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1、 酒店对客服务之百问百答 The hotel guest service cent answer questions在横店酒店中,客人提问是没有一个固定模式,范围也没有任何限制,我们将最新搜集到客人常问话题汇总分析,分别汇总整理出酒店前厅对客服务100个问题,餐饮对客服务100个问题,客房服务对客100个问题等,内容囊括了横店各酒店设施设备及景区风土人情等多个方面。In the Heading Hotel, the guests question is not a fixed pattern, there is no limit to the scope of. We will go to t

2、he latest collection of guests often ask topic summary analysis, respectively collecting and sorting out the hotel front office customer service 100 questions, 100 catering to the customer service, room service customer 100 problems, the contents include the Heading the hotel facilities and scenic c

3、ustoms.1、酒店到各景区距离有多远?1、How far is the distance from the hotel to the scenic spots?2、哪儿有出租车?2、Where is a taxi?3、酒店外面街区上有到各景区出租车服务?3、On the street outside the hotel has a taxi service to the scenic spots?4、酒店内有寄存行李服务吗?4、Does hotel offer service of leaving off luggage?5、酒店前厅部提供此项服务 5、Hotel lobby of the

4、 Department to provide this service6、酒店内哪个部门提供邮寄服务?6、Which department in the hotel to provide mail service?7、酒店前厅部提供此项服务7、Hotel lobby of the Department to provide this service8、酒店内哪个部门提供住客横店一日游?8、Which department in the hotel offers a one-day tour of Heading?9、酒店营销部提供此项服务9、Hotel marketing department

5、 to provide this service10、哪儿有卖小纪念品商店? 10、Where is the shop for souvenir?11、各景区全部有卖小纪念品商店11、All scenic spots are selling small souvenirs shop12、ATM机在酒店哪个区域?12、Where is the ATM in the hotel?13、ATM机即银行自动取款机,现在酒店还没有此项服务。13、ATM machine that the bank automatic teller machines, the current hotel has not t

6、his service.14、酒店哪个部门提供兑换零钱服务?14、Which department of the hotel provides change service?15、酒店前台提供此项服务 15、The Front Desk offers this service.16、酒店何部门提供留言服务?16、Which department offers Message service?17、酒店前台提供此项服务17、 Hotel front desk to provide this service18、酒店客房结帐时间至中午12时18、Hotel check-out time to no

7、on 12 19、结帐时是否可使用信用卡?19、you use a credit card when you check out?20、能够20、sure21、横店影视城共有几家酒店?21、Heading film and television city a total of several hotels?22、横店影视城共有3家四星、4家三星、26家经济性酒店22、 Heading film city a total of 3 four-star, 4 Samsung, 26 economy hotel23、Check-in和Check-out时间?23、Whats the time for

8、 Check-in and Check-out?24、Check-in意思是入住登记,Check-out指结帐离店。 通常来说,中午12:00以后办理Check-in,下午2:00之前办理Check-our。具体情况会依据营业情况作调整,详情请洽各酒店总台。24、Check-in: reporting ones arrival, as at a hotel desk; Check-out: leaving a hotel after paying the bill. Generally, Check-in is not transacted until 12 a.m. Check-out is

9、 transacted in 2 p.m. It will be adjusted according to the business situation, Please connect the Front Desk on ext. 1. for details.25、酒店何部门可提供兑换外币服务?25、Which department offers the service of exchanging the foreign currency?26、酒店前台可提供此项服务26、The Front Desk in the hotel offers this service.27、 可否使用信用卡

10、做CASH PAID OUT?27、Whether or not can the guests us credit cards to CASH PAID OUT?28、CASH PAID OUT是指信用卡提现付帐。来宾可经过ATM机提取现金或是使用信用卡在前台做(有限额要求),使用者在提款时需按提醒输入密码。28、The guests can draw the cash from ATM in the lobby or paid out at the Front Desk by International Credit card( with limited amount). The user

11、should enter Pin Number upon the instruction given by the machine.29、 酒店何部门提供礼品包装服务?29、 Which department offers the service of packing the presents?30、酒店小商品店可提供此项服务。30、Hotel small shop can provide this service31、酒店大堂在哪?31、Where is the hotel lobby?32、酒店大堂通常在你办理入住登记地方32、The hotel lobby is where you ch

12、eck-in.33、酒店是否有家庭房入住?33、Does the hotel have a family room to live in?34、现在酒店还没有家庭房提供34、At present, the hotel has no family room to provide35、酒店洋酒品种有哪些品种?35、The hotels wine varieties which breed?36、 Martini (Dry/Resso) 马天尼(白/红);37、Campari金巴利38、Vodka/伏特加:39、Smirnoff/皇冠40、RUM/朗姆酒:41、哈瓦那俱乐部(Havana Club)

13、;42、Bacardi(百家得)43、 Gin/金酒:44、Premium Scotch Whisky/高级苏格兰威士忌:45、酒店是否有行政酒廊?45、Does the hotel have executive lounge?46、酒店早餐时间?46、Breakfast in the hotel? 47、7:00am10:00am47、7: 00am 10: 00am48、酒店供给早餐是自助餐还是点菜?48、Whether the breakfast offered by the hotel is buffet or a la crate?49、 酒店供给早餐是自助餐49、Breakfast

14、 is served at the hotel buffet50、酒店供给早餐是中式还是西式?50、The Chinese breakfast or Western?51、酒店供给中式早餐,但含西式类食品。51、Hotel supply of Chinese style breakfast, but with western style food.52、同一家企业全部入住酒店行政楼客人,可否使用无偿会议室?52、The same company, the executive floor of the Check Inn Hotel guests, can use free conference

15、 room?53、要依据酒店要求实施53、To perform according to the hotel regulations54、行政酒廊电话号码是多少?54、How much is the executive lounges telephone number?55、 行政酒廊电话号码:0579-XXXXXXXX56、客房至客房电话怎么打?56、 How to make the call between the rooms?57、先拨X,在直拨房间号码 57、Dial XXX first, then dial the room number directly.58、客房内电话机上灯为何

16、会亮?58、Why the light of the telephone in the guest-room shall glitter?59、留言显示灯闪烁意为有留言,酒店留言有两种:语音留言和书面留言 59、The glittering light means there is a message. There are two kinds of messages: sound message and letter.60、外线怎么打?60、How to call outside?61、 市内先拨XXXX,再直拨电话号码61、For local call dial XXXX first, th

17、en dial the number directly.62、中国,国际先拨XXXX,再拨区号及电话号码62、For IDD/DDD call dial XXXX first, then dial areacode and telephone no.63、怎样听取语音留言?63、How to get the sound message?64、可直接在客房内电话留言灯上按下按钮听取留言。64、Pressed the bottom of message light on the telephone from the guestRoom.65、怎样取得国家代码和地域代码?65、How to get

18、the country code and district code?66、可向酒店商务中心和总机查询,客房内黄页亦可供查询。66、It can be inquired from the Business Center and Operator. It can also be looked up in the Yellow Pages in the guest rooms.67、怎样取得网络号码?67、How to get the network number?68、可向酒店总机查询。68、It can be inquired from the Operator.69、酒店市内电话、中国长途和

19、国际长途收费标准?69、Whats the standard charge of the local call, DDD and IDD?70、市内电话无偿70、Free of charge71、中国长途:XXXX元/分钟71、Domestic long distance: XXXX yuan / min72、国际长途:港澳台地域XXXX元/分钟72、International long distance:Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions XXXX yuan / minute73、其它地域XXXX元/分钟。73、Other areas XXXX yuan

20、/ min.74、Check-out时计入房帐,免收服务费。74、Check-out is included in the House bill, free of service charg75、酒店订房电话号码、传真号码是多少?75、Hotel booking telephone number, fax number?76、房内怎样上网? 76、How to access the inter-net in the room?77、无偿宽带上网系统77、high speed broadband Internet access system78、酒店何部门提供代订火车票和机票服务?78、Whic

21、h department offers Ticket service?79、酒店商务中心提供此项服务79、Business Center offers this service.80、酒店哪能上网?收费标准?80、Where to access the inter-net? Whats the standard charge?81、酒店客房内提供无偿宽带上网服务。81、Free broadband Internet access in Hotel rooms.82、酒店网址?集团总部网址?82、Whats the website of the hotel and our Headquarter

22、?83、无偿订房电话是多少?83、Whats the Toll free Number?84、中国地域为0579-XXXXXXXX84、The number of China is: 0579-XXXXXXXX85、怎样咨询各酒店、景区电话号码?85、How to consult the hotel, the area of the phone number?86、可向酒店总机总台问询86、Ask the hotel operator station87、怎样查询其它国家和地域电话号码?87、How to check the telephone number of other countrie

23、s and regions?88、可向酒店前台、商务中心、总机查询88、We refer you to the hotel front desk, business center, switchboard89、酒店是否提供自动洗衣服务?89、Does hotel offer the automatic laundry service?90、酒店临时不提供此项服务90、The hotel doesnt offer this service for the moment.91、怎样取得气象信息?91、How to get the weather information?92、可向前台或总机查询气象

24、92、To the receptionist or operator check weather93、酒店内有医生和药房吗?93、Is there a medical service in the hotel?94、酒店临时不提供此项服务94、The hotel doesnt offer this service for the moment.95、自助餐时可否带走食物?95、Is it permitted to take away food while buffet?96、通常来说不许可96、Its not permitted generally.97、作为前台接待员,你认为应含有哪些能力?

25、答:1、熟练前台业务;2、了解饭店设施设备和服务项目;3、快速正确地提供相关问讯服务;4、利用心理学知识,针对身份不一样来宾选择不一样沟通方法。97、as a receptionist, what do you think should have?Answer:1, familiar with the front desk business;2, understanding of hotel facilities and equipment and services;3, provide the fast information service accurately;4, the use of

26、 psychological knowledge, for the identity of different gue sts choose different ways of communication.98、良好服务意识关键表现在哪些方面?答:1、热爱旅游事业,热爱旅游工作;2、有责任心和荣誉感,关心和体贴每一位来宾;3、自觉地加强本身业务素质和思想修养。98、a good sense of service mainly in what areas?Answer: 1, love to travel, love the work of tourism;2, have the sense o

27、f responsibility and honor, care and considerate of every guest;3, consciously strengthen their own business quality and ideological tr aining.99、总台服务中有哪些具体推销方法?答:1、依据不一样对象、不一样来宾适时推销;2、利用优势、特色进行推销;3、利用包价内容帮助推销;4、主动问询,立即一直宾提出合理提议;5、率领客人参观设施,进行现场推销,吸引来宾; 6、适时一直宾推荐饭店其它服务项目。99、what are the specific mark

28、eting methods? Answer: 1, according to different objects, different guests timely marketing;2, the use of advantages, features to sell;3, the use of the contents of the package to help promote the sale;4, take the initiative to ask, timely advice to the guests;5, to lead the guests to visit the faci

29、lities, to conduct on-site sales, to attract guests;6, in time to recommend the hotel to the guests of the other service s.100、根据公安局相关旅馆住宿登记要求,客人入住登记时需填写哪些内容?答:1、姓名,性别,年纪,有效证件号码,工作单位,家庭住址,何处来,何处去,抵达及离店日期,同住人及关系,本人署名。2、外国客人另外还需填写护照号码、签证号码、种类及有效日期,入境日期等。100、in accordance with the provisions of the Pub

30、lic Security Bureau of hotel accommodation registration, guests in the registration required to fill in what content? Answer: 1, name, sex, age, number of effective certificate, work units, home address, where, where to go, arrival and departure date, and live, I signed.2, foreign guests also need t

31、o fill in the passport number, visa number, type and effective date, date of entry, etc.前台 客人嫌入住手续太繁琐,不愿填写登记卡时你怎么办?答:1、解释入住登记相关要求。2、帮客人填写,并请其署名。3、将客人资料存档,以后在入住前帮客人填好记录表。5, the guest too cumbersome, do not want to fill in the registration card when you do?Answer:1, to explain the relevant provisions

32、of the registration.2, to help guests fill in, and please their signature.3, the guest information file, in the future to help guests fill in the registration form.6、一位语无伦次、精神显著不正常客人来总台要求入住,你应怎样处理?答:1、婉言拒绝其入住。2、请保安人员将该客带离公共场所。3、联络派出所帮助处理。6, a spirit of incoherent, obviously not normal visitors to th

33、e station and asked for, how should you do?Answer: 1, declined the occupancy.2, please security personnel will be away from the public places.3, contact the police station to help deal with.7、在你当班时,有一位身着奇装异服、举止特殊男士前来问讯,你该怎样接待?答:1、尊重客人个人爱好和风俗习惯。2、不进行围观、嘲笑、议论、模拟或起外号。3、具体了解客人问讯范围,并提供正确、快捷问讯服务。 7, you h

34、ave a duty, dressed in outlandish costume, special manners of men to help, how do you receive?Answer: 1, respect for the guests of personal hobbies and customs.2, do not crowd, ridicule, discussion, imitation or nickname.3, a detailed understanding of the guest information range, and providing accur

35、ate and fast information service.8、客人要求加床时怎么办?答:1、快速回复客人,并通知加床收费标准。2、通知房务中心将床加进房间。3、加床前应检验床是否牢靠好用,避免发生意外事故。4、配置床上用具及增加一套用具。8, request the extra bed do?Answer: 1, a prompt reply and inform the guest, extra charges.2, notify the room service center will be added to the room.Check whether the firm is g

36、ood, with 3 beds before bed, to avoid accidents.4, with bedding and add a set of supplies.9、 客人要求在房间摆放鲜花、水果时怎么办? 9, the guests asked to put flowers in the room, fruit, how to do?答:1、了解客人所需鲜花、水果种类、色彩、数量和摆放形式,并记下房号和姓名。2、按要求进行摆设,要注意技巧,避免客人禁忌花,水果要消毒。3、尽可能了解客人摆放鲜花水果原因,深入做好细致服务,如是客人生日,则向客人表示祝贺等。Answer: 1,

37、 what the customer required flowers, fruit type, color, quantity and placement form, and the note of the room number and name.2, according to the requirements of the equipment, to pay attention to skills, to avoid the guests taboo flowers, fruit to disinfect.3, as far as possible to understand the r

38、easons for the guests placed flowers and fruits, and further do a good job of detailed service, such as the birthday of the guests, the guests said congratulations, etc.10、当入住登记时知道当日是客人生日,你应怎么办?答:1、应通知公关部,方便立即为客人准备生日蛋糕和鲜花。2、客人在房间时将蛋糕、鲜花及总经理名片一同送往房间,以示祝贺。3、送蛋糕要跟上餐刀、叉、碟等,如遇其它客人前来祝贺要热情接待,立即撤换和补充茶水、茶具等,

39、让客人度过欢乐生辰。10, when the check-in guests know the day is your birthday, how should I do?Answer: 1, should inform the public relations department, to provide guests for a birthday cake and flowers.2, the guest in the room when the cake, flowers and general manager of name card to room, congratulation.3

40、, send a cake to keep up with the knife, fork, a disc and, in case of other guests came to congratulate to the warm reception, promptly replace and supplement of tea, tea, let a guest spend happy birthday.11、 一客人中午11:00AM来登记入住,但房间还未搞好卫生,你应怎样处理? 11, a guest at noon to 11:00AM to check in, but the roo

41、m has not yet do a good job in health, you should be how to deal with?答:1、向客人道歉,说明退房时间是12:00AM,所以很多房间还未来得及整理。2、提议客人先办登记手续,然后请她们先用餐或休息,我们立即通知服务员立即打扫房间。3、对客人合作表示感谢。Answer: 1, to apologize to the guests, the check-out time is 12:00AM, so many rooms have not had time to sort out.2, it is recommended to

42、do the guests first registration, and then ask them to dine or rest, we immediately notify the staff as soon as possible to clean the room.3, thank you for the cooperation of the guests.12、 假如客人上房后,打电话来说她不喜爱这间房,要求转房,你应怎样处理? 12, if the guest room, calls he doesnt love this room, you should turn the r

43、eal requirements, how to deal with?答:1、了解客人不喜爱原因和她喜爱什么样房间。2、条件许可,则按客人要求帮其转房并更改资料。3、不能满足客人要求,则向其道歉、并解释原因。4、做好交班,为客留心其喜爱房间类型,一有空出,立即帮她转房。 Answer: 1, to understand the reasons why the guests do not like and what kind of room he likes.2, the conditions permit, according to the guests asked to help the t

44、ransfer of the room and change the information.3, can not meet the requirements of the guests, the apology, and explain the reasons.4, make shift, pay attention to the love room type for the passengers, there is a vacant room immediately to help him. 13、 一位客人前来登记入住,她说她好友李先生已订了房,而李先生迟一点才到,她自己先入住李先生房间

45、,你应怎样处理? 13, one of the guests come to check-in, he said his friend Mr. Li has booked a room, and Mr. Li later arrived, his own move into Mr. Lis room, you should how to deal with?答:1、查清李先生有没有交代。2、如李先行无交代,在有房间情况下,可请该客另开一间房。3、李先生抵达时,和其确定。Answer: 1, Mr. Cha Qingli has no account.2, such as Li first no

46、 account, in a room under the condition of the guest can please open a room.3, when Mr. Lee arrived, and its confirmation.14、 某日,一客人打电话订下个星期六标准房,但依据估计显示,那一天标准房间已订满,此时你怎样处理? 14, someday, a guest call book next Saturday in a standard room, but according to the forecast, the day standard rooms have bee

47、n booked. At this time, how did you handle it?答:1、向客人说明那一天标准房已订满。2、向客人推销其它种类房间。3、将客人纳入“等候订房名单”中(即WAITNG LIST)。4、留下客人通讯号码,一有标准房空出,立即和客人确定。5、如客人实在不愿意,可向客人介绍其它酒店。Answer: 1, to the guests that the day of the standard room has been booked.2, to the guests to sell other types of rooms.3, guests will be included in the waiting reservatio

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