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1、人教版七年级下 Uint 6 Its raining!Uint 6 Its raining 第1课时一、学习目标1.掌握单词: rain, windy, cloudy, sunny, snow, weather, cook, study, bad, terrible, pretty句型: Hows the weather in Shanghai? Its cloudy. What are you doing? Im watching TV. 2.学会谈论天气及描述你正在做的事;3.表达对天气的喜好并说明原因,学会使用现在进行时描述人们正在做的事。二、学习重点1.掌握单词: rainy、 win

2、dy、cloudy 、sunny 、snowy、 weather 2.重点句型:- Hows the weather in Shanghai? - Its cloudy. - What are you doing? - Im watching TV. 三、学习过程 (一)课前准备 预习导学及自测 1.预习p31生词,做到会读知意。2.认知城市名称。3.探究发现:表天气的名词如何变成形容词?完成下列单词多雨的_ 多雪的_ 有风的_ 阴天的_晴朗的_ cook(现在分词) _ study(单数第三人称)_糟糕的_ (二)课堂活动Step1 情境导入1. Do 1a. Look at the pic

3、tures and match the words with the pictures in small groups.2. 看图听1b的录音,把地名填入图中的方框里;3. 自我练习1c,根据上边的每张图进行问答: Step2 自主探究1. Summary:(1) 询问天气情况:_ / _?(2) 询问某人正在干什么:_?2. Do 2a . Listen and number (1-4) the pictures as you hear them.Listen again and match the names with the activities.Step 3 合作交流1. Do 3a.

4、 Match the words with the faces in the box.2. Do3b. Pairwork.3. Talk about the weather with your friends in groups.Step 4 课堂点拨1. Hows the weather? Whats the weather like ?都是用来询问天气状况的句型。例如:Hows the weather in Beijing? Whats the weather like in Beijing ?2. 英语中有许多名词可以加y这样的后缀变成形容词,如: wind-windy, snow-sn

5、owy, sun-sunny。你知道它们怎么变吗? cloud- _, rain-_.3. rain的用法:既可作名词又可作动词。表示“下雨”句型也不同。作名词时,“下大雨”可以说The rain is heavy. 或Its a heavy rain.作动词时,“下大雨”可以说 It is raining heavily.此外,也可加后缀y变成形容词,表达“下雨”可说Its rainy. 4. Hows it going? 是由疑问副词引导的问候句式,意为“一切都好吗?情况如何?” How句型在问候语中用来询问对方的情况。如:Hows everything? 一切都好吗?Great! 很棒!

6、你一切都好吗?Hows it going _ you?小组合作:请试着总结一下how的句型及用法。 5. pretty 副词,意为“美丽的,娇小的,可爱的”,“相当,多么”时相当于quite.如:What a pretty little garden! 多么可爱的小花园!Pretty good! 相当好!Step 5 拓展创新假设你是1689988信息台的话务员,请为外出的客户提供城市天气信息。 (三)课堂练习1. 用所给词的适当形式填空1) Hows the weather there? Its _ (rain).2) The is shining. Its . (sun) 3) There

7、 are a lot of in the sky. Its .(cloud)4) It often (rain) in summer in my hometown.5) The weather is (wind) and cold. 2. 单项选择( ) 1) _ Jeff like oranges? A. IsB. Do C. Does D. Are( ) 2) Aunt Sarah _ every day. A. play computer games B. plays computer games C. is playing computer games D. playing compu

8、ter games ( ) 3) Tom is _ lunch. A. have B. haveingC. having D.has( ) 4) _ do you want? A. How much milk B. How much milksC. How many milk D. How many milks( ) 5) What s the weather like today?A. Its was very cloud. B. It is snow. C. Its rainy. D. It was very cold. 四、学后反思本节课我学会了:我在学习中遇到的问题是:五、课后作业Ui

9、nt 6 Its raining第2课时一、学习目标1. New words and phrases: vacation, lie, beach, group, cool, surprised, relaxed, scarf, on vacation, take a photo, have a good time 2. Expressions: Hows the weather? Its raining. Whats she doing? Shes cooking;3. 熟练准确使用Hows? 来询问天气。二、学习重点1. 掌握单词: join, lie surprised, cool, sc

10、arf, have a good time2. 熟练运用现在进行时的基本句式和描写天气的句子;3. 学会使用现在进行时描述人们正在做的事;三、学习过程(一)课前准备引导学生利用同步学习新方案中的习题进行预习,并找出疑点、难点。(二)课堂活动Step1. 新课导入Do1a &1b. Match the words with the pictures and talk about the pictures in 1a. Using “how is the weather in picture ?”Listening room. ( 同学们,2a 、2b中的对话你能听得清吗?请试一试吧!)Step2

11、. 情境导入Do 2c, role play. Hi, how is it going? Hello, its great! What are you doing?Step3. 自主探究1. Read the article the first time.2. Circle the words that describe the weather.Do 3b. Practice the conversation in 3a and make your own conversation.Step4. 课堂点拨1. some others 一些,另一些,表示泛指。2. surprised 惊奇的,r

12、elaxed 放松的。以-ed形式结尾的形容词,表示人的感觉,主语为人.surprising令人惊奇的,interesting有趣的,relaxing令人放松的。以-ing形式结尾的形容词,主语多为物。如:It is an interesting book.它是一般一本有趣的书。He is interested in English.他对英语感兴趣。3. have a good time “玩儿得高兴,过得愉快”,同义词组有:enjoy oneself, have a nice time, have fun.4. show的用法:(1) show作名词,意为“演出,展出,节目”如:My fat

13、her likes to watch talk show.(2) show作动词,意为“给看,出示,显示”。常见的词组有show sb. around带领某人参观,show off炫耀,show sth. to sb. 给某人看某物。Step5. 合作交流Childrens Day is coming. You all feel happy, dont you? Do you want to say “Happy Childrens Day” to your friends? You can call them. Tell him or her what the weather is like

14、 and what you are doing.Step6. 拓展创新Task: Ask your classmates what they do in different kinds of weather, make a list.NameWeatherWhat are you doing?(三)课堂练习I、根据句意,补全单词。 1. Thank you for j_ CCTVs “Around the World” show. 2. Some are t_ photos of the great buildings. 3. Look at this group of people p_ b

15、each volleyball. 4. Hows the weather? Its c_. 5. What is the weather like? Its r_.II、根据汉语意思完成句子(一空一词)。1.有很多人在这儿度假。There are _ _ here _ _.2.我们正在巴黎街头漫步,那里阳光明媚。We are in Paris, _ in the _. Its _ beautiful, _ day.3.天空正在下雨时,你在干什么? 我在看书。What are you _ when its _? I am _ a book.4.一些人正在公园唱歌,另一些人正在骑自行车。In the park, _ are _ songs, _ are _ bikes.5.我感到很惊讶,他们能在这样热的天气中踢足球。I am _ they can play soccer _ _ _.四、学后反思本节课我学会了:我在学习中遇到的问题是:五、课后作业:主备学校:育才中学 主备人:梁玉玲 审核人:王欢

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