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1、.PEP小学英语三年级上册期末试卷Class_ Name_Number_ 听力部分一 听录音选择你所听到的内容。10%( ) 1. A. milk B. tea C. water ( ) 2. A.dog B. duck C.bear ( ) 3. A.elephant B. eraser C. crayon( ) 4. A.eye B. ear C.eight ( ) 5. A.body B.bird C.bread ( ) 6. A.paint B.pink C.plane ( ) 7. A.rabbit B.red C.ruler ( ) 8.A.car B.coke C.coffee(

2、 ) 9.A.face B.finger C.foot( )10.A.purple B.pink C.pig二 听录音,标号。(12%)三 听录音,对的打“T”,错的打“F”。(10%)四 听录音,连线。(10%)精选word.五 听问句,选答句。(8%)( )1.A.Me , too . B.Thank you. ( )2.A.Ok. B. Nice to meet you,too.( )3.A.Sure , here you are . B.No, thanks .( )4.A.I m 10 . B.Fine ,thank you. 笔试部分一. 根据图片选择相应的单词。(10%)A. f

3、inger B.plane C.bird D.school E.squirrel .F.ball G. coffee H.chicken I.eraser J.sharpener二找出不属于同类的单词。(10%)( ) 1.A.pig B.purple C.pink( ) 2.A.elephant B.eight C.bear( ) 3.A.milk B.tea C.chicken ( ) 4.A.hand B.head C.hot dog ( ) 5.A.coffee B.ruler C.pencil三从B栏中找出与A栏相应的答句。(10%) A B( )1.Good morning. A.

4、Thank you.精选word.( )2.Whats your name ? B.Me, too.( )3.See you . C.Sure ,here you are .( )4.Happy birthday . D.Good morning.( )5.Nice to meet you. E.Nice to meet you, too.( )6.How old are you ? F.Bye .( )7.Wheres your nose ? G.Ok.( )8.I like hot dog . H. Nine .( )9.Lets go to school. I. My name s Jo

5、hn.( )10.Can I have chicken ? J.Here it is .四读句子,给相应的动物涂色。六 朗读,连线。(10%)精选word. 听力材料一 听录音,选择你所听到的内容。1.tea 2.dog 3. elephant 4. ear 5. bread 6. pink 7.ruler 8. coke 9. face 10. pig.二、听录音,标号。1.Drink the water 2.Walk like an elephant 3.Show me your ruler .4.Jump like a squirrel 精选word.5.Climb like a bea

6、r .6.Touch the ear .三听录音,对的写“T”,错的写“F”。1.show me your pencil .2.Hello, I m Sarah.3.This is hot dog .4.Pass me the hamburger.5.Touch the arm.6.Eat the chicken.7.Carry your bag.8.Touch the ear.9.cut the bread .10/ open the pencil-case.四听录音,连线。1.Im ChenJie , I have a hot dog .2.I m Miss White , I have a pencil .3.Im BaiLing , I have a school bag.4.I m Mr Black ,I have a book.5.I m Mike . I have a car.五听问句选答句。1. I have a pencil.2.Nice to meet you.3.May I have a look.4. How old are you .感谢您的支持与配合,我们会努力把内容做得更好!精选word

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