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1、人教版PEP三年级英语上册期末试卷含答案一、单词分类red, one, cat, cake, pen, two, dog, ruler, yellow, eraser, three, rabbit, bread, blue, hamburger, monkey, nine, pink, white, bag, elephant, chicken, squirrel1、数字 2、颜色 3、动物 4、食物 5、学习用品 二、用is, am, are填空1. I Wang Ling.2. You welcome.3. Where they?4. What your name?5. Where you

2、r nose?三、选择相应的答语( )1. Happy New Year. a. Youre welcome.( )2. May I have a look? b. Im 9.( )3. How many cakes? c. Nice to meet you, too.( )4. Thank you. d. Im fine, thanks.( )5. How old are you? e. Happy New Year( )6. This is for you. f. Here it is.( )7. Nice to meet you. g. Thank you.( )8. How are y

3、ou? h. Sure, here you are.( )9. Where is my mouth? i. Cool.( )10. Look, I have a rabbit. j. 8.四、选择正确的答案( ) 1. Look the elephant.A. for B. at C. to( ) 2. Happy birthday you.A. to B. two C. too( ) 3. This is nose.A. me B. I C. my( ) 4. you Tutu?A. Is B. Are C. Can( ) 5. I have a cake?A. Are B. Am C. C

4、an( ) 6. Here .A. is it B. it is C. its( ) 7. The plate is the middle.A. on B. in C. at( ) 8. Lets go to school. A. OK B. Thank you C. Bye五、完成对话1. A: Hello. B: 2. A: What your name? B: is Chen Jie.3. A: B: Nice to meet you, too.4. A: Goodbye! B: 六、连反义词。1. stand up a. no2. open b. there3. black c. si

5、t down4. yes d. close5. here e. white七、根据情景提示选择正确答案。( ) 1. 当你向同学祝贺生日时,会说: A. Happy birthday to you!B. How are you?( ) 2. 当你到餐厅吃西餐时,应了解: A. The fork is on the right.B. The knife is on the right.( ) 3. 当你想知道别人有多少岁时,应问: A. How are you?B. How old are you?( ) 4. 当老师说“Sit down, please.” 时,你应说: A. OK! B. T

6、hank you.( ) 5. 当有人问你“ How many fingers do you have?” 时,你应说: A. Ten B. Five.【试题答案】一、单词分类red, one, cat, cake, pen, two, dog, ruler, yellow, eraser, three, rabbit, bread, blue, hamburger, monkey, nine, pink, white, bag, elephant, chicken, squirrel1、数字 one two three nine 2、颜色 red yellow blue pink white

7、 3、动物 cat dog rabbit monkey elephant squirrel 4、食物 cake bread hamburger chicken 5、学习用品 pen ruler eraser bag 二、用is, am, are填空1. I am Wang Ling.2. You are welcome.3. Where are they?4. What is your name?5. Where is your nose?三、选择相应的答语( e )1. Happy New Year. a. Youre welcome.( h )2. May I have a look? b

8、. Im 9.( j )3. How many cakes? c. Nice to meet you, too.( a )4. Thank you. d. Im fine, thanks.( b )5. How old are you? e. Happy New Year.( g )6. This is for you. f. Here it is.( c )7. Nice to meet you. g. Thank you.( d )8. How are you? h. Sure, here you are.( f )9. Where is my mouth? i. Cool.( i )10

9、. Look,I have a rabbit. j. 8.四、选择正确的答案( B ) 1. Look the elephant.A. for B. at C. to( A ) 2. Happy birthday you.A. to B. two C. too( C ) 3. This is nose.A. me B. I C. my( B ) 4. yourTutu?A. Is B. Are C. Can( C ) 5. I have a cake?A. Are B. Am C. Can( B ) 6. Here .A. is it B. it is C. its( B ) 7. The p

10、late is the middle.A. on B. in C. at( A ) 8. Lets go to school. A. OK B. Thank you C. Bye五、完成对话1. A: Hello. B: Hi! 2. A: What is your name? B: My name is Chen Jie.3. A: Nice to meet you. B: Nice to meet you, too.4. A: Goodbye! B: Bye. 六、连反义词。七、根据情景提示选择正确答案。( A ) 1. 当你向同学祝贺生日时,会说: A. Happy birthday t

11、o you!B. How are you?( B ) 2. 当你到餐厅吃西餐时,应了解: A. The fork is on the right.B. The knife is on the right.( B ) 3. 当你想知道别人有多少岁时,应问: A. How are you?B. How old are you?( B ) 4. 当老师说“Sit down, please.” 时,你应说: A. OK! B. Thank you.( A ) 5. 当有人问你“ How many fingers do you have?” 时,你应说: A. Ten B. Five. 一课时:be 动

12、词主讲与人称代词的搭配1、基本形式:am、are、is(1) am第一人称I+am (注意:“I”无论何时都要大写,不管位于句首还是句中)例:I am a beautiful girl. I am twenty.(2) are第二人称you+are; 一人称复数we+are; 三人称复数they+are 其他复数名词+are (注意:第二人称单复数同形,都为you) 例:You are my good friend. We are in the same class.They are on the road. The books are on the desk. (3 is第三人称he(男)

13、+is ; she(女)+is; it(不是人)+is;其他单数名词+is例:HeShe is a good student. It is a white cat.A dog is on that street.2、肯定、否定、疑问(等于号后是简写)肯定否定be动词后加not一般疑问be动词移到主语前一般疑问否定一般疑问回答 肯定和否定I am =Im .I am not=Im not .Am I?Am not I?Yes,Im.No,Im not.You are= youreYou are not=You arentAre you?Are not you. .? =Arent you?Yes

14、,you are.No,you are not.SheHeIt is=SheHeIt is not =SheHeIt isntIs sheheit?Is not sheheit? =Isnt sheheit?Yes,sheheIt is.No,sheheIt is not.We are=WereWe are not=We arentAre we?Are not we?=Arent we?Yes,we are.No,we are not.They are=TheyreThey are not=They arentAre they?Are not they?=Arent they?Yes,they

15、 are.No,they are not.例:I am(not) from London.My eyes are(not) small.My hair is(not) long.Am I a Chniese? 回答: 肯定:Yes, you are. 否定: No, you arent.Is the cat fat? 回答:肯定:Yes, it is. 否定: No, it isnt.注意:在一般疑问回答中,肯定回答除Im不可简写,否定回答均可简写。另:特殊疑问句中:wherehowwhowhatwhy+be动词+人称代词或名词?例:What is your name? My name is GaoBuHan. Where are you? Im in the classroom.3总结:Be的用法口诀 I用am;you、we、they 都 用are;is连着he,she,it;单数名词用is,复数名词全用are。 变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃。 变否定,更容易,be后not莫忘记。 疑问否定任你变,句首大写莫迟疑 。

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