(cost leader/ differentiate focus/niche)是否存在连续性竞争优势?(成本优势/差异化卖点/特殊地位?)Buying Process (Does it cater for the buying stages (high involve/low involve)multi-stage strategy?)购置行为过程特征(是否考虑购置步骤(深度介入/低度介入)多步引导骤策略?)Tools(Range of commun

29、ications tools to be used)采取工具(计划采取各类传输工具种类和范围)Sequence(And timing of tools to be used?)时间计划(计划采取各类工具实施时间表?)Integration Are all the communications tools integrated?整合是否整合全部传输工具?Global or local?全球或地方性?Rank/ score?排名/得分?123SOSTAC Stage 4: Tactics (The Details of Strategy) 4.1 Developing TacticsSOSTAC步

30、骤4: 战术( 实现策略具体步骤) 4.1 制订战术StrategyDoes the tactic fit with the overall strategy?策略战术是否适应整体策略?Target marketDefine target markets, DMUS, stakeholders目标市场确定目标市场,决议人,持股人。Method Communications tools (eg adverts, sales promotion, exhibitions and salesforce, internet )方法各类传输工具利用(比如:广告,促销和个人销售。网上销售)Media Fo

31、r each tool, Eg adverts-TV, press and sales promotion-coupons ,competions媒体利用充足利用每一个媒体,比如,电视广告,平面广告,有奖促销,竞争Message What is the message?销售信息准备传输何种信息给受众?Timing Any particular sequence ofmethods and media?时间进度统筹利用方法和媒体有没有统筹考虑时间次序计划?SOSTAC Stage 4: Tactics (The Details of Strategy) 4.2 Gantt Charts-What

32、 Tactics Will Happen WhenSOSTAC步骤4: 战术(策略具体细节) 4.2 甘特图-完成策略细节进度表Communications Tool传输工具利用内容Jan 一月Feb 二月Mar三月 Apr四月 May五月 Jun 六月Jul 七月Aug 八月Sep 九月Oct十月 Nov 十一月Dec 十二月Cost 成本Market research市场研究Packaging redesign包装设计POS preparation售点建设Advertising广告TV电视Press 报纸/平面Poster海报Cinema照片Radio广播Sales promotion促销

33、活动Press launch新闻公布Direct mail直邮销售Sales conference销售会议Sales drive销售奖励Exhibitions展览会Website网上销售Total spend总费用SOSTAC Stage 5 : Action (The Implementation Details of Tactics) 5.1 Action Plan-Gantt GhartsSOSTAC步骤5: 战术(具体战术细节实施) 5.1 甘特图-行动计划实施进度表Each tactical communications tool needs to be planned as a m

34、ini project, eg direct mail campaign,每一次战术性传输工具利用应该把她作为一个小型项目来对待,比如直邮销售运动。Stage of production 制作步骤内容Who responsible?谁负责?Wk 1周一Wk2 周二Wk 3周三Wk4周四Wk5周五Wk6周六Wk7周七Wk8周八Wk9周九Wk10周十Wk11周十一Wk12周十二Cost 成本Creative and media briefing创意和媒介简报Database list Preparation数据准备处理Laser printing激光打印Print production (broc

35、hure, envelopes)印刷生产(如,宣传手册)Lettershop(collating, folding, packing)直邮信函印刷(装订,折叠,包装)Mailing 邮寄Response monitoring搜集反馈意见Response action 工作改善Follow-up sales call跟踪造访Evaluate mailshot 效果评定Total spend总费用SOSTAC Stage 6: Control 6.1 Control ChecklistSOSTAC 步骤6:控制 6.1 控制检核表Quantified objectivesState each Qu

36、antifiedObjective and its time period量化目标叙述每一经量化目标和其完成时间期限Means of measuringHow will it be measured: survey, sales?衡量方法怎样衡量是否已实现目标,市场调研或销售额?Frequency of measurement Quarterly, weekly, daily?衡量频率每三个月,每七天,天天?Accountability-who does it?谁负责做?How much does it cost to measure?花费多少,完成前述衡量工作Action Who needs

37、 to be alerted if significant variances are found?工作安排若出现较大差错,谁负责纠正?SOSTAC Stage 6: Control 6.2 The 7-Level Integration ChecklistSOSTAC 步骤6:控制 6.2 七层整合性控制检核表Type of integration整合类型Check控制检核Yes/No是/否How do you ensure integration?What action do you need to take? 怎样确保整合性?你准备采取何种方法?1Vertical integration

38、纵向整合性Do the communications objectives fit with the marketing objectives and the over all corporate objective?传输目标是否和营销目标和企业目标一致?2Horizontal/functional mix横向/功效性组合Do different departments and business functions incorporate marketing communications, eg trucks with logos? Finance invoices with messages? Etc.各部门和业务职能是否和营销传输目标配合默契,比如,卡车是否印有企业标志?财务发票是否有视觉系统要求信息?等等3Marketing mix营销工具利用组合Is the marketing mix consistent with required messages, eg low price versus top quality image?4Commun

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