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1、also,too,aswell,either的区别、用法及练习题(附答案)also,too,aswell,either的区别、用法及练习题(附答案) 编辑整理:尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(also,too,aswell,either的区别、用法及练习题(附答案))的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。同时也真诚的希望收到您的建议和反馈,这将是我们进步的源泉,前进的动力。本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快 业绩进步,以下为al

2、so,too,aswell,either的区别、用法及练习题(附答案)的全部内容。 10 / 10also, too, as well, either的区别、用法及练习题also, too, as well, either中文都有“也”的意思。also, too, as well都只用在肯定句之中,只是在句中所用的位置不同.而either只用在否定句之中。下面是结合例句的详细讲解.1. also, 用于肯定句中,表示“也”的意思。如: Jane speaks French。 Sam also speaks French。 He loves chocolate. I also love pizz

3、a。 Frank can come with us。 Nancy can also come with us.also在句子中的位置,主要有四种情况:(1) 放在be动词之后。如: I am also Canadian. I was also there。(2) 放在实义(行为)动词之前.如: I also sing。 He also helped us。(3) 放在助动词、情态动词之后。如: I have also been to Hong Kong. I am also studying economics. I can also speak French. I should also b

4、e there。(4) 放在句首,用逗号隔开,表示强调。如: Its very humid。 Also, you can easily get sunburnt. It is a small house。 Also, it needs a lot of repairs。2. too, 用于肯定句中,表示“也的意思.如: Jane speaks French. Sam speaks French too. I love chocolate. I love pizza too. Frank can come with us. Nancy can come with us too.too, 在句子中

5、的位置,主要有两种情况.如:(1) 放在句子末尾,可以用逗号隔开,也可以不用逗号隔开。如: David is a teacher。 His wife is a teacher, too. (用逗号隔开) David is a teacher. His wife is a teacher too。 (不用逗号隔开) I can speak French too. I am studying economics too。 If he wants to go too, he should meet us at 8:00。(2) 插入句子中。作为正式用语,too也会插入句子中间,但必须紧跟主语之后。作

6、为插入语,通常用逗号隔开,但不能用在助动词或情态动词之后。如: We, too, have been very pleased to receive the prize on her behalf. I too thought she looked unwell. I, too, have been in such situations. (必须紧跟主语) We have too been very pleased (错误用法,不能放在助动词之后)另外,too也用于固定搭配,多用于口语。如: A: Enjoy the play. B: Thanks。 You enjoy your evenin

7、g too.通常不说:You enjoy your evening as well.或You also enjoy your evening. A: I need to go to the gym。 B: Yeah, me too. A: I am going home. B: Me too。 (= So am I。 / I am as well。 I am also going home.) A: I like this song。 B: Me too。 / I like it too。 (= So do I。 / I do as well. I also like it.) A: I gr

8、aduated from the University of British Columbia。B: Really? Me too! / I did too! (= So did I。 / I did as well. I also did。) 通常不说:I too. (较正式) 或 me also.(无此用法) 或 me as well. (无此用法)3. as well, 用于肯定句中,表示“也”的意思。用法与too基本相同,放在句子末尾。比较下面三句话,比较to, as well, also在句子中的位置。 Paul is an artist。 He paints, and he car

9、ves wood too。 Paul paints and he carves wood as well. Paul paints and he also carves wood!比较: I just ignored it. I think everybody else did as well. Not: As well I think everybody else did.(错误用法,不能把as well放于句首)另外,as well, 多用于口语。“祈使句中和“简短答语中”通常使用too和as well, 而不使用also. 如: Give me a book of ten first a

10、nd a book of ten second as well then please。4. either, 表示“也”的意思时,只用于否定句中,且只放在句子末尾,可以加逗号,也可以不加逗号.如: Jane doesnt speak French。 Sam doesnt speak French either. I dont love chocolate. I dont love pizza either。 Frank cannot come with us. Nancy cannot come with us either. I cannot speak French either。 I a

11、m not studying economics either。 I dont want to eat either。 I didnt like the movie either.比较: Bills not here. I dont think Dave is either, is he? Not: I dont think Dave is also/as well/too. (错误用法,also, as well ,too不用于否定句)5. 综合比较。总体来说,also, as well, too均有“也”的意思,但在英文句子中使用的位置不同,请再次仔细体会下面几组句子,仔细辨析also,

12、as well, too在句子中的位置. He not only plays; he also works。 He not only plays; he works as well. He not only plays; he works too。 He was fat, and he was also short. He was fat, he was short as well。 He was fat, he was short too。 I also like chocolate。 I like chocolate also. (also不能放在句尾。) I like chocolate

13、, too. I like chocolate as well。 A: My mother cant drive a car. B: My mother cant too。 / My mother cant as well.(too, as well, 不能用于否定句) A: I havent seen Michael today. B: I havent too。 / I havent seen him as well。(too, as well, 不能用于否定句) (练习及答案在下一页)练习1:用also, too, either填空:1. I dont like cold climate

14、s。 I dont think you like it _ .2。 My friends are going to college next year。 I am going to college next year _ 。3. My wife is a diligent engineer. I am a diligent engineer _ 。4. I love swimming My son loves it _ 。5. Today the weather isnt so good。 It wasnt really good yesterday _ 。6。 I eat a lot mor

15、e than an average person。 My brother eats a lot _ 。7。 A bear can run very fast。 A tiger runs very fast _ .8。 I am not from Italy。 My friend isnt from Italy _ .9. Paris is a big city. Madrid is a big city _.10。 French is a difficult language to learn。 Latin is a difficult language to learn _练习2:选择1.

16、After learning the lesson above, you shouldnt make such a mistake and he shouldnt _ 。 A。 too B. as well C. either D。 also2. My friend Christians a very good cook; and hes a very good athlete _。A. too B。 as well C。 either D. also3。 He didnt thank me for the sumptuous meal, and you didnt _ . A。 too B。

17、 as well C. either D。 also4. Sheila wont tell you anything about her diet, and I wont _ 。 A。 too B。 as well C。 either D。 also5。 On holiday, fish was cheap, and potatoes were inexpensive _ . The rest wasunaffordable!A。 too B. also C。 either D. and too6. In a small restaurant, the forks werent clean,

18、and the knives werent _ 。 A。 too B。 as well C。 either D。 also7. My friend spoke English and he spoke German as _ 。 A. and too B。 as well C。 either D. also8。 Their youngest daughter is a vegan _ . A。 and too B. as well C。 either D. also9. The fruit crops are _ good this year, I saw so many orchards.

19、A。 also too B。 as well C。 either D. also10。 Not only children, but grownups _ like climbing mountains。 A. also too B. as well C. either D. too练习3:句子转换用too, also, either把肯定句改为否定句,否定句改为肯定句:1. Victoria has got a new dictionary. Sam has got a new dictionary, too.2. Gaby has got a diamond ring. Maria has

20、 also got a diamond ring。3。 Mr。 Gerard is from England。 Mr。 Terry is from England, too.4. I like chocolate. Margaret likes chocolate, too。5。 Paul hasnt got an English book。 Dan hasnt got an English book, either.6. Pam cannot swim. Brian cant swim either.7。 Davis isnt a big city。 Berkeley isnt a big

21、city either。8。 Coffee isnt my favorite drink. Coffee isnt his favorite drink, either.练习4:用too, also, either填空1. Henry is very athletic。 He loves swimming, surfing, snowboarding and skiing. Jason _loves to swim and surf, but he hates all winter sports because he cant stand cold weather.2。 I am taking

22、 a great art history class at the junior college downtown. Sarah is in the class _。 We both love it.3。 I dont really like tomatoes. My brother doesnt like them _.4。 Frank didnt like the layout of the apartment. He _ thought the location was rather inconvenient, so he decided to keep looking for a pl

23、ace to live.5。 Mr. Harris doesnt speak a word of French! He doesnt have any international experience _。 So, I really feel he is not the right candidate for the job。 6。 Three experts came to the conclusion that the project had to be terminated at once。 I, _, finally realized the project was too dange

24、rous to proceed。 7. Sharon was exhausted from a hard days work and she wasnt in a party mood _, so we decided to stay in and have a quiet evening at home.8. Dave has been living and working in Poland for over five years. He has _ been taking night classes in Polish the entire time, so he speaks Poli

25、sh very well. 9. Sam has a guidebook and a map of the region。 He has a compass _, so I think we should let him guide us out of here.10。 Sharon realized her boss had been embezzling money from the company and she wanted to go to the authorities. Doug, _, thought it was time to call in the police。11.

26、- Judy: That was the most suspenseful movie I have ever seen I really loved it! Cindy: It was really exciting! I _ thought it was really well made!12. Judy: That was the most suspenseful movie I have ever seen I really loved it! - Cindy: Me _!13。 I am really tired, and I dont feel like going out ton

27、ight _。 Lets just stay home tonight.14。 I dont really feel like going out tonight, and I am _ really tired. Lets just stay home tonight。15。 Jim is an amazing skier, and he loves to snowboard _.练习1答案:1. either;2。 also;3. too;4。 too;5。 either;6. also;7. too;8. either;9。 Also;10。 Too练习2答案:15: CACCA 610

28、: CBBDD练习3答案:1. Victoria hasnt got a new dictionary. Sam hasnt got a new dictionary, either2. Gaby hasnt got a diamond ring. Maria hasnt got a diamond ring, either3. Mr。 Gerrard isnt from England. Mr。 Terry isnt from England, either4. I dont like chocolate。 Margaret doesnt like chocolate, either5. P

29、aul has got an English book. Dan has also got an English book6。 Pam can swim. Brian can also swim.7. Davis is a big city. Berkeley is also a big city8。 Coffee is my favorite drink。 Coffee is also his favorite drink练习四答案:1。also; 2。too; 3。either; 4。also; 5。either; 6.too; 7。either; 8.also; 9。too; 10。too; 11。also; 12.too; 13.either; 14。also; 15。too

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