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1、 用适当形式填空.1. He _ back a month ago. (come) 2. My mother often tells me _ in bed. (not read) 3. I must take it back the day after tomorrow. You can only _ it for 24 hours. (keep) 4. Why have you kept me _ here for so long a time? (wait) 5. Please come to our meeting if you _ free tomorrow. (be) 6. Wha

2、t time _ the shop _ (close)? It _ (close) at nine oclock in the evening. 7. In his letter, he said that he _ us very much. (miss) 8. He _ (go) to school by bus every day. 9. He said he became _ in physics. (interest) 10. This film is worth _. (see) 11. He went to school instead of _ home. (go) 12. I

3、n the old days it was difficult for the poor to _ a job. ( find) 13. Its cold outside, so youd better _ your coat. (put on) 14. He is hungry. Please give him something _. (eat) 15. Please dont waste time _ TV every evening. You should word hard at English. (watch) 16. She_ (give) me a book a moment

4、ago.17. You_your pencil. (pick) 18. Mother often tells me _ too late. (not come home) 19. You had better _ by bus, or you will be late. (go) 20. I will _ Li Ming the good news as soon as I see him.( tell) 21. Miss Guo _ (teach) us Chinese this term. She _ (be) a very good teacher. She often _ (talk)

5、 with us after class. Many of us like _ (talk) with her. 22. Where _ their father_ (work)? He _ (work) on a farm. 23. It _ me two days to write the article. (took) 24. Dont touch that _ child. (sleep) 25. He usually _ up at 17:00. (get)26. The girl_ (get) up very early this morning.27. They_ (take)

6、photos near the river an hour ago.28. He _(not watch) TV yesterday evening.29. 30. Yesterday Mary couldnt finish her homework, so she has to go on _ it this afternoon. (do)31. I_ (buy) a new dictionary the day before yesterday.32 What day_ (be) it yesterday? It_ (be) Friday.33 He_ (be) here half an

7、hour ago.34. Last night we _ back home until the teacher left school. (not go) 35. I_ (see) him in the library two days ago.36. She_ (write) her address on the blackboard ten minutes ago.37. We could not help _ after we heard the story. (laugh) 38. Would you please _ me an English-Chinese dictionary

8、 when you come? (bring) 39. I_ (sing) an English song.40. Ill tell him the news as soon as he _ back. (come) 41. The boy _ by the door is my brother. (stand) 42. Do you remember _ the film last year? (see) 43. There _ a physics test next Monday. (be) 44. _ I finish my homework in class? (必须) No, you

9、 neednt. 45. Im sorry youve missed the last bus. It _ ten minutes ago. (leave) 46. Wei Fang is heard _ English every morning. (hear) 47. What_you_ (do)?48. Im sorry to have kept you _. (wait) 49. A new theatre _ now. (build) 50. The boys _ basketball on the playground are my classmates. (play) 51. I

10、 regretted answering like that, I was sorry _ so. (do) 52. Cant you see Im busy _? (cook) 53. He _ worried when coming into the teachers office. (look) 54. _ come beef! (随便吃点) 55. _she_(sit) in the boat?56.Look!That man (open)the door of your car. 57.T.he moon (go)round the earth. 58.I must go now.I

11、t (get)late. 59.Lets go out.It (not/rain)now. 60.Julia is vera good at languages.She (speak)four languages very well. 61.Hurry up!Everybody (wait)for you. 62. (you/listen)to the radio?”No,you can turn it off.” 63. (you/listen)to the radio?”No,just occasionally. 64.We usually (grow)vegetables in our

12、garend but this year we (not/grow)any. 65.Ron is in London at the moment.He (stay)at the Park Hotel.He (always/stay)there when hes in London. 66.Can we stop walking soon?I (feel)tired. 67 We_ (play) games now.68.Usually I (finish)work at 5:00,but this week I (work)until 6:00 69.My parents (live)in B

13、ristol.They were bron there and have never lived anywhere else.Where (your parents/live)? 70.Sonia (look)for a place to live.She (stay)with her sister until she finds somewhere. 71.What (your father/do)?”Hes an engineer but I (not/enjoy)this one very much.选择题.71.Listen! She_in the classroom. (A)is s

14、inging (B)sing (C)to sing (D)is sing72 Today Jim_ his white shirt and brown trousers. (A)is putting on (B)wear (C)put on (D)is wearing73 You should visit this part of the country when _ A. spring will com B. spring comes C. It has been spring D. It will be spring 74 .The children_football. (A)is pla

15、ying (B)are playing (C)play the (D)play a75. We can go home when the ground _ A. is drying B. has dried C. dried D. will dry 76. Obviously, he _ a bad cold. He sneezes so often. A. has B. has been C. had D. was 77. Darwin proved that natural selection _the chief factor in the development of species.

16、 A. has been B. had been C. is D. was 78. While Peggy _, her brother is playing records. A. reads B. is reading C. has read D has been reading 79. Its been a long time since I _. How are you? A. had last seen you B. saw you last C. have least seen you D. last was seeing you 80. Look,They are swimmin

17、g in the river.I want_you. (A)to go with (B)go with (C)helping (D)help81. What did your father do when he was in England? He _in a car factory. A. work B. worked C. is working D. will work82. _ he _at this school last term? Yes, I think so. A. Did; studyB. Does; study C. Was; studyD. Did; studied83.

18、 Who cleaned the blackboard yesterday, Dick? John_. .A. cleaned B. does C. did D. is84. There _a lot of people at the street corner when the accident (事故) happened (发生).A. wasB. were C. have beenD. had85. He turned off the lights and then_ . A. leavesB. left C. will leaveD. is leaving86. Hi, Kate. Y

19、ou look tired. Whats the matter? I _well last night. A. didnt sleepB. dont sleepC. havent sleptD. wont sleep87. Jenny went into the room, took off his coat and _down on a sofa. A. would sitB. was sitting C. satD. had sat 88. Everyone_ there when the meeting began.A. wasB. is C. areD. were89.They are

20、_their clothes. (A)makeing (B)putting (C)put away (D)putting on90. Who sings best in your class? Mary _. A. is B. does C. do D. sing 91. She _ her pen in her room now. A. finds B. is finding C. looks for D. is looking for 92. I first met Lisa three years ago. She _ at a radio shop at that time. A. h

21、as worked B. was working C. had been working D. had worked93. What _ you _ tomorrow morning? A. are/going to do B. are/doing C. are/done D. have/done 94._he_totheparkat6:30inthemorning?No,he_.A.Does;goes;doesB.Does;go;doesntC.Does;go;does95.Whatcolour_you_thisbookcase?I_itpink.A.are;goingtopaint;amg

22、oingtopaintB.do;paint;paintC.did;paint;painted96.Timalways_apictureathome.He_acarnow. A.draws;isdrawingB.draw;drawC.draws;draw97.Sheusually_herfriends.Theyoften_tea. A.see;drinkB.sees;drinksC.sees;drink98.Heusually_thedishesatnight,buttonighthe_clothes.A.wash;washB.washes;isgoingtowashC.iswashing;wa


24、snt;likeC.Do;like;dont;likes102._you_fishingyesterday?No,we_.A.Does;go;doesntB.Did;go;didntC.Do;go;dont103.Openthewindow,Please.Look!He_it.A.opensB.isopenningC.isopening一般过去式的变化规则一、一般情况下,在词尾直接加edhelphelped 帮助 looklooked 看 playplayed 玩 workworked 工作 listenlistened 听 washwashed 洗 cleancleaned 打扫 watch

25、watched 看 visitvisited 参观拜访 waterwatered 浇 pullpulled拔,拉 milkmilked挤奶pickpicked 摘 拾 wantwanted 想要 showshowed 展示 jumpjumped 跳 talktalked 说话 walkwalked 步行 cookcooked 做 plantplanted种植 askasked 问 parkparked 停车 litterlittered丢 touchtouched触摸waitwaited 等待 answeranswered 回答 pointpointed 指 climbclimbed 爬 co

26、llectcollected 收集二、以不发音的e结尾的,直接在词尾加dlivelived 居住 hopehoped 希望 useused 使用 likeliked 喜欢 smokesmoked吸烟 loveloved 热爱 tastetasted 品尝 dancedanced 跳舞 closeclosed关 三、以元音加辅音结尾的重读闭音节,双写最后一个辅音字母,再加edstopstopped 停 jogjogged 慢跑 planplanned 计划四、以辅音字母加y结尾的,把y变为i,再加edstudystudied 学习 carrycarried 搬运 crycried 哭 worry

27、worried担心五、不规则变化1、过去式和原形相同的 letlet 让 putput放 readread/red/ 读 cutcut剪2、把i改为a beginbegan 开始 drinkdrank喝 givegave 给 ringrang (铃、电话等)响 singsang唱歌 sitsat坐 swimswam游泳3、把i改为o drivedrove 驾驶 riderode 骑(车、马) writewrote 写4、把ow改为ew growgrew 生长 knowknew 知道 throwthrew 扔 blowblew吹5、含ough或aughbringbrought带来 buyboug

28、ht买 thinkthought 想,认为catchcaught捉住 teachtaught 教 fightfought打架6、把eep改为ept keepkept 保持 sweepswept 打扫 sleepslept睡觉7 makemade 做 have/hashad 有,吃 cancould 能,会 flyflew 飞,放 runran 跑 taketook 拿 drawdrew 画 getgot获得,变得speakspoke 说(语言) saysaid 说(说话的内容)standstood 站 meet-met遇见findfound 找到forgetforgot 忘记 hearheard听说 spendspent度过,花费wakewoke 唤醒 comecame 来 learnlearnt学习 meanmeant意思是 am/iswas是(单数)arewere 是(复数) tell-told 告诉 gowent 去 do/doesdid 做feelfelt 感觉 seesaw 看见 eatate吃paypaid支付

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