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1、The Barrel of AmontilladoPP SHOW by SunEdgar Allan Poe1.IntroductionIntroductionThe Barrel of AmontilladoIntroductionCharactersPlotQuestions2.The Barrel of Amontillado conforms to and illustrates perfectly many of Poes literary theories about the nature of the short story:1.it is short and can be re

2、ad at one sitting,2.it is a mood piece with every sentence contributing to the total effect,3.it is a completely unified work 4.and while it is seemingly simple,it abounds in ironies of many kinds.5.Finally,every line and comment contributes to the totality or unity of effect that Poe sought to achi

3、eve.Introduction3.Place:ItalyTime:evening of a carnival seasonCharacter:Montresor,Fortunato,LuchresiTheme:murder and revengeAtmosphere:gloomy,terrible,cruel,etc.4.Montresor vicious(恶毒的)毒的)crafty(hide his true purpose)discreet(谨慎的)hypocritical(伪善的)well-educatedbut morbid(病态的)psychologically:

4、rief Plot OverviewThe story is narrated by Montresor,who carries a grudge against Fortunato for an offense that is never explained.Montresor leads a drunken Fortunato through a series of chambers beneath his house with the promise of a taste of Amontillado,a wine that Montresor has just purchased.Wh

5、en the two men reach the last underground chamber,Montresor chains Fortunato to the wall,builds a new wall to seal him in,and leaves him to die.9.The barrel of amontilladoIn the In the basementbasementKilled himKilled him10.11.QuestionsWhat if Montresor is a woman?Most people assume Montresor is a man.Why?Would it change the way you think about the story if Montresor is a woman?How do you feel when you read The barrel?Will the story be equally successful if it is told by Fortunado?12.Thank You13.

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