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1、Module 2 My New Teachers第二部分: 阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。A21. How many students are there in a speaking class?A. 10 at most. B. 20 at most. C. 30 at most. D. 50 at most.22. How much will a group of four students pay for a writing course?A. 30. B. 95. C. 12

2、0. D. 125.23. What time does the school open on Sunday?A. At 9 a.m. B. At 8 p.m. C. At 10 a.m. D. At 5 p.m.BI never wanted to go to kindergarten (幼儿园), or leave home at all. I spent my first five years within the loving arms of my family, and when the time came for me to begin school at PS 116 in Br

3、ooklyn, I was sure that no one would keep me safe. But I was so lucky to meet Mrs. Heyman. Not only did she make me feel safe, she let me know that I was special.Kindergarten was a fearful experience for me. I was a shy child who hated being separated from my mommy. Mrs. Heyman was a kind and patien

4、t teacher who tried to get me to stop crying each morning after I asked for one last kiss.She would distract (转移的注意力) me with pens and colorful paper and by playing beautiful music. It seemed the feeling of being an artist distracted me from my separation unhappiness, allowing me to attend class as

5、the tears ran down my face. I also loved to sing and dance, and performed (表演) the Virginia reel a kind of dance when the principal (校长), Mr. Barton, visited our class.Mr. Barton was an old, serious man who liked to walk behind children who behaved badly and shout, “Behave!” I was afraid of being sh

6、outed at by him, and practiced the dance with my classmates until Mrs. Heyman told us we were perfect.Unluckily, I was so nervous before Mr. Bartons visit that I wet myself. Mrs. Heyman calmly (冷静地) took me to the bathroom and told me to change into new clothes, drying my tears all the while, never

7、showing judgment.As I performed, Mr. Barton cheered. Pleased, I bravely stepped up to the front of the classroom and threw kisses in Mrs. Heymans direction.I was lucky to have her again for the first grade, and learned to love school and learning. She was right about living my life without long-last

8、ing attention from my mommy. 24. What was the authors life like before he went to kindergarten?A. Busy. B. Happy. C. Lonely. D. Unsafe.25. How did Mrs. Heyman draw the authors attention away from separation unhappiness?A. By letting him do art.B. By giving him a kiss.C. By dancing with him.D. By inv

9、iting his mother to school.26. What can be learned about Mr. Barton?A. He was always friendly. B. He was strict with the students.C. He was interested in performing.D. He was full of praise for the author.27. What happened before the authors performance?A. He got himself in a mess.B. He received ill

10、-treatment.C. He failed to find his new clothes.D. He visited the bathroom many times.CSince 2013, Awesome Con has brought together tens of thousands of comic book fans (漫画书迷) for a special weekend in Washington, D.C. This years event was held from March 30 through April 1 at the Walter E. Washingto

11、n Convention Center.At the yearly event, artists sell comic books, artwork, and other things. There are also performances, discussions, and famous guests. Awesome Con also has game rooms, where visitors can play many popular games like Donkey Kong. Of all the activities at Awesome Con, cosplay is su

12、rely the most attractive one. Many people see Awesome Con as a way to express themselves and show off their hobbies. Cosplay is a very good way to achieve this purpose.Cosplay is dressing up as a character (角色) from movies, games, or comics. People dress as superheroes, time travelers, robots, etc.

13、Many build their own clothes and some of them are very skillfully made.“Its a huge part of the whole event, and its really nice to see everyone having fun and putting so much time and energy (精力) into their cosplay clothes,” said John Hutson, who dressed up as superhero Captain America.“I dressed up

14、 as Deadpool,” said another comic book fan Sandy Millin. “I really enjoy this character, and I came out here because it allows me to express myself freely.”For those who attend Awesome Con, talking about hobbies with people you dont know is fun. There are other advantages too. For example, in Artist

15、 Alley, where comic-book creators talk to fans and sign books and drawings, you can find many different kinds of art and people who like that kind of work. “Its nice to see not very well-known artists finally getting recognized (认可) for their wonderful artwork by people who really enjoy cartoons, co

16、mics, and video games,” said a student from Takoma Park Middle School in Maryland.28. What is the most eye-catching activity at Awesome Con?A. Game playing. B. Book selling.C. Discussion. D. Cosplay.29. How did John Hutson feel about dressing up?A. Very tiring. B. A bit regretful.C. A bit doubtful.

17、D. Very enjoyable.30. Why did Sandy Millin come to Awesome Con?A. To do cosplay.B. To meet Deadpool.C. To buy comic books.D. To get his comic books signed.31. What is the last paragraph mainly about?A. How artists get recognized.B. The activities in Artist Alley.C. The advantages of Awesome Con.D. F

18、un things to do at Awesome Con.DI did some research and examined how British English and American English changed between the 1930s and the 2000s. Take spelling, for example towards the 1960s it looked like the UK was going in the direction of not using the “u” in “colour” and writing “centre” as “c

19、enter”. But since then, the British have become more confident (自信的) in some of their own spellings. In the 2000s, the UK used an American spelling choice about 11% of the time while Americans use a British one about 10% of the time. There is also no need to worry too much about American words, such

20、 as “vacation”, “liquor” and “lawmaker” entering British English. There are a few examples of this kind of vocabulary change but they are mostly uncommon words and are not likely to change British English too much. The British are still using “mum” rather than “mom” and “petrol” rather than “gas”. B

21、ut when we start thinking of language more in terms of style than vocabulary or spelling, a different picture appears. Some of the bigger trends (趋势) in American English are moving towards a freer use of language. American sentences are on average (平均) one word shorter in 2006 than they were in 1931

22、.Americans also use a lot more apostrophes (撇号) in their writing than they used to, which has the effect of turning the two words “do not” into the single “dont”. “The hand of the king” becomes the shorter “The kings hand”.However, in all these ways Brits are changing too and in the same way as Amer

23、icans. Theyre just about 30 years behind the trend that Americans seem to be leading. So this raises a question, is British English actively following American English or is this something that is simply a natural trend in language use? Perhaps the British would have gone in that direction even if A

24、merica had never been discovered? Id like to agree with the second idea but because of the fact that British people learn plenty of American language through different ways, I think the first is more correct.32. What did the British do in the 1960s?A. They used some American spellings.B. They built

25、up confidence in their language.C. They did research on language differences.D. They went in the direction of harder spellings.33. What does the author try to show by using examples like “petrol”?A. British English has changed a lot.B. Some uncommon words are used less often.C. American words are en

26、tering British English.D. American spelling wont change British English too much.34. Which of the following is a trend of American English?A. It is using shorter words.B. It is turning to proper grammar.C. It is avoiding using apostrophes.D. It is trying to make sentences simpler.35. Which of the fo

27、llowing is the authors opinion about the languages?A. American English is going the wrong way.B. British English is following American Englishs example.C. American English is borrowing a lot from British English.D. Languages wouldnt change much if America was not discovered.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文

28、内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Go fly a kiteLearning how to fly a kite is simple, and flying kites can be a fun form of exercise. Of course, the first thing you need is a kite and a ball of string (线). 36 Then wait for a windy day.When the perfect day arrives, find an open space, such as a fie

29、ld. 37 Before flying your kite, find out which way the wind is blowing. 38 To begin flying your kite, stand with your back to the wind and hold the kite up so the wind can catch it. If the day is not very windy, you may need to get your kite started by running.39 At the same time, walk backwards a f

30、ew steps to keep the string tight (拉紧的). Now that your kite is up in the air, you can decide how long to fly it and how high you want it to go.40 Slowly wind up (卷起) the string. Try not to pull your kite in too fast or it may crash (坠落). Flying a kite is a great way to spend a windy afternoon. If yo

31、u follow these steps carefully, you will have something more fun to do than sitting inside and watching TV. So on the next windy day, get up off the sofa. Go fly a kite!A. You can do this by throwing grass into the air.B. Finally, you will need to bring your kite down.C. You can buy your kite and st

32、ring at a toy shop.D. Follow the instructions to put your kite together. E. Nothing beats seeing a kite sail high into the clouds.F. Dont fly your kite near trees because it can get caught.G. Once the wind catches your kite, let out more string so it can climb higher.第三部分: 语言知识运用 (共两节,满分45分)第一节(共20小

33、题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。After moving into my mothers home to look after her following an illness, I found myself thinking about my own 41 . It was clear that I 42 to find something that would help me 43 the house more often.I found my 44 while standing in line at

34、the store checkout one sunny spring day. Red words on the cover of a magazine caught my 45 , “Walk Off Weight!” After 46 the advantages of walking, I knew I had found the perfect 47 that would not only make me spend more time outdoors, but would also help me keep 48 .I didnt start walking four miles

35、 right away; I began 49 . After a few weeks, I 50 from walking two miles every day to between four and six miles every day. My 51 increased from about three miles per hour to over four.It wasnt long before I began to notice the many 52 in both my physical and emotional (情绪的) health.I lost 53 . The e

36、xtra (额外的) fat Id been carrying around my stomach disappeared. My body was 54 and became more shapely. Even my back pain had 55 ! The advantages to my emotional health were also great. My spirits lifted with each passing day. I could hardly 56 to get up each morning. With more self-confidence, I als

37、o found myself to be more sociable and that I began to 57 meeting new people.58 my mother became less of a tiring task. Feeling 59 , I was able to look after her with great enthusiasm (热情). I 60 her to try to become as healthy and as happy as I felt.41. A. dream B. plan C. health D. work42. A. neede

38、d B. refusedC. failed D. forgot43. A. live in B. move into C. get out of D. keep away from44. A. purpose B. answerC. job D. hobby45. A. eye B. leg C. hand D. arm46. A. talking about B. reading aboutC. hearing about D. writing about47. A. thought B. behavior C. advice D. activity48. A. fit B. safe C.

39、 quiet D. busy49. A. suddenly B. quicklyC. slowly D. finally50. A. progressed B. left C. followed D. ended51. A. time B. speed C. age D. size52. A. changes B. differences C. problems D. chances53. A. touch B. interest C. heart D. weight 54. A. held up B. brought up C. given up D. built up55. A. appe

40、ared B. gone C. returned D. increased 56. A. stop B. manage C. wait D. promise57. A. avoid B. enjoy C. regret D. remember 58. A. Waiting for B. Working for C. Searching for D. Caring for59. A. lonely B. proud C. lively D. worried 60. A. encouraged B. forced C. required D. allowed第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分

41、15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。The first day my new teacher walked into our school, I couldnt help laughing. Ron Clark was this young man from North Carolina 61. _ talked with a funny Southern accent. I thought, who is this man? Hes a complete joke.Id always been a troublemaker. That first week

42、, I kept laughing 62. _ him. I got called to his office. “Tamara,” he said, “youre a smart kid. You can do 63. _ (well) than this.” I was mad at first, but then something happened: I began to respect him. He was only 27 and had the most 64. _ (interest) way of teaching. To help us learn the states a

43、nd capitals, he changed the lyrics (歌词) of a popular song 65. _ (call) “Thong Song” and had us sing and dance with him. Like most teachers, he had lots of 66. _ (rule): Treat each other like family. Respect the right of others to learn. But the real 67. _ (different) was how involved (参与) he was. Mr

44、. Clark ate with us in the lunchroom. He asked us 68. _ was going on in our lives. At break time, he came outside with us, and we 69. _ (teach) him how to jump rope. On graduation (毕业) day, we were all very sad. We didnt want 70. _ (he) class to end. Later, he moved to Atlanta, but he always kept in

45、 touch with us.第四部分: 写作 (共两节,满分35分)第一节:短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Last week, I returned from England after three months of live abroad as a international student. During our stay, I lived with a host family. They taught me man

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