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1、九年级Unit 11一、单项选择 ( ) 1. _ seems that it is going to rain. Yes, we should walk fast.A. That B. ThisC. It D. Its( ) 2. Whats the matter with you? I am having trouble _ English grammar. A. in learning B. to learnC. learned D. learn( ) 3. Why didnt you _ your homework on time?I watched the football matc

2、h and forgot to do it.A. make up B. dress up C. hand in D. hand out( ) 4. Why do we sometimes use indirect expressions? Because it _ more polite. A. looks B. remainsC. sounds D. listens( ) 5. I like watching the movie in the cinema. What about you?I prefer _ DVDs at home rather than _ to the cinema.

3、 A. to watch; go B. to watch; goingC. watching; to go D. watching; going( ) 6. When he _ in the street, some poor people asked him for money. A. would hang out B. was hanging outC. would put outD. was putting out ( ) 7. You are reading again. Where did you get these books?They _ from my teachers. A.

4、 borrowedB. lent C. were borrowed D. were lent( ) 8. There might be _ in the street. Lets go out and have a look.A. nothing happened B. happening something C. happening nothing D. something happening( ) 9. This is the reason _ my grandfather bought this farm. A. whenB. whyC. where D. how( ) 10. Im t

5、ired. I want to take the _ to the fifth floor. A. horse B. escalator C. slideD. structure( ) 11. I dont think students should spend _ time on computer games. I agree with you.A. too much B. much tooC. too many D. many too( ) 12. _ Jane _ her mother like this movie very much. A. Neither; nor B. Eithe

6、r; orC. Both; and D. Not only; but also( ) 13. Excuse me, could you please tell me _? Sorry, I dont know. Im a stranger here.A. where can I find the nearest post office B. how can I get to the nearest post officeC. where is the nearest post office D. where the nearest post office is( ) 14. She is ce

7、rtain _ the game. A. winning B. win C. to winD. won( ) 15. Could you please explain the differences between these two words? _.A. Sure B. Yes, I need it C. Its doesnt matterD. Youd better not二、单词拼写1. We have to find a place to p our car before entering the restaurant to have lunch. 2. My grandfather

8、 likes living in the countryside. He especially enjoys the f air there. 3. I w how people can build such a big house. 4. The person performed a m show at the party. Look! He can change the paper into a flower in such a short time.5. The teacher is t by his sons bad behavior at school. 6. Jane is goi

9、ng to (借给) 50 dollars to her classmate tomorrow.7. The woman bought some medicine from a (药店). 8. Children dont like to obey any (命令) from their parents. 9. We shouldnt refuse others (直接地) because it is too rude. 10. Your poor performance in study will (导致) to your bad grades in exams. 九年级Unit 12一、单

10、项选择 ( ) 1. Crystal wants to be your friend. She is walking _ you. A. towards B. with C. of D. as( ) 2. Some scientists are doing an experiment in the laboratory. What is _ experiment about? A. a B. an C. the D. /( ) 3. Whats on the table? Three _.A. bread B. knives C. tea D. rice( ) 4. James finds i

11、t hard to feel _ around other people. Oh, he must be very shy.A. interested B. relaxed C. interesting D. relaxing( ) 5. Mr. Clinton _ hands with you just now, didnt he? No, he just talked with me.A. didnt shake B. shook C. didnt hold D. held( ) 6. What happened to John?A knife _ into his arm by a th

12、ief and he was in hospital now. A. was stuck B. stuck C. will stick D. will be stuck( ) 7. She _ eat out, but now she _ cooking and eating at home. A. used to; used to B. was used to; used to C. used to; is used to D. is used to; was used to( ) 8. The little boy was made _ the floor every day. A. to

13、 sweeping B. sweeping C. sweep D. to sweep ( ) 9. Marc, you are supposed _ a present to her on her birthday. I am so sorry. I forget to buy it. A. to give B. giving C. to be given D. gave( ) 10. This website is used _ by college students. Few middle school students are interested in it. A. fortunate

14、ly B. mostly C. extremely D. easily( ) 11. _ e-mail address is this? Its Julies. She put it here just now.A. Who B. Whom C. Whose D. Where( ) 12. I dont know _ when I meet foreign people. A. where should I do B. where I should do C. what should I do D. what I should do ( ) 13. Thank you for the deli

15、cious dinner. _. A. Dont say that B. Never mind C. Its nothing important D. Im glad you enjoyed it 二、单词拼写1. I feel r when I go fishing near the lake. So I often go fishing on Sundays.2. N , we shouldnt jump the queue. It is very impolite. 3. Would you like some more rice? No, thanks. Im f . 4. Dont

16、p at somebodys nose. It is a rude action. 5. The rose is a s of love. 6. There is a snake (在旁边) you. Please stand still and dont move.7. Carmen used a big punctuation (记号) at the end of the sentence. 8. They use the knife and f to eat beef steak. 9. The farm owner has a piece of (土地).10. The (调羹) on the table is used to eat the vegetable soup. 2

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