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1、58专栏SPECIALS栏目责编:徐亦宁关键提示单数字化率达到100%。然而,有多位货运代理人表示,迄今为止,托运人对此很难产生吸引力。货代被视为更广泛采用电子单据的关键渠道,因为他们要与集装箱运输公司和托运人进行数字化交换。总部位于纽约的捷豹货运服务公司(Jaguar Freight Services)首席执行官Simon Kaye表示:“我们至今没有收到客户对电子提单的任何需求或要求,而我们在很大程度上依赖于技术,我们内部系统均采用了无纸化。”Kaye表示,捷豹也没有看到集装箱运输公司在推动使用电子提单。“对于货代业来说,推动电子提单并未提升到优先级,它虽然在改进项目的名单上,但却在靠后位

2、置。”位于达拉斯的货代公司Sealink International首席执行电子提单推进缓慢行业分析人士表示,集装箱航运业将于2030年全面转向电子提单的雄伟计划已实施了半年,但从目前看,托运人对这种工具的需求仍然低迷。2022年2月15日,包括马士基、地中海航运、达飞、赫伯罗特、海洋网联船务、长荣海运、阳明海运、韩新海运、以星航运在内的数字化集装箱航运协会(DCSA)宣布与包括波罗的海国际航运公会(BIMCO)、国际货运代理协会联合会(FIATA)、国际商会(ICC)和SWIFT在内的四大国际组织签署谅解备忘录,旨在组建未来国际贸易联盟(FIT),承诺共同合作以实现国际贸易数字化的标准化。今

3、年2月,DCSA宣布,到2030年,将100%采用基于DCSA标准的电子提单(eBLs)。具体而言,在5年内,这9家班轮公司将实现纸质提单数字化率50%,到2030年,提尽管已有多家班轮公司承诺到 2030 年全面采用电子提单,但业界分析人士普遍认为难以实现。专栏SPECIALS59尽管到目前为止,电子提单的推广和应用看起来不是很顺利,但大多数业内人士对电子提单的需求和优势都很清楚。作为FIT联盟成员之一的DCSA表示,去年集装箱贸易中只有2.1%的提单和运单采用了电子化。DCSA数字贸易主管Niels Nuyens表示:“我们对电子提单的承诺为全球贸易从业者提供了一个机会,大家可以为实现无纸

4、化而努力。”从电子提单开始,贸易文件的数字化被视为使国际贸易更加高效、可靠、安全、可持续、不易受非法活动或欺诈影响的有效途径。麦肯锡最近的一项研究预测,仅在集装箱航运业全部采用电子提单,就可以为全球贸易带来300亿至400亿美元的增长。数字化还可以每年减少砍伐2.8万棵树,同时显著减少碳排放。FIT联盟在一份声明中表示:“一个通用的电子提单将使参与全球供应链的所有利益相关者受益,无论是散货航运还是集装箱航运。实现基于标准的电子提单的广泛采用,不仅有利于航运业,也有利于全球货物流通。”但是,事实并没有想象中那么简单。WiseTech Global于2022年收购了电子提单供应商Bolero。Wi

5、seTech Global首席执行官 Richard White指出:“问题在于,你必须在货主、控制信用证的银行和航运公司之间达成广泛的协议。与金融监管方面的矛盾是需要克服的关键障碍,电子提单是实现电子交易的基石。”全球航运商业网络(Global Shipping Business Network)一直在与亚洲的银行、航运公司和托运人开展电子提单试点。GSBN首席执行官Bertrand Chen表示:“今年我们见证了基于GSBN的电子提单数量的稳步增长。包括集装箱、干散货和液体散货承运人,都在GSBN上采用了电子提单,为他们的客户带来了许多好处。我们正在朝着到2030年达到100%的目标迈进。

6、但挑战依然存在,银行对电子提单的采用进程仍然缓慢。电子提单的广泛推广和应用,需要解决各种方案之间的互操性问题,使运营商能够从法律、技术和商业方面实现真正的交互性。”Kaye则表示,货运代理将是这一过程中的关键一环,因为其角色有助于为托运人消除流程中的摩擦问题。(陶润元编译)官Shaizad Shroff表示,银行监管机构在接受电子结算方面缺乏一致性,这将阻碍某些国家的供应商或从这些国家采购的进口商采用电子结算方式。Shroff所在的公司专门从事南亚与美国之间的贸易,他表示:“当我们签发提单时,我们的许多客户还没有外汇。如果他们没有原始票据,银行就不会拨付外汇储备,这就是症结所在。如果收货人的银

7、行和海关不接受电子提单,那又有什么用呢?”Shroff补充说,美国的进口通常是根据海运单进行的,海运单是一种证明货物将被交付给实际提单上指定的收货人的文件,收货人只需验证自己的身份,而不是出示文件来索要运费。相反,提单是货物的所有权,如果电子提单不被接受,提单必须以原始纸质形式提交。海运单不具有货物所有权。据悉,日邮物流(Yusen Logistics)正在与四家集装箱运输公司和两家电子物流产品供应商(IQAX和WaveBL)进行电子提单测试。但托运人的需求一直较少。日邮物流副总裁兼海运部门负责人Tracy Dsilva表示:“我们没有看到很多需求。我们当然愿意让物流环节变得更便捷,但同时也要


9、箱航运协会是由集装箱航运公司组成的非营利组织,启动了2030年电子提单承诺,并成立了具有交互性的项目,但一位不愿透露姓名的技术提供商表示:“法律方面很难突破,谁在所有权转移时负有责任,以及何时负有责任,这些都是需要解决的难点。”产品的交互性是关键,因为一家电子提单供应商不可能控制一个拥有数万名托运人和代理的市场,甚至不可能控制一家航运公司与特定供应商合作的市场。来稿信箱:12conflict saw Ukrainian grain exports to China fall by 52%y-o-y to 6mt in 2022,while weak US wheat and coarse gr

10、ain exports also curbed global supply in 2H 2022.Drought in Argentina is increasingly a concern,while China s 14th 5-Year-Plan puts clear emphasis on food security.Against this backdrop,China has been raising imports of Brazilian corn after approval was granted last year,with a bumper crop this year

11、 helping to drive total Chinese grain imports from Brazil to record levels in May.So,a range of factors are driving firm Chinese grain imports(1H 2023 was the second strongest half year ever),from increasingly diverse suppliers.Grain markets are notably seasonal and volatile,but with food security a

12、 key focus this trend for now looks set to continue.P56Slow on the uptakeBarely half a year into an ambitious project to migrate the container shipping industry to electronic bills of lading(eBLs)by 2030,demand for such tools from shippers remains muted,several industry sources said.The progress of

13、the initiative,set in motion in February when nine of the top 10 shipping lines committed to transition to 100%eBLs by 2030,is notable when set against recent support from five associations representing container lines,forwarders,the bulk shipping industry,the International Chamber of Commerce,and t

14、he international payment network Swift.The commitments from those organizations,collectively known as the Future International Trade(FIT)Alliance,are meant to draw in shippers through transactional platforms that involve FIT members.Whether that eventually moves the needle,shipper traction has been

15、hard to come by thus far,according to a range of forwarders who spoke to the Journal of Commerce.Forwarders are seen as a key conduit in broader adoption of eBLs,as they interact digitally with both container lines and shippers.Also hindering adoption from shippers and forwarders are a range of tech

16、nical,regulatory and behavioral issues.For one,each shipping line is at a different stage in October 2023栏目责编:陶润元Maritime China|中国远洋海运13terms of prioritizing the development and usage of eBLs.They also have different views on pricing,with some charging more for eBLs than paper BLs and others trying

17、to induce adoption by charging more for paper BLs.Second,the handful of eBL vendors with viable products themselves have different monetization models and relationships with shipping lines.And third,interoperability between products remains nascent,despite the Digital Container Shipping Association(

18、DCSA),a nonprofit group of container lines that set in motion the 2030 eBL commitment,convening an interoperability project to prove different products can work together.P58The overview and outlook of container,dry bulk and tanker shipping marketAs of September this year,what s the supply and demand

19、 situation of the global container,dry bulk and tanker shipping market?BIMCOs chief shipping analyst Niels Rasmussen brings the latest forecasts to the industry.Container shipping market:New ship capacity will set a record.Given the forecast of supply and demand,we believe time charter rates and sec

20、ond-hand vessel prices will remain under downward pressure.Seasonal demand fluctuations may temporarily support freight and vessel price increases,but will not change the markets development trend.Demand is expected to grow faster than supply in 2024,but the market will remain under pressure from ex

21、cess capacity.Dry bulk shipping market:Chinese demand is key.The supply of dry bulk carrier capacity is expected to grow by 1%to 2%in 2023 and 2024,while demand growth is 1.5%to 2.5%in 2023 and 1%to 2%in 2024.In the low scenario,supply and demand tend to be in weak balance,especially in 2024.Tanker shipping market:Supply and demand relationship continues to improve.Crude oil tanker capacity supply in 2023 and 2024 is expected to grow by 4.0%and-0.6%,respectively,while refined product tankers are expected to grow by 4.2%and 0.3%,respectively.P60

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